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Devstream: 152 Overview

(XBOX)EternalDrk Mako

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31 minutes ago, Myscho said:

My eyes are bleeding from watching Zephyr Deluxe, not good, not good at all

seriously. I really wish liger would reel it in a bit when he's designing deluxe skins - he's made things like bursas, the deimos supporter pack skins, and sevagoth that all look great and actually adhere to warframe's art style, so it's not like he doesn't have a good grasp on it. he just goes way overboard with deluxes and almost always ends up with something that doesn't even remotely look like it's a warframe at all, with random googly eyes, football gear, gothic fence posts, and glowing asscheeks all over

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vor 44 Minuten schrieb Hypernaut1:

I'm noticing that they're answers are becoming more PC in an attempt to sidestep the next forum outrage. Way too many non answers. I miss when Steve felt free enough to say what they were working on long term and what they hoped they could work on. Now its a bunch of "maybe we're doing something, but let's focus on next months update" or "No, but we're taking about it" or "we have plans but don't want to hype you because you'll replay my words over and over like it was a contact bound in blood, if things change in any way"

Honestly, can you blame them?

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3 minutes ago, Dunkelheit said:

Honestly, can you blame them?

 I don't see why should they care though

"oh noooo, the guy with 95k posts and 500k reps dissed us!" lol

I think they just beat around the bush because WF is in such a deep sh*t that they don't even know where to begin digging (translation: a change most likely implies another change for which they haven't accounted for, which may go on to multiple levels). Maybe it's better to say nothing now

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Yeah got to be honest watching the devstreams now really seems to have the feeling that they're completely lost on how to 'fix' the mess they've created by constantly trying to shove new bits into the game instead of focusing on what's already there or even just having some foresight into what will happen with it later down the line....

The melee/weapon rework just seems daft... I don't think anyone wants the melee nerfing, especially in speed (some feel too slow already) but I think most of us would agree that the primary weapons and to a point secondary do need a buff to the damage output... new mods is not the solution to this either.

Railjack rework... yes railjack needs a rework but not sure this is going to fix much (based on info given)...Currently a newbie can join a high level railjack owner and have 'fun' in mission piloting the ship etc, with this rework not only do you end up with random stats for the ship depending on who's in the 'pilot seat' but it will just end up with the 'highest stat' player being stuck piloting the railjack.....it's almost like they haven't thought this out, unless of course we magically see 'packs of railjack mods' for newbies to buy.



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I just hope that the Call of the Tempestarii comes in March. With Devstreams being so spread out and the only events we seem to be getting mostly in between major content are vendors, it just feels like Warframe is losing momentum. The actual content coming in update 30 looks amazing, I just hope we don't have to wait till Spring is nearly over.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb LSG501:

Yeah got to be honest watching the devstreams now really seems to have the feeling that they're completely lost on how to 'fix' the mess they've created by constantly trying to shove new bits into the game instead of focusing on what's already there or even just having some foresight into what will happen with it later down the line....

The melee/weapon rework just seems daft... I don't think anyone wants the melee nerfing, especially in speed (some feel too slow already) but I think most of us would agree that the primary weapons and to a point secondary do need a buff to the damage output... new mods is not the solution to this either.

Railjack rework... yes railjack needs a rework but not sure this is going to fix much (based on info given)...Currently a newbie can join a high level railjack owner and have 'fun' in mission piloting the ship etc, with this rework not only do you end up with random stats for the ship depending on who's in the 'pilot seat' but it will just end up with the 'highest stat' player being stuck piloting the railjack.....




DE: ok, let us do something about melee, which completely trivializes all content.

Forums: OMG, noone wanted a nerf, I just want hard content that I can steamroll with my equipment so that I can feel good about myself.

And actually: They want to bring melee + guns closer together, which means 90% buffs to guns and 10% nerf to melee. They also gave a lot of comments how they want to fix their "mess", but it seems you don't want to listen.

My advice: Just wait till the content update actually launches, play with the changes and criticise in a constructive way after. But that would be a bit too mature, wouldnt it?

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Just now, Dunkelheit said:


And actually: They want to bring melee + guns closer together, which means 90% buffs to guns and 10% nerf to melee. They also gave a lot of comments how they want to fix their "mess", but it seems you don't want to listen.


Bringing guns 90% closer to guns will make SP feel like a sortie. 

We have to wait and see what they do, but I have a feeling that they are going to start balancing gear to feel "good" in Steel Path. Because no one should be complaining about guns in any other mode. 

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28 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

If said mechanic is busted and lets you abuse the game then yes it should be addressed, don't you think so ?

If the mechanic has been in the game for years, then it's working as intended and is therefore not busted. If you disagree take your complaint to DE.

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Just now, Sazero said:

If the mechanic has been in the game for years, then it's working as intended and is therefore not busted. If you disagree take your complaint to DE.

You mean coptering or chromas vex armour double diping or incert other now patch exploit that existed and got addressed .

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thanks as always Mako!

I must say, there's a good chance things might heat up here on the forums if melee really does get nerfed. I suppose attack speed CAN be a bit ludicrous sometimes, but there's the risk that DE might accidentally make melee too clunky, and some of the animations may not look too great if slowed down. the emphasis needs to be more on buffing guns than nerfing melee. 

also glad they're going for a simultaneous release for Sevagoth, I just hope they can actually make it. I'm guessing probably mid-march for the railjack update, early-mid april for Sevagoth. also, Outriders releases April 1st, so INB4 "Outriders will kill warframe" threads.

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17 minutes ago, Dunkelheit said:


DE: ok, let us do something about melee, which completely trivializes all content.

Forums: OMG, noone wanted a nerf, I just want hard content that I can steamroll with my equipment so that I can feel good about myself.

And actually: They want to bring melee + guns closer together, which means 90% buffs to guns and 10% nerf to melee. They also gave a lot of comments how they want to fix their "mess", but it seems you don't want to listen.

My advice: Just wait till the content update actually launches, play with the changes and criticise in a constructive way after. But that would be a bit too mature, wouldnt it?

You say I need to listen, maybe you should learn to read better....I never said balancing stuff was bad, I never said anything about difficulty, in fact I didn't even mention either of them but then that wouldn't fit into your reply would it...

In all honesty there is no difficulty with enemies because the difficulty is just them taking and dealing more damage, both of which are pretty trivial to deal with even with the upcoming changes.   

All this change is going to do, at best, is mean we can kill the enemies a little slower with the melee weapons (a lot of people already find the melee weapons slow though) and considerably faster with the secondary/primary weapons, they're not changing the enemies core mechanics (they might do some stat changes if we're lucky), which is what is really needed for difficulty, so the only real thing that will change in missions is how long it takes to kill them....  that isn't making something more difficult. 


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I don't know, it's another one of those 'here is our idea' of railjack - well I mean, they don't play the game so maybe swollow their pride and listen.

Everything I've seen with railjack were fundamentally bad game design.

For instance the gunner shooting down the captain's tether. I want to hear the guy pitching that idea. Was it an oversight?

Up until this release they could say railjack's failure was because they rushed it out.

So for me the next railjack update is where I find out what they are made of. Now we will see how they actually think.

There is a whole long line of bad decisions made in railjack... they aren't talking about. It would probably be smarter to go back and fix those issues instead of adding more problems.

De-personalizing people's raljack, I mean, I literally can't think of a much worse idea?

... same thing with slowing the game down by nerfing melee speed? What is this, April 1st? Like the whole game is based around fast paced spam attacks and movement at its core?

Some guy said slow it down lol, are you for rea? Some suggestions are just below what you can reasonably expect from a professional with years or decades of experience. They make me worry when I see stuff like that.

Maybe they really do need to start playing the game, get back in touch with reality.


So yeah I am curious, excited and worried. Mostly I hope for the players' sake railjack doesn't flop because a lot of people seem to want, to want to play it.

I hope it works out and good luck to everyone


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vor 6 Stunden schrieb TARINunit9:

Nothing at all. Which didn't stop the same five people in YouTube live chat from asking it over and over for two straight hours

Call of the tempestarii starting on PC and Consoles at the same time is a big step in the direction of crossaves.

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13 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Man. It honestly sounds punishing what they're planning on doing to Railjack.


"Oh. I hear you enjoyed having a well built Railjack. Having a good ship. With good equipment. Yes. Well, we're improving your Railjack experience, by having your build, your actual build, depend on the glue snorting randos who join your mission. Please, observe: Rando Calrissian, who joined onto someone else's ship specced for, and 'specting to have, the pilot role, regardless. Rando II (Gives First Blood), who's brought unranked battle Avionics that will interfere with your gunnery. And, last but not least, Marlon Rando, who's brought nothing to the table at all."

"Have fun."




I don't think that was what implied...?

If you enter a railjack that has WEAKER mods than you have equipped on yours, then the weak railjack will instead get stronger as long as you are on the pilot seat.

Note that, if I heard correctly, they SPECIFICALLY mentioned this for pilots.

Gunners don't have any mods to begin with (they never had). If you are on the pilot seat, and a low level player goes to gunner, the low level player will inherit YOUR mods as you are the one on the pilot.

What this would prevent, I think, is preventing clients using up and wasting the host's energy/resources that are used on railjack battle avionics, which is exactly what players complained about because of the massive troll incidents.

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RIP my flying fortress, you will be a shadow of your former self, BUT WAIT, I'll just fly my railjack solo that'll fix all the unequipped randos holding you back, SPACEGHOST we get to to fly off once again fully tanked up and armed to the teeth.

Why DE why do you hate us so that you force us not to COOP with these changes.

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So far I'm liking what I see. But I'm gonna just leave this here, cause someone has to say it:

Ain't no matter if DE does good, regular or bad at this point. No matter what choice they take, they will always get negative criticism, masked as feedback or something else to refrain from calling it for what it is. 

That's the sad fact I have seen over the last year.

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