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Update 29.10.0: New Railjack Equipment Feedback Megathread (Read First Post!)


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The energy costs for battle avionics reset when you use different ones, so don't just spam Seeker Volley over and over again. Alternate between a few low cost skills to reset the energy cost, or make space from the battle to let the costs go down.


I'm using Protea as my main RailJack frame, and she works great. With Arcane Energize, and a dispensary that lasts around 60 seconds, I'm basically full on energy at all times while piloting, using my battle avionics quite a lot.


Getting a Plating ASAP is one of the most important things, the Sigma Platings from clan dojo will serve to make your RJ moderately tanky until you obtain actual house ones. One major complaint I have is that the Sigma Platings are so much worse than anything you earn as rewards. Even the Mk1 platings are stronger than the Mk3 Sigma.


I would also like for the ranks of the RJ mods to be decreased. I did get quite a bit of endo back from the compensation, and I have the resources to spare to max out the crucial r10 mods, but a lot of other players don't, and are far behind on RJ progress again.

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2 hours ago, TKDancer said:

the hildryn energy consumption needs a tweak

since RJ ability costs go up after they are used, they eventually have to come down, and they do get a reduction over time back to their original value

problem is, the value/s for that reduction seems to either be a flat one or it's made into a smaller % for when hildryn is using RJ abilities as it takes *considerably* longer for RJ ability costs to back to their normal values after hildryn(who gets 10x costs in the form of her shields) uses them

tl;dr it takes considerably longer for a 3000 cost to go back down to 1500 than it does for 300 to go back down to 150 and it doesnt feel very good

i imagine this is partially intended(since shields regen automatically) but i hope this gets a look cause it feels very bad atm, any concerns about "infinite energy" dont have a lot of ground since we can already get infinite energy(pizzas, dispensary, garuda's 3)

Hildryn does have an advantage of being "just" a t5 OW rep grind and a giant boss grind (or a single plat purchase.)


You need Protea (and Simaris grind if you want to keep her)  T3 Entrati to buy Helminth, and I forgot which resources to build him, then you need to feed him Protea, and you need several mods (making the recipient frame potentially weaker.)

Pizzas are a huge resource sink.

Garuda, well, you just need bounties and toroids... But I never played her, so no real idea how she compares to Hildryn.

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1小时前 , Ryusuta 说:

You brought back Orphix, which above all, I consider an unforgivable sin.

(Yeah, I know some people love the Necramechs, but I will NEVER understand what people see in them.)

Can't agree more.

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1 hour ago, Ryusuta said:

You brought back Orphix, which above all, I consider an unforgivable sin.

(Yeah, I know some people love the Necramechs, but I will NEVER understand what people see in them.)

The problem are not the mechs. The problem is that we have to use the mechs only for this mission. While in railjack defense it is fun if a mix of frames and mechs defending the target. I can imagine some fun missions where we have to use mechs and frames together... but devs prefer to develop just islands I guess ;)


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As the the new content was about to be launch, I've made a substantial post regarding certain proposed ideas. I believe it's wise, now that I played with that content to verify and reconsider some of my earlier points, while making it more digestible:

  • The Plexus system seems inferior to the system we had previously. It's questionable whether it's simpler (a chief reason to change was supposedly making it more approachable) and certainly it's not more interesting. Thoughts regarding various aspects of it will be mentioned in points below.
  • Addition of the plating part I found to be a good move. In general, rather than just mods, I would concentrate on there being more types of parts, affecting core stats of a railjack, functionality (like various fire patterns depending on the turret) as well as the form - be it aesthetics of the ship's exterior as well as perhaps some of the interior, providing long-term gameplay goals as well as sizeable improvement of "fashionframe" due to ship's behavior and looks being even more player-dependant than just currently used skin system (but both could be made to be used together). It's weird that some of the abilities and other elements changing how a railjack works are in mods, while parts, with exception of armaments, are just there for basic stats.
  • Current changes however make me feel like the importance of those parts was diminished. I sadly feel it confirmed that current plexus - where various players mods have the main effect on ship's performance are leading to railjack design itself to be less more consistent and resistant to often less-than-appreciated randomness caused by dependancy on crewmembers' setups, which are often not agreed upon and thrown in the face of whatever tactics and considerations the builder/captain intended.
  • Together with still very questionable decision to make ship's power supply dependant on warframes (further making stats of the railjack not dependant on intelligent, smart planning of its equipment but whatever players decide to equip for themselves) it, if anything, makes it less intuitive and forces players (or, at the very least, me) to completely abandon multiplayer aspect if they want their ship to function just the way they wanted it, with abilities they prefer. Furthermore, it now forces players to take up certain warframes and zenurik focus path over others for the sake of energy.
  • I do find the idea of divided energy pool pretty interesting but in practice there's only really one station on the ship - helm - that requires it consistently anyway. There is an issue of crewmembers using some on intrinsics (and/or tactical) abilities but making those dependant on warframe's personal energy pool would be much more elegant and intuitive.
  • Furthermore, current system made use of the forge in-battle, especially Tunguska cannon ammo refilling far less intuitive. It may be a bug but now max ammo forward artillery shows less max ammo at the beignning of the round (2 for me, when earlier 5 was the standard), yet one can refill it past that maximum number. Revolite is used up by various players seemingly haphazardly, but making more in the forge always gives different number than what the forge indicates.
  • In general it's weird that every player now has private energy pool as if railjack's generator would be a decoration, yet somehow despite every player having their own omnitool, they still use shared revolite. If anything, it seems less logical to me than how it could be the other way around. I can understand shared pool revolite for repair drones summoned through Engineering 10 intrinsic ability, but that's about it.
  • General change of the railjack interior layout is an improvement. Makes reaching and use of various facilities inside much more convenient, albeit it also decreases the worth of Tactical intrinsics warp ability, but that's a low price to pay. It does look less "spaceship-py" and intuitive, as it's an open floor plan, not really a thing you do with a vessel that may suffer a breach, but again, I am okay with that sacrifice of believability for the sake of mobility.
  • It seems that with current mods and their balance, all the ships I've seen became much more firefight-oriented. Since railjacks seem more vulnerable by default now, many more powerful mods are in regards to armaments - especially ordinance and turrets - and the number of mod slots is so limited, majority of players seems forced to concentrate on making offensively powerful railjacks, rather than mobile or specialized ones (though that may be more due to aforementioned dependancy on crewmember plexus mod mix making things less organized).
Edited by Myrvair
Improving/rewriting of a couple points
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Adding to @Myrvair's suggestion above, can't we just have the generator kicking in after we cleared certain conditions, instead of having 100% energy from Warframes? You can chalk it with 'Reliquary Drive being slow to start because X reasons and you need to use Warframe energy until we get it to start' or something, but the current energy meta is disgusting, to say the least. This can also be incorporated in ammo regeneration, making for example, the Dome Charges regeneration delay being faster the lower the number of currently available charges are; because as of now, the Corpus Crewships in Pluto Proxima needs 2 shots from Tunguska even with Forward Artillery maxed on weakpoint. You will certainly need to forge those if you don't want to board them and risk your RJ being riddled with holes. Heck, modify the Engineering Tree 'Rapid Support' and add 'prioritize regenerating X resources if it falls below 50%' will be nicer than reducing cooldown time on air support, which, 99% players would never use except on NW missions and Lua Rescue missions.

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Overall, replacing the Avionics with Plexus is only a matter making selections differently.

What i like:
- Requires common currencies to rank up Plexus mods instead of Empyrean specific currency
- Multiple configurations available
- Selected configuration is tied to loadout
- Railjack hull, armor and shields are still mainly bound to it rather than moved to the Plexus

What i have mixed feelings with:
- Turrets are still boosted through Avionics now Plexus, meaning one selects buffs without knowing the kind of turret they will use; although those boosts are limited to damage and critical stats, and thus can still benefit all turrets... for now.

What i dislike:
- Tactical mods are now categorized; the ones i used before are all in the same category. :'(
- Damage type now match the usual ones, but status effects still are Empyrean specific. It would make more sense to either also match the status effects or revert damage types to be wholly specific.
- Integrated Plexus mods with stacking effects would gain to have an icon when active
- Some Integrated Plexus mods are ambiguous about which role they apply to : for instance Defensive Fire

Edited by maycne.sonahoz
Found out the Plexus configuration is tied to loadout
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My current issues with railjack

  • Upgrading costs for mods are way more than before. The buffs are not really noticeable enough to justify the price hike.
  • The battle avionics now seem very lack lustre. The only viable ones are now particle ram and seeker volley for destroying fighters at end game missions. You nerfed avionics you deemed too broken and choice limiting, but now choices are more limited than ever. Create more battle avionics if you're not pleased with the state of the current ones.
  • I liked it better when energy was railjack specific because it didn't limit warframe choice if you like using battle avionics. Now i either have to go hildrin/lavos or bring a load of pizzas (which isn't a problem, just a gripe).
  • In corpus railjack, the fighters keep spawning infinitely and I'd just rather have you make us kill a limited amount of fighters rather than not be required to kill them but have a never ending stream of pests.
  • The corpus crewships: need more clarity in how to get rid of the shields.*
  • There's really no railjack to ground team teamwork involved. In grineer missions, if you have someone in the jack, you can make the mission go faster and promote teamwork (killing external weakpoint). In corpus missions, everyone must be on the ground team and there is no way to speed anything up.
  • Railjack missions for corpus specifically last too long. If you're gonna make us stay in a mission for 20-30 mins, you better have at least 4-6 reward drops (1 reward per 5 min like defence/survival etc.).
  • This is a request. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the pilot switch seamlessly to forward artillery or better yet, let us fire it at intrinsic 10. I don't care if we have to be intrinsic 10 on gunnery and piloting simultaneously, just PLEASE let us use it without getting off the wheels. It's disruptive and messes with the game flow.
  • Why did you think it was a good idea to force us to walk to extraction? let us use the omnitool. kthx.
  • The orphix in this mode spawn too quickly for the clunky necramech to manuever around in such a small convoluted tile set. please increase time between spawns just a bit.*

editted retrospectively --> *

Edited by ChevalierDuNord
wanted to add more and update
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56 minutes ago, ChevalierDuNord said:
  • The corpus crewships with shields are very annoying to kill with a railjack. You basically have to send someone in so that they can get close, break the shields and then go for the kill. Can their shields even be broken? If so in what way? You're not making it clear.

It can. Between the crewship and the shield there is a drone that can be shot down to disable the shields. To be able to shoot it, you need to get close to the crewship, circle around it and shoot the drone before it rotates towards you.

Alternatively (probably a bug), you can just front-slam the shield with your RJ and shoot the drone: the gun will be able to shoot through the shield, destroying the drone (at least the Carcinnox and Glazio pilot guns can do this).

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50 minutes ago, Daiwulf said:

It can. Between the crewship and the shield there is a drone that can be shot down to disable the shields. To be able to shoot it, you need to get close to the crewship, circle around it and shoot the drone before it rotates towards you.

Alternatively (probably a bug), you can just front-slam the shield with your RJ and shoot the drone: the gun will be able to shoot through the shield, destroying the drone (at least the Carcinnox and Glazio pilot guns can do this).

ah i see. I will have to try that.

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Drops need to be sorted out for armaments. Copying the formula from previous Grineer Railjack would be fine if we had Skirmish and a Corpus equivalent to Elite Outriders, but we don't. What I am referring to is the drops for weapons being piled into specific fighter and crewship drop tables. We see very little of these while playing, and they don't even have a guaranteed blueprint drop.

The best solution is to make a pass over armaments and remove the house system. Having 2 of every weapon would already be enough grind, but having to grind 3 types of every weapon when only one will be mathematically optimal is just wasted development and player investment for mostly junk items. This isn't a massive problem in the base game because inferior equipment still gives Mastery. Railjack however, just has "good weapons", and "trash Endo fodder weapons".

Edited by Voltage
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  • The Plexus
    Honestly this is great, this lets us finally spec in to our roles more. You can have pilots mod for piloting and engineers mod for engineering , all we need now is more mods because as it it, current builds all looks basically the same, only gunners really have their own mods for a different build BUT there's no point in playing as a gunner because you spend 99% of the time in Corpus Railjac outside of your ship and you just use the Railjack as a taxi just like back in Scarlet Spear, which, basically defeats the purpose of railjack???

    Hopìng u30 fixes this ^

    Also whoever is complaining about forma and grind, grow up, this is literally the game, you aren't supposed to be fed stuff for free without effort
  • New Avionics and Avionic Changes
    Great streamlining of the system, literally no downsides. You can join public games and feel like its worth it and not feel like its a total slog to go through

    There's a huge lack of mods for our roles right now though, unless you're a gunner. Funny enough gunner is NOT a needed role in corpus railjack
  • New Armaments and Armament Changes
    All the new weapons are amazing and fun to use, and they mostly overshadow the old ones
  • Battle Mod Changes

    This is great and fair and all, but there's a huge lack of variety/options. 
  • The New Plating Components

    Yeah this is great, and makes sense for ships. No downside to what we had before its a direct upgrade
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An update to my post on the first page. Reminder: I'm still a Switch Player, I have yet to be touched by these changes, but I'm no slouch at game mechanics and dev processes and actually playing stuff is not necessary as much as you might think. I'm still drawing this purely from Patch Notes and forum posts. I'll be updating my first post as well with this info but as I'm not sure if you (DE) go back to re-read stuff I figured I'd post the new stuff here as well. 

Reactors: I'm glad that Reactors are doing something else now, but I'm really confused as to why our Mark 3 pieces are actually a downgrade with an addition to another stat. This isn't like a weapon mod where you are choosing to have more elemental damage or elemental damage and status chance increased. This is an integral part of a SPACESHIP. If Mark 3's are supposed to be the best of the best, why is it a downgrade compared to the Mark 2s in terms of pure primary stat gains. So heres a basic and really easy solution. Make the Mark 3's an upgrade instead of a downgrade, so a 100-120% boost in primary stat with a 20-30% boost secondary as opposed to the current 60% to 80% for primary and 20%-40% for secondary. Frankly for the time invested to get them, from building the Railjack initially to building the mark 3 parts, them being a bit overpowered is fine. Again this is supposed to be the best of the best. Make them like that fact is true. 

Energy/Flux: Like others I hate this change, like others I see this as being even more limiting and not at all logical. We have giant freaking reactors in the ship, why the hell are we using our Warframe energy to power it? This is bad for all the reasons others have stated, but there's more. It affects the ground portion of the missions as well since when in transit via Archwing any energy gains are sent to that rather than the actual Warframe. If a gunner decides to use the slingshot to punch into a crewship to destroy their reactor and they have used all their energy as a Gunner they're going to be screwed when they land in that crewship. I regularly use my Ivara Prime to take out Crewship reactors because of the punch through inherit to the Artemis Bow, but I'm still squishy as hell and now I can't stealth or fire my bow because I was being a helpful gunner and using my energy to take out fighters. That isn't fun, it's not a choice I should be forced to make, and frankly is bad design. 

So here's a solution, bring back Flux. Even if you have to make it shared that's fine, because the rest of the Payloads are also messed up which I'll detail below. I'd rather have limited Flux that's shared by everyone than have to deal with being a newish player that doesn't have thousands upon thousands of energy refills (pizzas) made in the 8 years I haven't been playing since launch. You need to develop for the lowest common denominator and since you allow complete newbs who just built their archwing (which is a quest they need to do before going to Mars if I remember correctly) into it, you have no reason to not be accounting for those exact players. Those players aren't going to have Energy refills, they aren't going to have resource stockpiles, frankly I'd not let them join Railjack Missions until they build a Railjack themselves but that wasn't up to me and I'll detail more into the why in a separate post in another feedback thread since it's more appropriate there.

Payloads: Why are people now screwed once they load up into an Railjack Mission for the first time in a play sessions? Even having the previous numbers to munitions, revolite and charges would be more acceptable, but now you've nerfed that? Why? What possible reason is there for it? Bring back the previous basic numbers of 300, 21 and 5. In addition allow players to use their stockpiles of Railjack Resources from the get-go, and not have to scrounge around in mission for stuff to refresh munitions. Take out the refinement option if you have to, frankly not many people use that feature as far as I can tell. I'd gladly give it up to be able to use the 60k Cubic Diodes I have to make some revolite RIGHT NOW when my ship is burning and leaking air. The amount of times I've been frustrated by that exact scenario is far too many to count and I've been playing Railjack for only a couple months tops.


Edited by (NSW)Windbornesword
Added link to my first post
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Ok, going to open up with the plexus. The pros:

  • Points and base polarities are decent, Edit: I actually did end up having to forma after redoing my build, but only once.
  • Allows us to use loadouts (A, B, and C can be switched to quickly and easily.)
  • Allows us to quickly determine what a mod does, due to it being like all other mods
  • Removed hull/armor mods. This should have been a ship component from the start, although there is another reason this is a pro that I will cover under cons...

The cons:

  • Endo/credit costs are the same as any normal mod with their rank.... and since some of these "new" mods have 10 ranks, that is something like 30k endo and 1.5mil creds PER MOD (Hence the other reason I am glad bulkhead/hull weave were removed, because they would probably have also cost this much). New players have enough stuff to throw endo at to be effective, this is just a massive turn-off to them.
  • Being able to forma the slots... I have less of an issue with using forma on this thing (although you are probably going to have us sinking 5 forma into every new corpus queenpin weapon fairly soon, so this does bug me), and more of an issue of locking us into a certain polarity, which can limit our build diversity. The grid system did no such thing, why must it be the case now?
  • You no longer know what to expect from your team when you are the captain, as their mods are what is affecting their ability to preform rather than how the grid system worked (being able to mod it and have everyone be at that effectiveness for those tasks).

I admit, being able to bring your own mods does prevent you from being left in the dark as to how well something like, say, the forward artillery will function... but considering the cost to level those mods up, most people will probably either go in without leveling mods/without any mods, or ignore railjack altogether (and seeing as the new direction seems to be slap normal mission modes into railjack that you could get to faster by just picking a normal node, I think may become more and more of a problem once people get the "exclusive rewards" that were added in). I love the fact that you can take your own tactical/battle mods, but I feel like this needs more work. (On that note... please PLEASE undo the "tactical mods have specific slots" change. That was fine for battle mods [don't want someone bringing all supers], but for tacticals? I want to take the ones I choose, not the ones I am forced to take because they are the only choices for the slot.)

Edited by ShadeOhNiner
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7 hours ago, xmegarockx said:

the forge need to be reverted to how it worked before!!!!
is awful that im piloting and run out of missiles and need to go and craft them is AWFUL!!!
command instrict should work with coop not just solo player!!!

Erm, no?

Before forge workee the same way, your teammates had to forge you those. And if you play solo with crew, ita not hard and go backnquickly while gunner engineers tend your ship

And that is the point of command module, it is only there for crew. Zero point moving to public

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12 hours ago, ChevalierDuNord said:

The battle avionics now seem very lack lustre. The only viable ones are now particle ram and seeker volley for destroying fighters at end game missions.

big disagree, new tether is pretty good still, not the win button it was before, specially since the debuff scales with reactor STR, blackout pulse is a very effective and cheap CC tool

i do think some values need to be increased a bit, mainly range values

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With a fair amount of playtime in both Corpus and Grineer Proximas over the weekend, I've gathered what is likely my final round of feedback. While I don't have a lot of feedback regarding armaments, since I haven't personally built any of the new ones, I do have other suggestions I haven't seen posted so far.


  • I don't know if this is working as intended or if it's bugged, but please consider reverting the changes to the forge and the payloads of revolite, dome charges, etc. Currently, the Railjack enters every mission with a very low maximum payload of revolite and dome charges, but strangely enough, crafting them in the forge not only replenishes them but also increases the maximum amount you can carry. Even more bizarre is that this also applies to hull repairs, meaning a player can keep crafting hull repairs to increase their Railjack's HP into what I must assume is unintended values. Overall the forge is behaving in extremely weird ways, please consider reverting this to how it was before the update (if it even IS an intended change and not just a highly amusing bug)
  • Since you removed the Bulkhead avionic and moved HP and armor into the plating component (which was a great move IMO), please also consider removing Hyperstrike and adding the damage innately to weapons. You already know all Plexus builds will use this mod, we've already discussed that mandatory mods like serration should be reworked somehow, and this is no different. It's still early enough in Railjack's lifespan, and especially so with all the current changes, that you can get away with removing Hyperstrike and simply tacking on the damage to all weapon stats innately. This also applies to a lesser extent to critical damage and critical chance, but considering that not all weapons use those mods, these can probably just stay as mods.
  • Since I mentioned the plating component, I want to mention that currently plating is the only component that doesn't have a bonus stat for its MkIII variants like engines, reactors and shield arrays do. If possible and within the realm of balance, consider adding a bonus stat to MkIII plating components to keep them in line with other components


Since there is no feedback thread for the Railjack interior, I will post this here:

  •  Please consider hiding or otherwise removing the navigation console during missions. It serves no purpose since it cannot be used until the mission is over and only serves as an obstacle between the pilot and the forward artillery station, forcing the player to jump or dodge around it. If the console will serve no purpose then it might as well not be there during missions. This can obviously change if there is some functionality added to the navigation console during missions, but until then, please consider this suggestion.
  • This isn't so much feedback as it is a wishlist but I would love to see the old, bigger Railjack interior return in some capacity. Perhaps in the future we can build expansions to the Railjack, adding more stations and functionalities to justify the increased size.

Lastly, I'm not sure if Corpus enemies are dropping wreckage as intended or if the drops/spawns/something is bugged. A single Grineer Veil Proxima mission will usually yield anywhere from 1 to 3 armament wreckages, while Corpus Veil Proxima can go up to 3 missions in a row without dropping a single armament wreckage.


That is all! While the idea behind the Plexus isn't bad, I feel like with time, if more Railjack mods are added we'll end up with the infamous gilded cage situation, where the usage of forma forces us into a single build, unable to really branch out due to slot and polarity restrictions. Hopefully there are plans to address this before it becomes a real problem. Overall this has been a very successful update in my opinion, congratulations to the whole team!


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There seems no reason to chose any other plating since one is the strongest, attach some bonus to them(like ability efficiency, duration or range these three should work good since quite a bunch of mods seem low on the range) and "close the gap" between them, make them similar and to be chosen mostly because of passive bonus not because of overall strength.
For mods, i like how there are now more ways to do it, although i dont feel like damage for battle mods is there. Especially with the fact now energy is connected to frame but efficiency is not(forces to go with certain frames/certain mods on frame) There should be mod which increases capacity of revolt and dome charges at once. Since for now the way to increase these is just unhealthy(we got 1-2 major breach fixes and after that we need to craft) and crafting with forge increases capacity only for mission(and since there is no automated way for it we are kinda forced to craft every few seconds bcs of low starting capacity)

As mentioned for most of battle mods i'd increase damage and for some a bit of range.

Ones that need range increase:

Munitions Vortex - should be about 150m range since it does not deal much damage and most of enemies ignore it.

Void Hole - for a "super" feels quite weak, 200m on max upgrade should fix the problems especially that it deals no damage(so either range or damage increase)

Ones that need damage increase:

Tether, Seeker Volley, Phoenix Blaze

For Tactical mods they seem not much usable, maybe switch them into "passive" as in for void cloak make it staying in same place for 5 secs switches you to invisible for x time. Other way is to give them longer duration, up to minute of boost.

Form up should work even if we cant recall using omni(since its tactical mod so it should work as an "outside force")


Plexius, aura mods seem underwhelming. Basically the ammount of stats they give for a single person(on solo mission) does not multiply and for public games is just never there.

Raider matrix gives to small bonuses to keep you up on some of archwings, i'd suggest giving it flat bonuses instead of %.

Onslaught matrix is accualy one of the strongest (probably a bit of nerf should be attached, mostly i'd cut the reflect out of this aura).

Ironclad matrix is overally balanced and straight to the point so that one i'd leave as it is.

Orgone tuning matrix, this one should be changed mostly. Make it increase basic capacity of dome charges/revolts and forge + heat capacity, elemental reduction may stay but i don't think it's mostly needed for this type since it does not fit "forge" theme here.

Indomitable matrix, the armor give seems too small for low threshold, shield regen does not provide much but is fair enough, breach chance should be -15% chance. after all its focused on staying on low health, so make it capable of it.


For Armaments i like the new armaments, they feel different and are utilizing thier power in different ways. Only vort feels weak, should bypass/ignore shields corpus crewships have(or just destroy them) so it would be usable in its own way as disabling enemy systems. (chain lightning would be quite what it needs to be)

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The Plexus

You ******* finally got us to forma our Railjacks 😄. Disgusting.

Actually not too bad, with just an Aura forma you can get a good build, the innate forma is solid. good stuff I think. It feels more cohesive to be including this with regular modding, feels like a natural change and clear improvement to me in both functionality and presentation.

New Avionics and Avionic Changes

Good. if something was cut I didn't notice. Possibly expensive for new/mid players to max everything out, but costs are decent.

New Armaments and Armament Changes

Hard to really get into this one. New guns are pretty good, the upgrades to the old ones are good as well. Devils in the details here. So far it appears like your gunner crewmates have issues with a lot of the guns, especially the slow ones like Glazio. Its been more reliable to go back to old models like Apok Carsinnox or Pulsar. Its possible that my perception is not correct here, there is a lot going on and I'm not 100% confident that I've read situations correctly. Say I'm playing solo, go into an objective and come out to a swarm of enemy ships around my railjack, is that a breakdown of the AI? the AI maybe catching up to being reawakened once I'm out there again, or is the Cryophon not working. I sometimes cant see projectiles in space either so its hard to know.

Battle Mod Changes

I'm fine with all of it, Meta-shifts are enjoyable and there is plenty of useful stuff there still.

The New Plating Components

Good. if I were pedantic I'd say the max values need to be normalized, that's it.

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The GOOD things about Railjack rework:
1) Bringing RJ into relays;
2) Simplifying Railjack interior;
3) Making Dirac into Endo;
4) Deleting stupid naming conventions for damage types;
5) Matchmaking improvements;

The BAD things about Railjack rework:
1) Individual ammo reserves remove teamplay, since you can no longer ask your "engineer" to load more ammo/missiles"
2) Pooling energy from Warframe will accentuate the role of energy creating frames even more and force certain Warframes into RJ "meta";
3) Removing making avionics into mods creates a lot of confusion and makes building YOUR ship way less rewarding;
4) Removing boost limit for pilots is just removing yet another gameplay mechanic;

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I.... don't like Revolite not being shared. If the pilot pilots, and the gunners gun, and I run around repairing stuff, all the revolite that I make for the other three  crewmates goes 100% to waste, while I barely have enough to fix simple problems!

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