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Update 29.10.0: Corpus Missions & Points of Interest Feedback Megathread (Read First Post!)


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Greetings Tenno!

Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack is live and we are looking to hear your thoughts on this new, improved, and more deadly Railjack experience!

With this update, we are taking a slightly different approach to how we communicate known bugs, fixed bugs, and other feedback submitted by you, the community! To see a list of known bugs and fixed issues, please check out our new Trello Board: [Trello Link!]

You will also be able to see notifications of changes and fixes by joining our official Discord Channel, found here: [Discord Link!]

Please use this thread to let us know your feelings on the following:

  • The New Corpus Railjack Missions
  • New Corpus Enemies
  • New Points of Interest

If you want to let us know your feedback, please make sure that you do so in a civil and constructive manner. Read our How to Provide Good Constructive Feedback thread before posting. 

If you like something, let us know! If you did not like an aspect of The Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack, then tell us what it is, and what you would change to make it better!

If you have encountered a bug with any of the new content items, be sure to submit a bug report over on our Bug-Hunting Megathread!

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I was curious how arcanes would be done and with the patch notes its been made pretty clear.   

Arcanes are rotation C of orphix..  12 rounds = 1 rotation.... so you have to go all 36 rounds for arcanes....   Which takes an HOUR of actual time....  But unlike Scarlet Spear or Orphix EVENT the arcanes arent baught with points, they are RANDOM DROPS.    And the best arcanes are 1.4% ??   Those stats are insane....  1 hour grind for random arcanes,  abyssmal drops of the rarest ones... 

Rotations should be 4-5 orphix long!!  Rot c = 12-15 orphix.      I'd have to look at Rot A-B rewards again but if you keep Rot C at 36 orphix I know I will never be setting foot in there for fun.     Brutal!!     (I have alot of maxed out arcanes, I have dope mechs.  I can and have done 36 Orphix runs.   Its just a matter of time vs reward.   Waaaaay to much time for waaaay to little reward.)

EDIT:  Ok looks like I was wrong....   

-Warframe Arcanes in Rotation C (i.e every 12 Orphix) of Orphix gamemode in Corpus Railjack (max 36 Orphix). 

That bit wasnt very unclear.   I thought they were saying each round was 12.   But it was 12 total....  36 max....  So you could theoretically get 3 arcanes per run...  (doesnt sound like thats very doable tho.)   Anyways my bad.   12 orphix sounds great..  If I can use bonewidow and my cortege I will be ecstatic lol. 


Edited by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_
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I was hoping we gonna get like in space defense, exterminate, interception and all that but all we got is railjack killing in space then normal mission which is basicly way longer than normal one, sure its interesting in beginning but again no one is gonna play railjack except for arcanes or level necramech, its really not worth spending time for them, its just not rewarding. also i joined mission we did it then buged out in infinite loading so i just quit game. i really hoped its gonna be really fun. also mods for railjack cost way too much compared to before since we had everything maxed.

EDIT: I dont want everyone to think that i dont know what im talking about, its not bugs or anything its just that devs took core game into railjack too literal. i played when RJ was released and i loved it, it had soooo many bugs but i know they gonna fix it and i loved it, so me quiting game is not because its bug, its because i lost my interest in railjack if im just gonna do normal mission.

After playing for a few days i still have same opinion but i can give my complete feedback. I don't wanna make new post and i know not everything belongs in missions feedback but ill just say what i have to.

Ill say few good words first so people don't think I'm just complaining and that i don't like update. 

Space in mission looks really good i love it i was just flying around and enjoying it, maps are big which i also like, derelicts look really nice, i love neptune one most, New plating and change to reactors are pretty good. Railjack looks really nice, i like separate resources for players, new weapons are great, i like more windows, i like that crafting area is closer and open but i kind of miss old room where cryopod was, so pulling crafting area little bit back without any doors and keeping cryopod room would be better. but that's my opinion.

Suggestion: Option to host mission if we want to use our own ship. A lot people already suggested but ill say it aswell.

Plexus is good, except we got to use Formas and a lot more endo + credits. I loved void hole since it come out and i have always used it but now it drains little bit too much, if i don't use flow i cant even use it and even when i use flow i still need to either craft energy or use energy pods. we should not be forced to use flow.

Instrincts are good, there is just gunnery 10 issue that no one likes, it should not have any penalty and i think we should have option to chose which hired crew members will be replaced first when players join.

Crew Members- i feel like we should have more control over their skills. its gonna take forever to get one we like. well what i mean is some of us are more about fashion so we want specific looking crew members and getting them with stats we want is gonna take really long time.

How to improve it: Making crew members have less points as default and giving us option to spend more. Another thing that we could use is copy colors from one crew member to another or all.

Corpus Crew Ships- Front shield seems little bit too powerful and in order to actually destroy it i need to circle around it until i can line shot behind drone that makes shield.

How to improve it: slow down rotation of shield, nothing else.

All missions are way too long and not rewarding enough.

Exterminate Mission- Everyone forced in is bad, Disable priority target is just annoying long and waste of time, also map in them is way too big, drones spawn way too far. friendship doors are bad i don't know why they even exist. Lightning that keeps following you spawns way too often and does too much damage.

How to improve it: Remove that "Disable priority target" instead let half of squad go in and half stay out to kill 3 crew ships and 40 space crafts. that way you have both warframe and railjack exterminate. So it would be kind of like skirmish but with exterminate instead sabotage. 

I would also suggest returning Gian Point type of mission on every planet for both grineer and corpus because everyone likes it, if you ask me reduce affinity to 0. i just like to go in railjack kill ships in space it was just fun without need to use warframe (except boarders but with command you don't really have to do that either)

Defense Mission- Just bad, doesn't fit railjack in any way, if it was like defending civilian ship in space sure but normal defense is just bad.

How to improve it: Well i don't wanna be rude to people that made it but just replace it with skirmish like grineers have.


Volatile Mission- I like it, and "Disable priority target" actually fits this mission.

How to improve it: Again "Disable priority target" is way too big and mobs spawn too far. Mission should be more rewarding because its longer.


Orphix Mission- I like mission but its kind of too hard if you want to do it solo, too many sentients spawn and you lose control fast but other than that its alright. I'm not gonna go in details, there are better people that did math on scaling and spawns.


So my opinion on railjack is, its really good but you should remember that it is a space ship its supposed to fight in space. more fights in space the better. Doing normal missions in space is alright as long as its not primary target. In state railjack is now i prefer doing grineer mission. there are people that will always dislike railjack and space, but they have planet missions for that. Matchmaking alone is huge improvement and its gonna make railjack missions more populated. If there is gonna be more missions like rescue, spy, mobile defense maybe even pursuit, rush but again all those with focus being on space fights (with exception rescue and spy being split up teams to do objective).

I really hope we get improvements and missions people want, because for me its priority fun over reward. Long missions are usually boring and time consuming which makes you think if you want to do it or not, do you have time or not.

I'm sure i forgot some things but most important are here. 

Edited by TheSarkY
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23 minutes ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

I was curious how arcanes would be done and with the patch notes its been made pretty clear.   

Arcanes are rotation C of orphix..  12 rounds = 1 rotation.... so you have to go all 36 rounds for arcanes....   Which takes an HOUR of actual time....  But unlike Scarlet Spear or Orphix EVENT the arcanes arent baught with points, they are RANDOM DROPS.    And the best arcanes are 1.4% ??   Those stats are insane....  1 hour grind for random arcanes,  abyssmal drops of the rarest ones... 

Rotations should be 4-5 orphix long!!  Rot c = 12-15 orphix.      I'd have to look at Rot A-B rewards again but if you keep Rot C at 36 orphix I know I will never be setting foot in there for fun.     Brutal!!     (I have alot of maxed out arcanes, I have dope mechs.  I can and have done 36 Orphix runs.   Its just a matter of time vs reward.   Waaaaay to much time for waaaay to little reward.)

I am totally agreed on you on that . People can take 36 arcanes from eidolons in 50 minutes. This is no where near as an alternative to the arcane farm of eidolons. Besides since the Warframe revised update now people need to farm 21 arcanes instead of 10. Double the effort with minimal rewarding and tedious grind

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So, the new mission types are fun, but there is still very clear line between the railjack and warframe portions. Especially when the railjack becomes invulnerable, there is very little difference from regular missions. The fact that you are forced into the airlock doesn’t seem right to me, because after that point, it’s not really a railjack mission anymore.

I think that these missions would be more interesting if going through the airlock was a choice. People who go into the ship would complete the mission as normal, and the people that remain in the railjack complete some other objective that will influence what happens in the warframe portion. Maybe there is a crew ship full of eximus units and the railjack needs to stop it before it reaches the obelisk or there will be a eximus wave? That way, the gameplay would still be distinct, but players would still be able to choose how much they want to incorporate railjack. 

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18 minutes ago, Splotim said:

So, the new mission types are fun, but there is still very clear line between the railjack and warframe portions. Especially when the railjack becomes invulnerable, there is very little difference from regular missions. The fact that you are forced into the airlock doesn’t seem right to me, because after that point, it’s not really a railjack mission anymore.

I agree, it is just a normal mission with a short railjack section tacked to the front of it.  Hopefully its just cause the early nodes are simple, but I think its actually a step backwards.  If I want to do RJ, I want to blow up space fighters, not sit at the defense point for 5 minutes.

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Missions seem quite like workaround instead of accual railjack missions, we dont even get enough affinity to level up our plexus in reasonable time, most of missions are focused on ignoring railjack component which is bad, we dont fight hordes of ships etc we just do normal missions but with the usage of exclusive railjack taxi. Crewmembers killing units should grant us railjack exp.

Make missions simple yet involving, simple ideas to make it interesting yet involving RJ:

- Running away from fleet while destroying some roadblocks.

- Basic extermination. (make crewships destroyable with normal guns but while aiming at certain points for it to make it more dynamic and skill dependend or allow using front cannon on secondary hit as a pilot)

- the most basic survival game but including hordes of ships trying to destroy our railjack.(ammount of enemies must be comparable to the flood we get in disruptions)

- scavenge where you need to gather resources around while beeing attacked, stealing them from corpus mostly.

- basic capture where you need to disable crewship and steal it then move it to certain point. this way we get our basic missions translated into railjack but beeing interesting and involving.

These are the types of missions we want, when we are on the mission outside of railjack but still its railjack mission at least allow us to get kuva lich with us for help, thats so anticlimatic to do normal missions in railjack without any involvement from our crew or our railjack except "shoot enemy weakpoint" or "destroy crewship"(which needs to be boarded mostly...)

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4 minutes ago, sorcer3r said:

necarmech mod drops in RJ missions would be nice (for players avoiding deimos grind ;) )

I would've liked to see Repair and Rage definitely. Such a big improvement to mechs with those mods.

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corpus railjack is fun and brings some new life into railjack but forcing normal missions into railjack is boring makes them take way longer then need to be i play railjack to get away from normal missions but to force them into railjack borders on content dead on arrival if the maps was unique to railjack i might enjoy them more but to have the same huge annoying map for defence is just urgh why 

things which might make more enjoyable 

-smaller maps for normal missions

-change defence node to smaller map or unique map for railjack(this one prob unfeasible as would take extensive dev time)

-up spawn rate of enemy's for defence missions or make them move faster

-add disruption to railjack instead cause that's way more fun then defence in my books

-corpus points of interests maps should be much smaller rather then entire ships to get to the point which is 500 meters away but 2.5k meters cause of backtracking up and down rooms

-exterminate up needed amount of enemy's killed or make the map smaller 



note i have only done defence and exterminate on venus so far cause after that one defence node i didnt even want to do corpus railjack if we are just forced to do normal missions

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volatile mission best RJ mission so far...  go in -> sabotage -> go out, fire weakpoints -> big bada boom. not bad so far.


sleepfence and exterminate not so much fun... move them to giant point plz :)

Edited by sorcer3r
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I somewhat lost interest after the first defense node (also because a bug prevents me from progressing).


I started with infiltrating a corpus carrier ship and doing the objective with destroying the hacking drones, and that was pretty fun. Then I boarded a ship with the defense objective, which was instantly disappointing when I learned that it's literally the same defense mission that we've always done, and it was a slog to go through. Bugs aside, this pretty much killed the pacing of the mission. When I selected a railjack defense mission, I was expecting to defend an objective in space from corpus ships, not the standard cryo pod defense.


At the very least, the defense mission should be shorter. Either lower the number of enemies or reduce the amount of waves to 3 instead of 5. I also don't see the point in giving the player the option of going for more than one round of defense. If a player wanted to do an extended defense run, they wouldn't be playing railjack.


Lastly, the defense mission doesn't really make narrative sense. You're infiltrating a Corpus ship, defending a warframe cryopod for a few minutes, then you're leaving the cryopod on the Corpus ship. It would be nice if you get a transmission from Cy saying something like "Defend this cryo pod while I prepare to extract the objective" or something like that, and have teleport-y particle effects build around the cryo pod throughout the mission, and have the cryo pod disappear after the objective is complete.

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Only played a little of the new Venus mission so far, but from that I already understood that to fix players not wanting to do Railjack, the solution was to remove Railjack+Archwing from the equation. The Railjack is just an oversized landing craft that, instead of deploying us directly into a grounded mission, deploy us miles away and we need to drive it there, then jump into the archwing to fly another couple meters to the door, wasting time.

When I saw that new missions were coming I was expecting actual Railjack/Archwing content like ship exterminate, ship defense... Not the grounded content we already have in a much better way in regular gameplay (better rewards, better matchmaking, faster matchmaking).

If you're solo, the Railjack is only a taxi to get you in/out of the mission. If you're in a squad, probably there will be 1 person who will stay in the ship piloting while the other 3 do the grounded mission, or all the 4 will just abandon the ship in a safe place and do the grounded work... That's at least 75% of people not doing any Railjack content at all

Edit: Having played with a team, ALL the team must board the grounded objective to proceed. What's even the point of having a railjack then? What technology makes the RJ invulnerable to all damage while the 4 players go onboard the ship but not during all 4 in archwing? That makes no sense, the RJ should still need people to protect/fight with it. The Command intrinsic should be a way to literally avoid the ship being left alone while you go to the objective, but what's the point of it if the moment you would need it the most the ship just pops its invincibility bubble, rendering it useless? This update was not a Railjack integration with the other content, it was simply overriding Railjack with the old grounded content.

What it should have been:

- Exterminate: Like Skirmish, but with way more kill count and without ship boarding objectives. Other option would be to make 50% of kill count in a zone where only Archwings could enter (inside a ship like the starchart AW missions were, but smaller)

- Defense: Defend 1 point with everyone on the RJ, or multiple relatively close points where 1/2 people stay in RJ and the others need to go with Archwings to their points

- Hijack: Use the Railjack to move a damaged ship to a safe place using RJ shields

Edited by Daiwulf
Opinions for having played with a group
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2 hours ago, Juliuszeks said:

Missions seem quite like workaround instead of accual railjack missions, we dont even get enough affinity to level up our plexus in reasonable time, most of missions are focused on ignoring railjack component which is bad, we dont fight hordes of ships etc we just do normal missions but with the usage of exclusive railjack taxi. Crewmembers killing units should grant us railjack exp.

Make missions simple yet involving, simple ideas to make it interesting yet involving RJ:

- Running away from fleet while destroying some roadblocks.

- Basic extermination. (make crewships destroyable with normal guns but while aiming at certain points for it to make it more dynamic and skill dependend or allow using front cannon on secondary hit as a pilot)

- the most basic survival game but including hordes of ships trying to destroy our railjack.(ammount of enemies must be comparable to the flood we get in disruptions)

- scavenge where you need to gather resources around while beeing attacked, stealing them from corpus mostly.

- basic capture where you need to disable crewship and steal it then move it to certain point. this way we get our basic missions translated into railjack but beeing interesting and involving.

These are the types of missions we want, when we are on the mission outside of railjack but still its railjack mission at least allow us to get kuva lich with us for help, thats so anticlimatic to do normal missions in railjack without any involvement from our crew or our railjack except "shoot enemy weakpoint" or "destroy crewship"(which needs to be boarded mostly...)

Thank you for saying this is a way that makes sense, I was just going to post the missions are not fun.

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That it seems all the new missions have that "you must gather your party before venturing forth" moment and then it becomes just a regular non-railjack mission... It's OK for volatile, and I guess, it solves the teamwork problem (by removing any choice at all) but... Grineer nodes actually "flow" better because they lack this mechanic.


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During skirmish mission the crew member that is assigned to piloting will fly around aimlessly.
When going inside a building astroid base etc. I expected the pilot and gunner to be able to do the railjack crew part of the mission, instead they were flying around aimlessly around the map. I sincerely hope this is a bug and not intended because this would make it that there is no point at all to assign a crew member the piloting role.

When the railjack crew cannot do the railjack crew part this would mean that the person playing solo would still be harshly penalized for playing solo as before.
I hope you will be able to resolve this in the future. It is not hard for the crew itself to fly to a spot and the gunners to target 1 objective {twice over} while the solo player is inside the base.

Also please allow one more role called forward artillery or a subsection to gunnery which would allow the person to assign them to FA.
Thank you for all the hard work, I am enjoying railjack and exploring the galaxy again.

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Although I have not played too much of the new railjack, I feel that this was a downgrade than an upgrade to railjack. When I tried my first defense mission, I quit after realizing it was just the same defence mission but with a small railjack segment. I feel extremely confused at the audience you were trying to target with this change. The players who plays railjack signed up for space combat, but the mission's objectives are just the same as star chart missions. The players who plays normal star chart plays railjack, but it just adds an extra railjack segment that will likely cost a lot more time and give no reward to compensate for the added time. The newer players who have never played railjack before would have to grind out resources to build a giant space ship to do the same thing they did without a space ship. 

I think if the objectives just switched to railjack objectives: like defending a station, or exterminating an entire fleet about to invade would feel more like space combat than star chart.

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Is there a reason why we must participate in the exterminate mission without access to the forge? I would like it if the exterminate/defense mission was like past "exterminate / assassination" Points of Interests (where an infiltration team can go in, but someone can stay behind on tactical map helping out).

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Alright, played some of this new railjack and woo boy...
1. Glueing standard mission types to railjack immediately makes me lose interest in Railjack Retrofit. As others said, it makes the mission boring and not exactly what the mode promises. Railjack for space action - thats as complicated as it should be. If you want to make railjack more connected to the overall Warframe experience, give us the same system Orphix had, one squad in space, other squad on the ground, both squads working towards the same overall goal.
2. Crew or no crew, if Retrofit was supposed to make it interesting for solo players, yeah, I say pass on Pluto, the first Orphix mission is managable with AI railjack crew and objectives can be done in 15 minutes but then 'oh hey imma be 5x more difficult now'. Part of the difficulty is the lack of a clear objective. Why isn't there a line saying "Defeat 5 Orphix", personally I manage to take down 1.9 of them but knowing my actual goal would be nice.
3. Side objectives like Corpus carriers or autofactories should have a marker constantly visible, with a different color than main objective. At least to me the Corpus proxima missions are a bit visually chaotic.
4. Please for the love of Parvos make the game STOP spawning crewships and fighters at some point, on my missions its constant spam and that could easily be exploited for farming. I quite enjoyed how Grineer proxima missions stopped tossing enemies at me after hitting a specific target. Pretty sure that before the day is over, someone will have farmed 300 new parts and make a video how to cheese this with Ivara.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Veil/Calabash (Caches)

<---- the 'caches' means mission reward is it? Or hidden caches like star chart node sabotage missions? Could you please explain?

Edited by kyori
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