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Thanks for Watching Home Devstream #153


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DE justified the heat downside to Gunnery Rank 10 by arguing that Rank 9 mitigates heat accretion through the reload mechanic. How does someone on console or otherwise using a controller reload a gun in RJ? Controllers share a button for reload and interact. So pressing the reload button on a controller causes you to leave the pilot's seat. 

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In terms of affinity I definately have opinions lol.    When your doing RJ,  if you/anyone kills stuff with your Plexis then that affinity should go to your plexis.   If you/anyone kills stuff with your warframe guns/melee then that affinity should goto warframe guns/melee.   AKA clear sharing lines.      Scott said if someone else is killing with their plexis then YOU get the affinity split amongst ALL your crap like normal affinity share.    But plexis should only get shared with other plexis.  


Not really liking RJ+Core mixing but will wait until I get my hands on it.   Im just concerned randoms will way to often rush through RJ so they can do the stupid main objective and miss all the side loot in RJ corpus nodes.  


I love that music going into Tempest  but geez  Can Sound Team be allowed to go back and add stuff from Deadlock till now??  

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Loved all the RJ Retrofit Q&A! I figured that the entire party needing to board the ground missions during Railjack was for technical reasons, it was interesting to hear exactly where you guys were finding the limits. Great to hear that there's more missions coming! A greater variety of RJ missions would be appreciated, though I have to say it's weird that you guys noted Spy specifically was in the works for this mode. It doesn't really fit the pace of Railjack - it's the same problem Defense currently has in RJ, going from something high tempo to low tempo sucks the energy and fun out of the mission. It also doesn't make a lot of sense thematically, since I'd imagine a Corpus ship that's been getting strafed by a Railjack would already be either wiping or relocating anything sensitive before the boarding party has a chance to breach :tongue:

If there's one big thing I want the team to take away from the retrofit launch when it comes to RJ missions going forward, it's that ground portions being more individually tailored for Railjack content makes a huge difference in playability. The reason Volatile works so well where a more traditional Sabotage might not is because it matches the pace of Railjack. The portion of the ship you're on is condensed, the enemy flow is constant and you're engaged with the objective from breach to evac. Having a post-mission Railjack objective is icing on the cake, and makes the whole mission feel more cohesive. The traditional Exterminate portions feel, comparatively, methodical and simple - boosting the body count, cutting back the level size and maybe adding a small Railjack portion afterward would keep the pace from sagging without needing to add additional content or overhaul anything significant. I hope this is the kind of approach we see going forward, too - like, if you add Mobile Defense to the roster, make sure there's not too many tiles between terminals, the hack timers are brief and dense enemy mobs are waiting in every room.

Looking forward to Tempestarii!

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1 hour ago, KosmicKerman said:

DE justified the heat downside to Gunnery Rank 10 by arguing that Rank 9 mitigates heat accretion through the reload mechanic. How does someone on console or otherwise using a controller reload a gun in RJ? Controllers share a button for reload and interact. So pressing the reload button on a controller causes you to leave the pilot's seat. 

According to someone on the wiki you hold the reload button to do it. So you press to leave the seat or hold to reload

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Gene_Freak:

Loved all the RJ Retrofit Q&A! I figured that the entire party needing to board the ground missions during Railjack was for technical reasons, it was interesting to hear exactly where you guys were finding the limits. Great to hear that there's more missions coming! A greater variety of RJ missions would be appreciated, though I have to say it's weird that you guys noted Spy specifically was in the works for this mode. It doesn't really fit the pace of Railjack - it's the same problem Defense currently has in RJ, going from something high tempo to low tempo sucks the energy and fun out of the mission. It also doesn't make a lot of sense thematically, since I'd imagine a Corpus ship that's been getting strafed by a Railjack would already be either wiping or relocating anything sensitive before the boarding party has a chance to breach :tongue:

If there's one big thing I want the team to take away from the retrofit launch when it comes to RJ missions going forward, it's that ground portions being more individually tailored for Railjack content makes a huge difference in playability. The reason Volatile works so well where a more traditional Sabotage might not is because it matches the pace of Railjack. The portion of the ship you're on is condensed, the enemy flow is constant and you're engaged with the objective from breach to evac. Having a post-mission Railjack objective is icing on the cake, and makes the whole mission feel more cohesive. The traditional Exterminate portions feel, comparatively, methodical and simple - boosting the body count, cutting back the level size and maybe adding a small Railjack portion afterward would keep the pace from sagging without needing to add additional content or overhaul anything significant. I hope this is the kind of approach we see going forward, too - like, if you add Mobile Defense to the roster, make sure there's not too many tiles between terminals, the hack timers are brief and dense enemy mobs are waiting in every room.

Looking forward to Tempestarii!

Spy is one of the fastest mission types in Warframe... it fits perfectly as secondary or even as main objective in Railjack content. And Mobile Defense is already part of Corpus Railjack (as secondary objective).

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Didn't get drops again today. Yes, I re-linked the accounts. Yes, I watched the whole stream, from countdown to waves. Yes, I checked my Twitch account and it shows 0% of 30 minutes. Listen, not the end of the world but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I watch the streams because I enjoy them. The drops are icing on the cake. But what the hell good is cake without icing anyway? LOL Anyway, could someone look into whether this is a more widespread problem with the "new and improved" drop system? Thanks.

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Scot saying opening more than one relic from storms is kind of dumb. Railjack missions take far longer than regular void missions as it is. If there is no incentive no one will do relics with voidstorms which means yet another game mode/content that no one visits.

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1 hour ago, cliffghost said:

Spy is one of the fastest mission types in Warframe... it fits perfectly as secondary or even as main objective in Railjack content. And Mobile Defense is already part of Corpus Railjack (as secondary objective).

I'm talking about the pace of gameplay, not the mission timers - whether the pace is action-packed and exciting as opposed to plodding and meticulous. I mean sure we can all clear the vaults fast enough by now but that's kind of a buzzkill as the climax to a two-fisted space battle. And it's a little odd narratively, "Alright we just blew apart their convoy and scuttled their freighter with an old war warship, now - sssh - don't trigger the vault alarms, they can't know we're here!"

And I'm aware of the secondary objective, I'm talking specifically about them bringing main game objectives over wholesale like they did Extermination and Defense and like they're planning to do with Spy and Assassination. There's few - if any - concessions for the fact that they've been bolted onto another game mode, and I'm saying some small adjustments to the flow of the ground missions in general would be nice.

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Just a bit of a pet peeve about the Trello...It needs more/better categories for feedback.

Right now  the stuff confirmed being worked on (liches not just defending,) the items devs agreed with but had not committed to (FA changes to make it solo friendly) and the things they "nope"'d out of (Gunnery 10, changes to the flow of Corpus RJ) are in the same column...


Speaking of Gunnery 10... More people would have tried it if it didn't irreversibly change a control that works a certain way almost everywhere else in Warframe into something completely different. Seriously, could it be anything but right mouse, so I could be sure my zoom would be left alone if I don't like the auto-aim?

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you nerf R9 cloud? hey, Reb, hey, STEVE, hey, SCOTT, and anyone who's in charge of PR and game design i have an even better thing for you. this "BUG" like you say, you KEEP IT. because for once people were genuinely doing Railjack because they had a reason to do so. so how about you don't do an Anthem and "fix" the good loot? you know, what people want?

you want people to play you railjack, how about you start THINKING? AS A PLAYER, NOT A DEV BEHIND THEIR MATH SHEETS. if you don't give any GOOD reasons to play railjack, then no one will and it's gonna be a dead mode again. that's not what you want, right? that's what you wanted to avoid, RIGHT? ???RIGHT???  i know it's hard for DE , you all, to do it, but, if you give players a lot of loot, they'll go there. why going to railjack, if you have a better alternative on foot? in normal missions? you need to get out of your "nothing special, nothing above" mentality. railjack NEEDS to have an advantage over normal missions if you want it to be used. more relic found? more endo? BOTH of those?! otherwise, people will leave it dead after a week, and you'll be left wondering again "how did we messed up?" 

the player base is giving you all the answers. give good loot, stop nerfing, and think like how a PLAYER wants to feel when doing railjack. or warframe in general. you really need to rethink how you touch certain subjects. the nerf to R9 cloud is straight up the same as when anthem fixed their "loot glitch" system which was making everyone get more loot. but strange, it was also making people play MUCH more, and HAPPIER. how about you take note of that? 

also , here is a list of good reasons for the players to do railjack, and a list of bad reasons that are not a reason and that no one who played warframe enough would do. 

Good reasons 
superior/better loot than on-foot missions
more loot than on-foot missions

bad reasons
"for the challenge" 
or "because it's fun, no need for better rewards" 

these are bad philosophy. 


second, you still try to keep Gunnery rank 10 as it is right now, but what you do not understand, each of you who are wanting to keep rank 10 gunnery that way, is that BOTH side of the perk are a negative. an hindrance, even, for some. heat accretion is straight up a malus, but with the rank 9 gunnery, it shouldn't do any problems... if the other side of the coin was shiny enough. but the other side of the coin is covered in molded crap. assisted aim? this is a per-default thing on almost every modern game by then, and you're passing this as a PERK? this should be something that's by default in the settings, to turn on and off. people just don't like this. or at least a supreme majority of it. 

if you want people to take gunnery rank 10, put in place something that's actually worth and that a lot of people want. using forward artillery from pilot seat. ever heard of that? 

then a lot more people would welcome with open arms the heat accretion. but you gotta put for the perk something that is actually worth using for the players. the skill, in the actual state, is either a "i don't need it", or a "it's actually an hindrance to my aim" , with only a very small minority that actually likes it. it's not a hill to die on. the perk is badly designed, and needs to be changed. 

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I think you at DE are on the right way. Before the update I wasn't really interested in Railjack because the missions felt somewhat clunky if played solo. The mission times were too long imho and the need to rebuild the missing dome charges between the crewship spawns has been an additional showstopper. Now after the update I can stock up all necessary dome charges directly after the extermination of the fighters (the first two crew ships downgunned to disfunctionality) and can concentrate seamlessly on the remaining crew ships. Since the update my solo mission times are cut down to around 15 minutes per Veil Grineer mission in "no survivors"-mode (no enemies left on the map). Derelic adds around 2 minutes (all caches and containers looted; no enemies left) and the sentient anomaly up to 5 (all caches, containers and rooms looted, no enemies left). That feels good and I'm really satisfied with all the changes you've done.

Short version: Thank you very much 😁

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While I like where you're heading with your work/development, which is the most important thing, I'm utterly disappointed with the streams

With the latest 3 streams the hype I had for the devstreams is dead, next times I'll probably keep twitch open in some windows, do other stuff and read a recap, because latest devstream would have been fine as a workshop instead of an hour of chit chats

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tbh, when I first heared about void storms, and that they wil be new way to crack relics - I instantly thought that we will be able to open multiple relics at once, and was hugely disappointed when I heared on stream that it is not a thing

I mean, why should ppl go to 5-10 minutes railjack mission to crack a single relic, while they can go and finish 5-10 captures at the same time and crack 10 relics? If there will be no special rewards in void storms, why would you want to go there?

Besides, why will it be so bad, if, lets say, 4 ppl will pick 3 relics each (12 total), and will be able to pick any 3 rewards from 12 items pool?


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4 minutes ago, TheOlright said:

tbh, when I first heared about void storms, and that they wil be new way to crack relics - I instantly thought that we will be able to open multiple relics at once, and was hugely disappointed when I heared on stream that it is not a thing

I mean, why should ppl go to 5-10 minutes railjack mission to crack a single relic, while they can go and finish 5-10 captures at the same time and crack 10 relics? If there will be no special rewards in void storms, why would you want to go there?

Besides, why will it be so bad, if, lets say, 4 ppl will pick 3 relics each (12 total), and will be able to pick any 3 rewards from 12 items pool?


it stays bad anyway cause even if so, all the other relics are WASTED. potential plat or ducats wasted into nothingness cause someone who clearly don't udnerstand game design decided "it will only open one relic" . 

that is, unless the opened and not selected relics in mission are restored, which would save the mode. 

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As you said in the Devstream, the game grew faster than your development team

I think some of your conception about the game have become obtuse, borderline arrogant towards the playerbase

If you don't want to listen to the playerbase, hire someone new that will give you some new perspective, because you're always heading to the same kind of obtuse problems that you'll fix one or more years later (or leave them boiling them to infinity and beyond), because of stubborness

The development reached crawl speed because you have to revisit old thing that were born criplled because of lack of "faith" in the playerbase

I hope that you reflect on this, which is not about how you develope your game, but how you manage it to stay alive

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That was underwhelming.

Meanwhile, the orb fights are still massive bug fests. But I guess once novelty wears off, things are left to fester and frustrate over the years. ADHD or passive aggressive, I wonder...

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14 hours ago, Yrkul said:

That was underwhelming.

Meanwhile, the orb fights are still massive bug fests. But I guess once novelty wears off, things are left to fester and frustrate over the years. ADHD or passive aggressive, I wonder...

to be honest i am sure orbs fight will imply RJ in the futur

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I just.... It made me feel empty when they not only pretty much called the railjack bit in corpus missions a short prequel to a "core warframe" (starchart) mission, but said that is exactly what they wanted. So they want the ship to be little more than a bus? They want us to be able to open multiple relics in void-storms (which will take longer than, say, a capture mission), but not have multiple picks at the rewards? I'm not asking to be able to take all 8 (assuming they let us take two relics each), but it only seems fair to be able to pick two given how we get one out of four. Why waste relics on void storms when you can do a rad-share/rad-stagger and have a chance of being able to take home more than one rare reward (or even just a random relic in pubs, that way you get one thing for every one relic you put in, not one thing for every 2 or more you put in)... Only thing I can think of is time constraints, and even then anyone doing this new system of opening several relics at once to get ONE reward is getting swindled out of relics they spent time to earn, are they not?

These design decisions just seem as questionable as the flux to warframe energy change (which they also seem to be clinging to for some reason, despite all the feedback saying this should be reverted/changed) or rank 10 gunnery ("You have to aim for it to trigger, so it already has a toggle", ok.... but that "toggle" is aim, which some people like to use without having their warframe's spine snapped to whatever target the computer thinks you should be aiming at. If you were playing another game, and the penultimate upgrade in the skill-tree was just a basic auto-attack that aimed directly at an enemy despite the attack having travel time [so would miss anything that was moving], would you use it? Not a perfect analogy, but still.)

Oh. and the only "bug" I remember them mentioning in this stream was a node giving more rewards than it should have (yet other game-stopping bugs are not even touched on? Please remind me if I simply forgot)... And the plexus eating all affinity earned while piloting/gunning was added as a "feature" (what was wrong with earning affinity on equipment while having fun piloting or gunning? Do ramparts eat affinity? I had one gripe about this system after it released, and it was the "gilded cage" that is forma/polarity. Its like they are retroactively trying to get people who were on the fence to hate it). All of this just makes me wonder why I bother logging in anymore, as much as it hurts to say it. Maybe things will change? It seems doubtful at this point... Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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