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Revised Dev Workshop Release Date: June 18!


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 Hi Tenno!

We are working away on the final touches for the Dev Workshop that outline all things Melee, Primary, and Secondary. We're just doing some reviews / tests before we put everything in place to share with you (in written and video form).

We originally were posting today, June 16, but we’re just awaiting some final data / tests before we start sharing. There is a thorough data pass being done, and it took a bit longer than we anticipated!

And speaking of longer than we anticipated… there’s more to this Workshop than you’d expect. We’re also detailing out a rework of Parazon kills, and Helminth system expansion!

Lots to cover, and you can read or watch it all on Friday, June 18!

Sorry for the [DE]lay - to give you the best information possible, we just need those 2 additional days!

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Just now, [DE]Rebecca said:

We’re also detailing out a rework of Parazon kills, and Helminth system expansion!

Yes to both! I'd love more doable-in-a-timely-fashion-before-the-enemy-dies Parazon mercies, ideally from range (Jackal fight impression).

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Let's hope this means that they're actually considering inter-weapon balance instead of an across-the-board mod buff (which would only worsen the power discrepancies between different guns). Aka: If you add 100% to the savings of beggar he will go from 1€ to 2€ while the millionaire will go from 1.000.000€ to 2.000.000€. Translated: Granting the Bramma or Acceltra the same buffed mods as the Burston Prime; it's not helping balancing. We need changes to individual guns, not just to mods. I hope this happens... I've been a bit disheartened since the stream


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I will mind the nerfs on melee. Not too much though, but I do mind the lingering bugs and headaches related to holstering and edge grabbing still being a forced animation that stops anything.

Please, allow us to remove it like the options we had with parkour 1.0

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