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Helminth Grows a New Appetite: 30.5 Update!


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The Helminth System is being expanded in the Sisters of Parvos Update. This system has been quite popular with players who really enjoy deep customization, so we’re doing 2 things:

- Adding 5 more Ranks and 5 new ‘Helminth’ Abilities.
- Adding a new system: INVIGORATIONS!

You can watch a video explanation as part of our Video Dev Workshop:


With the help of our trusty Design Council, the Helminth has been injected with new Helminth Abilities! Each one unlocks at one of the new Helminth Ranks (11,12,13,14,15)!


Sacrifice Shields to reinforce Armor for a period of time


Grant yourself immunity to Status effects.


Consume Energy to heal yourself and grant matching Energy to each ally.


Emit a pulse that adds stacks to Status Effects already afflicting enemies, except Bleed or Toxin effects which are duplicated with fresh timers.


Send out a short-lived Void Spark that is drawn toward the nearest Medallion, Ayatan Sculpture, unscanned Kuria or unscanned Fragment.




Son has been busy developing new bio-technologies for Helminth. Visit SON in the Necralisk on DEIMOS to obtain the New Segment required to upgrade your Helminth to perform a new operation: Invigorations! 

Our main objective with this system expansion is really simple: give players a way to engage with Warframes they may not have used in a while!

Here’s how it will work:

Every week, your Helminth will have an Affinity toward 3 Random Warframes. You can interact with Helminth with these Warframes to gain select Weekly Buffs (one Offensive and one Utility/Defense)! For example:


Zephyr: 200% Power Strength and Immune To Status
Atlas: 200% Primary Critical Chance and +1000 Armor
Excalibur: 250% Melee Damage and 75% power Efficiency


These will be drawn randomly per player. Tenno can check their Helminth during the Weekly reset to see what Invigorations are available for the week. Once you infuse the Invigoration, it lasts the week before the power of the Helminth wears off. 

To give players some control over what will be very powerful buffs, the Helminth takes note of your interactions - for every 10 Invigorations you do, you’ll be able to Select what Warframe receives the next buff! 


As of now, the Segment will cost 30,000 Entrati Standing and will be available once you hit the rank of Family. Get your Family tokens ready, Tenno! 

EDIT: FAQ Addition.

This will be expanded throughout next week as more questions come in!


Helminth Workshop FAQ: 

Does your Helminth Rank automatically increase when the new 5 Ranks are added?

- No. The new Invigorations will give XP/Affinity toward Helminth in addition to normal feeding and Subsume/Infusion actions! There won’t be any automatic rankups based on the current vs new Level Cap. 

Are Invigoration options only chosen based on Warframes you own?

No, much like Arbitration Warframe Buffs, the Invigorations options are pulled from the entire roster. 



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Is there a system to track our current Helminth experience points, or will we all have to "start" at Rank 10?

The best way to rank Helminth was subsuming Warframes, but that is no longer an option for me.




Are pretty horrible.

Instead of pushing us to play Warframes we don't like, players will instead demand +200% power strength buffs for certain activities.

Farming Harrow? Better have a 300% Power Strength +200% Helminth Power Strength Wisp on you or you're not invited!


We will also have to really carefully use our 10+ buff of choice for events, if you use it on the wrong Warframe, you will be at a severe disadvantage to make it big on the leaderboards.


This system just leads to severe power creep or player exclusion you can't fix by farming the right gear, I don't think it should be added at all.


Edit 2:

Short ability review:



Sacrifice Shields to reinforce Armor for a period of time

If you're interested in armor, you already won't be interested in your shields, so I currently don't see a downside to this ability.

Also kind of boring, if you want more armor, you already have "Defy", "Elemental Ward" and "Warcry", if this isn't better than the best one, why would I bother infusing it?




Grant yourself immunity to Status effects.

So is this just the self cast effect of "Spellbind" ? I can see a use for this it it has a much longer duration and shorter cast speed, but I personally don't think this adds anything to the game we didn't have before.

Edit: There's also Firewalker which adds a variety of benefits in addition to status immunity + status cleanse.



Consume Energy to heal yourself and grant matching Energy to each ally.

This looks entirely new, it depends on cast speed and/or cost, but an ability to instantly restore energy for others for every Warframe sounds good so far.




Emit a pulse that adds stacks to Status Effects already afflicting enemies, except Bleed or Toxin effects which are duplicated with fresh timers


The usefulness of this ablity depends on how many stacks you get on cast, is it multiplicative or static? I think I'd rather just inflict more status with whatever caused it in the first place, but it might be good to have in a team setting.




Send out a short-lived Void Spark that is drawn toward the nearest Medallion, Ayatan Sculpture, unscanned Kuria or unscanned Fragment.


This sounds good, but I don't think I'd ditch greedy pull for this.

Don't make it too short lived either please.

What others have already said, but I'll reiterate.

Add Rare Crates, Reinforced Crates and Sabotage Caches to this ability, make it clear if the ability has nothing to detect.

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Making the INVIGORATIONS random is bad. Really bad.
We dont need RNG that says how good our warframes are. 


And if we are looking forward to future events, this will cause alot of trouble because the best starts might only be possible one week and the not anymore...

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Can we remove the Age Block?, not everyone wants to sell their information or give their credit card details to YT, this effects even logged in users


Edit: Even with the restrictions off, YT is asking for Credit Card Information or an ID (No one wants to do that)

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New abilities, yes, cool.


Invigorations? Why? Weekly powercreep? We don't need this kinda of thing. I understand that you might want people to use more Warframes but I feel this will miss the point and there could be better avenues in the future (*cough*rouguelike mode*cough*). Not to mention you just opened yourself for people to ask for permanent (and needless) buffs too.


Didn't expect much, but somehow feel a bit disappointed that Helminth isn't being used to level the playing field for Infested guns.

Edit: Couldn't this be a gear item?




Send out a short-lived Void Spark that is drawn toward the nearest Medallion, Ayatan Sculpture, unscanned Kuria or unscanned Fragment.

I always feel like Gear is a side thing no one uses, more relevant items could help.

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Son has been busy developing new bio-technologies for Helminth. Visit SON in the Necralisk on DEIMOS to obtain the New Segment required to upgrade your Helminth to perform a new operation: Invigorations! 

Our main objective with this system expansion is really simple: give players a way to engage with Warframes they may not have used in a while!

Here’s how it will work:

Every week, your Helminth will have an Affinity toward 3 Random Warframes. You can interact with Helminth with these Warframes to gain select Weekly Buffs (one Offensive and one Utility/Defense)! For example:


Zephyr: 200% Power Strength and Immune To Status
Atlas: 200% Primary Critical Chance and +1000 Armor
Excalibur: 250% Melee Damage and 75% power Efficiency


These will be drawn randomly per player. Tenno can check their Helminth during the Weekly reset to see what Invigorations are available for the week. Once you infuse the Invigoration, it lasts the week before the power of the Helminth wears off. 

To give players some control over what will be very powerful buffs, the Helminth takes note of your interactions - for every 10 Invigorations you do, you’ll be able to Select what Warframe receives the next buff! 


As of now, the Segment will cost 30,000 Entrati Standing and will be available once you hit the rank of Family. Get your Family tokens ready, Tenno! 





PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD dont touch frames like this, RNG Power buffs are quite tedious especially if they are applied in *every* environment. 

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb [DE]Rebecca:


Emit a pulse that adds stacks to Status Effects already afflicting enemies, except Bleed or Toxin effects which are duplicated with fresh timers.

What is with Heat and Electric? They also deal dmg over time like Bleed and Toxin.
They need to be excluded too.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

- Adding 5 more Ranks and 5 new ‘Helminth’ Abilities.

With the help of our trusty Design Council, the Helminth has been injected with new Helminth Abilities! Each one unlocks at one of the new Helminth Ranks (11,12,13,14,15)!

Will we get retroactive helminth xp toward these Ranks? For those who have subsumed every frame and applied most abilities they want, there won't be a good way to rank up now otherwise.

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Invigorations seem like a bad idea. It's especially worrying that they're random - I understand that you're trying to get us out of our comfort zone, but there's a couple issues with this.

1: It opens up the possibility for people to require your invigoration RNG to favor you to do certain content. I can see it now: H 7x3 Need Oberon w/ Range Invigoration, Rhino w/ Strength Invigoration, etc etc..

2: There is no guarantee that the stat bonuses will actually be beneficial, and could even be detrimental in some cases. What if I get Strength or Range on my Nova? Both of those can be bad for her, because range dictates how far you can be from an enemy before Null Star decides to give you less tank and strength restricts me from using a speed build. What if I get Strength on Loki? That doesn't help him much at all.

3: Do these stack with Arbitrations? Can you just get 500% str for free if you roll +str for your Arby frame bonus and +200% str from invigorations? I'm not sure being able to feasibly reach ~800-900% strength in arbys and ~500-600% in normal missions is healthy for the game.

This kind of feels dangerously close to Warframe rivens, and I'm not digging it. Having a massive performance increase locked behind RNG this way is a bad place for the game to go.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Send out a short-lived Void Spark that is drawn toward the nearest Medallion, Ayatan Sculpture, unscanned Kuria or unscanned Fragment.

Do we really need this by #15 in Helminth, though? I'm pretty sure we can all slot Loot Radar and notice map icons (and boxes not disappearing).


Add more to this: Rare Crates (finally we could know), Caches (sabotage etc), other Lore pieces like the Plains fish/Vallis memories as this fits with Kuria.

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il y a 16 minutes, arkadikos213 a dit :

hmm... How about buffing expedite suffering? Only i remember that ability?

The expansion looks great looking towards this.

Yeah, let's buff the most broken ability for very high level content.

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