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End of Mission Reward Importance Sorting


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Hello, Tenno!

If you've come across an End of Mission reward that was listed incorrectly when sorted by 'Importance', we want to know!

For example, we noticed that Scintillant was sorted to the bottom of the Importance list, which we plan on fixing.

Please let us know of any others we may have missed - thanks in advance! 

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Steel essence, riven slivers, spectral debris, granum coins, prime part, built forma are all at the end, it seems like they're not given a priority at all.

Orokin cells should probably be higher in the list.

RJ Wreckage seems to be split, ship parts are on top but weapons are at the bottom, probably best to leave them like that though, but plating is also I think near the end.

I'll keep an eye out :}


EDIT: For the rarer rewards, wouldn't it be simpler to just take a look at them in code, where it's declared how important they are for end screen results?

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Items that are in the end of EoM list that should be at the beginning:

  • Corrupted Holokey
  • Almost half of all Prime items are at the end of the list, mostly 'part's while blueprints are mostly sorted correctly
  • War Hilt
  • Some Railjack armaments(components) blueprints
  • Riven Slivers
  • Detonite injector (built one dropped from rare containers)
  • Requiem Ultimatum


Items that are inbetween important items at start, but belong further down the list

  • Aucrux Capacitors (railjack resource)
    • applies to other higher end railjack resources aswell


Void Traces should be super early in the list, currently they are after Rare Mods, which might place them too deep in the list for quick glance during endurance runs.

Steel Essence should be higher up. (Actually I have two screenshots where in one it is the last item in the list, and in the other it is next to Oxium after rare mods. So it's inconsistent). Should be near Void Traces at the start.

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Resources and mods should be seperated in the list imo.

The amount of unique resources you can gain on a single mission are usually in the single digits, which I why I think they should be sorted to the top, mods can easily exceed 20+ with the majority of them being very uninteresting as most uncommon and common mods are very uninteresting past the first drop.


Most important category:

Credits, followed by endo, followed by void traces.


2nd category:

"Special" drops, Oull, Requiem Ultimatum, Ephemeras, probably other things I can't think of.


3rd category:

ALL of the remaining resources sorted by their own rarity, reasoning above. (Holokeys would be rare resources, or maybe even above, instead of being part of the "least important" part category)


4th category:

Prime Blueprints -> Prime parts. Right now Blueprints in general are sorted right behind endo, including common blueprints and prime blueprints, this is fine (even though I think prime blueprints should have a higher priority), but right now all prime parts are sorted to the very bottom of the list, which is imo pretty misplaced.


5th category:

Blueprints and Parts, not prime this time, this includes wreckage.


6th category:

Relics. Sorting within the relics is already done correctly.


7th category:

Mods, sorted just like they are right now, I'm not saying mods are the least important things in the game, but it is unlikely you will miss a rare mod drop with my suggested sorting unless you stay in a single session for a long time and fill your current loot list with relics and prime parts.

You can also break up mod drops by rarity into their own categories, just like it is right now, but I personally prefer to have everything sorted like this.

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I bring images of an average mission drops tab. If someone has pictures with a more varied sample size, then that would be nice to analyze.



First we have 'Objective score', such as time survived shown above, or damage done to the Fomorian, Razorbacks killed, etc. This can stay where it is unless DE wants to give it its own UI element.

Second, we have Credits, followed by Relics from reward rotations and then Endo. As @16Bitman said, it should be Credits, Endo and Void Traces first and foremost, followed by other mission completion/reward rotation/identified items. First three are important in everyday gameplay and should be available at first glance, same with rotation rewards, because they are probably the reason why the player has started the mission in the first place. Vitus and Steel Essences, maybe Cryotic even, should also be up high in the list.

Next in the list are blueprints? I don't know what else ends up here. Is it just blueprints, or other things, such as built Forma from the Lua music puzzle, Sigils, Ayatans, Necramech parts?

Then we have rare mods, broken up by some rare resources, then common mods and common resources, finishing with.. very important things that should be higher in the list?


I largely agree with what 16Bitman said, though maybe not on the proposed order of the categories. I would also like to know how 'Special' an item has to be to be put into the 'Special' drops class. And what exactly would be considered a resource - e.g. Vome Residue is used to craft items, drops from 'deposits', but isn't affected by boosters because it isn't technically a resource.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello, Tenno!

If you've come across an End of Mission reward that was listed incorrectly when sorted by 'Importance', we want to know!

For example, we noticed that Scintillant was sorted to the bottom of the Importance list, which we plan on fixing.

Please let us know of any others we may have missed - thanks in advance! 

I don't know about importance, but it'd be really nice if our UI didn't default to the "search" field. Many a time I've been trying to continue a conversation in the chat only to have the search field absorb all my typed text.

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There are a good number of key resources that I think should be at the very top, if for no other reason than giving you a quick way to check your progress with the tab menu and not having to use P and scroll down. Some of these are high in the listing, but over time fall down and disappear from that quick check.

  • Kuva
  • Riven Slivers
  • Steel Essence
  • Vitus Essence
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1 hour ago, Cradicias said:

I don't know about importance, but it'd be really nice if our UI didn't default to the "search" field. Many a time I've been trying to continue a conversation in the chat only to have the search field absorb all my typed text.

this has been fixed, take a look at your interface settings.

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12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello, Tenno!

If you've come across an End of Mission reward that was listed incorrectly when sorted by 'Importance', we want to know!

For example, we noticed that Scintillant was sorted to the bottom of the Importance list, which we plan on fixing.

Please let us know of any others we may have missed - thanks in advance! 

The End of Mission screen been completely broken and dysfunctional for a long while since the 'rework' - and it's not just rewards order. Please fix it because its crucial to see what we got in a farming game, how do you expect us to farm otherwise?

Rewards\drops disappear from the results after the open world missions and railjack missions especially -  we cant check what we got at the end at all, it's both dysfunctional and subjectively feels bad - like you got nothing too.  'Last mission results' in normal missions are often wrong too with missing loot and inaccurate information (the time is always wrong)


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where are we supposed to beginn and where should it end i mean there is only one faktor that can say if something is important well for the start common stuff like credits endo and mods should be maybe not be on the first places expept if the mods are "new" for the player since then they could be important to them.
well then missions with specific rewards from Steelessenz over something like kryotik in digging missions to syndicate medallions should be a important item for the missions as some of them are basicly the primäry rewards of the mission
then maybe stuff like Ambassador drops for and relic drop should be important so you can see them fast.

but well as i writing that it comes to my mind i dont mind how the loot is sorted anyways because the hole thing is a mess somethimes more somethimes less and there are other problems i would like to be worked on so just let is be like it is i mean Scintillant is baiscly farmed and collected by basicly standing on it and you have a lot of time to check if you got it or not it is not like the mission just trows you out in a matter of seconds

vor 13 Stunden schrieb [DE]Megan:

For example, we noticed that Scintillant was sorted to the bottom of the Importance list, which we plan on fixing.

the worst thing that can be in the end screen are lies "that you got something you did not get or somthing you got is not listed" for everything else we have a very agressiv search funktion well it is not realy handy for players without a keyboard but most of the stuff need 1-3 letters to find it.

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Railjack missions seem to push Engines to the bottom of the list causing 2 seperate appearances. There might be a difference between picking them up and getting them as reward? I was also running missions back to back so I'm not sure if that affects it too. Riven Slivers were also at the bottom, I'm unsure if they are considered rare.

I've also noticed that when opening the quick progress view Endo seems to be pushed back behind Credits and Relics. In the mission complete screen the order is Credits, Endo, Relics.

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I'll need to think on all the kinds of resources you can pick up in a mission in terms of importance and get back to you on it, but there's some good suggestions up top in this thread already :)


But (Not meaning to get off-topic much) speaking of the end of mission screen, there is one thing I'd really like to ask. Intrinsics are not clarified too much in Railjack missions, in that however many total Intrinsics you've accrued are added up but it doesn't seem to calculate properly in the UI. If I recall correctly, they're gained for every 10,000 affinity earned on any of your things, but I'm not sure if that counts bonus affinity or not.

  • Even if it did, looking at the other screenshot a couple posts above this shows what I mean; Counting the number of points gained with their bonus affinity in mind, that adds up to +12 Intrinsics, give or take. But the difference between that 174 & 244 is rather misleading (& I doubt Syndicate standing counts towards Intrinsics to fill in the remaining 58 points) based on what's shown.
  • That being said, if the Plexus still earns affinity even after it's maxed out for the remaining 58 Intrinsics, then that would make sense. But since it can't be given a Focus lens (Might be a decent idea considering the nice affinity from Fighter-craft), I'm not sure if it can earn affinity or not, technically (Or perhaps that affinity just doesn't apply to anything other than Intrinsics?).
    • When it comes to little things like that, I'm more curious than anything really. A tool tip or an update to how that is shown would be nice if need be. Ideally, perhaps hovering over your Intrinsics can show the precise number of points you've earned, and show what contributed those points! Sort of like hovering over your gained Focus points from different schools, but for Intrinsics.


I've just noticed issues like that before with the screen's UI and Intrinsics shown. Aside from how many points were earned, I'm not sure what the 1000 is for there either, since you can potentially earn more than 1000 Intrinsics in a series of missions (With enough time and affinity), & that a full intrinsic tree needs 1,024 points to max out rather than 1000. Not that I'm complaining of course, but I just thought that wasn't very clarified for a long time.

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Would it be possible to release a list with all the end of mission rewards and their respective importance "rank"?
Note: I know it is an extremely long list and may require some work, but by releasing it for all the players to see we could very easily spot the items that fell through the cracks.

Alternatively, you could release a list of the end of mission rewards with a "rank" that is below the most common drops (say mods, common resources, etc..) so that it wouldn't be as long, but would still comprehend everything that fell through the cracks.


Furthermore, following up to what @16Bitman said, having a clearly defined list of importance "ranks" would definitely help identifying such problems, as well as generate some feedback in regards to potential items that should be more/less important.

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