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Next Update Post-Angels of the Zariman


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Hello, Tenno!

It’s been almost 2 weeks since the launch of Angels of the Zariman on all platforms. The team has deployed 6+ Hotfixes and digested handfuls of feedback threads - but what’s next?

While these individual Hotfixes were needed to address crucial bugs, we have larger plans committed to addressing bigger feedback areas in our next major Update: Angels of the Zariman 1.1 (final name pending). We would also like to apologize for the frustrations many of these bugs caused for our community. Much has been taken into account for future releases, so that we can avoid the bumps we saw during the initial launch.  

We will be entering console Certification for 1.1, meaning all the issues or changes from the initial Angels of the Zariman launch that require a code integration will go live with this update. This includes fixes for bugs such as the Voidplume 0/8 pickup indicator, Zariman Steel Path completion Inbox not being sent, and more. 


What are we committing to in 1.1?

Our objective for Angels of the Zariman 1.1 is to address top feedback points that required more development time, careful consideration, and code changes to implement.

In regards to Void Sling, we’re experimenting with directional changes such as strafing (sideways mobility) and backwards slings to allow more movement options. Strafe and back slings were tested during Void Sling’s development, but at the time we felt having similar directional control to bullet jump was important. Community feedback tells us that the more mobility options the better, and we are working on changes that meet that desire. Additionally we’re reviewing the code to resolve some Transference latency issues and considering other tweaks to Operators. 

Another highly-discussed topic being reviewed is Overguard. We’re currently experimenting and reviewing different options to address varying islands of feedback. We understand that doesn’t provide you with much to go off of but please know we’re committed to making good on the feedback we’ve been given. Additionally, we’re reviewing the possibility for new Operator Arcanes that have direct interactions with Overguard and are planning on adding an additional Arcane Slot for Amps.


We also plan to release the remaining 2 Incarnon weapons that were shown on Devstream #160, as well as some other goodies!

Angels of the Zariman 1.1 is our commitment to the community in addressing the feedback from the original Angels of the Zariman launch. Our next Devstream will speak further to these changes - stay tuned! 



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4 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additionally, we’re reviewing the possibility for new Operator Arcanes that have direct interactions with Overguard

Please don't force us to use our mod slots, arcane slots, etc as bandaid fixes for what should be base functionality. That and adding grind (21 arcanes per) to fix what you yourselves admit are outstanding issues with the game.

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4 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Much has been taken into account for future releases, so that we can avoid the bumps we saw during the initial launch.  

I'll believe it when I see it.


I've been here since 2015. Over 2000 hours played.

You guys didn't improve your updates in terms of bugs one bit.

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6 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additionally, we’re reviewing the possibility for new Operator Arcanes that have direct interactions with Overguard and are planning on adding an additional Arcane Slot for Amps.

With more gameplay-relevant customisations coming to operators, is there a chance of having operator loadout slots? Not just for operator appearance, but for the Amp/arcane setup.

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5 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

I'll believe it when I see it.


I've been here since 2015. Over 2000 hours played.

You guys didn't improve your updates in terms of bugs one bit.

from personal experience i'd say that they have improved dramatically, especially after the og rj launch.

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Just please do not leave Void Sling the way it is.
It's miles behind any iteration of Void Dash, and I absolutely hate having to use the Operator now.
Also, the transference cooldown has to go, I have no clue how that's not been removed yet.

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Maybe too powerful but here is an idea for new amp arcane.

When operator runs out of energy they get a buff to amp that one shots overguard. The buff lasts only a few seconds.

That'll make using operator a lot really useful against eximus. So one person in the group can become the anti-eximus by staying in operator all the time.

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Thanks for the notice. I hope you address the concerns with the interections between CC and Overguard. I understand you want to balance the game but a full immunity is unfair for many warframes and kits. I hope you're able to find a middle ground that pleases as many players as possible. Can't wait to read more about the update.

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24 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additionally, we’re reviewing the possibility for new Operator Arcanes that have direct interactions with Overguard and are planning on adding an additional Arcane Slot for Amps.

I'm down for more Arcane Slots for Amps, not for an Arcane only targeting Overguard.

Maybe just give fully ranked Amp Arcanes bonuses like the Primary and Secondary Arcanes that affect Overguard?

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Another highly-discussed topic being reviewed is Overguard. We’re currently experimenting and reviewing different options to address varying islands of feedback.

Can we pls keep some goddamn challenge in the game? If we decrease the Overguard CC resistance increase something else to compensate, mainly HP and possibly speed or other threatening mechanics. It was such a good step to force the melee spammers to use more brain so dont go back to easymode please

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Please address the new transference delay/cooldown (and consequential lag on Arcane effects). It's now worse than when you had lag as a client because you can no longer react to things instantly and at high levels that just means death.

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24 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

While these individual Hotfixes were needed to address crucial bugs, we have larger plans committed to addressing bigger feedback areas in our next major Update: Angels of the Zariman 1.1 (final name pending). We would also like to apologize for the frustrations many of these bugs caused for our community. Much has been taken into account for future releases, so that we can avoid the bumps we saw during the initial launch.  

Thats really funny. Im equally frustrated and amused by big Updates on launch, its fun to be there in the mire just taking it in, seeing what fun exploits may be present, its usually decently rewarding too. RJ was bad but I cant say I wasn't having a good time with that mess.

Regardless, sounds like good changes to Void Sling and I hope Transference delay gets back to what it was. I miss Dash, but I never thought it was likely to see it reverted, so I hope you can get to a good place at least.

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pls dont band aid with arcanes. They are supposed to take more damage from void, but my operator is hella ineffective on some of them, so just increase operator void damage to the overguard??

Guardian eximus in steel path are ridiculous especially if corpus sentinels come too. Also in my 3000+hours of playing this game i have never been one shot so many times before in BASE content, most of the time you cant even see whats happening and boom you are dead.  


Gyre is a far cry better than the last 2 frames that we've had, I find her kit super fun,  she just needs some form of DR as her survivability is way too low, especially with the crazy one shot potential your new eximus have. 

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35 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Void Sling

Make Void Sling a straight trajectory instead of curve. Make the Hitbox of the Indicator center mass, instead of the feet. And for gods sake, actually make the indicator of Void Sling the actual Operator Hitbox instead of it's own tinier one.

35 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Additionally, we’re reviewing the possibility for new Operator Arcanes that have direct interactions with Overguard

"Additionally, we’re reviewing the possibility for new Operator Arcanes that have direct interactions with Overguard"

I better hope to god, that the 'direct interactions' are bonuses to Amps to Overguard.

Because if any Operator Arcane has 'deal more damage to Overguard' it just shows how inept the design of Amps vs Overguard is.

This better mean that 'Using Amps on Overguard provide ridiculous and significant bonuses', instead of 'Use this Arcane to just be marginally better at dealing with Overguard'.

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46 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Another highly-discussed topic being reviewed is Overguard. We’re currently experimenting and reviewing different options to address varying islands of feedback. We understand that doesn’t provide you with much to go off of but please know we’re committed to making good on the feedback we’ve been given. Additionally, we’re reviewing the possibility for new Operator Arcanes that have direct interactions with Overguard and are planning on adding an additional Arcane Slot for Amps.

no. we shouldn't have to use an arcane to be able to make use of amp damage on overguard, especially after YOU said that the amp alone should be enough to deal with it. you want a good solution? i have two for you. 

either let us mod amps, 8 mod slots, and an exilus. 

or make void amp damage ONE SHOT overguard. here, done. the one shot solution is the simplest, but the mod amp one would allow people to have a reason to use operator more often, if it can lead to interesting effects upon usage. :/ 

This is literally "add an issue YOU made and sell the fix to it" 

YOU said that the amp would be enough to deal with overguard. make it so. ONLY, the amp. no arcane, no nothing. unless we get a mod system for the amp, which would be particularly interesting. i cannot imagine the amount of utilise mods we could get for an 8 mod amp.

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After the 2 new weapons will you guys add more in the future or it will be another parasitic design with new stuff that gets forgotten as soon as the next syndicate grind comes up?? aka zaws, kitguns, infested weapons and so on that would be amazing with a "evolving system".
stop forgetting older content, improve upon it, dont use it to make excuses for more grind.

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9 minutes ago, FSK41 said:

Another highly-discussed topic being reviewed is Overguard. We’re currently experimenting and reviewing different options to address varying islands of feedback.

Can we pls keep some goddamn challenge in the game? If we decrease the Overguard CC resistance increase something else to compensate, mainly HP and possibly speed or other threatening mechanics. It was such a good step to force the melee spammers to use more brain so dont go back to easymode please

except that it didn't, lol. it was better to use your melee on the overguard rather than bother with operator. your warframe is tankier and attacks faster than your amp, and deals more damage. tough luck, but it didn't do anything except render CC frames useless :) 


15 minutes ago, Redfeather75 said:

Maybe too powerful but here is an idea for new amp arcane.

When operator runs out of energy they get a buff to amp that one shots overguard. The buff lasts only a few seconds.

That'll make using operator a lot really useful against eximus. So one person in the group can become the anti-eximus by staying in operator all the time.

it's honestly not that good either. that means people needs to wait or force to spend all their energy down to zero ( so dashing a lot of just plain out waiting ) rather than getting the buff immediately, so people would still just not use the operator. the people want that eximus dead "NOW", not "5 seconds later" 

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il y a 4 minutes, FSK41 a dit :

Another highly-discussed topic being reviewed is Overguard. We’re currently experimenting and reviewing different options to address varying islands of feedback.

Can we pls keep some goddamn challenge in the game? If we decrease the Overguard CC resistance increase something else to compensate, mainly HP and possibly speed or other threatening mechanics. It was such a good step to force the melee spammers to use more brain so dont go back to easymode please


This ! 

Please don't listen to noisy cries from those who think the game is too hard for the love of Clem !

The game is heading in the right direction please don't waste it by listening to AOE and melee spammers.


Looking forward to directional sling though !

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Until that awful Transference delay and Void Sling clunkiness get eliminated, I'm not playing.

Such a shame. I loved doing some Warframe a few times a week, it was so relaxing. Now I feel like I have to get gimped because of... what exactly?

Nice relaxing time I had and that was just taken away.

What possessed you to think that your core audience -- people who love speedy gameplay -- will just take such a huge nerf to utility and mobility without any protest?

That's the real mystery here.

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