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Khora Prime: Hotfix 31.7.2


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That voidplume change was very needed thank you. But it doesn't really solve the issue of players breaking off from the pack to collect plumes compromising the mission and stalling extraction. It even encourages that behavior more. Maybe if they were specifically localized in rooms that had mission objectives in them, and directly adjacent ones?

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

While maintaining our original intentions to connect Railjack to some more ‘core Warframe’ style rewards,

I'm 90% Sure Nobody Asked for This 😐....

And it's the main Reason why Moving Ash and Oberon to Railjack was met with such Fierce Resistance in the first place....


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4 hours ago, TyphlosionToaster said:

Right? This goes both ways. People not wanting to farm Medalians are already just going AFK while others search for them. As well as people not doing bounty objectives already, this will only add to that problem. One person made a good point that it won't clutter up the UI anymore with markers you don't care about, but that's a small silver lining to the problematic change. Solo's sounding nice right about now.

I am not trying to sound mean, but I don't think a multiplayer game is for the two of you. You really should find some single player game to play. Every improvement like this to a game will improve the "lazy" or "less skilled" players more than others. The only way around it are things that punish everybody, and you end up with awful things like Dog Days and AFK/Killstealing for Nakak Pearls.

This is better, you two just have some hare-brained elitist attitude. Not really a new thing for Warframe players, but, it's pretty sad. You should just play solo. Neither of you sound very fun to be in a squad with.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

With that being said, Syndicate Medallions (6x Core Syndicates + Angels of the Zariman missions) are now a team-wide pickup, meaning any Medallion picked up benefits the entire squad and no backtracking is required! This also applies to Voidplumes dropped from Angels and Medlica’s Cache to keep everything consistent. We’ve also removed the ability to waypoint the pickups since there’s no need to individually find them.

This is overall beneficial to both teams and even solo players. Players that wandered off to gather the Medallions will help the players who primarily focus on the objectives gain extra loot. Solo players still would learn the locations of where Medallions would spawn (specifically the same as Cephalon Fragments, Sculptures, etc.).

Can the following be addressed still:

  • Single-time reward of Profit Taker Orb Heist and Zariman Bounties
  • Lessen the Rotation C reward obsession (Aeolak, Hespar parts, etc.)
  • Point of Interest "Rewards" in Railjack.
  • Reworks to speed up Void Armageddon (overall mission length and pacing)

The "time-to-reward" ratio must always be respected, so people will know that the time they spent even as long as 20 or 30 minutes was worth the rewards. Artificial means of extending the grind like Rotation C drops and single time rewards discourage players of their effort and time spent. Please continue to improve upon lessening the grind while making the experience more rewarding.

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is so painfull to me and as should be to most new the 2 locked nightwing locked quests T__T


Like i hate all related to operator i  just dont come to warframe to play anything related to operator and for that i will be forever locked behind the new which is fine i dont mind lost zariman and all the grind LoL 

but for real? you have to add those 2 zariman quest to mix of nora? i mean fine i wont able to complet that i can live with that but lets be honest that is also not so newly frendly or casual friendly which is fine i understand warframe is not friendly at all xD


but i have to say it xD anyway LOVE the medallion thing that will helps so much for once a good new is welcome

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Man, some of y'all are overreacting with the new medallion system. Most people in missions aren't just standing around. They're either doing the mission or getting medallions. If you're so worried about people not doing anything you can just leave the room if people are idle. But 90 something percent of people I've played with in Zariman missions aren't standing around. This change makes things a million times easier and saves overall time for players. Given that it's only really a small amount of players who stand around and most players actually want to just have fun either by doing the objective etc. I see no problem in this new change.

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3 hours ago, Cradicias said:

I mean... might as well extend the Syndicate medallion changes to ALL loot. Resources, mods, ayatan stars, etc. It's a co-op game, lean into it by providing jolly cooperation in all loot!

Yes please! The Railjack Fissure missions with the shared loot are so nice. There is absolutely no reason to not have shared loot pickup in a coop game.

Incidentally there is also no reason not to just *give people loot that drops* and not force them to spend slots on radar and loot vacuum, but that's a different issue. Shared loot is more important.

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On 2022-08-17 at 11:29 PM, evinta said:

I am not trying to sound mean, but I don't think a multiplayer game is for the two of you. You really should find some single player game to play. Every improvement like this to a game will improve the "lazy" or "less skilled" players more than others. The only way around it are things that punish everybody, and you end up with awful things like Dog Days and AFK/Killstealing for Nakak Pearls.

This is better, you two just have some hare-brained elitist attitude. Not really a new thing for Warframe players, but, it's pretty sad. You should just play solo. Neither of you sound very fun to be in a squad with.

I'm hare-brained for not wanting people to just sit around leeching, not helping or interacting? Yeah it's ME who should play solo.... 🤨 

There were three or 4 others who agreed this encourages AFK players. & that's just the ones who spoke up here. 

How am i an elitist, for wanting people to help do the mission instead of leeching & abusing co-op play?  0_o 


On 2022-08-17 at 11:52 PM, Duality52 said:

This is overall beneficial to both teams and even solo players. Players that wandered off to gather the Medallions will help the players who primarily focus on the objectives gain extra loot.

Players who wandered off absolutely are not helping players doing the mission. I want my squad to actually do the objective with me, instead of serve themselves finding peanuts of standing, slowing down the mission, or go AFK, while i do the work. It's rude & selfish, not helpful.


On 2022-08-18 at 1:48 AM, nkarchaic said:

Most people in missions aren't just standing around. They're either doing the mission or getting medallions. If you're so worried about people not doing anything you can just leave the room if people are idle. But 90 something percent of people I've played with in Zariman missions aren't standing around. This change makes things a million times easier and saves overall time for players.

People qeren't standing around because they needed to collect the plumes themselves. This change means they can AFK & get all the rewards, plumes, & pinion. 

98% of the time, me and maybe one other person do the objective, always a couple just running around. 

These changes enable more severe leeching, and don't save time, as it encourages AFK - missions get done faster when there are more hands on deck.

I don't play a 4-player PvE game just to go solo. Maybe the people who don't want to do the mission & instead poke around can go solo?

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2 hours ago, TyphlosionToaster said:

Players who wandered off absolutely are not helping players doing the mission. I want my squad to actually do the objective with me, instead of serve themselves finding peanuts of standing, slowing down the mission, or go AFK, while i do the work. It's rude & selfish, not helpful.

2 hours ago, TyphlosionToaster said:

98% of the time, me and maybe one other person do the objective, always a couple just running around. 

If you're doing this in Public, then there's not much I can help with. You agreed with yourself upon entering the chaotic randomness of Public play, similar to entering Public on a Sortie Spy. If you wish to reduce that "chaos", why not make a private group?

This has been the case for years, but player strength is so individualized that most players are capable of just standing their own ground without any outside help. What can players do if there are individual players can make it so that other players rarely see other enemies at all? Void Flood is understandable about how Exoplast distribution is split between the team, but do you really need all 4 players to do a Zariman Exterminate on the enemies?

Finally, if there are AFK players, then report them and/or leave the group. Simply asking them what they're doing should cause them to respond.

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15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


While maintaining our original intentions to connect Railjack to some more ‘core Warframe’ style rewards, we’ve made a few changes to have Ash components be more new player friendly for those starting their Railjack journey. Having them live only in Rotation C brought feedback of accessibility concerns for newer players trying to complete their Ash build. While Oberon parts do drop in new player friendly areas, having his Neuroptics reside within the Veil Proxima was a steep climb to have a chance at collecting all the parts you need. 

  • Added Ash components to Corpus Railjack Exterminate/Volatile (4.82 - 4.88% chance), reducing Endo drops slightly. 

  • Added Ash components to Corpus Railjack Survival/Defense Rotation A (13.33% chance), reducing Endo drops slightly & rearranging the drop % of rotation C.

  • Moved Oberon Neuroptics from Veil Proxima to Earth, reducing Endo drops slightly and rearranging the drop %.

Why i don't see any Railjack quality of life changes here; I see only few Ash and Oberon drop rate changes.

Il be honest cause Warframe always have a special place in my heart, but im one of those people who almost completely stop playing the game. Im following every new update and trying it for few hours.... but the reason that the Railjack is completely abandoned is the main reason that i stopped playing it, as I'm one of the few who really fall in love with Railjack but also I'm completely disappointed.

Railjack was the only one actually new content (including Necramech's) after the first open world (Plains of Eidolon) and after so many many open world copies (actually they are not open worlds i will named them mini worlds) Railjack was the content that made me really excited. and at the end we get nothing from what we saw.

Where is that amazing Railjack navigation which was looking as a real space ship navigation? (At the end we got a navigation with some planets inside a thing like jell) Where is the connected Railjack with the open worlds, which leaving their atmosphere, crosses the clouds and travels to the unknown space? Where is the amazing co-op experience with brand new missions, including also air support to ground teams in open world?

There are many other things that we saw for Railjack back in those Tennocon's... and i don't wanna be annoying by telling them all. So many stuff that we saw for Railjack to get nothing of those at the end, WHY?

I follow the Warframe idea for many years, and when I'm saying many years il go back to Dark Sector (ok i know was not actually warframe) but was something new something different.... and i wanted, i was waiting to see and have more of those.... and then Warframe come out, and i said: yeah this is it. And now im watching sadly one amazing game by my opinion died and start to be abandoned for what? To replace it with one new game copy of Sekiro, Dark Souls, Elden Ring because every brainwashed person in this planet, blindly will follow it, so we will make more money.

I rarely share my opinion with a comment somewhere, and sorry if I sound angry.. I'm more disappointed while I'm seeing my favorite game and especially one of my favorite contents dying out.... and the trolling titles like Railjack quality of life changes without something inside to give an actually life in this content makes me a bit angry.

I know that many people may did not like Railjack or i hope more they are very disappointed like me. I know there many Railjack and Archwing haters out there. But have in mind that this is Warframe and we are space ninja's and we need space, at least i need more space content. If you are not those stuff may you should start to thing that this game is not for you.

I hope to not get much hate for my opinion and i hope someone watch this and lets try all together (including DE please listen more to us) lets try to help and keep alive any content in this game by giving more new ideas and thoughts 

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7 hours ago, TyphlosionToaster said:

People qeren't standing around because they needed to collect the plumes themselves. This change means they can AFK & get all the rewards, plumes, & pinion. 

98% of the time, me and maybe one other person do the objective, always a couple just running around. 

These changes enable more severe leeching, and don't save time, as it encourages AFK - missions get done faster when there are more hands on deck.

I don't play a 4-player PvE game just to go solo. Maybe the people who don't want to do the mission & instead poke around can go solo?

You are right, but also wrong.

Of course this will allow any egoist to do their own thing (including AFK:ing) while "the others" handles the mission and now also the collection of some of the drops. This is to be expected, and this has been the case in PUGs for a long time. The only change is that this is further encouraged by the new system.

You are totally wrong when demanding that a random 4-player squad should play the game your way. When you choose to play in a PUG, you accept that this is the case. You WILL get "noobs", "early extractors", "quitters", "AFK:ers", "don't have a clue"-ists, "on a personal mission form god"-ists etc. etc. If you cannot accept that, the alternatives are a designed squad or going solo.

While the change will encourage "not participating in the mission", which is a "negative" (as you point out), it will also make true co-op play (much) more effective. This is because both designed and random squads can now "multi-task" and simultaneously handle different objectives. This is a great "positive", and in my opinion it more than compensates for the negatives. Egoists will always behave like egoists anyway, regardless if that is AFK:ing, doing something "completely different" (than the core mission objective and collecting special resources) or spam-killing everything as fast as possible (denying the other three the chance to actually play the game).

But the ONE THING that REALLY needs a collective pick-up mechanism is REACTANTS. Depending on the map, mission & squad some void fissures become a "desperately hunting reactants" mission, which is stressing, boring, irritating and g-damn bad design. Especially since the void fissure "spawn" seems to follow a selected player around. A collective reactants pick-up (like in Railjack) would vastly improve void fissure missions AND solve the "joining late during the first round"-problem at the same time (anyone joining would automatically inherit the collectively collected amount of reactants).

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Still no fix.

Also, after picking the medallions up, it no longer shows progress in the middle of screen, saying for example 1/8.
I mean, its not something that huge, one can just check by holding tab and counting them manually, but.....for the QOL, this should be fixed.

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As a general suggestion: the should change warframe and weapons stats slightly every single hotfix and patch and update. Some weapons need those higher numbers with the aoe meta being in place. Some warframe abilities would be more satisfying to use with jsut some numbe adjustments. 

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22 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

With that being said, Syndicate Medallions (6x Core Syndicates + Angels of the Zariman missions) are now a team-wide pickup, meaning any Medallion picked up benefits the entire squad and no backtracking is required! This also applies to Voidplumes dropped from Angels and Medlica’s Cache to keep everything consistent. We’ve also removed the ability to waypoint the pickups since there’s no need to individually find them.

Hooray! Finally!

This is a fantastic decision.

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The medallion change is much welcome. I doubt it'll make AFKing viable, given the brevity of the missions voidplumes are usually farmed in. If the potential AFKers wanted any efficiency, they'd still have to operate the game every 3 minutes or so to restart the bounty. At that rate you might as well play the game and enjoy it. If you aren't enjoying it, you're probably overdue for a break.

I do appreciate improvements for Akarius, one of my favorite weapons, but I'd like to ask you to take another look at its self-knockdown bug. Ever so often the projectiles explode in your face, knocking you down. This makes Akarius usable only with Primed Sure Footed or knockdown resistant frames. This bug was supposedly "fixed" long ago in 29.5.2, "Fixed the Akarius dealing self-damage with multishot projectiles.", but it appears to have returned when self-damage was changed to self-knockdown.


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On 2022-08-17 at 5:59 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Khora Prime: Hotfix 31.7.2

Before we begin paving the way for our next major Update: Veilbreaker, we wanted to bring some additions to your Arsenal and a couple Quality of Life changes! The team will be Hotfixing where necessary in order to clear the path for Veilbreaker.




Ready your Arsenal for another incredible round of TennoGen creations! Check them out now via Steam launcher and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community.

TennoGen Round 22 Part 2 to follow soon - stay tuned!


Warframe Skins & Alt Helmets

Syandanas & Armor Pieces 


Weapon Skins 


Operator Accessories 



Originally introduced in Update 15, the Syndicate system brought new characters (where my Cressa Tal fans at??) and a handful of new goals within the system. Part of that system included the eventual introduction of Syndicate Medallions; unique objects gathered within missions to redeem for their respective Standing. 

Fast forward to 2022 and Update 31.5 Angels of the Zariman introduces the Holdfast Syndicate and their respective Medallions; Voidplumes. While the Medallion system itself is not new, the Zariman tilesets spurred conversations around individual vs team wide pickups due to the grandeur size of the tilesets themselves. The feedback we received from the community expressed pain points related to necessary backtracking in order to collect the Plumes, which meant deviating from the Objective and causing longer than necessary mission times in order to collect them all. Similar pain points were what brought forth the squad-wide pickup change to Railjack.

With that being said, Syndicate Medallions (6x Core Syndicates + Angels of the Zariman missions) are now a team-wide pickup, meaning any Medallion picked up benefits the entire squad and no backtracking is required! This also applies to Voidplumes dropped from Angels and Medlica’s Cache to keep everything consistent. We’ve also removed the ability to waypoint the pickups since there’s no need to individually find them.


As an additional lateral change, Riven Challenges for Syndicate Medallion collecting have been changed to be Solo specific and the amount reduced to 8-12 instead of 12-16. Already existing Rivens won’t adopt this change but will instead lose any complicated conditions and just be “Find X Medallions”. 



While maintaining our original intentions to connect Railjack to some more ‘core Warframe’ style rewards, we’ve made a few changes to have Ash components be more new player friendly for those starting their Railjack journey. Having them live only in Rotation C brought feedback of accessibility concerns for newer players trying to complete their Ash build. While Oberon parts do drop in new player friendly areas, having his Neuroptics reside within the Veil Proxima was a steep climb to have a chance at collecting all the parts you need. 

  • Added Ash components to Corpus Railjack Exterminate/Volatile (4.82 - 4.88% chance), reducing Endo drops slightly. 

  • Added Ash components to Corpus Railjack Survival/Defense Rotation A (13.33% chance), reducing Endo drops slightly & rearranging the drop % of rotation C.

  • Moved Oberon Neuroptics from Veil Proxima to Earth, reducing Endo drops slightly and rearranging the drop %. 



  • Replaced the duplicate Meso H2 Relic dropping in Tier 2 Defense with the correct Meso H3 Relic. 

  • You can now search for Incarnon weapons in your Inventory by typing “Incarnon”. 

  • Removed the Necramech 'Engine Low Power' sound due to excessive repetition when using it for a long time at low power - warning will now only occur when the engine is fully depleted.

  • Adjusted the Peculiar Audience Mod sounds to have more prominent laughing. 

  • Adjusted textures of Orokin Heavy Gunner Arctic Eximus so it doesn't use Blitz Eximus textures.



  • Fixed experiencing a Host Migration when attempting to join a public session from a Town to an Open World (Cetus > Plains, etc).

  • Fixed Arcane Ultimatum not proccing off Ash's Bladestorm.

  • Fixed occasional progression stoppers in The Glast Gambit Mycona Colony Defense Mission:

    • Fixed Myconians sometimes not spawning.

    • Fixed Myconians sometimes do not use the door console to unlock the gate. 

      • Added a timed fallback to open the door in case they couldn't path to it within 30 seconds.

    • Fixed a script error when opening the locked door.

  • Fixed an Operator functionality loss after Void Slinging into the Angel's teleport volume.

  • Fixed a crash occurring in the Corpus Ship related to Turrets.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when Octavia’s Passive triggers.

  • Fixed a crash when Volt’s Speed ability expires.

  • Fixed Octavia’s Resonator spawning behind locked areas in the Orphix tileset. 

  • Fixed spot loading hitch when ranking up in Nightwave.

  • Fixed not loading into a Railjack mission when a Client player leaves during the warp transition (load tunnel). 

  • Fixed music playing infinitely for Clients in the Fortuna Heist backroom. 

  • Fixed last Bonus in a Bounty displaying as silver (bonus objective failed) even if the bonus is fulfilled.

  • Fixed letting Cauldron die in the Deimos Assassinate Bounty stage not failing the objective. 

  • Fixed missing Hacking Console texture when a lockdown occurs in the Railjack Capital Ship.

  • Fixed inability to Chat Link the Peculiar Audience Mod. 

  • Fixed inconsistent casing (some words being proper and others being all caps) when hatching a Kubrow or Kavat.

  • Fixed inconsistent casing for ‘Tenno’ in the Interception UI. 

  • Fixed missing Cephalon Cy dialog during one of his Call of the Tempestarii Transmission.

  • Fixed customized color not being properly reflected on the Targis Prime Chest and Knee Armor plate.

  • Fixed Lua Rock (Small) and Lua Rock Column (Large) being listed in the Orokin category for the Dojo Architect menu instead of the Nature category.

  • Fixed Inbox Gift opening animation playing every time if you repeatedly click the screen. 

  • Fixed seeing a Narmer looking mission UI when opening Navigation right before a Hotfix/Update deploys.

  • Fixed numerous level holes in a certain Zariman tileset room that could be escapacble with Titania.  

  • Fixed certain VO playing out of order during The Sacrifice Quest.

  • Fixed missing explosion sound on Akarius projectiles.

  • Fixed missing Ordis dialog subtitles in the Limbo Theorem.

  • Fixed Transmissions using wrong name tag colors in Ambulas fight.

  • Fixed a script error that could occur during Mastery Test 9 or 19.

  • Fixed a script error occurring when casting Mirage’s Sleight Of Hand ability.

  • Fixed K10 Relic localized as K9 for German.

NOTE: the Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin by Erneix shipped with the liquid fx missing in the back flask and in the main glass helmet. The artist's original intent was for liquid to be in these two sections, and after communicating with the artist we will be correcting the liquid fx as soon as possible.   

We need tactical alerts or contents like tactical alerts between huge gaps of main contents . 

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