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How does DE take 9 months to release nothing ? DE has gotten comfortable and let their game go.


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This is all drip feed till we get our hands on Duviri anyways. It'll be a content dump like Deimos was guaranteed. 

But Angels was a massive QoL to various systems. The air support, the whole list of decorations, focus rework, the operator amp upgrade. Etc. 

And Veilbreaker is too. Shards are already looking like a step towards more build variety. I can actually switch out a few evergreen arcanes with some of those bonuses. And Kahl has a lot of potential. Just wish it was integrated more than just being self contained solo adventures.

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1 hour ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Valve hasn't donr anything for TF2 because of their corporate structure where developers get to pick the projects they want to work on and would you rather spend time making S#&$ for a game that's 15 years old and has tons of spaghetti code or would you rather make a hat for DotA2 and get a split of the profits for the item in the amount of tens of thousands of dollars.

Yes that was also a big factor

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5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Currently, the approach with Archons and Kahl scream mobile, I did not expect us to see those types of gates in this game. These are the exact same crap approaches that are seen in games like Diablo Immortal aswell to drag out on time.

In fairness though, Warframe is getting a mobile version, so really it's par for the course. 

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21 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

Why don't you find out how easy it is to make them in a month? Keep in mind they're still adding things between those updates and hoo boy, you think this is bad? Try destiny 2 with months to get something new and you have to pay $10 - $80 to have any semblance of content, and it's even shorter than what Warframe gives for free. 10 minutes of story then back to grinding for no purpose every 3 months.

Not to mention they remove things you paid to "make room for new content" 

This is the main reasons why I don't truly enjoy Destiny 2. Having to pay every time to access new content, content paid for that gets removed that might come back in the future. And don't even bother trying to figure out the story if you don't play for some months at a time.

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23 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

*Laughs in multiple 5 star characters without spending a dime* 

But seriously they just made electro super op so now literally all of the elements can be used in a meta comp for big damage and all you need  is a 5* dps (which really isn't hard to obtain.) 

Keep in mind the best pyro character for a dps hydro or cryo comp and the best dendro character for an electro comp are literally obtained for free without gacha.

Ayoo another warframe AND genshin fan. 

@ the op. Not counting genshin. Warframe has a quicker update rate than most evolving games right now. An update every 3-5 months right? 

Think about world of warcraft. Yes that's an mmo but it's an evolving game. When was it's last patch? How much content did it bring? How long until the next one?

What about league of legends or apex legends? How often do they release new characters? I feel like Warframe is average-ish.

Warframe has flaws... lots but it's update rate is hardly one of them


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6 minutes ago, (XBOX)Rez090 said:

Neverwinter and Star Trek Online don't count? Also, maybe Defiance in its later years?

Ehhh... some of the monteization is a bit greedy. I play those games super casually but buying the fanciest ships in STO is insanely expensive. But also afaik they have even slower updates. Like 1 or 2 patches a year. Both decent games particulartly if you care about forgotten realms and star trek lore. I feel like the stories are in line with their IP but nowhere compared to wF.

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12 hours ago, (XBOX)Skippy575 said:

In fairness though, Warframe is getting a mobile version, so really it's par for the course. 

That isnt an excuse. That is just opening the flood gates to more mobile crap that doesnt belong in a PC/console game, which is what this game has been for the last 10 years.

11 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Weekly resets for gear progression did not originate with mobile. 

No but it is most common there in this shape. We can look at WoW and other games with things like raids that have/had it, but it isnt the same bite sized content, nor is it tied to a progression like the shards here. They also mostly have you play a main, or if you have alts each of them can do it weekly to get the gear needed for their class. Here we need 5 shards per frame to circumvent a lack-of-QoL mechanic, which was introduced in the same patch as they fixed similar yet less clunky systems with QoL.

But the grind itself isnt the bad part, the lack of being able to grind is the bad part. It is as if they dont want us to utilize their new content. With how we have Tau forged shards, DE would see several times more use from the content if we could grind freely at our own pace. But now they see 20 minutes of activity per week per player, that is it. 

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

That isnt an excuse. That is just opening the flood gates to more mobile crap that doesnt belong in a PC/console game, which is what this game has been for the last 10 years.

Call it adapting to the times then. WF is gonna be a PC/console/mobile game because something something cross play. 

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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Skippy575 said:

Call it adapting to the times then. WF is gonna be a PC/console/mobile game because something something cross play. 

Still it is a PC game at the root, so should follow the PC setup. Changing it to a mobile setup mainly would kill them and the reputation of the whole company. Blizzard are already facing backlash for releasing a seperate mobile game with a PC port, which isnt nearly as bad as changing a PC game into a mobile game while porting it to mobile. Now I'm not saying DE will do this, just saying what I think it looks like.

DE have always been beacons of things done right, no reason why they should bend the knee and adapt to what other companies do on another port. Show them instead how it can be done and open the eyes of the mobile community.

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Still think the main issue with Warframe and the perpetual feeling of content drought comes from the following factors:

  • They chase the "high" of high-concept stuff over more simpler , but regular narrative stuff. They want to wow us with big quests like the new war, but they end up spending like 3 years making them, and they end up lasting 5 hours, making the wait seem way too long for the amount of content produced. There's formulas in game development where you add up the time and money cost of making the content and divide it by the average playtime said content produces... But let's say when you spend 3 years working on a 5 hour quest... You're probably at a terrible ratio of time and effort invested versus actual content produced. Open world fare better in terms of time spent vs time played ratio, but it's still quite a few months of dev time for something players can usually clear in a month or less... Then there's the really experimental stuff like Lunaro, which imho was fun , but litterally had zero events or effort spent over the years into making it relevant . Like just make bi-yearly lunaro tournaments or something with a couple rewards...
  • Likewise, they spend alot of time "faking" of big sweeping changes (like redesigning an entire narmer-controlled starchart during the new war, really fleshing up the drifter , kahl, veso , teshin as playable characters, only to leave all that gameplay as "once and done" experiences that don't permanently affect the game. Same with Railjack, it was touted as this huge redesign of the entire game to unite everything into this cool , cohesive universe where you can fly everywhere, but it turned out to be yet another isolated content island with zero repercussions for the rest of the game. Same with Necramechs who you still can't use on the starchart up to this day.
  • They design the bulk of their rewards to be "once and done" type of deal. You only need one copy of a frame, weapon or mod, so by the time you have gotten all new weapons and mods, you have no reason to revisit the content that dropped it. They also tend to force you to run the same mission so much after it just released that you get forever burned out of said content, making each of these content island salted earth players don't really feel like replaying. Like , I personally loved the Zarimann, but I've spent way too much time grinding it to feel like running missions in there anymore. Same with pretty much all open worlds / sorties / arbitration / etc.
  • Most systems are not built with sustainability in mind. The only exception being maybe Focus, Rivens and now Archon Shards... All other systems are short to medium term. You grind your open world syndicate, buy the rewards, then you move to something else. Sometimes they add a couple new drops like 3 years later, but by that time people are sick of the content island and they just grind it for the sake of completion.
  • Finally, the worse offender, they built a simple, and cost-efficient way to give players a reason to play the game every couple of months (nightwave seasons), yet they over-complicated it so much that now they don't even bother trying to make new seasons and just recycle old rewards. This one is really absurd to me. They have a low-effort system where they only need to produce a couple of diaporamas with nora lines and new rewards every couple of months and people will have a reason to play each season, but they choose to ignore it completely , giving us 9 month long intermissions instead... Likewise it's like there's not even any live services team anymore producing events, it's just a bunch of recycled Fomorian / Razorback / Thermia Fractures / Ghoul Purges, with the occasional Plague Star thrown in for good measure. If you want people to keep playing your live service game, it's about time to treat it like an actual live service game. In that regards, the weekly Archon and Kahl missions are a great improvement, as they give you a reason to log in each week and actually do something in the game, rather that logging in, seeing nothing new, then logging off. Killing alerts also really didn't help in that regards. Before you would always be tempted to check in on the game in case there was a cool alert for a helmet you was missing or something, but now I hardly even bother looking at the nav console anymore because it's just recycled events and nightwaves.

But yeah that's the jest of it. It's fine to have team working on big ambitious quest and stuff, but you also need a team dedicated to ensure that your fanbase has something to do each week, and maybe it's time to think of sustainable rewards (maybe random mods, weapons as drops with random stats versus stuff that you craft once maybe ?)... Because getting your 50th copy of ammo drum insn't exactly a good reason to run the same mission anymore. Not sure a looter shooter works when you need each piece of loot once.


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I'm gonna chime in here to give some perspective of where OP might be coming from since they said they starting playing back in the day.

So.. back in the day Warframe didn't have quests and big ambitious stuff like it does now. Before the first actual quest (Second Dream) to keep players busy DE used to throw us a cpl-few wpns every say cpl weeks to keep us busy. After Second Dream, since it was so heavily favored they sort of set this really high bar for themselves that they struggled to keep up with. That's why the War Within period was.. well it was bad (like really bad lol). It still feels like they've got that high bar they're trying to reach and the problem is the droughts are bad cuz they tie everything to major updates. You want that new skin or wpn? gotta wait until the next big update 6 months from now. Honestly it really depends how many developers they have. What they're producing makes it feel like there's not so many developers. It's also kind of suspect when they show us on dev streams an artist model the majority of a new frame in a cpl-few hours, but for some reason it takes like a few months or so to release. Instead of trying to get innovative with all these big quests and new systems, they could try getting innovative with simple things like weapons (imo personally). We have lots of stuff now, but everything kind of plays the same.  


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22 hours ago, (PSN)Tactless_Ninja said:

This is all drip feed till we get our hands on Duviri anyways. It'll be a content dump like Deimos was guaranteed. 

But Angels was a massive QoL to various systems. The air support, the whole list of decorations, focus rework, the operator amp upgrade. Etc. 

And Veilbreaker is too. Shards are already looking like a step towards more build variety. I can actually switch out a few evergreen arcanes with some of those bonuses. And Kahl has a lot of potential. Just wish it was integrated more than just being self contained solo adventures.

Kahl co-op raid bosses when

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15 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Changing it to a mobile setup mainly would kill them and the reputation of the whole company.

... I don't think the mobile community isn't going to last that long, considering how hot computers run with airflow entry & exit points, which is something a mobile device doesn't have...

People are just going to waste more money on batteries and power banks than Platinum... 🤣

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9 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

... I don't think the mobile community isn't going to last that long, considering how hot computers run with airflow entry & exit points, which is something a mobile device doesn't have...

People are just going to waste more money on batteries and power banks than Platinum... 🤣

Tell that to the players playing Immortal and other games on mobile. :clem:

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31 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Tell that to the players playing Immortal and other games on mobile. :clem:

Probably because if they're still playing Immortal, then their brains clearly don't run with airflow entry & exit points.

I can kinda see where the OP is coming from just by looking at frame release dates and realizing that we're going to get fewer frames this year (including prime variants) than any other year.  The average going back to the start of the game has been around eight frames (8.3) including an average of three primes a year (3.4), and we'll likely be short on this by three frames assuming that we get at least one more prime released for a total of up to five frames launched this year, including up to three primes, which is still lower than the amount released during pandemic years.

It's more than likely a faulty comparison given what other content DE has released for the game, and it's possible that it could also be because the content we're seeing is what was being worked on during the WFH portion of the pandemic, but I still see it as a possible indicator for the direction of the game.

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Dude we had 2 Updates (Angels of the Zariman & Veilbreaker) within only 2-3 Months apart and we're likely getting news soon about the Next update, be happy what you got, sure the AotZ wasn't ideal when it first came out, but with a good few updates it turned out better and look at Veilbreaker, it's the most fun I had for a long time. Hell ever since New War came out, I've been having a blast (for once).


And yes, this is coming from me, who people like to call "Mr. Negative Man" 

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On 2022-09-14 at 4:29 PM, TARINunit9 said:

Assuming this isn't trolling because they just released two updates in three months, DE do seem to have contracted stage 1 "Team Fortress 2 crushing expectations syndrome" and are only just barely keeping it in

For those who don't know, Team Fortress 2 started out just releasing new weapons, new maps, and finishing up their "Meet the Team" series. Then they wanted to go the extra mile, so they also started releasing Halloween events, Christmas events, webcomics to add more lore, entirely new game modes like Mannpower and Mann Vs Machine, they even got in a contract with Adult Swim to release more animated shorts. And when every single thing they released had positive reception (except Mannpower) Valve crumbled under their own perfectionism. They thought fans wouldn't be satisfied without massive updates that brought in more of everything; when in truth fans just wanted something. This spiraled downward until Valve just gave up and stopped releasing things, leaving several things unfinished

I worry DE might be going down the same path sometimes

Did not know any of this.  Kind of fascinating really.  Appreciate the telling of the story.  :)

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