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Quitting New war quest (and other probably)


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13 hours ago, emptyP said:

I understand quest content is a big deal to some, but when I gave you my money and convinced others to do the same, it was essentially a HACK AND SLASH. If I had ever known that I would be forced to 'quest' through unskippable storytelling just to have the OPTION to do all the content, I might have reconsidered.

Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, Drakengard, Devil May Cry, and Darksiders are all hack and slash series that I enjoy. Each one comes with significant storytelling elements that you have to progress through to unlock all content and this is a positive to me. Warframe focuses a bit more on guns but otherwise nestles nicely among those I just listed.

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100% agree with this. Time consuming is one thing. Preparation is one thing, but this play through is BEYOND tedious. I don't know why the devs thought the whole stolen plates "gotcha" sneaking around would be fun. It's just achingly dumb and tedious. Did you forget the point is not to create a new game but to bring players into the new content? How is a locked 3+hour gate doing that? I just came back to the game after more than a year away. Just starting to enjoy the new frames and reconnect with all the things I love about this game. I put off doing the New War quest to relearn mechanics etc., then finally decided to jump in. Now I seriously want to uninstall the game. For every few minutes of actually interesting story telling and lore, there are these stupid game-play gates that don't actually teach you a new skill or mechanic, they just torture you with tedium. News to the devs, some of us who play have really busy full-time lives and don't have 4-5 hours straight to sink into a game. And the saves??? Had to exit the stolen plates (my least favorite so far) scene inside the factory. When I relogged I'm back on Earth in my ship as if I never went to Venus in the first place. Are you f**king kidding me? Absolutely THE WORST WAY to get anyone interested in new content that I have EVER seen. I'm really just debating right now whether to uninstall the whole thing. If you're going to do this kind of sh*t show in the future, you should provide a roll back so people can just decide to stay in the old universe, because getting to the new one so far really doesn't feel worth the effort.


And story telling is not an excuse. Blizzard has tons of progression in their games without locking the content behind a play-through. You can watch the cut-scenes without having to actually play them. From a business perspective it's just dogsh*t stupid to lock out your subscribers so you can bridge them to new content.

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Its their pandemic mistake, and rather than address it, they will ignore it and move on to new stuff. That's the DE way.

It sucks, the quest sucks and frankly they could have cut roughly 2/3rd of it without any difference (eg why do you have to fight 2 of the 3 archons? 1 would have been enough) The quest storyline itself is garbled BS, possibly bad fanfic taken up and created with little to no creative control until it was too late. No doubt they let the interns work from home when making up the storyline and they took the "great ideas" on postits and stitched them together into something that was a quest. Then took way too long building it. At no point did anyone think "what are we doing" because they were not working together on anything actually cohesive and meaningful.

I nearly uninstalled in despair after getting through it. My experience with WF did suffer because of it though, I don't have the same "OMG this is wonderful" feelings about it after that quest. Partly becasue the quest was intended to be a "thanks and so long space ninja, we're now going to do the Duviri experience instead". You can see this when they released the new player start that gave you the choice of Warframe or Duviri. Yeah, that was a thing that shows you how little they strayed from the core. You can also see how much of a mistake it was when they removed the new player Duviri start option. What is left behind though is the clear view that DE doesn't care for Warframe any more.

Its not just that it was a long, boring, quest or a long, garbled story. It's just that it was truly bad at both those things. And we never got a war out of it either - the biggest missed opportunity for WF that would have revitalised it for the next ten years.

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Honestly I do not like the new war look of Earth and Venus open worlds. I wish we had a way to turn it back to how it was before. Unfortunately not possible, not even with the anti spoiler mode. I'd guess some people already asked for that but it wasn't ever planned.

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Will always upvote this incredibly reasonable request.  There shouldn't be any content in the game that locks players out of doing normal content until it is overcome.

Especially when the gameplay in The New War is so incredibly different from the rest of Warframe, which is something that players won't have a chance to practice or even know about until they have already stepped past the point of no return.

If players realize they're in over their head, give them the choice to abandon the quest.  Then they can come back when they feel ready to try again, without being locked out of the rest of the game until that time comes.

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It does warn you that you will be unable to access things until its over though? I get that not everyone has the several hours it may take to finish it in one sitting but it's not exactly super long. 


11 minutes ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Honestly I do not like the new war look of Earth and Venus open worlds. I wish we had a way to turn it back to how it was before. Unfortunately not possible, not even with the anti spoiler mode. I'd guess some people already asked for that but it wasn't ever planned.


But also this. I miss the old Plains of Eidolon. 

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57 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Especially when the gameplay in The New War is so incredibly different from the rest of Warframe, which is something that players won't have a chance to practice or even know about until they have already stepped past the point of no return.

This is untrue. Duviri is available right after you finish Vor's prize and is built on New War gameplay.

57 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

There shouldn't be any content in the game that locks players out of doing normal content until it is overcome.

Before you start the quest you are warned that this is the case. You have all the information. 

Btw. Implementing a system for abandoning quest like that may be quite difficult in a game like Warframe. The New War missions are heavily scripted and modify the basic game significantly. Did you ever try using command line in a game like Skyrim to reset or remove an active quest? If not, google what the repercussions can be. Asking to abandon active quest is basically pulling player from a sequence of heavily scripted events and that can cause significant issues.

I of course don't claim to know if Warframe's engine can or cannot handle it, but considering how many bugs concerning progression stops in quests are still in game, I wouldn't be surprised, if I was 100% right about this. DE used "Locked in until you finish" in previous quests and based on past 10 years there is NOT going to be "quit new war".

I would be for an optional skip of the quest, which is something DE wanted to do and got a huge backlash from the community very recently. CG to everybody.

Edited by Cerikus
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Or just finish it. The quest only takes about two hours with dialogue/cutscenes included. And if you're struggling with parts of it then watch some walkthroughs or get a personal friend to do it for you.

But waiting for DE to put in a skip/abandon option, which they've already said no to, isn't going to get you anywhere. So if you refuse to find a way through the quest your best bet is to move onto a different game.

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1 hour ago, bitbucket said:

16mo; gave up 2022 Oct...



Which part are you on? If its the railjack sequence and you haven't upgraded it... Well i saw another guy in that situation and there doesnt seem to be a way out of it. It would explain why you can't progress.

If its an Archon fight, they are totally doable, you just have to take it carefully, only heal when you have to and use the charge shot on the Nataruk. Other than that, i can't recall anywhere else that should pose a problem.

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25 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

Before you start the quest you are warned that this is the case. You have all the information. 

You most definitely don't have all the information, which is why DE's pre-New War disclaimer doesn't function well as a warning.  A good warning would give players enough information to make an informed decision.  But DE's warning actually misleads players by suggesting that they should prepare.  Which would lead most players to think they need to prepare their Warframe, their Railjack, their Necramech, etc, and that if they do those things, they will be ready to lock-in.

So you prepare all that, and suddenly you're not playing as your Warframe.  You're playing as Veso with his tactical timing gameplay, you're playing as Teshin with his reactive element gameplay, you're playing as the swordless New War Drifter doing a ton of stealth gameplay.  If it turns out you're not good at any one of these things that the game didn't actually warn you about, well, sucks to be you.  Regardless, you're locked out of everything else until you "git good".


But warnings aside, there's a bigger problem here.  I've got multiple friends who struggle in most games, but they are able to play Warframe because of how over-powered you can make your frame, which puts them on level footing.  Because I've played The New War, I can warn them about everything in the quest.  And with that knowledge, they can make an informed decision.

And their decisions is: no.  There's a reasonable concern that they won't have the skill needed to overcome these challenges, and that if they tried and failed they would become locked out of the part of the game they enjoy.

And doesn't that suck?  That the quest is implemented in a way that discourages informed players from even trying?  That seems backwards to me.

I think Warframe can only be improved by offering such players a simple safety net: let them try without major repercussions, the same as every other quest and mission in the game. If they fail, and if they don't have the bandwidth in their lives to "git gud" right now, let them abandon the quest and go back to the part of the game they enjoy.  Then they can try the quest again someday in the future, whenever they feel ready to take on the challenge that they now have a better understanding of.

It's not only the compassionate thing to do, but it's a better design because it encourages players to try something new, rather than fear and avoid it.


58 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

Implementing a system for abandoning quest like that may be quite difficult in a game like Warframe. The New War missions are heavily scripted and modify the basic game significantly. Did you ever try using command line in a game like Skyrim to reset or remove an active quest?

I've actually worked in game dev, so I'm intimately familiar with this kind of stuff.  While I won't pretend this task is trivial since I don't know anything about Warframe's proprietary systems, writing the code/script that resets a quest shouldn't be difficult; you would just set all of the variables relevant to the quest to their initial values.  The bulk of these variables are already being reset whenever a player re-plays The New War, meaning that the bulk of the work to enable such a reset is already done.

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

You most definitely don't have all the information, which is why DE's pre-New War disclaimer doesn't function well as a warning.  A good warning would give players enough information to make an informed decision.  But DE's warning actually misleads players by suggesting that they should prepare.  Which would lead most players to think they need to prepare their Warframe, their Railjack, their Necramech, etc, and that if they do those things, they will be ready to lock-in.


"Commit to THE NEW WAR?

THE NEW WAR requires several hours to complete. You will be able to pause the game, and your progress will be saved between missions.

Prepare wisely. Loadout access will be limited and regular Warframe activities will not be available until this quest is completed!

THE NEW WAR contains sequences of violence, frightening situations involving teens, and depictions of emotional abuse. It is intended for mature audiences.

Type NEWWAR to confirm."


Its not misleading and its a good warning.


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the game:

specifically warns you about the quest beeing  several hours long, your loadout is limited and normal warframe gameplay is locked until the quest's completion.


player: whatever, let me play!

also the player: yooo, can i quit please!? it's taking too long.


my dude, you where warned, and you still accepted.

Edited by TheKurtiStryke
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