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A question now that the archon shard rng has been changed for awhile.

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I don't think people really thought that it was a nerf. Maybe you got swept up by one of the more sensationalized posters? There are some that love hyperbole and overexaggeration, they're always here and they love to basically just try and stir things up?

People did think that having the chance be shared between the archons would create disincentives to play during certain weeks, the company eventually clarified that the chance per archon would be separated which helped resolve people's concerns but at the time the gloom posting was happening they hadn't said anything about it.

Players had valid concerns about the system and the company could have avoided that by just providing details to begin with, but it is something that I think almost everyone has moved on from by now?

I think it works fine. I'm not like.. Ultra excited about time gated RNG, but it's more functional now.

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The community backlash was originally that veilbreaker had been out for almost a year and RNG meant that some people still wouldn't see a single tau shard, despite playing the same hours.

Then the solution announced seemed like you'd be incentivized to avoid playing the content if you wanted to save your luck for a specific shard, which was a pretty dim bulb of an idea.

Then Pablo clarified it on Twitter or something, and while most people probably won't hit the 5 week lolbad luck roll, its still better than nothing in that you do get the thing you work for eventually, instead of potentially never at all. 

The conversation around it is over because the problem has been solved.

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During the initial feedback phase and stuff every other person seemed way too focused on the do 5 runs to get tau forged shard situation rather than actually looking at the percentages to see exactly what the change entailed. So I am glad I don't see criticism about this anymore.

Glad that it was on a per shard basis but it wasn't clear if this was the case initially so that could have easily backfired.

While I still haven't done any full tau forged builds knowing that option exists is better than seeing everyone else running around with it.  I still just just run archon hunts, get the shard and move on with other Warframe stuff.


One good thing about the change: Good riddance to Kahl and his awful hold w movement mechanics since you cannot get tau in there and it just became a time-gated waste an hour a week mechanic.


There are still major pain points outside of the shard RNG changes that still needs to be addressed or be followed up on. I'm more disappointed about the fact that we still don't have any changes to damage attenuation since its introduction. Or the factor it still requires a whooping 50% bile to remove. Or the second stage of the hunts being overwhelm with sentient and eximus units.


So overall, change is good but is way too catered and not enough broad changes being made.

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You're gonna have to be more specific... Which doom and gloom?

From the people who argued for months against having a pity system or softened RNG because those darned entitled greedy whiners would implode the universe or whatever? Because we've got a pity system now and that hasn't happened.

Or from the people who argued for months for improvements because without them this system would become irrelevant? Because that's kind of exactly what's happening. Shard Fusion would have been a much better approach.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Has the sky fallen?

Has the world ended?

Well, sort of, from a "playing Warframe" perspective.

My friendly group are not doing Archon Hunts anymore and by now all players have migrated back to other games. I will too, before summer.

It is not just the Archon Hunt "personal drop" idiocy, that is just another symptom of the game turning more and more into one giant slot machine and moving more and more away from the Warframe we all fell in love with (between 2014 and 2017). We play together, and we lift together, and yanking the handle on a [personal] slot machine is about as a meaningless co-op togetherness as you can have. At this moment there are literally hundreds of games on Steam that are more fun to play together with friends than Warframe. It wasn't always so, but now it is. The potential for greatness is still there too, but the current dev team is moving in another direction (you could call it "hyped slot lever pulling, with extra power rewards thrown in so you don't leave"). No salty tears, no hair-pulling, no blaming DE (it really is their game, to do with what they like) and lots and lots and lots of great memories. But even so, the personalized Archon Hunt reward was the nail in the coffin, Duviri will (very clearly) not fundamentally change anything, so "thanks for all the fish" it is.

I just hope all those screaming for this will have fun with their tauforged shards for years to come (but somehow I doubt that).

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55 minutes ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

The doom and gloom is still there. People just can't find a way to keep complaining. 

It's almost like the original feedback from over half a year ago from the launch of Veilbreaker is still relevant, and most people don't want to waste their time repeating themselves in every topic on the issue. Most players aren't me, wasting years on a Forum just harping on the same thing ad nauseum in the off chance it gets any sort of attention and benefits the player experience. This is especially so when DE has a track record of completely dumping and ignoring anything within an update after they've already moved on. I'm sure Duviri will get the same treatment once the next major update rolls out.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Or is it time to say they were wrong and wasnt a horroble change after all?

nobody's ever gonna admit they were wrong on here lol. but they will accuse others..

personally I think the change is fine, but all this could've been avoided if they just allowed shard fusing, or better yet, just made one tier of shards, equivalent to Tauforged: I still haven't got a single a Tauforged Red shard and my pity for it is now at 80%. it's gonna seem pretty sus if I don't get one next time Amar appears.. 

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Initially it seemed like you'd have to skip yellow and blue weeks to guarantee red tau down the line. They fixed the system and people stopped complaining.

I'm glad that in a few weeks I'll be able to get my first red tau archon shard!

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Actually what happened OP is that the entire thread about the Tau Shard Roulette Wheel of Shame was DELETED  and wiped from existence after 20+ pages of mostly civilized conversation, poof, gone.  I don't know about you, but that reeks of censorship to me and find it shameful of DE to silence those that have an issue with the Tau Shard Reward system and it's implementation.  After all it was under Feedback, which doesn't mean it has to be positive feedback, unless of course it is warranted. 

1 hour ago, Graavarg said:

Well, sort of, from a "playing Warframe" perspective.

My friendly group are not doing Archon Hunts anymore and by now all players have migrated back to other games. I will too, before summer.

It is not just the Archon Hunt "personal drop" idiocy, that is just another symptom of the game turning more and more into one giant slot machine and moving more and more away from the Warframe we all fell in love with (between 2014 and 2017). We play together, and we lift together, and yanking the handle on a [personal] slot machine is about as a meaningless co-op togetherness as you can have. At this moment there are literally hundreds of games on Steam that are more fun to play together with friends than Warframe. It wasn't always so, but now it is. The potential for greatness is still there too, but the current dev team is moving in another direction (you could call it "hyped slot lever pulling, with extra power rewards thrown in so you don't leave"). No salty tears, no hair-pulling, no blaming DE (it really is their game, to do with what they like) and lots and lots and lots of great memories. But even so, the personalized Archon Hunt reward was the nail in the coffin, Duviri will (very clearly) not fundamentally change anything, so "thanks for all the fish" it is.

I just hope all those screaming for this will have fun with their tauforged shards for years to come (but somehow I doubt that).

Please don't leave @Graavarg as you and @Voltage are the last bastion of hope for DE to listen and maybe make better life choices with the game.   It makes my contributions to the Forums worthwhile knowing that there are others that have some basic understanding of the concept of sharing in the joy and grief of Mission Rewards with friends/ squadmates and why it is important in a Co-op game.  It is unfortunate that such a concept has no value to what seemed like a large portion of the players that take the time to post in the Forums.  I have just felt the sting of sorrow and lack of any semblance of co-op togetherness with this past Archon Hunt.  I played with 3 close friends and 1 of which did NOT get a Tau Shard whilst 3 of us did.  I don't care what anyone says, it is scummy to have anyone on the same squad get a crappy lessor prize when they worked just as hard or more in the same mission.  My friend felt very discouraged to run the Archon Hunt again after the experience and I don't blame him.   It goes against what is the basic concept of a Team effort when there is no mutual sharing of the Reward for having worked as a Team.  There is no need to spout any further statistics about how the Pity Party System guarantees a Tau Shard, I get that.  But if it means misery for my fellow squadmates, then the concept of the FUN of playing a game with friends is completely lost.   The concept of Teamwork has been discarded like trash to appease the insatiable desires of those demanding the glory of Tau.   Either you get it or you don't.  I don't have the patience to impress the concept of Teamwork to those that are blinded by the Glory of Tau so much that they cannot or choose to not care about their fellow squadmates sharing in the joy of Tau,  together.   The concept has been in play with DE and all their End of Mission Rewards from day one.  If it was an important game design before the Archon Hunts, why is the concept of Teamwork no longer of value?  That is the Question that remains yet to be answered, for me at least.  I know it's not a popular concept to care about your fellow Team mates but it is most surely not a bad thing to want to share with fellow squadmates the Glory of Tau. 

Feel free to tell me how horrible it is to want to share the reward with fellow squad members.  It was such an awful concept apparently that DE Deleted  the topic from existence to silence those who might encourage co-op togetherness in their co-op game.

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

Actually what happened OP is that the entire thread about the Tau Shard Roulette Wheel of Shame was DELETED  and wiped from existence after 20+ pages of mostly civilized conversation, poof, gone.  I don't know about you, but that reeks of censorship to me and find it shameful of DE to silence those that have an issue with the Tau Shard Reward system and it's implementation.  After all it was under Feedback, which doesn't mean it has to be positive feedback, unless of course it is warranted. 

There have been a few threads which quietly disappeared once they started to die down. I am unsure why moderation feels the need to sanitise pesky opinions on the forums when DE themselves have proven very apt at ignoring any or all feedback in the past. Couple that with the use of Reddit and maybe it's just the comfort offered from operating in an echo chamber.

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

Actually what happened OP is that the entire thread about the Tau Shard Roulette Wheel of Shame was DELETED  and wiped from existence after 20+ pages of mostly civilized conversation, poof, gone.  I don't know about you, but that reeks of censorship to me and find it shameful of DE to silence those that have an issue with the Tau Shard Reward system and it's implementation.  After all it was under Feedback, which doesn't mean it has to be positive feedback, unless of course it is warranted. 

You mean this thread?  It's still there.  There were likely other threads that got merged into it as well, which happens when there are competing threads about the same topic.

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I don't really recollect anyone actually being against the idea as it is currently inplemented ,

Most just wanted clarity and some were just speculating (with loud moans) on what it would mean if the bonus was shared between archons vs it being per archon. It was a slippery slope fallacy , where the slope under question was not even the same slope that finally got implemented.

So the way that it is implemented gives "extreme bad luck" protection with no reason to skip any one archon.

So while the sky is not falling and the world is not ending , i don't think it was ever really a point raised.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)R3d P01nt said:

You mean this thread?  It's still there.  There were likely other threads that got merged into it as well, which happens when there are competing threads about the same topic.

That's a quagmire of many posts combined into one but it doesn't contain any of the 20+ pages of comments that was generated from a Topic that I started.  Thank you for providing me with the link even if it doesn't have my Topic post, it still contains comments that I made in other topics that have been merged into the thread you provided. 

So it appears that 20 plus pages of discussion were censored and I have sent numerous emails requesting a reason why, but I've only ever got a standard form letter that they give EVERYONE when you click the link that is provided.  It is blatant and unwarranted censorship of the worst kind and shows me how far they will go to silence those who voice their disapproval with the direction DE is moving towards with Tau Pity Party System.  There were no death threats or demands made by anyone and it was 20 pages of heartfelt discussion on both sides, mostly civil, but sure there is always the occasional fun Meme used, but nothing worthy of 20 + pages being erased from existence.  It is a sad day indeed if voicing ones dissatisfaction with any decisions DE makes will only be squashed like a Plains Kuaka.  There was no developer bashing of any kind but any player should be allowed to voice their objections to decisions made that affect the quality of the game that they have enjoyed for many years and only want to ensure that it continues to flourish and thrive.   We all make bad decisions occasionally and hopefully we learn from those mistakes and grow to become better individuals and productive companies.    I am becoming more disillusioned with the trajectory and path that DE is moving towards and this censorship event has eroded my passion for a game that has for the past 8 years been a welcome escape from the many woes and challenges one experiences in life.  I truly hope Duviri will invigorate us all with the creative and imaginative genius that DE has shown us they are capable of creating.  The Man in the Wall is closing in and surely would spread the seed of discontent if Duviri cannot provide a source of hope for the future of Warframe.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

That's a quagmire of many posts combined into one but it doesn't contain any of the 20+ pages of comments that was generated from a Topic that I started.  Thank you for providing me with the link even if it doesn't have my Topic post, it still contains comments that I made in other topics that have been merged into the thread you provided. 

So it appears that 20 plus pages of discussion were censored and I have sent numerous emails requesting a reason why, but I've only ever got a standard form letter that they give EVERYONE when you click the link that is provided.  It is blatant and unwarranted censorship of the worst kind and shows me how far they will go to silence those who voice their disapproval with the direction DE is moving towards with Tau Pity Party System.  There were no death threats or demands made by anyone and it was 20 pages of heartfelt discussion on both sides, mostly civil, but sure there is always the occasional fun Meme used, but nothing worthy of 20 + pages being erased from existence.  It is a sad day indeed if voicing ones dissatisfaction with any decisions DE makes will only be squashed like a Plains Kuaka.  There was no developer bashing of any kind but any player should be allowed to voice their objections to decisions made that affect the quality of the game that they have enjoyed for many years and only want to ensure that it continues to flourish and thrive.   We all make bad decisions occasionally and hopefully we learn from those mistakes and grow to become better individuals and productive companies.    I am becoming more disillusioned with the trajectory and path that DE is moving towards and this censorship event has eroded my passion for a game that has for the past 8 years been a welcome escape from the many woes and challenges one experiences in life.  I truly hope Duviri will invigorate us all with the creative and imaginative genius that DE has shown us they are capable of creating.  The Man in the Wall is closing in and surely would spread the seed of discontent if Duviri cannot provide a source of hope for the future of Warframe.

The point is there is no need for more than one thread talking about the same subject in feedback. So if your thread got removed or partially merged it just means they removed the pointless feedback that was more or less just repeated in a second (or further) thread about a subject. So it isnt censorship, since the criticism is still there obviously, and the subject is discussed in that thread. Which is done in order to clean up the forums and make it easier to search the subject you want to discuss, which is what most should do to start with before posting duplicate threads on the same subject. It also make it easier for DE to actually soak up feedback, which is what many people want isnt it?

If it was actual censorship none of the criticism would be left alone.

You also arent helping anyone out by sending numerous emails because you have an idea you are entitled to an answer that should really be common sense to begin with, with no actual need to send a single mail.

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33 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

The point is there is no need for more than one thread talking about the same subject in feedback. So if your thread got removed or partially merged it just means they removed the pointless feedback that was more or less just repeated in a second (or further) thread about a subject. So it isnt censorship, since the criticism is still there obviously, and the subject is discussed in that thread. Which is done in order to clean up the forums and make it easier to search the subject you want to discuss, which is what most should do to start with before posting duplicate threads on the same subject. It also make it easier for DE to actually soak up feedback, which is what many people want isnt it?

If it was actual censorship none of the criticism would be left alone.

You also arent helping anyone out by sending numerous emails because you have an idea you are entitled to an answer that should really be common sense to begin with, with no actual need to send a single mail.

Sorry it was 20+ pages illuminating an issue that has meaning to me, that was not pointless feedback nor was it ever merged into any thread that I could find that only leaves deletion due to censorship.  I'm sorry but it's not an act of charity or cleanliness of a forum moderator that is maintaining the sanitary needs of the Forums by eradicating from existence of 20+ pages of discussion.  You do not get to decide what I or anyone else believes has value and is worthy of discussing in a public forum.  It is censorship to remove the discussions of forum patrons that might have some objections to changes that effect the quality of the game they hold with high esteem.  There are many players who have invested many years and many dollars in support of Warframe and they all have a right to be heard, regardless if that feedback is good or bad.  Please don't casually dismiss deletions as an act of kindness by DE or a simple reorganization to enhance the ability to "soak up feedback" easier, no matter how you spin it, it will still be censorship, FULL STOP!

For the record I sent one EMAIL  that was created by a link that they provided me to use to contact them.  I only received 1 automated canned response that recommended I post in the Feedback section to give Feedback. The same Feedback that was deleted.  Do you not see the irony of such a response, it's comical and I'm sure it will be on the next Kids in the Hall episode.

Have a pleasant and uncensored tomorrow!

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The only significant dooming at the time was because DE did not state that the change was tracked per color, which most of us pointed out - correctly - would lead to people mostly skipping blue weeks.

Once it was finally revealed to be per color like a week later, obviously the dooming was no longer relevant. 

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I -think- the OP is referring to people who liked the original no pity system and argued as vehemently that it was fine as those who wanted changes.

But it's hard to be sure.  It's kind of an interesting psychological test in how differently people are interpreting it.

22 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Or is it time to say they were wrong and wasnt a horroble change after all?

Don't expect people to admit errors in judgement and you'll  occasionally be surprised, but never disappointed. :P

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