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How do you all feel about Invigorations? Do you use them?


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5 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I don't use them at all. I don't like temporary buffs like this even if they are powerful...sometimes. I would get used to the power and miss it the week afterwards. Now, if I could buff the same Warframe the same way every week then I would happily use it.

^ Same as this person said

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I personally don't as it rarely selects a frame i actually care to use. I know if you take the time to use them you can "override" to a frame you want to use but i don't really need them either. Most content i do is done easily enough without it.
I could maybe use it more for SP Circuit runs if i happen to notice the frames for Invigoration and circuit line up but i don't think about it most the time.

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I grab ones for frames I have active loadouts for most weeks, because it's not much effort that way and sometimes results in fun combos. I sometimes even play the frames with the buffs more for the week, but usually don't.


I never look at the override options anymore, though - I used it a few times in the first few months [1], but these days it just a bit too much effort for a short-lived buff.


[1] The last time I used that was when I was farming a second Grendel to feed to the beast, only to promptly discover that invigorations didn't apply to the Grendel missions - that was a bit of a disappointment.

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never seen a use for them

rng based buffs that randomly select the frame and stats, basically rivens but even less consistent

being one of those people that uses two frames and only those two frames (limbo and yareli), I don't see either coming up very often, if ever. even with how you can select any frame of your choice every ten weeks, that's still not enough to convince me when there's a one week timer on the buff.

I can already solo the majority of content anyway, not like I need more power, and from a limited time buff, that is

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Don't need em, don't use em, don't even check. It's the same with other random buff mechanics like in Arbitrations and Hunts. Random stats are just not gonna convince me to play a frame (or use a weapon) I just don't like or have an interest in, and rarely does one of the items I do like or have an interest in show up. Plus it's got that stupid weighting system that makes some frames show up more or less than others. In general if I can't rely on something being there it's not going to be a conscious part of my build, and if it's not going to be a conscious part of my build I'm not going to go out of my way to use it or check up on it.

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15 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Don't need em, don't use em, don't even check. It's the same with other random buff mechanics like in Arbitrations and Hunts. Random stats are just not gonna convince me to play a frame (or use a weapon) I just don't like or have an interest in, and rarely does one of the items I do like or have an interest in show up. Plus it's got that stupid weighting system that makes some frames show up more or less than others. In general if I can't rely on something being there it's not going to be a conscious part of my build, and if it's not going to be a conscious part of my build I'm not going to go out of my way to use it or check up on it.

Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

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1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

It's the same with other random buff mechanics like in Arbitrations and Hunts.

Once in a blue moon I'll see a frame like Xaku or Rhino featured for an Arbitration, and I'll do it just because the giant excess of Power Strength results in some very stupid fun.  But you know what would ensure that I never do that?  If Arbitrations had the gall to charge for that bonus.

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Just haven’t gotten around to getting it yet, but I can easily see myself using them. I often visit the Helminth just because I feel like swapping some abilities around (while always preserving a default config to choose when desired), and Invigorations are a good match for the “What do I want to play around with next” line of thought while simultaneously helping make the decision for me so I don’t succumb to analysis paralysis regarding options and just Go For It when something seems interesting

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Well, yes and no. If I'm playing heavily, yes. If I'm just checking in like usual, no.

If it was every 5 invigorations to get to a frame-free invigoration, I'd probably do it quite a bit more, but I can't be bothered to do 10 for it, mostly because I hate "wasting" it by putting it on a frame and then never using it during that week. My main use for invigorations is to patch holes, very similar to archon shards. I find myself using both not so much to overpower already powerful frames - although I do do that sometimes for sure - but mostly to make certain frames suck less.

Certain invigorations are worth a lot to me, others are simply not worth the resources to spend on them. Some open up very intriguing possibilities, and some that I think are going to be trash actually surprise me once I have them.

Weapon buffs are nice ofc, but I feel like invigorating weapons is probably not soemthing we need - I hardly ever pick an invigoration based on a weapon bonus anymore - and this is probably true 10x with the rise of incarnons fixing old weapons.

I've had some great times with invigorations, I really have. Some of the most fun weeks were where I had an interesting invigoration and rebuilt the frame's whole loadout just to work with it and felt like a sneaky genius the whole week, and then have the week end and be really sad and having to revert everything. DE has an (understandable) phobia of providing any more range mods, but +100% ability range pops up sometimes - my god does that really help a lot of frames. +1000 armor & +1000 hp pop up sometimes too, and man! so many frames could wish that was permanent.

The +75% efficiency is some of the craziest fun I've had - really opens up a lot of mod space. Honestly - that's probably it right there - it's more that they free up my builds and let me experiment with things I can never otherwise afford to; that's the real draw for me. So many of my builds are locked in stone, and an invigoration can suddenly give me one or two mod slots to play with for a week, which is often enough to re-think the entire thing. It's almost like receiving a free mod slot for a week.

I think they have potential. That potential isn't being fully realized I don't think, but maybe what they're trying to accomplish can also be done other ways. I don't hate them, I kinda like them, but only when I'm powering WF content non-stop do I feel like investing and experimenting with them.

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14 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I don't use them at all. I don't like temporary buffs like this even if they are powerful...sometimes. I would get used to the power and miss it the week afterwards. Now, if I could buff the same Warframe the same way every week then I would happily use it.

Same. I didn't even bother unlocking the system because of that. 

It's the same thing with energy pads. I barely use them, even though I have hundreds of them, because it feels wrong to "have to use them up."


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I would use them more often if I was able to see what frames, and what buffs were available from navigation, similar to what we have for the circuit.

The issue is that 90% of the time the frames available for buffs are frames I don't use, so because of that I stopped even looking because even the 15 seconds it takes to look was a waste of my time.

If I saw the 3 options in navigation and one happened to be Wisp, or Titania, or another fun frame, then id probably actually go in and buff them.

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I like using them because they give me some ideas about a frame I normally wouldn't try because the mods needed to create that invigoration would upset my usual builds. Though I would lose the overall added mods invigoration provides (essentially 2-3 more mods added), Their features definitely make me rethink arsenal slots C and D on a frame and adds mission specific builds I love...like a high parkour, triple jumping, high efficiency, wide range, low power strength Frost Prime for capture and exterminate with a squad.

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40 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

They're a cool idea and I like them, but they don't fit my play style at all. My favorite Warframe is Frost, but my second favorite is the Randomizer button, I don't like locking myself to a frame for a week

That's really on you for only using a frame for the entire week. I grab wisp invig once just for the extra jumps. Only use her for 5 mission total for that week. It's not a waste of resources either. What else am I suppose to use resources for?

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1 hour ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

That's really on you for only using a frame for the entire week.

OK you know that psychological trick that developers use with XP Boosters? "Well as long as the clock is ticking down, I SHOULD be playing more, I SHOULD be taking advantage of this." That one? Invigorations are using that same trick by accident.

Which is NOT a coincidence. Helminth was originally meant for an "Echos of Umbra" buff that would allow any Warframe to use Umbra's passive... for seven days. And the buff was activated by spending a unique resource that could rarely drop from missions or bought from DE. The fanbase absolutely RIOTED against this, shouted it right down, so DE went back to the drawing board and made the Invigoration system.

So no, it's not "really on me" when it was built on a foundation of FOMO

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3 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Helminth was originally meant for an "Echos of Umbra" buff that would allow any Warframe to use Umbra's passive...

If true, I might've actually liked this, lol.

Really, just beef up the companion AI and I will happily Umbra-ify my frames. Let them bear the weight of consciousness with me!

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I'll use them occasionally, but the fact remains that we never actually need invigorations for any content, it really is just for fun, assuming you get either power strength or sprint speed, which are usually the ones people find the most fun (fun is still subjective of course).

21 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

could we take an invigoration on a specific warframe and only have the week long timer count down while we are using it?? 

nice as that would be, ticking clocks incentivise people to log in: it's the same reason why Boosters count down even when you aren't logged in, you feel obliged to play as much as possible to get the most value out of your booster, and it's the same for Invigorations.

21 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Would it be possible to just make the buffs generic to your account.  Like if you got +200% strength invigoration it would just apply to every frame you use for that week. 

as much as I'd love that, and IMO it would absolutely make feeding helminth worth the cost, the idea of the Invigoration system was to focus specifically on frames that are underused. not many people know it, but there's literlaly a "riven disposition" style system that dictates which frames are more or less likely to show up as invigoration candidates: for example, Nyx and Hydroid are more likely to show up, while Mesa or Saryn (who you probably haven't seen too many times) are less likely.

I believe the Wiki has all the data regarding this system, but one thing I'm curious about is whether or not reworks affect the system: Grendel had an increased chance to be a candidate, but that was before his rework, so I wonder if now he shows up less?

21 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

 Like x2 standing,  no standing cap,   Halved build times.  I dont know.  

now you're heading into clowntown, no way in hell DE would give us those. those mechanics don't even have anything to do with the warframes themselves.

21 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Maybe we get a choice of 3 invigs but we get to control which one to add to a specific frame instead of it being random....

One is giving range, one is giving armor,  one is giving strength.  You could attach any of the three to whatever frame you wanted for the week.  No changing the attached frame after.  

I guarantee you people will only add strength invigs to their meta builds, like Thermal Sunder Titania. adding them to your favourite frame is one thing, but this would just make the meta even stronger. 

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21 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Thats all... I just feel like they are to restrictive.    Maybe we could see some new buffs that are account wide.   Like x2 standing,  no standing cap,   Halved build times.  I dont know.  

If it were account wide or unlimited time (till next roll) then they would be weak, useless or niche. In case of niche they would probably not be good too.

But yeah, for example, I would like shorter/faster rolls on most of my builds. I can see such buff being not overpowered for it to stay for lot of time or on all frames. I don't think many people would like such buffs.

21 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

How do you guys feel about the system??  How often do you take them.   If not, whats stopping you??

It's mediocre/bad system.

Stats are bad/weak/insignificant unless you have very specific setups (e.g. melee with high crit):

  • Primary Crit Chance +200%†
  • Primary Damage +250%†*
  • Secondary Crit Chance +200%†*
  • Secondary Damage +250%†*
  • Melee Crit Chance +200%†*
  • Melee Damage +250%†*

Some stats are situational:


Not every frame "needs" Strength or Duration. Sometimes you may even not want it (e.g. Negative duration Nowa).

Some stats are okeish but doesn't bring too much new solutions. They may just free your slot or something:

  • Armor +1000^
  • Energy Max +200%‡*
  • Energy Regen +2‡^
  • Health +1000^
  • Health Regen +25/s^

Some comes in pack and if you don't want all buffs it's detrimental:

  • Parkour Velocity +75%*

Some stats doesn't mix with other system. For example

  • Jump Resets 5 (i.e. total of four midair jumps)

Doesn't reset Exodia contagion shoots. It works with Grendel/Pulverize (kind of nice) but with gravity you almost fall immediately.


Is nice.


And there is no frame specific buffs.

Imagine getting buffs that let you aimglide with Grendel/Pulverize (althought it would be better as mod or built-in). Or Voruna/4 kills gives you X range/strength/something. Buff that makes Ivara's invisibility use all movement without breaking the ability.

Now we got buffs to melee for Mesa or buffs for guns for melee frames. We got very generic and not frame-specific buffs that won't make us use frames. I'm just checking it weekly, see if I have good setups. If I have 10 I can use it for specific frames to have "fun". It was interesting to have 700-800 crit chance Kullervo. Or "jumping" pulverize.

21 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Also the random part is kind of by design, to maybe make you give an old dust-collecting Frame another try.

Sadly it fails at that. Read above.

21 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:


Plus nothing forces you to use only that 1 Frame the whole week,
you can use others - be they invigorated as well or not - based on your mood / the mission at hand.

The problem is that you are using certain resources and it's limited via week. So if you don't use it you are wasting resources and being able to use certain buffs for long time.

11 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:
13 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

It's the same with other random buff mechanics like in Arbitrations and Hunts.

Once in a blue moon I'll see a frame like Xaku or Rhino featured for an Arbitration, and I'll do it just because the giant excess of Power Strength results in some very stupid fun.  But you know what would ensure that I never do that?  If Arbitrations had the gall to charge for that bonus.

I remember using high strength Xaku and literally stopping enemies from moving. Compared to Sevagoth/Gloom that is capped at 90%, Xaku is uncapped (well, 100%). Casting it makes enemies freeze but... they can rotate their body (head?) towards you. That was funny.

1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:
3 hours ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

That's really on you for only using a frame for the entire week.

OK you know that psychological trick that developers use with XP Boosters? "Well as long as the clock is ticking down, I SHOULD be playing more, I SHOULD be taking advantage of this." That one? Invigorations are using that same trick by accident.

I remember getting few weeks of XP Booster and doing daily ESO. After booster ended I feel burned. Now I have ~7 days of booster but I don't feel like doing heavy exping.

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I don't bend myself over backwards trying to capitalize on the system. Honestly. I only use about 6 or 7 warframes total. Which in turn means getting an invigoration unlikely. It's probably for the best, having a well decorated dojo. Typically,  I  sit in the chair for either SP or Archon hunts.

Edited by Mieo_Mio
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22 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Invigorations (the weekly buffs you can pick-up from helminth) have been around a pretty long time now.   How do you guys feel about the system??  How often do you take them.   If not, whats stopping you??


I do not take them that often..........Primarily because I dont play alot anymore.   But I check to see whats there each week and sometimes there are buffs I would love to have.   But even if I was playing alot I kinda do not like being tied down to one warframe for a week at a time.   Duviri - Cricuit has made this issue even worse since that takes away your ability to choose.  

This would prob be a nightmare to program but could we take an invigoration on a specific warframe and only have the week long timer count down while we are using it??  When we are not using that frame the count down gets paused???   Forseeable problem is having multiple frames with invigorations active....

Would it be possible to just make the buffs generic to your account.  Like if you got +200% strength invigoration it would just apply to every frame you use for that week.   

Thats all... I just feel like they are to restrictive.    Maybe we could see some new buffs that are account wide.   Like x2 standing,  no standing cap,   Halved build times.  I dont know.  

Maybe we get a choice of 3 invigs but we get to control which one to add to a specific frame instead of it being random....

One is giving range, one is giving armor,  one is giving strength.  You could attach any of the three to whatever frame you wanted for the week.  No changing the attached frame after.  

Pretty much never. 

I'll check every week and go figure its always something dumb like yareli/hydroid/hydroid.

And i dont feel like dealing with the "punch card" mechanic.

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Honestly , my frames are already in a place of perfect tuning for me.

And the few that are not quite there rarely ever allign with my mood of wanting to play them and the game deciding to have the right invigorations on them.

And thanks to the circuit being my recent most played more the point is moot most of the time anyway.

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Haven't used them in months, similar to how I haven't used my shards yet. We have no current content that warrrants their use plain and simple. Yes both shards and invigs make frames even stronger BUT we were already OP before their introductions.  In general like people have already said, the main downside to invigs is its temporary and you can't choose wat frame unitl after the 10th invig.

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