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Do you feel like warframe is gonna end up being second fiddle to soulframe?


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4 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I was worried about that before tennocon.


That it would be kind of like destiny 1 getting dropped for destiny 2. Or if not outright dropped, then second fiddle to the point wf feels neglected by comparison.

Wondering what you all think after tennocon.

There was never a possibility of this to begin with. Soulframe is a separate thing with a separate team. If it gets big enough it'll get its own panel, but for now it just will have a main stage bit.

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Comparing Soulframe with Warframe: 

Soulframe seemed in the gameplay trailer way more polished than a lot of stuff in Warframe experimental areas like duviry, onslaught, open worlds, railjack, … 

On the other hand they have different teams so it should not impact Warframe. 

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Not really no, but I am no fortune teller. I also understand any anxiety or apprehension someone might have in regards to the dynamic between both games. 

If anything I am worried that Soulframe might struggle a bit more, because the way I perceive the two games, is that Warframe has more of a unique pull and its managed to establish itself well enough to endure. Again though, for all I know, in two years time, DE as a whole might be pumping more resources and effort behind Soulframe, I also wouldn't consider myself an expect on the current games market/landscape to know how well Soulframe will do, and thus how well it will last and determine how resources will be used to maintain it.  

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32 minutes ago, FA22_RaptoR said:

Yeah I'm not interested in that kind of game, so I'm not worried about them taking away too many warframe players.

It's almost reckless for a studio the size of DE now to only have 1 active game, so increased revenue streams should make both games better.

It won't take players - in fact, it's adventuring into one of the most bloated gaming areas nowadays (Souls-like), so unless it's exceptionnal, it'll quickly fade away -, but it'll take development time and, as we've seen during TennoLive, it'll eat up promotional time & budget from Warframe as well.

Also it's kinda naive to thing that increasing revenue streams will automatically make all games better. History shown it's like 75% wrong. More revenue usually means more revenue for the shareholders, while the quality remains steady or drops. It's pretty rare that increased revenue goes into the games themselves.

Edited by Chewarette
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1 minute ago, Chewarette said:

It won't take players - in fact, it's adventuring into one of the most bloated gaming areas nowadays (Souls-like), so unless it's exceptionnal, it'll quickly fade away -, but it'll take development time and, as we've seen during TennoLive, it'll eat up promotional time & budget from Warframe as well.

Also it's kinda naive to thing that increasing revenue streams will automatically make all games better. History shown it's like 75% wrong

I'm just trying to stay optimistic 😁

Usually if a game has a full on implosion, the financial fallout can be catastrophic for a developer. Now DE has tencent's backing, but they'll only put up with so much failure before they do something drastic.....

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I was worried about that before tennocon.


That it would be kind of like destiny 1 getting dropped for destiny 2. Or if not outright dropped, then second fiddle to the point wf feels neglected by comparison.

Wondering what you all think after tennocon.

I don;t think there will be a problem with dveelopment or teams or anything that will affect the WF we have today (the WF team are doing that, all by themselves)

What I do see however, is this second team needing money to make the game during development and the DE guys are looking at the costs invoved and thinking "hmm, better create a heirloom pack for extra cash". Expect more of this until soulframe releases and even then, I think it'll take away from the WF playerbase who will start spending their money on SF fashion kits.

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11 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Wondering what you all think after tennocon.

I think it could go either way (not a helpful take, I'm sure, but I've seen both sides occur with other games.)

on one hand it's possible, because I've seen it happen with Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail; I don't play the latter, but I know that MANY of the improvements suggested by the community to improve Genshin were put into Star Rail instead. both games still get attention from their developers, but it's clear where their priorities lie; from a business standpoint, it also makes sense to do whatever you can to get people hooked on your newest game, at least if the profit outweighs potential losses form the older IP.

on the other hand, I don't think DE will totally abandon warframe, as they still have plenty of ideas for it, and it's still the backbone of the company's revenue. plus there are separate teams for each game, so there's little chance of one game interrupting the other's progress.

ultimately, all we can do is wait and see.

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Soulframe and Warframe share a lot of things, including (very likely) being MMO looter sho- eh, slashers? So Soulframe is going to compete with Warframe, DE is going to try and draw from the Warframe playerbase to fill the Soulframe playerbase because few people are die-hard enough to actively grind two MMO-like games.

The other draw of Soulframe is clearly its Souls/Borne/Elden Ring inspiration so I think DE is banking on taking a slice of that demographic as well. Problem is, those players can just keep playing their game. The combat, movement, mechanics and level of polish in Soulframe is still leagues of difference compared to Elden Ring. "Do you like Elden Ring? Well play this game! It's almost like it!"

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I'm not seeing a permanent sustainability path for Soulframe's content. It seems more like a limited game that's intended to be built, finished and dropped, while Warframe is live service.

Soulframe would be more akin to Remnant, I think.

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I love Warframe, but wouldn't mind moving onto Soulframe if it's awesome and just as addicting. I only have time for one grindfest and I'd love to see what Steve and the team can come up with again.

I wasn't sold on WF at first either. It looked like a generic sci-fi shooter that I only tried because it was free. I tried it and forgot about it for months. When I was about to uninstall, I decided to give it another chance and was greeted by a new ship that intrigued me enough to keep playing. The rest is history. I'm hoping Soulframe can recapture that same magic with me. 

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Nah. There is room for both to thrive and not cannibalize each other: both in dev resources and player base. With the restructuring that took place over at DE a while back and the content still streaming in for Warframe with no end in sight I'd say DE intends for both Warframe and Soulframe to be live and well for years to come.

I know that for me personally as just a player I can see myself moving between the two games. Get tired of Warframe? No problem, move over to Soulframe for a bit. Get tired of Soulframe? Back to Warframe, and vice versa. I more or less already do this now but with other games. It's just that now I'll have two options from DE.

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