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Pablo don't remove hydroids puddle and wave entierly.


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The puddle is my least favourite ability of his, I don't have a problem with him havng a puddle ability exactly, but if they are to keep it I hope it's either worked into another of his abilities, like the wave (tap for wave, hold for puddle for example) or overhauled to be a more engaging ability that synergizes with his other abilities. Something like having the kraken at the core of the abilities while you're a puddle that changes his abilities so its more engaging while you're a puddle. (Moving the tentacles location while using the wave as a puddle for example)

I find the wave fun too, so am happy for that to stay, but I enjoy the tentacle and raining abilities more aesthetically so they're the two main abilities I would want to stay even if they come with changes. 

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27 minutes ago, Tellmeninetails said:

The puddle is fun and the wave is probably the only solid bit of his kit. 

I Second this. Being a puddle is about the only reason i play hydroid. I love to be puddle. Though I wouldnt mind if puddle was a deployable and you could walk in / out of it.


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21 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

The puddle is my least favourite ability of his, I don't have a problem with him havng a puddle ability exactly, but if they are to keep it I hope it's either worked into another of his abilities, like the wave (tap for wave, hold for puddle for example) or overhauled to be a more engaging ability that synergizes with his other abilities. Something like having the kraken at the core of the abilities while you're a puddle that changes his abilities so its more engaging while you're a puddle. (Moving the tentacles location while using the wave as a puddle for example)

I find the wave fun too, so am happy for that to stay, but I enjoy the tentacle and raining abilities more aesthetically so they're the two main abilities I would want to stay even if they come with changes. 

It would be nice to see the puddle changed into something that could leave a passive control zone but allow hydroid to enter/exit at will. +1 cookie if they let Hydroid deploy multiple puddles and use his wave to travel between them like wisp with her teleporting between motes. 

That and add some manner of defense strip to the puddle so grineer can actually be killed by it since they nerfed armor strip from his 1 augment.

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Tbh puddle is fun for the first missions you do when discovering Hydroid. The concept is kinda hilarious in a way x) But you have to surrender so much of your abilities preventing you from doing pretty much anything useful while using it. Especially when the essential mechanic that would make puddle somewhat efficient kinda requires SOMEONE ELSE to shoot in your puddle. Maybe the big downsides of using puddle are also a kind of trade off for being literally untargetable and some way to make it "balanced".

I would be a little sad if they simply take away this unique ability although I think I would very quickly mourn it if they make something great overall with Hydroid at this little cost.

Anyways though, if it's possible, I also think that merging puddle with his second ability would fit. Or then, if the ability they kinda implied to have removed would be Hyrdoid first ability, then I hope we get something useful enough with puddle, such as the ability to deploy it, which is a suggestion that's been popping up multiple time already.

So far all we know I believe is "new passive" and "1 new ability" so, either they merged two abilities or they really removed one.

I really do hope the rework will be great and not killing Hydroid's identity. I enjoy playing him for fun in endurance SP missions sometimes, even though it's 90% for the style points and 10% for the actual usefulness of the warframe in this case.

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Puddle is probably my most hated ability in this game. It certainly doesn't do anything helpful for teammates but most importantly it doesn't really help Hydroid's gameplay either. At least using Limbo you can have fun when disrupting others. Puddle just does a whole lot of nothing for everyone. Tentacles too but at least augment exists.

I kinda wished DE would just trash all his abilities and design another set of abilities for him. It is not going to happen it seems.

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Combine puddle and wave with a tap/hold function, where the puddle places a hotspot and the wave travels like now. If puddle is combined with his #4 the kraken could start keelhauling enemies caught in his tentacles across his belly inflicting increased damage. Puddle could be placed on it either by producing a puddle manually while standing on the kraken, or by waving over it.

That would leave him with a skill slot open, which could maybe give him some offensive ability, like a broadside or something that animates a line of cannons that fire for a few seconds at anything straight infront of them. Could allow him to animate 2 sets of cannons or something. It would fit the pirate era theme.

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What would i like to see?

  1.  Remove the cast and flight trigger for enemies (which is supposed to be a DOT ability but sends enemies flying).
  2.  I would merge it with 3 Undertow.
  3.  New ability.
  4.  Would make it an aura ability that follows you wherever you go and doesn't jam enemies too much.
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The puddle encapsulates the failure of Hydroids design in modern Warframe. It is slow, boring, inefficient and just all around useless. The only thing it had going for it was the novelty of turning into a puddle and lets be real; most people in the community are completely over that by now. It needs to go. Replace it with an ability that is actually useful.

34 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

I kinda wished DE would just trash all his abilities and design another set of abilities for him. It is not going to happen it seems.

He's getting a new ability apparently, which means one ability is either going into the trash or getting combined with another and if there is one ability that needs to be removed from his kit, its the puddle.

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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

He's getting a new ability apparently, which means one ability is either going into the trash or getting combined with another and if there is one ability that needs to be removed from his kit, its the puddle.

But there’s not just one ability that needs to be removed from his kit. His entire kit is bad. 

I am really hoping that the “one new ability” statement doesn’t preclude his other abilities getting the same degree of changes as Wukong’s Cloudwalker and Defy received. The names are the same as the old versions (I think?) but they function fundamentally differently. I’m hoping that whatever abilities remain receive massive changes. Hydroid is a clunky, flaccid mess that brings nothing to the table right now. I hope his rework is dramatic. 

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5 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

But there’s not just one ability that needs to be removed from his kit. His entire kit is bad. 

Oh I agree his entire kit is a truly award-winning collection of garbage, I just personally view Undertow as the most useless and ridiculous ability in the game as well as representing the failure of Hydroids overall gameplay design in modern Warframe.

His entire kit will receive changes definitely. All of his abilities are just awful in the current state of the game and Pablo clearly recognises this. I'm looking forward to the next Devstream where we'll get to actually see what they have planned for the rework.

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2 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

He's getting a new ability apparently, which means one ability is either going into the trash or getting combined with another and if there is one ability that needs to be removed from his kit, its the puddle.

The puddle would be fine if Hydroid wasn't sitting in himself? and if it trapped enemies instead of the player

Which is why you Buff Hydroid when hes not in it by having the puddle stick around whether Hydroids in or out

Give Hydroid a reason to leave his puddle [Range buff, Damage Resistance] then he can use his presumable reworked abilities outside of the puddle instead of napping his augment

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I don't think Hydroid's kit is as bad as it is made out to be, it's just numerically massively undertuned. The puddle used to have rapidly scaling damage until it was cut, I think the barrage can do decent damage if it just had proper value, and I think Kraken offers some decent CC. The only thing I really don't like is the Wave, but I hate any kind of dash ability for how clunky they are to use.

That said, I'd really want his puddle to be a more integral part of his kit. I think having the puddle be a deployable thing so it can control areas instead of controlling Hydroid can be a good thing, and maybe giving him the ability to submerge into one at will, coupled with a new set of abilities while submerged could make him an interesting frame.

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5 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:


I kinda wished DE would just trash all his abilities and design another set of abilities for him. It is not going to happen it seems.

isn't that just Yareli.... 


also the actual people who play Hydroid WOULDN'T want that. I still remember the people who got mad because Grendel can only eat 5 guys now, imagine what would happen if the frame you liked was removed from the game entirely

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I didn't play Hydroid a lot but I remember the first time I ever tried him, I took him into ESO turned into a puddle and fell out of the world

will be happy if he gets good abilities even if it upsets the 0.1% of masochist players who enjoy playing him / as a puddle so saryn can step on them.. for healing ofc

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as long as he can actually kill stuff and still retains his sea monster, they can do whatever they like with him. that said, I'm sure Pablo will find a way to weave together parts of his old and new kit in ways that make him both powerful and fun. if he turns out anything like Grendel, then we have a lot to look forward to I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-08-30 at 1:19 AM, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

isn't that just Yareli.... 


also the actual people who play Hydroid WOULDN'T want that. I still remember the people who got mad because Grendel can only eat 5 guys now, imagine what would happen if the frame you liked was removed from the game entirely

This honestly, I have a friend who mains hydroid and said he would likely stop playing if he can't zoom like a maniac and be a puddle.

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I let Pablo deal with Hydroid, because I know that he knows very well what will be for us and that we will be satisfied. I think it will put wave and puddle in one place. Don't forget that Pablo redid Ember, Vauban, Wukong and Grendel, and they are better than the old ones. So I trust him. Good luck! 🙂

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The puddle is fun and I don't want it to go away,

Sure it's not the most effective or flashy but it's worth it's slot ,

If it can be sped up a bit or be merged like others said ,

where you gain the "water form" and depending on your mobility you gain either flow or depth effects. 

While mobile you have the effects of tidal surge when you Parkour  (roll , bullet jump , slide) and gain flow , flow gives you evasion.

While stationary you gain the effects of undertow and gain depth , the longer you stay stationary the more strength you gain.



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Hoping for a good mix of stationary area denial and mobile assault. Things like hold-cast Tempest Barrage to make it rain around Hydroid, jump while in Undertow to leave it behind/crouch on top of the puddle to dive back in, move faster than a crawl as the puddle, tap Tentacle Swarm to make it constantly sprout tentacles around him as he moves/hold to leave it at the reticle location.

Extra points if Hydroid gets to ride on the Kraken's head and swim around with it.

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