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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited Part 2


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(NOTE: This post is a follow-up on a prior Dev Workshop. If you missed out last time, be sure to read up on all the changes here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/915093-dev-workshop-warframes-revisited/ )


Hail Tenno!

Thanks to everybody who read our previous thread, tuned in for the stream, and left their comments on our proposed Warframe ability changes. After having the weekend to observe player responses and read feedback, we’ve been trying out a few further changes, and wanted to update you guys on our progress!

First of all, the Warframe changes are also coming with a HUGE rebalancing of guns (as can be seen here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/916505-dev-workshop-weapons-mastery-ranks-and-stats/ ). We expect an exciting release week as players try out the changes, rework their builds, and rediscover old favorites. To help this along, we’ve got some special rewards lined up:

  • Login within 7 days of the update for an inbox message containing 3 x Forma and a 3 Day Affinity booster!
  • Console player will receive the same inbox message, by logging in when they get the build with aforementioned changes.
  • AFTER Friday's Devstream, ALL platforms will get BONUS Gift from the Lotus alerts this weekend with Orokin Reactors!

So without further ado, let's get to it! How have we iterated since last Dev Workshop? Find out in alphabetical order (again)!:



  • Reduced energy cost of Bladestorm ticks.


  • Petrify is now a single cast instead of a channel ability, instantly Petrifying enemies in front of you regardless of level!
  • Rubble now has a singular decay, instead of each piece of rubble having its own set duration. Picking up more rubble delays the decay for a brief time.
  • We may rebalance Ore Gaze for this rework, as players now have significantly more ways to Petrify enemies!


  • Although still a singular cast allowing free movement, Resonating Quake will only hit enemies once as it expands outward, dealing a mass of damage at once.


  • Can cast other abilities while using Spectral Scream.
  • Spectral Scream damage now affected by Vex Armor damage buff.
  • Vex Armor aura range increased (currently 18 meters base range).
  • Vex Armor can now be recast to preserve accumulated buffs.


  • Fireball can now be held and charged for additional damage. Upon impact, Fireball will leave behind a Napalm-like flame that damages enemies.
  • Fire Blast will now add heat damage to weapons that fire through it.


  • Health gained by Mass Vitrify shown in a UI display.


  • Increased base energy pool (125 for Mag, 175 for Mag Prime).
  • Crush animations slightly sped up
  • Augment for Polarize reworked - now reads: "Weapons hit by Polarize are jammed for 4 seconds. Robotic enemies hit by Polarize are disabled for 4 seconds."


  • No changes at this time.


  • Tail Wind now costs half as much energy when cast in the air.
  • Tail Wind does more damage.
  • Changed Dive Bomb augment into a Tail Wind augment - now reads: “Each enemy hit increases Tail Wind damage by 25%. Damage resets upon landing.”
  • Dive Bomb can now fire on slight angles, as long as you’re looking mostly down.
  • (Clarification: holding aim (default RMB) has a greater effect on steering Tornadoes.)


As a bonus, two more general changes you'll be happy to hear:

  • Focus Passives now apply immediately upon loading into a mission, rather than requiring the brief Operator transition.
  • When interacting with nullifiers, power-created avatars (Atlas’ Rumblers, Nekros’ Shadows, etc) will have their health drained, instead of instantly disappearing.


Expect these changes to land on PC soon! Thanks everyone!

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Cool, update to changes! Will review momentarily!


Firstly, thank you for the consideration of extra formas. Its only 3 for the frames getting reworked but its the thought that counts here! Thanks!


Ash; small tweak but still nice.


Atlas; you just made this guy a lot better with the petrify change.


Banshee; I was never an RQ spammer. I'm not sure exactly how to rate that.


Chroma; Though he will no longer turn a Lato into a golden gun, those are some excellent changes. Recasting Vex to keep buffs? Increasing range? YES and YES!!! ****A question though for clarification @[DE]Drewwill the SCORN part of vex armor be changing or just fury? Seems to be a lot of confusion about this.


Ember; decent QoL changes for her, but please keep your ears to the rail so to speak. I do suspect she will need some more tweaks particularly for those who ran her as a CC frame. Perhaps the augment for WoF could use some adjustments?


Mag; Caster frame getting an energy capacity buff? Yes please! ...I still wont use her but thats definitely good for those who do.


Zephyr; increasing damage for her first ability looks nice. As for the change to her augment, the damage increase is dealt upon dive-bombing yes?


A final question regarding the weapon rework. Are the changes currently listed in the workshop thread going through as-is or are there tweaks and an update to the thread we should watch out for?

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I still don't see the quality inn the changes. I'm sorry I'm not trying to be picky or discount anyones efforts but here are some issues that still remain.


Why does a grounded tailwind move you forward instead of upward? 

  • Tailwind doesn't have an action against enemy units. If I tailwind forward and run into an enemy, I'm locked into the animation and the enemy stands as a wall that can kill you. Ever Tailwind into a wall? Its the same scenario when you tailwind into an enemy.

Why is Tailwind (Grounded) a charged mechanic to go upward?

  • Reb mentioned that tailwinds hover has a static timer based on duration. If the timer is static, then why do I need to charge it? Wouldn't just casting Tailwind while grounded be enough to launch you into hover mode? There's also no disparity in allowing a simple grounded tap to launch Zephyr upwards and always execute hover mode considering that you can easily exit the hover as shown.

For directional movement a simple hop and tailwind easily moves Zephyr from position to position quickly. With these changes Zephyr gains a stagnant "hover" at the expense of her quick verticle launch and escape option. The charge mechanic feels unneeded in this sense. Especially when a double or triple aim glide duration would do this but also allow mobility after a Tailwind.


Zephyr is a mobile experience.
The beauty of tailwind in taking combat into the skies isn't just hovering above your enemies. Its the fluidity of traversing the skies over taking stationary vantage points. Thats already a perk of her  That's part of the reason why there were so many requests for an increased aim glide duration for her rather than a hover.

Here's an example of what I mean through old gameplay of mine which matches the same Role Rebecca demonstrated. Sorry for the quality.

  Reveal hidden contents


This skill is just not good as is. I don't understand the point of merging the ability if none of the issues with its existence are addressed.

  • The limited directional control of the skill makes it miserable to use. Many players have already compared its existence to a melee slam and they're not wrong. There just are simply too far and few instances where you will want to position yourself directly above the enemy. Perhaps I'm explaining it wrong but players always shoot at enemies in front of us not looking below or above. Do you shoot at Grineer Helions from standing directly below them? Would you stand directly above a Nox and aim straight down? No.
  • Divebombs damage is abysmal.

There's just no point in hording a skill into a moveset if its not going to be utilized. We'll be in the same place months from now with rework threads requesting the same thing. Please allow it to scale with melee or something. If there's a need to have a hold mechanic in Tailwind, surely its to aim Divebomb.

Air Burst

Not enough was shown with this to see its effectiveness.

  • I would like to mention however that an ability with the primary function is just ragdoll is weak. Zephyr already synergizes immensely with weapons like sonicor and staticor which can ragdoll respectively. Also, Divebomb ragdolls. Tornadoes ragdoll. I think she's good on the ragdoll front. However this skills effectiveness remains to be seen.


  • Needs to allow recast to cancel the skill. If a teammate has a higher damage output in viral but all the enemies are armored, I cant proc corrosive status on them. Probably a nitpick but I like to be thorough.
  • All the skill needed was predictability which was accomplished. To my understanding the skill doesn't absorb and hold damage but rather distributes damage while its being shot to enemies inside. That's fine. Basically a tool that aims for you. 
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7 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:
  • Focus Passives now apply immediately upon loading into a mission, rather than requiring the brief Operator transition.
  • When interacting with nullifiers, power-created avatars (Atlas’ Rumblers, Nekros’ Shadows, etc) will have their health drained, instead of instantly disappearing.


Oh this is real nice, will the latter also apply to things like Snow Globes, Mass Vitrify walls and such at some point?

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9 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

When interacting with nullifiers, power-created avatars (Atlas’ Rumblers, Nekros’ Shadows, etc) will have their health drained, instead of instantly disappearing.

Can we have this for Inaros Scarab Armor too?

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I hope I'm not too late on requesting this, but I feel it's important, especially if you want players to actually ever use Ember.

I'd like to request a few things that I believe would achieve what you guys want (stopping ember from nuking the map) and keep players using her, instead of throwing her off to the side. Firstly we need to address the proposed world on fire changes. Reducing the range this significantly not only prevents her from killing, but from being realisticly useful at all (even with her firequake augment). My alternative is this: keep her range the same, but reduce the amount of damage enemies take from WoF significantly the further away they are from Ember, while increasing it the closer they are. This will allow her firequake augment to be useful still, unlike the proposed option.


Secondly, I think an add on to her passive would be nice. An Idea I had was: Every time Ember casts an ability, there's a chance of setting her on fire (whether the fire does damage is up to you). This would make her current passive actually useful.I really hope you consider something like this, as the proposed changes will absolutely ruin any chance of me using her, which I don't want to see happen. Thank you, and keep up the awesome work!

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13 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Fire Blast will now add heat damage to weapons that fire through it.

Then what is the use of her 1 augment?

13 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:

Augment for Polarize reworked - now reads: "Weapons hit by Polarize are jammed for 4 seconds. Robotic enemies hit by Polarize are disabled for 4 seconds."

Will this scale with dura?

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11 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:


  • Although still a singular cast allowing free movement, Resonating Quake will only hit enemies once as it expands outward.

What?! Hit enemies once? Did you give it a crazy damage boost? This seems like a monumental nerf to the ability, and the augment.

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9 minutes ago, [DE]Connor said:


  • Fireball can now be held and charged for additional damage. Upon impact, Fireball will leave behind a Napalm-like flame that damages enemies.
  • Fire Blast will now add heat damage to weapons that fire through it.

Step in the good direction. Though I must say, bringing back overheat as an ability over fireball or fireblast would greatly please most people in this community!


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