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Rest In Peace John Bain, TotalBiscuit.


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9 минут назад, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja сказал:

Eh? Wait so we can have people getting married, and furries and deviantart reject moogles polluting the game with their glyphs but we can't have a memorial?

Guess I'll have to live forever now. Sigh.

Oh if he wanted to have his Glyph or anything else in the game I don't doubt that they would worked it out with DE super easy super fast.

It's just TB never went into partner program because WF wasn't his focus.

Now making something related to passed person without direct and explicit consent from his family may come out as disrespectful so DE can't just pop shrine or accessory or glyph out on a whim.

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I feel if DE wanted to do something, they can do it considering they are the developers of the game and TB made a large impact on their playerbase by expanding it with his videos on the game. They can do anything as big as a statute in a relay, down to a noggle or even just his name written somehere in the game in orokin. I feel that a full on statue would be a bit much, but i also feel as though they should do something, maybe even for a limited time, if they want, when it comes to something like a noggle or glyph. In the end, i feel like there is going to be something of him that is put in the game, at least temporarily, and i doubt they would do it in a way that would shove it in everyone's faces.

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12 hours ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

there's so much wrong in that

Excuse me? What is wrong with asking for a memorial dedicated to ALL gamers that succumbed to cancer as opposed to just one person?

That being said, I really think a memorial should be left out. I'm absolutely certain there are players out there that don't want to be reminded of losing someone dear to them to cancer.

You want to do something truly positive to remember and honor TB? Set up a cancer foundation in his name where people can donate money that goes towards funding cancer research - or even treatment. The cost of some cancer treatments is appallingly high - even WITH insurance.

12 hours ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

He again, as everybody said before but you dont read

I did read. You're being presumptuous, opinionated, and needlessly salty. Speaking of not reading, you completely missed the part where I said:

18 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

As a player that watched his father battle and ultimately lose to cancer 3 years ago, I have complete empathy for his real friends and family. TB seemed like a really nice bloke and he certainly made a lot of people smile and probably think with his YouTube shenanigans - and for that he will be missed. It's sad that he struggled with that for so long...

So yeah. I never disliked the guy at all.

12 hours ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

he was the sole reason warframe didnt die.

Citation please. Otherwise, that's just your opinion.

With all due respect, TB wasn't the only person to draw attention to the game when it was in its infancy. I, probably like a few people, found out about WF from a friend that loved the game, and that was a few months before TB ever released a vid.

WF not dying had more to do with all the people that decided to actually try the game, liked what they saw, and showed their appreciation by becoming Founders and throwing money at the devs to keep the game alive.

It's good that TB drew a bit more attention to WF...but to say he alone saved WF is a massive exaggeration.

12 hours ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

he was a great person in the gaming industry all around

He did good for the gaming industry in his own way yes. Honest and constructive opinions / reviews of games independent of the press and monetary influence is very important. Not arguing against the guy's worth at all.

But TB was one person out of several prominent video game reviewers. Jim from Jimquistion, Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation. Those are two people that have made quite a name for themselves in the gaming industry and had a positive influence on it...and I'm sure there are others.

11 hours ago, Altagraive said:

Now making something related to passed person without direct and explicit consent from his family may come out as disrespectful so DE can't just pop shrine or accessory or glyph out on a whim.


That being said, I think it would be a very good idea for everyone - DE included - to not even CONSIDER getting approval from TB's family for an ingame official memorial right now.

They're grieving over a terrible loss and they need their space. Please respect that.

11 hours ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

This is what dojos are for. If there's any memorializing to be done, that's the place to do it.

Or even your own ship for that matter.

Edited by MirageKnight
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((In real life I am an author, but as a gamer I was struck to the core by the passing of John Bain, whom we know as Totalbisquit. In honor of him, I wrote a short in-universe story of the vigil we held on Larunda relay. I don't want credit for this piece - I only felt there was no better way to honor the man I followed for over seven years, and the man who led me to first play Warframe over five years ago. Rest in Peace, John. We will never forget you.))



    I remember the night the gods cried.
    I was only a child, then. A lone refugee among hundreds, brought to the gargantuan space station-turned-refugee camp called, “Larunda,” with my mother after the Grineer had raided our village. Life was good, if not a little boring. The simulated days and nights were long. There weren’t many children in our section of the relay.
    One night, whether it was dark on old Er I never knew, I was playing with my graviball in the main concourse of our station section - Section One. The other refugees were huddled in kuaka-skin blankets, tended to by a few Steel Meridian soldiers. The stars twinkled above, ships and transports floating lazily beyond the glass far above. I was so enthralled with my graviball I never saw the Warframe.
    The graviball had touched the Warframe’s void shield. It bounced away, singed. I stood there, frozen, as a line of Tenno marched before me. I had seen a Tenno only once before, when one had saved my mother and I from the Grineer. I had always imagined them as gods - great, shining knights of the Orokin. Yet they were, in their ancient armor, vaguely human… Sad.
    The warrior-gods of old had bowed their heads. Dozens of Tenno marched into the concourse, in Warframes of shapes and colors I had never before imagined, to stand before the crystal statue. They surrounded the sculpture, invisible eyes cast to the ground, and stopped, as if waiting for some unseen que. When the que came, I heard not a word nor sound, yet the gods, shining in their armor, kneeled.
    Across the concourse the other humans fell silent. Refugees peeked from behind their kuaka-skin blankets. Steel Meridian soldiers stood at attention, their eyes searching for meaning in the Tenno’s actions. Other agents from nearly every faction in the system peeked in from the magnidoors. 
    It was then my mother found me. She picked up my graviball and tucked me behind her kuaka-skin blanket. I smelled her musty perfume; a gift from a Cetusan Ostron.
    “Come, my son,” I heard my mother say. “This is no place for you.”
    My mother’s hands shook as she turned my vision from the gods. Yet through her fingers I still peeked, watching the Tenno’s energy pulse through their Warframes.
    “But Mother,” I said, far too loud, “I want to see the Tenno.”
    “I know,” she said, pity - or fear - in her eyes. “Forgive me. But humans have no place in the presence of gods. For tonight, the gods grieve.”
    Grieve? I so wondered. What would gods have to grieve? Surely there was no force in the universe strong enough to kill a Tenno.
    In my simple youth, I dared question our lords.
    “What are they grieving, mother?” I asked.
    Yet my Mother’s words were nothing in my ears, for it was then I saw the crystals. Energy swirled within the Tenno’s palms. Each Warframe, a hundred gathered, held out their palms to reveal each a piece of some shattered crystal. By some miracle I recognized that crystal - the old legend of Orokin immortality. The god’s namesake itself.
    On a given command without speech or word, the Tenno rose their arms to the sky. There, each Tenno pulsed with energy, the shattered pieces of Oro gleaming in their fingers. The Oro shimmered with light, blue and gentle. 
    And then… Disappeared.
    The crystals faded to dust. An Oro, a shard of immortality, gone before my very eyes. Though my mother had rushed me away, I have never forgotten that solemn night. I have remembered that moment, held it dear. This was the night I saw an Immortal pass.

This was the night I watched gods cry.

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I agree. I think it would also be good to have a memorial to the person who invented software and C++ because without that, we wouldn't even have had a game at all.

Why don't people build a room in their guild dojo to remember TB by? Or do you not care enough that you have to let someone else do the work?

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Sometimes I'm even glad for posts like this. I was thinking what can get me out of this mood and maybe such crazy folks like you can do it :p. Even if the original meaning was different :p


it is great when they merge threads and suddenly all the answers doesn't make sense... it was reaction for this:

  9 hours ago, ExoVG said:

There's a player by the name of "Ureva_Exo" that's been dancing on TotalBiscuit's vigil on Larunda 2 a few hours ago. he was spamming "rHiNo DaNcE!" and flooding the relay chat with nonsense while other Tennos mourn. It really stuck me hard to see someone like him disrespecting what the Community has made to honor TotalBiscuit! his actions should be punished ;--;


Edited by Morndawn
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If this individual had been a DE Staff member than I'd be more than accepting of having an NPC who is made in their likeness or has their name being in game as a form of memorial.

As for Graveyards, or memorial areas...no.
It's always sad when someone passes, but their memory is kept alive by those who remember them. They do not need digital graves.

I know many MMOs who would however turn NPCs (sometimes just a quest giver or a random NPC Citizen) into the likeness of someone who passed.
Be it as accurate of possible, or they'd take/use that person's custom character/personal character, or they'd rename an NPC who resembled them.

I'm fine with that as it doesn't effect gameplay, development time, nor make every passing some ordeal.

Honestly, I hate to sound insensitive but Totalbiscuit to my knowledge was not prominent in the WF Community. So it's crazy to erect something for him.
Even then, I would only expect the type of treatment to go to DE Staff who literally are core to the game like: Rebecca Ford, Mike Leatham, etc).

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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5 hours ago, ExoVG said:

There's a player by the name of "Ureva_Exo" that's been dancing on TotalBiscuit's vigil on Larunda 2 a few hours ago. he was spamming "rHiNo DaNcE!" and flooding the relay chat with nonsense while other Tennos mourn. It really stuck me hard to see someone like him disrespecting what the Community has made to honor TotalBiscuit! his actions should be punished ;--;

Dude i know your anger but please Remember the TOS no naming or name shaming on the forums if he is bothering you that much do what other tenno have done and ignore him so you can see his posts and just continue doing with your lives since he clearly has no respect for the dead dont give him attention to his disrespectful nature 

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I hope the Menu options are good where you are TB 



(how i did it: http://clarvel.github.io/TennoTyper/ You can find it on the forums but ill give it to those who wish to use it) 

Rest now Totalbiscut
Braver then any tenno or dax
Sharper then any gun or blade
Stronger then any void made metal
May the mountains hold you high
But for now friend for many tenno
You have earned a most peaceful rest

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17 hours ago, main_antagonist said:

Hopefully something to immortalise his memory can be added to the game rip

I can assure you, the dude is immortalized enough as it is. What's above it? Super immortal? People are immortalized in memories, not trinkets.

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Rest in peace warmate. No matter how popular someone or how much did to the community but every person who dies will be missing. He was a famous youtuber and he helped in other ways this game and anothers too and he deserves some kind of memorial but that is also a double sided sword because then we make differences between peoples. Few months ago I read somewhere here some of our fellow tennos died permanently in real life and a lot not given a simple word. Of course hard to notice it but if there are friends whom close to you and can spread the news you are not alive anymore then some tennos could at least more solidary and wish good luck to you. TB was famous and that's why the sadness because he was known person and one of the early youtubers whom made gaming content videos. Some of the old ones are retired and a lot also died in some circumstances and I remember on my other communities persons whom passed away without beign noticed only years later. Sadly we cannot follow these things and only notice a person when he really died.

TB was one of us and hopefully he can make reviews to the angels too what games they should not buy.

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14 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

No because I dont bother much keeping my eye on such things. I know games have done it for devs, but for an outsider (which this actually is) I cant recall a single one. It simply doesnt fly well with me if it is something that can actually upset people, which death often can, believe me. It simply doesnt belong in games imo. Graveyards or possibly online groups would be the place to remember them if you feel that need.

It is sad he is dead, no denying that, but the whole gloryfication of someone is beyond me if it can actually effect some people the other way around. No person is important enough to have a memorial raised in their honor if that memorial can somehow cause grief to someone else, atleast not in a game we play to have fun. Leave real life at the doorstep.

Star Trek Online made a memorial statue in game for Leonard Nimoy, aka, Spock. He's not a dev, thus by your definition, an outsider much like TotalBiscuit.

Off course you can argue semantics, but it does come down to what I said above.

Anyways, if a memorial is made for TB, it should be something small, like a sigil, like what was posted on twitter:



This is small and respectful, things like statues for TB is a bit much.

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19 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

He cannot live a day for umbra 2 come... 😕 that is just sad.

I just realized how depressing this is... If you love the game as much as i do, not being able to see something the devs have been working on for so long is a bit of a bummer. Curse you, death.

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1 minute ago, Krhymez said:

I think the Devs should add this to the game as a Global Glyph. It is not much, but would be nice to have.


Code: TotalBiscuit

they should make TB the final boss RIP TB 😞

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1 hour ago, Lanadra said:

Star Trek Online made a memorial statue in game for Leonard Nimoy, aka, Spock. He's not a dev, thus by your definition, an outsider much like TotalBiscuit.

Off course you can argue semantics, but it does come down to what I said above.

Anyways, if a memorial is made for TB, it should be something small, like a sigil, like what was posted on twitter:

  Reveal hidden contents


This is small and respectful, things like statues for TB is a bit much.

Yes because Biscuit is obviously to WF what Spock is to Star Trek.

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24 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yes because Biscuit is obviously to WF what Spock is to Star Trek.

To DE he could be. From space mom and DE Megan's reaction to the news, i'd say he had a significant meaning to them.

Edited by LupisV0lk
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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yes because Biscuit is obviously to WF what Spock is to Star Trek.

He might as well be actually, he's probably the reason Warframe didn't go bankrupt, so in the future before sounding like a hateful douchebag, inform yourself.

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