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Just an idea but anyone feel like DE should add in a Tenno battle royal?


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Its quite simple really.  It be like PUBG and fortnite expect that several other Tennos are droped into a random area in an open world map, say like the orb vallis for instance. Before dropping in, players can pick a frame of their choice, but the rules of conclave are applied here.  Everyone will have to look for weapons and items (and maybe mods and/or upgrades?) scattered throughout the map and have to fight to survive to become the last Tenno standing.  As to limit the play area as time goes on, say like in orb vallis, it be like a snow storm that closes in for each passing moment.  Anyone caught in the snowstorm will take damage overtime.

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I'd rather not.

I'm quite fond of PvP in Warframe and am of the personal belief that it does have a place (Even the existing annihilation, although an alternative needs to exists), but Battle Royal doesn't really work for it. Even at a base technical level, Warframe just doesn't have the ability to handle 100 active combatants. It can barely handle 50 severely limited combatants in the relays.

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I don’t think it would work well without changes to Warframe significant enough to bring into question whether or not the game is still Warframe. 

For it to have any semblance of balance and fairness choice of frame would have to be all but meaningless. Gear spawns are one thing but every player would have to start on even footing for the game to be fair. Can we honestly say that frames as anything but a skin meet that criteria?

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So conclave in a open area with 100 people a game where if people wanted to could snipe with shotguns and still do roughly one shots? 

with our weapons even with even conclave stats are pretty deadly 

even if this bland flavor of the month game mode was added no one like normal conclave would play it because this game is not primarily pvp 

the only pvp i enjoyed is this game was the snowball fight last year or something

can you tell ive grown tired of this thread topic coming up on a bi weekly basis

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1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:

Please don't ask DE to go back to their bad habits that made them implement a half-finished Lunaro game mode

Honestly, I'm romantically in love with the concept of Lunaro, but the execution must be grounded in mechanics other than the vanilla movement. I think DE should create a unique mobility system for Lunaro alone so we don't have to spam double jump roll.

Edited by Tellakey
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2 hours ago, Raqiya said:

No... just no.

In case others don’t get this:

“No means NO.”

I want some improvements to the fast-paced, dungeon-crawl mobicide Power/fantasy I fell in love with and DE has been off doing other things for a LOOONNG Time now.


(I couldn’t help myself)

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