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Warframe drops out of steams top 10 just after releasing an Big update.


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Warframe has been dropping in and out of steams top 10 since Destiny 2 went free to play. This update didn’t bring players back. I’m worried this update did more harm then good..  Lets hope the new war and Empyrean are Great… But how long can the player basic wait. And will the wait be worth it. ? https://store.steampowered.com/stats/  



EDIT  24th of November RISING TIDE update Has Warframe setting at 6th place on steam, looks like empyrean is going to do much better..  


EDIT   Warframe has dropped to 14th place on steam as of the 2nd of December.. 

Edited by (PS4)SolarPhantom82
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set the zenistar 45 seconds please again de.   i warned this would happen i made a cryptic post about a year ago when they killed the raids i said that it would only have a negative long lasting overall effect that would slowly bleed the community. fast forward a year later now with no new significant updates rail jack pushed back indefinitely no community no large team events to build and bring people together. no exclusive weapon no hard to farm items no valuable arcanes no item of worth to farm period just "new" account bound weapons some fringe players will get excited for behind weeks of grind "yay".  just death and despair gg de. 

Edited by krimit
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Ask DE what are they doing. 

Nerfing melee, ruining peoples rivens (by melee changes and incoming by melee rivens dispositions also), uselss Lich system, where their bugs (kuva in thralls and murmurs from party lichez) felt better than their actual fixes; weak vauban rework; ignoring alot of players with Nightwave intermission, where 1/3 of rewards are NOTHING (and they dont want even give creds instead of dups); another useless pet-cat; bugged kiva weapons, to the point where they have almost lower dmg than they had in base version(and devs still ignore this bug) and muchmuch more. U know, myself im taking (another) break after this update. Cause i receive more negative emotions from it, rather than good as was expecting. 

And im not trying to tell “game is bad rip”. No, game is awesome. Seriously awesome, no doubts. But this year some of DE decisions were...questionable. ;(

Edited by Melanholic7
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there is nothing but grind for weak items and things you already have. everything that was worth working for gets slowly nerfed made extremely easy to obtain or becomes purchasable with plat after one had already spent months grinding. all the items in the game have become devalued its an overall reflection of the game its self becoming devalued. you screwed the pouch big time de wit the arcane drop change eliminating the raids and the hemorrhaging has not stopped since. 

Edited by krimit
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Might be a good thing. It's about time Warframe settles into a niche. Warframe has NEVER been a good game. It's never been completed and is often riddled with bugs or inconsistencies. Hopefully the new update is making people realize that. It's overpopularity is due to hype and rarely due to any sensible reasoning.


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4 минуты назад, Goodwill сказал:

Might be a good thing. It's about time Warframe settles into a niche. Warframe has NEVER been a good game. It's never been completed and is often riddled with bugs or inconsistencies. Hopefully the new update is making people realize that. It's overpopularity is due to hype and rarely due to any sensible reasoning.


That's depressingly accurate.

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8 minutes ago, Goodwill said:

Might be a good thing. It's about time Warframe settles into a niche. Warframe has NEVER been a good game. It's never been completed and is often riddled with bugs or inconsistencies. Hopefully the new update is making people realize that. It's overpopularity is due to hype and rarely due to any sensible reasoning.


Sorry, but why are you still here if it's never been a good game?

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1 минуту назад, Lance_Lionroar сказал:

Sorry, but why are you still here if it's never been a good game?

Personally - because it's still unique and fun for me. But it was always an undeniably flawed game, and I had my rage fits with its content more than once. I actually uninstalled back when POE was released due to how horrible it was. Grinded it to full later. Still hate it. And that's how it goes.

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The lack of community information regarding TNW and Rail further help push veterans out the door. A month ago it was “destiny 2 will fall off, give it a month. While the game doesn’t average 180+ like at launch, it is more than triple the player base of warframe now.


Is it time to be concerned? I’ve personally always said no in the past, because it seemed like we were making forward progress. Now? Hardly. 


/insert whiteboard comment here 

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17 minutes ago, Mikaer88 said:

Warframe cultists keeps bashing Destiny 2 like an insecure girlfriend, the numbers however is a slap to their faces.

Player expectations for Empyrean, New War and the Duviri Paradox is now at an all time high, this is a make or break for DE.

These updates will confirm if Warframe is indeed better than Destiny 2.

To me warframe is atm way better then Destiny 2 until D2 let new players level up by themself. D2 ruined the game for me by removing the 1 thing I like in games leveling up.

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Just now, Etan-gK said:

I'd simply like to point out that the steam version is the one the data is coming from and doesn't account for people who play the standalone version, so your info is a bit skewed

Yeah I never gonna put warframe on steam for I don't like to have to rely on being able to login on 3rd party to be able to play. So I'm sticking to the stand alone for warframe.

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The major problem with the update (on top of how badly implemented the lich system is) is the lack of NEW content. We have a new frame, new enemy and "new" weapons, but that won't hold or draw in people who want more substance and not just something to warm up the old stuff. I have no issue with not getting new content because I haven't even finished the older stuff, but most of the players I know irl did the lich once and then went back to other games because it was still the same missions they were doing and for what? Rng generated weapons, yay. As much as I still enjoy Warframe, I fully understand why those people said "nope" to this update.

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Mildly depressing to see The Mobtm act like this.


Warframe is one of those "'Endless' Beta" type games. Everything is subject to change, and that's part of what makes it awesome.

Meta's exist, and are allowed to exist, because it's player-discovery. Meta's are squashed and nerfed, because the challenge of figuring out something new must continue.

But then DE got bogged down. They decided they wanted to have a part that was comparable to the Cinematic, dramatic cutscene-shooters like destiny.

So they worked their asses off on the Second-dream, War-Within, Sacrifice, POE, etc.

And in doing so, left a lot of metas untouched for a long while. Not just the usual ones, like slash being "best" damage type. Things that could be invested in.

They left rivens as a largely unmoderated gambling ring, where players dropped hundreds of dollars on the market.

They left Chroma (for a while) to have a buggy damage-buff, making him super meta.

They left Melee mods in a stagnation, so builds "finalized" and the "best" mods became pricey.


And so, DE unintentionally made themselves WAY more like destiny than they ever could have wanted. They had broken stats, heavily entrenched metas, and items that couldn't be touched lest it damage the player's real-world-money investment.


And now, DE has tried to get back to it's usual mojo. Put out a big update, with things to experiment on, rewards to race for, and a meta-shake-up.

But all of the players they gained recently, don't want that. They came in on a game with a concrete meta and promises of not-DLC like The War Within.



So, to my mind, this is good. It'll be a turning point:

either DE will succumb to greed, and desperately clamor to claw back the ever-fickle Mob.

Or they will get back to their patchwork-game antics, and the Explorer demographic that's been waning will start to regrow.

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17 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

Sorry, but why are you still here if it's never been a good game?

Because I can like something while admitting its flaws? Because maybe its Warframe's flaws I like the most? I like how Warframe takes risks. I like how they are not afraid to go out of their comfort zone.

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9 minutes ago, Etan-gK said:

I'd simply like to point out that the steam version is the one the data is coming from and doesn't account for people who play the standalone version, so your info is a bit skewed

will agree on that I had the steam version then dumped it due to steam always screwing up and did not want steam to run in the background just to chew up ram

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Whilst I'm not dramatically worried (it is number 11 after all, it's not like it's tanked in popularity), I won't lie I am interested to see the potential changes this may bring. DE are an ambitious and passionate company, that much has been made clear on a number of occasions. Not that it always translates to the best results, but it should mean that a fire shall be lit under their asses in the coming months.

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21 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

The major problem with the update (on top of how badly implemented the lich system is) is the lack of NEW content. We have a new frame, new enemy and "new" weapons, but that won't hold or draw in people who want more substance and not just something to warm up the old stuff. I have no issue with not getting new content because I haven't even finished the older stuff, but most of the players I know irl did the lich once and then went back to other games because it was still the same missions they were doing and for what? Rng generated weapons, yay. As much as I still enjoy Warframe, I fully understand why those people said "nope" to this update.

This is the problem. It's becoming quantity over quality. I'm on the side of the fence that feels they are trying to push out too much content too fast to rake in more/keep players and as a result it's not being properly implemented and/or corners are getting cut to get it out faster. Take this new update as an example, everything about it was sloppy and screamed rushed. I'd rather them give old content QoL updates and bugfixes. Hell, rework archwing so it feels like I'm playing Zone of the Enders, complete with a proper lock-on system and all.

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Kind of sad looking at all this doom sayers, but i got used to them, they are in every game. Just because you did not liked it, doesnt make it a bad update for the rest. Just because you see ONLY the steam numbers drop, doesnt mean thats all the data. Just because you see "a lot" of players pissed at the update, doesnt mean is ALL of the players, im sure a lot are enjoying it.

People will keep complaining, Warframe this, Warframe that, only because it is not meeting their expectations. I wonder why those ppl still play a game that does not meet their expectations and keep bashing it in their forums, trying to incite the mob mentality, and rally more people to their side.

Personally, i have not seen a game that updates this often, patches errors and quickly acts based on player feedback ( they made the lich system optional, so if you still think is just garbage, then dont make a lich right? simple! just wait till there is lich trading so you can have what you want)

Most of the games are either in zombie mode, being maintained by the whales, or have incompetent devs that have zero communication with the playerbase, and even some that are published by some VERY incompetent publishers that have no idea what they are doing as the face of the devs, have zero knowledge of the game they are publishing, and only keep pushing updates to their shop that are extremely pay to win and predatory.

There are a few places where Warframe could definitely improve, but i wont judge a game based only on just ONE update.

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