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Warframe drops out of steams top 10 just after releasing an Big update.


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15 hours ago, (PS4)Eluminary said:

I saw this post and counted.  Of the 25 most recent posted topics at the time of posting this 6/25 were clearly negative posts (imo) so I think the basis isn't quite correct.


Though negative can be a bit in the eye of the beholder,for example I would rate this post as indifferent, others could see it or other topics differently.


Even if it was true fourms like this tend to draw more people with an axe to grind against a game.  Something happens you don't like will motivate a post more than a general feeling of everything is ok.

I feel that but also, since this post has most likely read this post, there could be a moment of reflection. 

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7 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:


It took like what, 1/10 the time for Empyrean to lose 50% of player count compared to U24.5 did @ Mar 2019?

But of course it's not like DE totally f**ked up 3 updates in a row, it's all on those "vocal minority" for complaining the game.

Screw the minority.

This 50k user are the ones who only play Warframe like myself. I don't care to invest any other time into any other game after putting in thousands of hours in Warframe. The rest the numbers are just people how wanted to test of a new/ old game they use to play or there was an update like Plains of Eidolon, Fortuna, Umbra, and Railjack. Most player bast only play to get the reward then leave and come back then there are new rewards. Players like me test weapons and try to find new synergies with weapons and frames because we are bored. lol

Also the target audience for Warframe are people who like to think, same as strategy card games like Magic. Not many people what to think so much when it comes to gaming.

Edited by kwlingo
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It’s just like reviews on Yelp or other services. It’s very rare that the customer will leave a comment if they had a good experience. But: Drop rates too low? Random PUB irritating them? Minor discourse over farming method? RELEASE THE KARENS. Instead of may-I-speak-to-your-manager, it’s just standard toxic internet garbage. 

I mean, I could make a post on how I found my actual, long lost real life cousin on this game by complete accident, but-

.......actually yeah. I’m going to do that. 2020 resolution should be to actually give credit where it’s due and leave good reviews. 

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Depends on what you consider negative:

  • "Railjack sucks".  Pretty negative
  • "RNG in Railjack sucks". negatively stated? sure. Criticism -absolutely. And no they (poster) don't need to give exact drop rates to make their point.
  • "Drop rate for xyz is too low" - guess what - still negative, just phrased differently.
21 minutes ago, NigglesAU said:

Because some people whinge about same things. Grind. RnG . Lich. Railjack. Foundry wait times. People complain just cause

yes people COMPLAIN, COMMENT, CRITICIZE many things. I'm not sure I'd consider it whining if the RJ experience is a jarring disconnect from the rest of Warframe with no clear direction from DE.  And from that lack of direction from DE, players make the assumption this is the way of the future with warframe - as bleak as it is.  For example:

  • Lets leave aside RJ wreckage rewards from mission completion and take a look at the other two perhaps more meaningful rewards - resources & relics.  The drop rate vs. time spent in mission is a multiple of the equivalent star chart missions.  So in the future, does DE envision it taking 10+ minutes slogging through slowly killing one enemy at a time to get a single neo relic? or 5 hours of farming to craft your most recently awarded PoS wreckage or whatever?
  • Lets look at wreckage - RNG stats as the new wave of the future for everything WF.  Not well regarded (put politely) by the community at large. Especially when it pertains to overall capacity.  And does DE really believe anyone is going to be stupid enough (other than those of us on day 1 who didn't know better) to bother crafting MKI, MKII, and 90% of MKIII garbage? MK1 and 2 are off the table, and no one is going to bother with any mk3 unless its near the top of the rng roll.  why waste the time, the resources, the weapon slots to do so?  which means a HUGE portion of the "rewards" aren't rewards at all but rather a punishment as the only thing they do is make us micro manage inventory space.
  • Drop rates for rare items - Crap buried behind RNG spawn of loot boxes, with more RNG for contents.  If the player base went to the same metrics (decided randomly to CONSIDER playing warframe 2%, only if that came up positive, flipped a coin between WF and 50 other games to play that evening, we would play warframe 4 times every 28 Years.  so if DE complains we stopped playing their game and we said "oh, sorry DE, you're right maybe that was a tad harsh" and decided to double our participation to 4 times every 14 years, would they be satisfied? probably not.
    • As an addition, even the drop chances for rare avionics are way off base from regular star chart missions: things dropping from an enemy you only see 6 of in a mission, that have a ttk 10x that of a starchart enemy, in a mission that takes 4 times longer than a starchart mission, and we have no way of desecrating, pickpocketing, or otherwise looting, and should it drop the mod has a good chance of succumbing to gravity and sinking off the map before your non-vacuum equipped arse can get it.

If people look at this, at DE's stubborness to address either by changing things, or public statement, players come to the conclusion this is how DE envisions the future of WF.  And many of them might not wait around another year to see if they're right or not.


Edited by tucker_d_dawg
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28 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

Most player bast only play to get the reward then leave and come back then there are new rewards.

For Rising Tide, you're probably right. People jumped on and built their railjack and then jumped off.

However that's a poor assumption for Old Blood and Empyrean. There is no way that cluster of people who came to try Liches and Empyrean finished it all in a weeked. What's more likely is that tried it out, saw the layers of rng and grind and decided it wasn't for them. To all those arguing that rng = sustainable content, please take note that the data does not support your argument.

Edited by schilds
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Yeah, glitches are bad. Grind is awful from low drop rates. New content is being announced before fixes are addressed. 

It’s annoying as a player. Sometimes I just want to grab a DE and shake some sense into them. fry fix it GIF

But! I thought I’d start a thread for positive experiences in the game verse that have nothing to do with the actual game itself. Not trying to white-knight my way into DE’s good graces by any means, but just fun moments I’ve had with the player base. 2020 goals of trying to be a decent person instead of the basement dwelling gamer gremlin I am. 

A long time ago when I was a wee MR5, I got invited to a clan. I got paired up with some clan mates that were farming the same thing I was. In time, these 4-10ish people became sort of my core group. We play loads of other games together, and often talk about real life issues, goals, careers. They feel a bit like family. 

Turns out, one of them actually is family. We were sharing stories of holiday drama, and I realised we were talking about the same people. Surprise!-we are cousins through marriage and our families haven’t really interacted because of said drama. 

Or, in another game, the guild leader was talking about job hunting and started to mention places that were on my hometown. Surprise!-half the guild actually lives here. Haven’t met them in person, but it’s been handy to get a heads up for bad weather this winter. 

All in all, comment your favourite experience being a gamer gremlin like me. Doesn’t have to be WF focused, just something to kind of... clear the air?-Variety in the forum?



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I've been less interested in playing the game since railjack and liches were added, so used the 'game time' to get some 'boring stuff' done instead... in other words I've been far more productive than usual so I suppose that's a positive for me, not so much for DE, especially when it seems a large portion of my clan isn't as active either....

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Just now, LSG501 said:

I've been less interested in playing the game since railjack and liches were added, so used the 'game time' to get some 'boring stuff' done instead... in other words I've been far more productive than usual so I suppose that's a positive for me, not so much for DE, especially when it seems a large portion of my clan isn't as active either....

I mean. I’m doing the dishes while I wait to beat my head against the sentient ship so. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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23 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Whenever I login and say hi in regionprime there are a few core people who always greet me always puts me in a good mood. 

Lucky. My greeting is usually a mix of people trying to get around the censor filter, or a barrage of “clem”.

3 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Filled with vanilla ice cream, sliced bananas and either a toffee or chocolate sauce would be my suggestion...

Thinking savoury, actually. I’m almost out of groceries so options are kind of limited. Could always fall back on good old fashioned ramen packet. 

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Best experience would be getting a new frame. Pull that boi out of the oven fresh. Buy augments. Get skins. Then drop them because you realize you just wasted that crap on them because you love your mains too much then go make another frame and see if they become your main.

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