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Harpoon Harpoon Harpoon Harpoon Harpoon Harpoon Harpoon


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2 hours ago, Lancars said:

ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE HARPOONS!. Trying to do missions with infested and the ancients end up becoming MORE COMMON THEN CHARGERS. No matter how fast i move or anything i'm caught out of the air or somehow harpoons from some small space they can see me. 

I DO NOT want to use a BANDAID mod to "fix" this problem. DE needs to come up with something to replace it as i'm starting to miss the slapping ancients. Atleast i could sail over them and not get hit by their space magic homing harpoons. (Slapping ancient got replaced with harpoon ancients to fix the "tenno ping pong" issue way back but this made it worse then ever)

You have to dodge roll just after you hear the harpoon sfx. Doing it before causes the harpoon to lead. (Yes, ancients lead their shots like to corpus which is why its difficult to avoid them, but it is not aimlocked)

You can prevent being harpooned by meleeing it before it hits you. Your character will cut it automatically after the melee 2.0 update. (Do not equip melee. Just press E). I normally use a nikana because it melees faster.

Either that, or just play valkyr (she removes the harpoon off of her due to her passive) or atlas (also passive).


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2 hours ago, Lancars said:

ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE HARPOONS!. Trying to do missions with infested and the ancients end up becoming MORE COMMON THEN CHARGERS. No matter how fast i move or anything i'm caught out of the air or somehow harpoons from some small space they can see me. 

I DO NOT want to use a BANDAID mod to "fix" this problem. DE needs to come up with something to replace it as i'm starting to miss the slapping ancients. Atleast i could sail over them and not get hit by their space magic homing harpoons. (Slapping ancient got replaced with harpoon ancients to fix the "tenno ping pong" issue way back but this made it worse then ever)

Hate to say it man, but irritating mechanics to help 'control power creep' or some such nonsense is like, one of DE's favorite things and prolly isn't gonna change.  

Personally I love when I'm harpooned by a corrupted ancient into  a corrupted nullifier. Great times. 

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2 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

slapping ancients were used for the Halloween Event of previous years, if I'm not mistaken. I've never had Ancients that slapped instead of harpooning and I've been around since U7.

Ancients only slap if you're in really close melee range and their other abilities (harpoon, toxic roar) are both on cooldown. If you're too far they'll do the stretchy jab, and if they have their other abilities charged they'll use those instead

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I had a response for this thread, but it got dragged away by Ancient Harpoons...

this is a problem I've just accepted, but it would be nice if we could get it solved. to me the harpoon should be a limited use attack for the Ancients and Scorpions. sure, there are counters to Harpoons, but the amount of times they can use it is really obnoxious. that moment when New Loka's Ancient squad appear all around you and start dragging you in multiple directions... *shudder*

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Sadly they will never fix that S#&$.

It's annoying as hell how these C***s grab you while you're behind them already.

I don't know why It's so hard to make these enemies shoot in a cone instead of being able to grab from literally any angle, regardless of what you're doing.

I planned to make a post in feedback about it, but DE for whatever reason doesn't give a #*!% about this 6 years old problem.

Edited by JackHargreav
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D20 has the right of it when it comes to the telegraphing issue, they start up the harpoon shot and it fires less than a second after the animation begins, plus avoiding them can be irritating since you can be hooked from behind, this is especially common for me, I swear that the Scorpion pathfinding intentionally gets stuck on door corners just to pop out and hook me the moment I turn my back...

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13 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

And the AI doesn't track your current position, it flawlessly predicts your trajectory.

Well, thats not entirely true.

I've had various harpoons from scorpions and ancients change direction or angle midair. One even caught me in a gauss dash on a solo mission.
Some cases might have been bugs or lag but either the animations are broken or there has to be some tracking in the code.

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The AI isn't perfect, but until it is... just Mod for it. There isn't a realistic situation outside Arbitrations where you can't sacrifice even one slot for mitigating Knockdown, and inside Arbis if it's getting you killed, a Knockdown mod becomes a survivability mod. I know you don't like to be inconvenienced, but the Infested have to do something to stand a snowball's chance against us.

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... Interesting reaction... Lets begin, shall we...?

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

The original poster has a valid point.

Never said otherwise. If you had the impression that I did, the only one to blame is you, and you alone, for it.

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

Since the Old Blood Update, the grineer scorpions DO IN FACT HARPOON at a ridiculous rate, their accuracy is near 100%, and it doesn't matter how you are moving, whether it be bullet jumping, aim gliding, using Heavy Swords in broken bull animation. THEY WILL HARPOON YOU and there is no way around it.

If you bothered yourself to read everything properly, without skimming the hell out of the entire topic, just to find a reason to bash me as if I'm going to drop you a Condition Overload, you would've probably seen that the OP's referring to Infested Ancients. Scorpions fit the "harpoon launcher" category, but try to keep up on things...

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

That and the fact that you think you "know everything" or are "better at the game" than everyone else (I'm gonna break the news to you: you are NOT better than us).

... You have to be more specific... The term "better at the game" is vague, and I prefer to slap you with a reply of 2 or 3 sentences to prevent you from skimming through it.

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

Now, as an OP MR 28, it doesn't bother me THAT much because i'm spinning through level 100+ enemies all 1 shotting them, and even when I do get harpooned, I recover in about 2 seconds and then proceed to 1 shot everything again.

Handspring is everyone's friend. I don't understand why people keep not using it, since its what keeps them mobile during stressful situations.

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

I would say it's more of a minor annoyance to me, but I definitely did notice it which is why I clicked on this thread.

Never said otherwise.

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

However, that being said THERE IS AN UNDENIABLE INCREASED FREQUENCY in the harpooning, to the point that I know DE definitely changed something in their code to affect this.

Harpoon-to-the-face Frequency increases with the number of "harpoon launchers" spawned, and in the same room as the player... It kind of makes sense, if you really think about it... Its very easy to simply change 1 number, server side, and no one notice anything different until the player gets swarmed with Ancients... Which is, again, the enemy that the OP's referring to be the ones uncovering the problem through their numbers.

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

And it's understandable that less well geared players will find it more annoying.

Lancars | MR22 | Total Play time - 1673 hours


Considering the OP's profile stats, I can say that he/she is hardly "less well geared". Someone that hasn't, at least, completed the Star Chart won't fight enemies at the levels that we are.

The "exceptions to the rule", so to speak, will face enemies nearly impossible to kill for them at their own prejudice.

1 hour ago, angryjanitor said:

I logged in specifically to down vote the hell out of you because after reading your replies you're quite an unpleasant person.

You came out of the closet, just to down vote me? I'm flattered, makes me feel important...


I'm not denying anyone's reasons for this particular problem. I never said that it isn't a problem, in the first place. I did point out ways to minimize it... You've heard about "minimizing a problem", right?


So, unless you have a problem with me for pointing out ways of minimizing it, while mentioning what I picked up from the AI's aiming behavior for those harpoons through my attempts at dodging them, then let me break it down for you... I'm far from being unpleasant. The only one being unpleasant here is you. Because, as far as I'm concerned, I have yet to disrespect any of the participants here.


Mistakes can happen, but It won't sit well if you end up doing the exact same thing to me that I'm avoiding to do (successfully, which I'm proud of myself for it) to the rest of the participants, especially on someone with a higher "Rep vs Posts" ratio. So~, I suggest that you take a step back, place one of your hands on your head (the top one)... and put both your salt mine and your emotional instability out the door.

Edited by Uhkretor
... And I guess his post is gone. Oh well...
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Well, I've completely forgotten about the harpoons, since I'm using Inaros with Negation Swarm for high level endurance runs. No status effects on self is soooo satisfying.

Usually going full melee then. Melee 3.0 is really nice.

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On 2019-11-21 at 9:16 PM, 0_The_F00l said:

I only want the Los issues fixed. 

Being harpooned while behind cover is annoying and screw things quickly. 

This, and Ancients/Scorpions using their harpoons while they're hard CC'd needs to be fixed too.  Them shooting harpoons while they're stuck in stuff like Nidus' larva and Booben's vortex is just ridiculous.

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I was thinking about this issue just yesterday while spending some time being dragged across the floor during an Infested survival mission. I'm flailing at some infested when *flop* on my butt being pulled back. Rinse and repeat every 10-15 seconds. It gets old really quick even with hand spring mod equipped. Especially the impressive "hook you from behind my back"-maneuver they pull if you happen to run past them in a hallway.

This wouldn't be an issue if the ancients and all other harpooneers didn't initiate their attacks with the harpoon 100% of the time. Switch it up a little and have them charge directly in 33% of the time or something! And give them a FOV on their attacks so they can't hook you with their backs facing you.

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