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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack General Feedback Megathread


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I am on Saturn Proxima now and fighting in the Archwing has become a real slog. Even the smaller fighters take a while, let alone the stronger ships. The thing is, Unlike my Railjack where I know there are still a lot of upgrades to be had, I see no way forward for my Archguns. The best I can field in this situation, and probably the best in the game right now, is the Imperator Vandal. Yes, I could try to get a Riven for it and get some damage boost on it, but even if I could double the effective damage, that would just delay the inventiable: it would be nigh unplayable on Veil Proxima!


So first of all I think the recent Archgun damage nerf needs to be entirely reverted, if not even turned into a net buff. Second, I don't mind that none of them are hitscan any more, but we need the same leading indicator as we have on the Railjack turrets if we are supposed to attack agile fighters with our Archgun. Then all the currently nonviable guns need to be looked at and be made viable for Railjack, even if it comes at the cost of making them become overpowered in normal Archwing missions, because Railjack is clearly the way to go forward for any space combat and weapons need to be balanced around that.

Edited by Mephane
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Enemies aboard crewships should be higher level, not higher stats. The best change you've made this year was introducing level-based scaling to warframe abilities. I know, it's only on Photon Strike and Flechettes so far, but that is the best thing you've done this year. 

Making enemies that have the stats of a level 90 at level 25 is the exact antithesis to that, as it perfectly counters this massive improvement.

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The weapons on our ships have an effective and maximum range, so why can't wee see our target distance when we're aiming at an enemy ship? This is information is invaluable when using projectile weapons. The lead indicator/pip is useless past certain distance because the target will simply change direction and avoid your shots altogether. If I'm not mistaken, the artillery has a finite range as well.

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Please standardize naming conventions.

For regular weapons the "MK-1" versions are inferior to the base versions (Braton vs. Braton MK-1, Furax vs. Furax MK-1, etc.) Currently for railjack weapons, the "MK-1" versions are SUPERIOR to the base versions (Reactor vs. Reactor MK-1, Apoc vs. Apoc MK-1, etc.)  This is confusing for anyone who has learned that MK-1 means "worse than regular", and as it has no benefit I can see, I would suggest either:

a) Just rename everything so your starter junk is MK-1 and the formerly MK-1s become MK-2s and everything gets one larger, or

b) Get a different naming system that doesn't use MK-1.

But using MK-1 to not mean the worst version is confusing and contrary to all the established precedent.

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I haven't read all the topic, but I assume a lot of what I'm about to say was already mentioned at least 50 times over. And still I want to add these to the pile.

1) The usual problem of Warframe - explaining stuff. Or better say - NOT explaining stuff. Refining? Nah. Crew-ship destruction? Unless you were watching every piece of youtube/twitch media about railjack for the last 2 years... Nah. I saw a guy actually killing this thing with imperator (the regular one) the other day. The list goes.

2) This is more of an economy this, though I feel like complaining. Resource drop chances and refining.

We never have enough stuff, ever. Cause we either have 3million cubics flying around with no pastrels in sight or exactly the opposite. Wanna craft things? Oh yeah, you hcae exactly 0 of one of the resources needed. Have fun.

And refining... Ok, DE, I believe that you tested this internally, but as usual you have no idea how your players are doing things. Capacity of 200 can be filled in about 30 seconds. I've spent about 20 mins last mission (the whole mission basically) sitting in the forge, doing nothing but refining loot and waiting for cooldowns. And I'm not our team's engineer mind you, I'm a god damned pilot.

3) Oh, and while we are at it. I'm starting to really dislike whoever does UI for stuff. Like reeeeeeeeeeeally. I can appreciate a clean look, but why you feel the urge to hide every piece of information your players need? Having an indication of ship's forge resource count is not just nice to have, it is essential. I'll repeat this again (and I've been saying this for years since I came to Warframe from WoW and got used to addons there) give us the ability to make UI plugins/addons/whatever-you-call-this. I would be so happy to have the ability to show exactly what I need in game and make some characters not popping up on my screen, especially during eidolon hunts.

4) Archwing. Ok, I get that our weapons are at the level of a Death Star at this point => being more powerful than starting railjack guns => archwing is somehow the way to do damage. No problems here. Problems are starting when you see the damage of your enemies. So with 2k armor I can loose my railjack's 2k hp in about 5-10-ish seconds. We can all calculate the amount of DR on the ship and from there the amount of damage enemies can do in a single shot. Now what will this shot do to an archwing with only 200 armor? Yeeeeah. I don't like being instantly dead while exiting the ship. And this happens a lot. Yeah, I could exit from the side which is not under fire... if there was a way to tell which side that is from inside. Or if the ship wasn't constantly under fire from all directions. Also crew-ships' bs aoe invisible (like 50% of times) shots. At the very least can we have an invulnerability period of a couple of seconds when exiting the ship.

5) Intrinsics. Not themselves, I don't have any particular thing to say about those. Buuuuuuut why do I need to drag myself all the way back to the dock to check what they do and/or level them up? Makes no sence.

6) Avionics. They are essentially mods for railjack. So why if I want to move one to a different position I need to:

  • unequip it
  • unequip whatever is in the new position
  • equip first avionic to the new slot
  • equip whatever I unequipped in step 2

Archwing enhancements avionics. 60-90m radius, really? You need to practically hug the railjack to gain the benefits of those. Considering what I said about archwings earlier, those avionics are meh at best.

Edited by Darth_Predator
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There's simply too much complexity for the depth of the current railjack combat/content. There are way too many moving parts in just your ship alone, and unless you read at least part of an out-of-game tutorial, very little is immediately apparent upon starting a railjack mission. How to refill omni is not immediately apparent nor is it at all convenient and it just happens to be a key mechanic to any functioning team? This could have been executed with a 1/4 of the moddable parts and things to do on the ship during any given railjack mission and it would still have been able to be made challenging and engaging.

Warframe is already inundated with way too many mechanics for players to learn that *are not* explained to them in-game; they are forced to look for explanations provided by the community via external sources. I cannot imagine anybody starting to play this year would find it at all approachable, and this was an issue years ago.

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Need waiting squad function when starting railjack mission with your own railjack.

Need mission vote when restart another mission so that those who want quit can go back.

Need additional match making when restart another mission with not a full squad.

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Can we get some invulnerability when we enter archwing mode? I've been oneshot before without a second to react as soon as I step outside of the railjack and it's very annoying.  It's the least you could do with all the overpowered enemies that can shred us in seconds, but take longer to whittle down with our guns.  (I say guns, because melee isn't a thing anymore, apparently)

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Recall the issue that Valence transfer addresses with Kuva weapons?

- You get a neat thing through RNG, but it’s gonna take a lot of effort and resources to fully rebuild and upgrade.

- As soon as you pour those resources into it, RNG drops you a slightly better version.

- Result: player feels like a complete tool for bothering to invest anything in the system. Player now becomes reluctant to play with or put resources into anything gained through this system.

- Valence transfer! Keep the effort you’ve put in, and upgrade using the incremental benefit! So much better.




You guys literally went straight from implementing Kuva weapons and having to implement Valence transfer for them, to replicating the exact same problem with Railjack components. Literally, exactly the same problem, in the very next update.

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On 2019-12-13 at 4:48 PM, Domaik said:

I'm going to put this in very easy terms:

Nothing is explained. Nothing. This is a theme with the game but a very bad one.

Resources are lost because nowhere it's mentioned you have to refine them.

Railjack UI is very unclear on what to do to win.

This is pretty much the biggest crime, with much of the whole game that they really need to stop.
They rely way too much on information being OUT of the game. Leaving virtually nothing in the game itself explained, this holds even more true with railjack and it makes it frustrating.

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I would like 2 things

A way to mark avionics permantly, so when we want recycle them we can see wich one we want to keep and wich one to sell.

A way to lock the main big canon. So pick up cant use it without authorisation.
I does 2 public party, and people tend to waste ammo for fun.

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DE, please consider these:

  • Making loot more visible and/or increasing vacuum range drastically
  • Let us deactivate minimap while seated and/or make it the tactical map while seated
  • Range indicator on target would be also great
  • Let us mark stuff outside while seated

And by consider, I mean implement, because we damn need these.
I might edit this comment later to add more annoyances.

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The 2 new weapons' BP should be for squad, meaning if 1 person in the squad gets it, then all get it. Because the base or whatever it is will disappear once the assassination target is killed. Making the team on board the railjack not able to get the BP.

Please change this. Not sure why is it like this in the first place.

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So after playing it for a bit. Beating whole earth proxima and some of saturn.

Been using own rail jack and joined some public missions.

I have some points to share on positive and negative of this game mode.

So first of all it feels like it's only early access. If this is the intention it is good enough. Decent starting point for polishing, tweaks and expanding.

The Good:
- Flying feels fun actually. Generaly speaking,  multi tasking and jugling everything is fun.

- Joining any parties or hosting parties away from first starting node gives mostly decent players. When everyone co-operates and uses their braisn it is very fun game mode.

- It is okay start for more future content related to this and nice break away from rest of the game.

- It is possible to do just with one friend, which is a bonus.

The Bad:
- Recovered wreckage with randomized stats. No. Just no. It's rivens allover again, creeping up to other game systems.

- Rewards are very unrewarding most of time. Just a bit of cash and some random easily accessible resources.

- Enemy fighters scaling. Just more Armour, more health. Nothing changes in their squadron compositions. No more interesting enemies to fight or need for any sophisticated tactics.

- Resistance avionics for certain elements. Why this exists? It's bad and useless on warframes already, and is useless in here as well. Just trash in drop tables

The Questionable:
- Refining. Not refining resources before leaving mission, will just delete them.  Can't those be auto-refined on returning to dojo at least?

- Enemy boarding parties and crew level scaling. Why it's like that? Grinners level 25 feel like level 60 at least. I don't mind them being high level and tough to fight but our difficulty indicator is enemy level, and here in railjack does not match to the rest of game for some reasons.

- Can't scan enemies from inside of rail jack. Same for marking resources. It's frustrating.

- We have engines, we have shields and reactor. Why there is no spot for auxiliary system? One off slot that could house some more complex and interesting piece of gear than avionics. Like automatic scanner. Long range resource tractor beam and many more options.

The Disappointing:
- Lack of exploration. All thees cool tempting set pieces, asteroid bases with doors. Missile platforms. Orokin towers....and nothing. There are occasional mission objectives to infiltrate. But there is noting to do besides main objectives as of now.

- Space combat misses some depth. I was hoping that enemy ships would be composed from multiple components, that needed to be peeled off one by one. That damaging them would cause drop of their combat performance and would make battles all more satisfying. I hoped something like that would be implemented to all ships, even fighters. Damaging their engines, comms, drive parts or maybe even their weapons. It is all more frustrating with bigger enemies.Like space stations and such. There could be more ways to destroy crew ships. There could be an option to peel enough of it's armour and get crew inside killed, from varied sources. Get the pilot killed rendering ship only half as efficent. There could be even crew morale bonus. When large part of crew is damaged, officer is dead they could just bail from mission. Ship would count as destroyed but wouldn't drop any loot.

- No Arch wing enemies. A slight shame that there are no zzeplens, dragyns and especially ogmas. Adding such units to thees missions, would make world more of a coherent place. Also could give arch wings more things to do, dealing with very small hard to hit enemies. Smaller than fighters.


- No optional side objectives. Shame really


Edited by Whiskered
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I like the update. It's nowhere near as great as it has potential to be (especially when we have Guns of Icarus and Everspace to compare to), but it's a good start. It needs some polish, more stuff, more variety, bugs fixes of course, but it's fun and unlike Archwing it doesn't miss the point of it's own premise. Ship feel is alright, there are different approaches to some objectives, finally some real coop where team coordination matters. I like it and I want more of it. And now to the complaints:
1. Archwing is still janky. It's better than it was of course, Rising Tide was big improvement but I'm still trying to avoid using it as much as possible. Turning all hitscan weapon into projectile is a good idea, but weird AI behavior actively tries to turn it into a massive annoyance. Whenever you try to engage in dogfights enemies just fly away from you so you're blinking towards them non-stop doing small bursts of damage. Doesn't really feel like a space dogfight. I wish fighters were more aggressive but with well-telegraphed attacks you can properly dodge. Also, Fluctus in space feels truly miserable. It (and other short range weapons) need a projectile speed/range buff to actually be able to hit fighters.
2. Scale and variety of enemy space vessels. So, from fighters we instantly jump to crew ships that require boarding or artillery to kill, and then we have galleons that are just stationary objects. I wish there were more steps in-between. Big boss-ship you have to destroy in chunks? Bigger, sturdier ship than fighter that might be worth an artillery shot, but can be dealt with using regular turrets?
3. Railjack health system is weird. You are basically free to ignore anything that isn't red breach.
4. Special damage system for space missions... Why?
5. I wish artillery also had multiple options.
6. Need more mission types and objectives. More enemy variety and other classes of enemy ships would help a lot with that. Even having different ratio of crew ships, fighters and stationary objective would help a bit.

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(Note: I have not read all the previous comments)
Hello, this has been a decent update, but I have one pet peeve so far. As a client, my loot has been held hostage by several hosts that decided they want to farm the level for resources once the mission is done. Even if the mission is done I've been too afraid to try and abandon the mission because I would like the loot we've collected. Luckily for the hosts, they did not come across someone malicious enough to ram the railjack into walls in order to end the mission.

Please make a way for clients to use the nav panel or install an "escape pod" that allows players to leave a session gracefully once the mission objectives have been completed. Or let us know we can "Abort" after the mission objectives have been completed and give us a mission successful summary. Or despawn all the loot crates/asteroids on the level 5 mins after mission objectives are complete.

Thanks and good look with the rest of the Empyrean bugs/feedback

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My feedback for Railjack so far has to do with how it's organized in reference to the Dojo Clans and the game as whole. These ships take people to operate. They actually appear to take more than just four players. I honestly think you should think of increasing the crew size up to a max of eight from the same Dojo.

I honestly see Railjacks as a Dojo specific item more than an individual item. I realize there's a individual quest to build it, but people should be able to mark that quest as "opt out". They could un-check that box later if they want to build their own Railjack. It's better not to force everyone to go build a space boat when it demands such a large crew, unless you plan to provide players with some form of robotic automation or ability to use those converted Kuva Liches as repair crews and fighters against borders.

If people were allowed to "opt out" of the quest, then they should be able to participate with helping others build components through donated contributions in the Dojo.Maybe through the treasury system where parts could be assigned to Dojo registered Railjacks stationed in the Dry Dock.

That's basically it for now...just a way for some players to officially and temporarily "opt out"...so they can serve as crew in Dojos or random crews on ships. Not owners of the boats.

CLARIFICATION NOTE- By "opt out" I'm not talking letting the quest just sit unfinished. I mean an actual check box so the game doesn't bug you about an unfinished quest. A check box that can be unchecked at a later date. Marking the check box then marks the player as crew member and hot a ship owner. There should be a game distinction between the two kinds of players.

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3 часа назад, sitfesz сказал:

Range indicator on target would be also great

I'd add outdise squardmates' names on them for people inside the railjack, Cause this situation happened too much in our clan:

- Where are you?

- Here, near the big asteroid.

- All 3 of you are near different asteroids. which one exactly?

- I'm shooting at ya.

- All of you are like 15km away, how the f*** am I supposed to see your bullets from here?!

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