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Should we be able to name our Operator?


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18 minutes ago, General-Pacman said:

Don't you like it? Im loving this. It's like a breath of fresh air, and it's actually a quite interesting argument.


I think the problem we are having here is purely a matter of perception. You guys think that the operator should have a separated, unique name, because our account name does not represent him/her. I believe that the tenno is the personification of our account, so having a separate name wouldn't make sense to me. Is any of this two conceptions wrong? I think not, they are just different. My biggest question about the OP's suggestion is: what would it change? Imagine that we had the option of naming  our operator at a certain option (like, at the end of the second dream or whenever). Now imagine that, later on, you regret of your naming choice and you wish to change it. How do you imagine that would work? My guess, the same way as changing your account name. So, whats the point?

First, as to name changes, see Kubrow$ and Kavat$.

As for my actual 2 cents on this (right or wrong in people’s eyes):

Who I equate to the account name in my mind’s eye is the real person I’m playing with.

I know it ties me to my Operator but I saw that as more of a “nuts and bolts” way to safely identify the user for revenue, compliance, and security purposes.

Your Operator is one step further removed from, say, your avatar in Fallout.

I’m not a scarred super-human, immortal slave-soldier-tween in real life no matter how I act the part.

As I said, from a lore standpoint I based my avatar on my daughter due to traits she exemplifies both physically and mentally.

I would give “her” (the Operator made to be similar to my daughter) a different name and backstory.

DE likes knowing who the account belongs to IRL, but the name tied to the Operator is hardly lore-appropriate and I accept it for DE’s benefit and not because “that is my Operator’s name.”


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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18 minutes ago, General-Pacman said:

Don't you like it? Im loving this. It's like a breath of fresh air, and it's actually a quite interesting argument.


I think the problem we are having here is purely a matter of perception. You guys think that the operator should have a separated, unique name, because our account name does not represent him/her. I believe that the tenno is the personification of our account, so having a separate name wouldn't make sense to me. Is any of this two conceptions wrong? I think not, they are just different. My biggest question about the OP's suggestion is: what would it change? Imagine that we had the option of naming  our operator at a certain option (like, at the end of the second dream or whenever). Now imagine that, later on, you regret of your naming choice and you wish to change it. How do you imagine that would work? My guess, the same way as changing your account name. So, whats the point?

The point is being able to name my operator separately then my alias, and I'd rename him as many times as I see fit and it wouldn't harm anything.

Seriously, the difference in our "perception" is that yours only benefits those with a similar mindset to you, and the other benefits everyone, even those that have no intention of utilizing the feature.

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You'd think that a community of people who love showing off whatever name they gave a gun or companion or railjack would enjoy another thing to name and show other people that name, but apparently not. 

I don't know how hard it is to believe that not everyone wants their account name to be their character's given name. It's cool in universe if it's an alias, after all why would you give your real name to an enemy? But I don't see why we can't have the option to have our operators have a different nametag that no one is going to read anyway. Maybe take the Diablo 3 approach and have your username show up in the UI and over your head but have your character name show up in your operator's transmission subtitles. 

No one starts a game where the enter name field is specifically an account name for an online service expecting that to be their character's actual in-universe name. When we see characters calling our characters our username, we know that they're referring to us the players because it's a game, our character isn't actually called that in-universe. 

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6 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

Seriously, the difference in our "perception" is that yours only benefits those with a similar mindset to you, and the other benefits everyone, even those that have no intention of utilizing the feature.

That's completely subjective. I don't feel like having a feature i won't use benefits me in any way; but that's just my opinion.

Now i'm actually curious about how much people would actually like having this as a feature. I'm not going to step into that argument though, it's going to end with us throwing random numbers out of the blue; but it's the first time i hear someone asking fur such a thing.

To be honest, i wouldn't use it but it wouldn't bother me to have it either; although i still don't see any reason worthy enough to actually implement it.

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I lucked out somewhat, in that I can headcanon that my username is a contraction of what I imagine my Operator's actual name to be.

Would be nice to have the option to formalise it in-game. No idea why folks are so resistant to the notion.

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24 minutes ago, General-Pacman said:

That's completely subjective. I don't feel like having a feature i won't use benefits me in any way; but that's just my opinion.

Now i'm actually curious about how much people would actually like having this as a feature. I'm not going to step into that argument though, it's going to end with us throwing random numbers out of the blue; but it's the first time i hear someone asking fur such a thing.

To be honest, i wouldn't use it but it wouldn't bother me to have it either; although i still don't see any reason worthy enough to actually implement it.

Most of what you're saying is the basis of "a change having no effect on you having the same benefit as no change at all."

If that's your mindset then there's literally no reason to argue against it. Other then the classic "I don't want development time to go into features I won't use" which is laughable at best in a game like Warframe.

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13 minutes ago, General-Pacman said:

That's completely subjective. I don't feel like having a feature i won't use benefits me in any way; but that's just my opinion.

Now i'm actually curious about how much people would actually like having this as a feature. I'm not going to step into that argument though, it's going to end with us throwing random numbers out of the blue; but it's the first time i hear someone asking fur such a thing.

To be honest, i wouldn't use it but it wouldn't bother me to have it either; although i still don't see any reason worthy enough to actually implement it.

This ties back to brand awareness (the benefit of choice) for me and anytime DE thinks a larger part of the fan base might utilize this type of feature and make a little money without much effort, why not?

Kubrow/Kavat renaming is meaningless but if the player likes to drop a little money to change it to further THEIR Warframe without impacting others. why not?  I mean who cares if an additional line gets added above Your Operator while walking around when you’ve got Maroo’s Bazaar trade tomfoolery?










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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

I'm surprised that everyone is responding to the OP with such hostile non-responses. "No, you can't have what you want because it's like this!"

Yes, we understand that it's like this. That's why we're asking for a change. 

At least someone was nice about it :p

EDIT: Seriously, there's like two people at best that actually answered my question

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3 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

At least someone was nice about it 😛

EDIT: Seriously, there's like two people at best that actually answered my question

There's literally no reason not to include this. Obviously, the Tenno's Orokin parents didn't name us xXx420_N0_Sc0peSxXx. When DE first added the Operators, it was cute that their names were our usernames, but clearly nothing but a lazy cop-out. Since only we can see our own names anyway, there is literally no valid argument against adding a "Name" section to Operator Customization. 

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

There's literally no reason not to include this. Obviously, the Tenno's Orokin parents didn't name us xXx420_N0_Sc0peSxXx. When DE first added the Operators, it was cute that their names were our usernames, but clearly nothing but a lazy cop-out. Since only we can see our own names anyway, there is literally no valid argument against adding a "Name" section to Operator Customization. 

Indeed, if it's just when our Operator is talking through transmissions or when a Boss, I don't remember which one puts our name in the subtitles, it would already feel more immersive, at least for me, I'd like to be close to, well, myself in the game

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4 hours ago, Cicasajt said:


operator's name=your name

That really depends on each player.  In an rpg game not everyone views the character as themselves.  Or wants to have the character look like them at all.

My operater is her own being.  And thus has her own story, name, ideas, etc.  It's all headcannon created by me for me.

Now in games with set characters.  The idea is for us the player to be viewing a seperate persons experience and empathize with them.

And then we have fighting games where each character has a set look, moveset, story, etc.

So we choose characters fighting styles that work fpr us.  On average female characters in these games are faster and have more ranged attacks.  But have less defence.

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39 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

I'm surprised that everyone is responding to the OP with such hostile non-responses. "No, you can't have what you want because it's like this!"

Yes, we understand that it's like this. That's why we're asking for a change. 

And we are saying why we dont like it added, counter point exists. It's not because we disagree with the OP and dont want it implemented without a reason that we are Dumb/Didnt Understand/Are bad people/Dont answered (lol??) etc, most people gave a reason why they dont want it or why they want it with specifics lore reasons. Yes we understand it is like this and you want to change, and we already said why we DONT want it to change (or want it to change with some specific conditions). What i cant understand is: Why if someone disagrees with OP is regarded as hostile or dumb just for voicing a opnion? wtf.

To me, as i said multiples time during this trade, there is literally NO REASONS to name our operator without a lore reason, they already have a name and it is your ingame name (sorry if you named it xX_CrazyFrog_Xx? lol) that's probably they alias as tenno soldiers and as they have memory loss they dont remember they actual human names. As i said (multiples times too) it would be nice if we got more lore on Tenno and Zariman on Duviri Paradox, and then it would cool if we could reveal our real name or something, but in the todays game? nah.

Edited by Duskham
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16 minutes ago, Duskham said:

they dont remember they actual human names

& that's your reason as to why I can't just give myself a new one? that's just one example, but this is everytime you post, there's something that just doesn't make sense in every single of your posts, that may be the reason why I don't reply to you, but I'll make an exception for this one, don't expect me to reply to your next posts since what you said in your last one was already answered previously

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5 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

& that's your reason as to why I can't just give myself a new one? that's just one example, but this is everytime you post, there's something that just doesn't make sense in every single of your posts, that may be the reason why I don't reply to you, but I'll make an exception for this one, don't expect me to reply to your next posts since what you said in your last one was already answered previously

So you dont like a reason, therefore it is invalid or doesnt make sense... i see...

BTW, why do i even need to give a lot of reasons to answer you question? i just pointed my opinion on WHY i dont like it added on the game right now and HOW i would like it implemented in the game eventually with lore and everything. You didnt gave any reason, any argument and ALWAYS responds saying that "it was already answered" (lol? it was not.)

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3 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Worse for console players who I'm surprised haven't spoken up, you aren't even naming your Warframe account there, you're naming your Xbox or Playstation account.

I've just been rolling with the headcanon that Tenno give themselves codenames using the same mentality and system people online make accounts. Cuz weird future culture.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:

I've just been rolling with the headcanon that Tenno give themselves codenames using the same mentality and system people online make accounts. Cuz weird future culture.

If people want to do that, the option should certainly be available. I'd certainly still leave my Operator as "Monkey", but ultimately that's what I believe should be a choice.

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