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Nezha prime access weapon predictions

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Guandao Prime

It's the closest that we have to a Spear-type weapon, it's of Chinese origin, and it even has a ribbon on it, similar to Nezha's sash within his legends.

And... I don't know. I'm just gonna guess Zakti Prime.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

so it's like 2 ish weeks till our next prime which everyone universally agrees that it's nezha prime. So what does everyone think the prime weapons will be this time around?

Daikyu or attica prime would fit nezha and im always hoping for a prime archgun

i can see daikyu and possibly magistar

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2 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

so it's like 2 ish weeks till our next prime which everyone universally agrees that it's nezha prime.

I’d love to see the usage data between Nezha and Inaros, since they’re both up for the next male Prime Access. Whichever is used more will be the bigger expected seller.

But back on topic, definitely Guandao Prime for Nezha Prime.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

so it's like 2 ish weeks till our next prime which everyone universally agrees that it's nezha prime.

No. It's either Nezha Prime or Inaros Prime. The next 2 frames in line are interchangeable. 

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Assuming it's Nezha... ( It wouldn't shock me if it was Inaros, or if the prime release was delayed...)


Was really hoping for Lacera Prime for a while, but the release of Ceti Lacera makes that unlikely, I think.

Single dagger Prime is way overdue, but even though prime weapons don't really need to call back to the prime frame,  I'm gonna say that's more likely with Inaros.

More chance of a secondary, since there wasn't one with Titania.

I'd bet they're under pressure to make these these popular weapons, so I'm going to say..

Most likely:  Guandao and Akmagnus

What I'd love that isn't totally unlikely:  Daikyu or Veldt or Furis or Okina.

What I'd love that isn't going to happen: Ripkas and Sonicor, screw the lore.

What I fear:  Corvas Prime and Xiphos Prime.  Or Parazon Prime.  Or any archmelee.  Or...really there's a lot I'm afraid of. 😛

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For Nehza Prime: can totally see Guandao Prime and Attica Prime (see Cho Ko Nu) as well. Can also see the Gunsen getting primed with him as well.

For Inaros Prime: can see Dark Dagger/Sword/Split-Sword (hopefully the dagger) Prime, maybe Boltace Prime, but I am having a hard time thinking of a gun to go along with him, tbh...

What I want to see, but highly unlikely to get: Dual Zoren Prime & Akmagnus Prime.

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Likely DE will swap prime nezha with inaros to try get more PA buyers because this is summer in the northern hemisphere. Which is when people are doing a shopping spree.

But for his weapons I would say Zatki, Guandao, and Daikyu.

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18 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

Akmagnus and daikyu seem to be the most requested primes as i do threads like this near evey new prime access release

I see Daikyu requests a lot too.  But I see non-launcher bows used in actual missions so rarely, I wonder if DE might regard Daikyu as a risky choice?  Like, it might be popular with some outspoken fanatics, but not with the meta-chasers looking for a new hot thing.  Let alone all the people just trying to keep up with them.

Obviously I don't know--its just fun to speculate.


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