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Nezha Prime Access Ends Soon


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Nezha Prime Firewalks out of Prime Access February 23! Now is your last chance to get instant access to the chakram-wielding Warframe, Prime Weapons and exclusive Prime Accessories.


Nezha Prime Access Features

Behold: the Scion of the Burning Wind, donned in his most courtly accoutrements. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization.

Engineered for the divine to reap a harvest of lives.

Unleash waves of gas damage with a smattering of spiny, toxin-filled flechettes.

A show of devotion to Nezha Prime.


Nezha Prime Accessories:

  • Ransha Prime Armor
  • Baurahn Prime Ephemera
  • 90-Day Affinity Booster
  • And for the first time ever, a 90-Day Resource Booster!

Nezha may have hurled his last Divine Spear but there’s a booming bassline on the horizon, Tenno! Octavia Prime Access begins February 23.

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My dreams come true, and I wasn't even excited for Nezha. His design is top notch and everything is cool. So much love.



2 minutes ago, [DE]Helen said:

And for the first time ever, a 90-Day Resource Booster!



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Just now, Kialandi said:

You could have announced the weapons on stream. What's the point of keeping it a secret for a little over an hour?

So people don't see the stats. It will be on console in due time. Happens every Prime Access. It's not like any Prime weapon is worth a Riven Mod anymore either. Guandao Prime will probably get a status chance increase at the cost of something else.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)NicodemisFinch said:

Is it just me?  Am I missing something?  No platinum?  90 resources instead.  No thanks.  For me, discounted platinum plus prime warframe and prime weapon made it worth purchasing.  In that order.

prime accessories has boosters, access has plat

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)NicodemisFinch said:

Is it just me?  Am I missing something?  No platinum?  90 resources instead.  No thanks.  For me, discounted platinum plus prime warframe and prime weapon made it worth purchasing.  In that order.

The plat is always included, they just don't list it in the announcements because it's basically become a given.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)NicodemisFinch said:

Is it just me?  Am I missing something?  No platinum?  90 resources instead.  No thanks.  For me, discounted platinum plus prime warframe and prime weapon made it worth purchasing.  In that order.

This is the PC bundles, which is what they always use for the announcements. Console bundles are different. You should still get plat with your accessories pack due to you guys having less tiers. and not being able to upgrade bundles like PC.

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Never bought a Prime Access before. Almost bought Titania Prime, but held off expecting Nezha Prime would be next and I could not justify two prime accesses back to back. Imagine my utter disappointment at Inaros Prime...

This looks pretty good. Nezha Prime is a bit bulkier than his counterpart, though not as bulky as Nezha Empyrean. I could do without the helmet tassels but I understand that's part of his design theme, and the gammacor-looking ornaments on his helmet are kind of "meh" as well. I'm not sure I like the chosen color paths, as it may make my preferred fashionframe hard to pull off, but overall he looks good.

Glad to see Guandao Prime, and entirely unsurprising; it's an appropriate weapon for him. Zakti though? Not sure what the idea was here. Maybe Gas is getting some tweaks, otherwise this thing's not worth much beyond mastery fodder. Oh well, they cant all be good, I guess.

Honestly, the armor set is rather "meh" for me. First of all, it's incomplete. Chest and Shoulders only, no legs. Unless they're just not showing them, which seems rather dumb given you're trying to entice people to spend money on this. Second, the chest is assymetric. That may not bother some people, but it offends my design aesthetic. Personal preference, nothing more. The Ephemera.... eh.... yeah, it looks cool and all, but too busy for my taste. Just like the Crania ephemera. Also, I just can't get over the idea of these being in Prime Accessory packs: why would anyone pay money for this?

Boosters are always nice.

I'll probably end up buying this pack if I can squeeze it into the budget. October is when I start Christmas shopping, so every potential purchase has to be weighed with that in mind.

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