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The boss fight is absolute garbage. ( NW )


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Good evening.

I'm beyond frustrated with the fight against Nihil. 

1. Every attack turns you into glass, which acts similar to the cold status. He'll always glass you before swinging his sword, which is a one-shot kill.

2. Nihil is able to destroy the crystals, that you're supposed to destroy, to make him vulnerable to attack.

3. After what feels like a millennia, the throwable crystals will spawn - and Nihil can shoot them out of your hand!

4. These throwable crystals won't last long, and will glass you when they explode.

5. There are no hit boxes. You'll need to be dead on. Though, 99.99% of the time the crystal goes right through your target anyway.

6. If Nihil destroys all the larger crystal, your stuck in limbo until you use up all of your lives.

Giving Nihil full advantage over you is absolute BS. 


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I didn't have these problems. Have you tried dodging the projectiles that glass you? I found that moving slowly to one side was enough to dodge them, they're also highly telegraphed, you can watch them coming.

For me, the crystals spawned just fine, and didn't have issues throwing the projectile at them.

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Just now, Sevek7 said:

I didn't have these problems. Have you tried dodging the projectiles that glass you? I found that moving slowly to one side was enough to dodge them, they're also highly telegraphed, you can watch them coming.

For me, the crystals spawned just fine, and didn't have issues throwing the projectile at them.


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26 minutes ago, Sevek7 said:

I didn't have these problems. Have you tried dodging the projectiles that glass you? I found that moving slowly to one side was enough to dodge them, they're also highly telegraphed, you can watch them coming.

For me, the crystals spawned just fine, and didn't have issues throwing the projectile at them.

Well, I do have these problems. 

He won't spawn the throwable crystals once he's invulnerable. 

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52 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

1. Every attack turns you into glass, which acts similar to the cold status. He'll always glass you before swinging his sword, which is a one-shot kill.

Only one does, and you can dodge it fairly easy. It's a fairly slow moving projectile and his head glows before he fires it. You'll need to in order to attack him anyway.

53 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

2. Nihil is able to destroy the crystals, that you're supposed to destroy, to make him vulnerable to attack.

I've not noticed any issues with this. Maybe I just got them done fast enough though, which might be the issue.

54 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

3. After what feels like a millennia, the throwable crystals will spawn - and Nihil can shoot them out of your hand!

The throwing crystals spawn when one of his projectiles strikes the ground. Bait his attack and dodge it at a good ange, and you're gravy. The platform you respawn on is also at a good angle most of the time, and he'll usually try get at least one off first.

55 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

4. These throwable crystals won't last long, and will glass you when they explode.

You don't really need to hold them for long.

57 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

5. There are no hit boxes. You'll need to be dead on. Though, 99.99% of the time the crystal goes right through your target anyway.

I had no such issues. I think your problem may be that there's travel time and they do drop off-course, so you need to account for both of those. That can be done by being decently close though.

58 minutes ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

6. If Nihil destroys all the larger crystal, your stuck in limbo until you use up all of your lives.

I wasn't even aware he could. The rate he destroys them goes down as the fight progresses it seems.

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Sorry bro, but this is an L2P issue.

To be fair they don't tell you how to do the fight, but to be fair to them, you're expected to overcome challenges, and once you know what to do this is stupid easy.

I failed once because i didn't know what to do.

Then cleared it stupid easy the next time.

The only reason this might be a little difficult to  figure out is because typical warframe just has you invincible and murdering anything while ignoring all enemy fire.  This however, not unlike other boss fights in the game, has mechanics you need to learn and manage.

1) move out of the way of incoming enemy fire (crazy right?) (jumping will clear both the sword and the glass, is not hard at all)

2) pick up glass

3) use glass to bust shards.

4) when all shards are cleared, use glass to damage boss till health bar is clear.

5) repeat two more times.

If anything I think the fight is too easy once you know what to do, but also kinda annoying that it's a trial and error puzzle, but I think we all learned long ago never to trust the devs with explaining anything well about their game.

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Thank you all for your replies.

After pushing through this BS boss fight, bugs and all, I completed it after a hour.

After vomiting for 30 mins, I would like :

1. A written apology from DE, for this unnecessary BS boss fight.

2. To be officially declared, that Frost / Frost Prime is THE BEST WARFRAME IN THE GAME. ( Your favorite warframe always sees you through. )

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Absolutely agree this boss fight is garbage. Besides the rewards the rest of the NW quest is garbage. Moving around slow motion, no way to speed up, no way to jump, no way to use scanner or other tools to find clues. Just another part of Warframe which will be ignored by me. 

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Like everything else in the game, absolutely nothing is explained.  And I don't mean it should be outright told to you, but there is ZERO indication of what you're supposed to do at first.  Just running around dodging.  You have to wait for one of the crystal shots you're dodging to hit a platform rather than soar off into the void before you realize you're supposed to be trying to pick the damn things up.  See, I spent most of my time in the air, dodging and skipping to platforms so those crystals where just sailing past everything.  I didn't get a crystal to drop for a solid couple of really frustrating minutes while I tried to figure out what my new reticle was and what I was supposed to be doing with the floating crystals.  I spent most of that time praying they weren't going to expect me to remember every single goddamn flashcard they showed me.  Even after I got a couple of crystals, it wasn't clear where they came from.  I wasn't watching him 24/7, I was watching where I was going, since falling in the tests kicked you all the way out.

Then you have to figure out what to throw them at, but before you can do that, you realize that you throw these things in S L O W M O T I O N and they have less range than a melee weapon.  So you have to chuck them waaaay over what you're throwing them at AND lead the target massively, or throw them point blank.

I finished the fight my first time through it, but I still have no idea how I was supposed to know which crystal to throw the other crystals at.  Or if I was supposed to be breaking all of them each round.  No clue.

Then trying to hit his teleporting ass with this ridiculously slow projectile, loads of fun.  

And of course all of your weapons, abilities and everything that make the game fun and the whole reason most of us are here are completely removed for the whole fight.

So it's several minutes of confusion, followed by irritation at the janky mechanics.  At least it was for me.  I was so annoyed with the whole thing that everything after the fight completely lost its impact.  I didn't care, I wanted them to shut up and for it to be over.  

And then they couldn't even just give you the sword with a slot and potato for dealing with this absurdly long, annoying Nightwave.  Nope, you have to build it and have a slot for it yourself, and on top of that, if you haven't been dealing with the mess that is Deimos, well too bad because of course it requires materials from the new open world.  

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The fight is simple to do. Can’t all of you figure it out by yourself? Or maybe look for a guide? I have seen much worst fight than this. It only took me less than 10 minutes to complete.

This community has grown so large that every time DE changes something or add something new there is always bound to be that same group of people that will never be satisfied. 

And more examples to prove that players do not like being challenged or figuring puzzles by themselves. They only want to get that shiny new reward as fast as possible.

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The first time I did this fight (blind), I actually used up all my revives because it took me a bit
to figure out how stuff works (and I missed some dodges at the end there, heh).

Second run tho, I knew what to do, and it went pretty well.

Thank you DE for an interesting boss fight.

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4 hours ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

Thank you all for your replies.

After pushing through this BS boss fight, bugs and all, I completed it after a hour.

After vomiting for 30 mins, I would like :

1. A written apology from DE, for this unnecessary BS boss fight.

2. To be officially declared, that Frost / Frost Prime is THE BEST WARFRAME IN THE GAME. ( Your favorite warframe always sees you through. )

I feel bad now for complaining that I was able to clear it with a rank 0, unmodded Nezha Prime (after being reduced to my final revive).

Honestly I didn't find the fight difficult outside of the stupid decision I made to use an unmodded rank 0 frame. The main issue was figuring out what you were/weren't supposed to do in the fight. 

Most aggravating was the fact that the platforms did not seem to respawn. It took me quite awhile to clear the fight and by the end there were only a few platforms left. Getting around was very difficult.

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Got it done, easily, on the second try, and this fight is still garbage. It is the worst kind of warframe boss fight, one that is both tedious and shallow. Tedious because the projectiles don't always hit ground, and he loves to spend time swiping at you and teleporting around randomly. Shallow because that is the entire fight, picking up the glass and throwing it. It isn't a hard throw either, if they wanted it to be hard they would have failed us or ate an oro for falling off. You can just aim glide up to whatever you are aiming at and throw it.

Basically a longer Cunning Drift test.

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3 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

The first time I did this fight (blind), I actually used up all my revives because it took me a bit
to figure out how stuff works (and I missed some dodges at the end there, heh).

Second run tho, I knew what to do, and it went pretty well.

Thank you DE for an interesting boss fight.

same for me :D was actually fun once I got the hang of it... .had one life left at the end >.> very close 

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10 hours ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

Every attack turns you into glass

10 hours ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

After what feels like a millennia, the throwable crystals will spawn

Um. You're supposed to dodge.

justin long film GIF


10 hours ago, GrazeZeroLow said:

There are no hit boxes. You'll need to be dead on. Though, 99.99% of the time the crystal goes right through your target anyway.

So... I assume you're only good with hitscan weapons? I had no problem aiming.


8 hours ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:


I have come to the conclusion that you don't know how to have fun. I found this fight to be an enjoyable challenge. It took me one fail to figure the fight out, and after that it was faceroll easy.

I'm starting to understand, though, why back in my raiding days there were so many people who simply could not learn how to not die.

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10 hours ago, Klokwerkaos said:

I failed once because i didn't know what to do.

Then cleared it stupid easy the next time.


Exactly. A little trial and error the first time to figure out what to do. Second go, easy peasy perfect run.

I can get people not being thrilled by the boss fight, but there are sure a lot of people that can't be bothered to look at the colors of the crystals and what Nihil was doing and rub a couple of brain cells together. It should only take a few minutes to get it done even if it takes you a few tries to figure it out and go back to your normal routine. If you can't or don't want to think about it, wait a day for videos instead of tackling it immediately so you can breeze through with instructions.

So many people that seem like they don't want to do anything more than bullet jump and press 1 ability key over and over or hold down their mouse button with a spray and pray weapon.


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I don't want to be that person but "git gud".

The mechanics are very simple after the first or second run, if you haven't figured out it by that time then is your problem. This boss isn't the typical braindead enemy/boss that you can oneshoot. It's like a Raid boss where you need to learn the mechanics of its fight.

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3 hours ago, Sargrak said:

This is some of the worst warframe I've played. 50% waiting, he keeps missing the platform with the crystal, and if you get a run of bad luck with the attacks you can't recover. Utter garbage.

He shoots the crystals directly at you. So if he missed it was your fault. Watching him shoot it and jumping out of the way slightly is all you have to do. A little double hop.

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Things which made me mad:

The story in the last part (where you follow the clues) takes longer to unfold then you have time to listen before you get dropped. The timelimit in the weave is too short.

Cheap one hit KO on the Boss. The fight was.. kinda ok... but it felt boring and made me disappointed. The map looked nice, though.

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