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Orphix Venom without owned Necramech and non-OP "beginner" operator


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2 hours ago, RazerXPrime said:

I did the first two missions with a friend. My operator is ok, not spectacular. His is just a completely new one, with mote amp and 100 hp. We completed the first two missions and got 500 in the first one and 1000 points in the next one. The fallen Necramechs are beyond useless. They do very little damage and die very quickly. I did most of the work with my operator. I didn't use any necramechs after seeing how useless they were. They take 10-20 seconds to destroy one of the Resonators which takes too long.

Fallen mechs certainly won't get you to the end of Endurance, but the Voidrigs still have their ultimates unlocked, and that's probably better output than your starchild has, while energy lasts.

Quick tip for Resonators: A Mech's melee two-shots them, and a clean hit from their 'Slide' (dodge+hold) or their Ground Slam should pop it in one (ground slams off the mark may deal down to half the health bar depending how close.)

The ground slam does have a bit of an awkward recovery, but you can typically cancel out of the animation if you transition it immediately into a 'slide' input. Ending slides and landing basic (no slam) jumps have a bit of recovery time too, but more manageable.

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The E of the operator one shots (or 2 shots) resonators, same with necramech E (even ground slam). When you are damaging the Orphix, do it with a necramech and use 1 if it's bonewidow against an enemy or 2 if its void rig, aim to the center of the "eye".


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11 hours ago, RazerXPrime said:

I played the Isolation Vaults for a while, put some hours into the first one and managed to get 1 piece. Since those missions weren't very fun I gave up on it and moved on. Never realised I needed a mech for an event that unlocks extremely rare stuff. 

"Just" getting a mech? That's going to take me the better part of this event to even get one let alone modding it so it's better than the ones you find in the event so that isn't really solid advice.

I got a mech the first week they came out. I never even forma'd it until this event came out. Now it has 3 forma, and is a whole lot better kitted than before.

People rush built mechs the day they came out. 

The ones you find are basically rank 30 no mod mechs IIRC. So it isn't hard to be better built than the rentals.

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If you're in a clan, ask for help on the necramech parts.  Otherwise you can trade pretty cheaply.  Deimos is fairly nice and decent for standing; if you have one day to really hammer stuff out, you can and then spend your goodies over the course of the week to raise standing.  

That said; Deimos content has been out since. . .August now?  I think it's fair that they would be doing an event like this which is largely to get people leveling those mechs because they work like kuva weapons; got to forma them several times for that mastery and this event is *really* nice for that.  We should all be getting a 3 day affinity boost with Tennobaum here; make good use of it and level some of your weak spots.  Like I understand work; I'm an 'essential' employee and I got my house absolutely devastated by a hurricane; I've only worked on vaults for a couple days here and there and I had help from a friend securing some last mech parts to build mine.  If you haven't anyone that can take pity on you; you can buy all the bits for under 40plat which is probably less than an hour's grind on popping relics; or if you've been playing a bit, I'm sure you've got forgotten tidbits to sell.  Hell, just sell some vaulted relics.  EZPZ.  

Find some people to take you and your friend on pity Eidolon hunts; or if you can do it solo, carry your friend so you can whack out a decent quick amp.  I've duo'd and trio'd the first Eidolon with the gimme amp with one friend with an okay amp, and another who was in the same boat as me, and we all scratched our way up to decent amps.  

I think a lot of people have really forgotten this has been a rough year; and it's especially been a rough year for video game companies and I think DE has really handled things with a lot of grace and consideration for their playerbase while other video game companies published a whole pile of stinking you know what.  I appreciate DE giving us a lot of new things to try despite everything and while I hope Necramechs don't become too integral to the game, I think a lot of people are panicking and making a whole lot of hyperbole over a whole lot of nothing.  Enjoy the event, do what you can; a lot of stuff will free drop and you won't have to worry about even buying it.  It's a nice event; even if you only do one run long run or two short runs a day, you should have plenty of phasic cells to spend at the end of the event for some upgrades!  

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as a beginner i would only play in public. is not a thing! I can do everything solo up to wave 21+. and you can actually get lavos as a drop. everyone was new and you don't have to be ashamed of being "a leecher" or whatever ...
I play 36 waves now and then. but then only with a group from lfg. because randoms in public are now doing something strange and the host leaves the game too quickly. then it usually means: run to exit. therefore waste of time.

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Play public if you can. In this case your job will be to revive players and pets, clear the trash mobs when in Warframe mode and E-blast resonators as fast as possible when in operator mode. Use void mode alot when recharging, ocassionaly blast Orphix too, every hit counts.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

Fits in with DE moneytisation, since all warframes can be bought with plat. Was surprised to see it wasnt in market same with new archguns. 

The Mechs come with their Mauls when they finish building. Maybe the market ones are the same?

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On 2020-12-21 at 7:58 AM, Verashai said:

If you're in a clan, ask for help on the necramech parts.  Otherwise you can trade pretty cheaply.  Deimos is fairly nice and decent for standing; if you have one day to really hammer stuff out, you can and then spend your goodies over the course of the week to raise standing.  

That said; Deimos content has been out since. . .August now?  I think it's fair that they would be doing an event like this which is largely to get people leveling those mechs because they work like kuva weapons; got to forma them several times for that mastery and this event is *really* nice for that.  We should all be getting a 3 day affinity boost with Tennobaum here; make good use of it and level some of your weak spots.  Like I understand work; I'm an 'essential' employee and I got my house absolutely devastated by a hurricane; I've only worked on vaults for a couple days here and there and I had help from a friend securing some last mech parts to build mine.  If you haven't anyone that can take pity on you; you can buy all the bits for under 40plat which is probably less than an hour's grind on popping relics; or if you've been playing a bit, I'm sure you've got forgotten tidbits to sell.  Hell, just sell some vaulted relics.  EZPZ.  

Find some people to take you and your friend on pity Eidolon hunts; or if you can do it solo, carry your friend so you can whack out a decent quick amp.  I've duo'd and trio'd the first Eidolon with the gimme amp with one friend with an okay amp, and another who was in the same boat as me, and we all scratched our way up to decent amps.  

I think a lot of people have really forgotten this has been a rough year; and it's especially been a rough year for video game companies and I think DE has really handled things with a lot of grace and consideration for their playerbase while other video game companies published a whole pile of stinking you know what.  I appreciate DE giving us a lot of new things to try despite everything and while I hope Necramechs don't become too integral to the game, I think a lot of people are panicking and making a whole lot of hyperbole over a whole lot of nothing.  Enjoy the event, do what you can; a lot of stuff will free drop and you won't have to worry about even buying it.  It's a nice event; even if you only do one run long run or two short runs a day, you should have plenty of phasic cells to spend at the end of the event for some upgrades!  

I could have completed it. In all honesty I played Deimos only for a bit on release as it was very buggy so I waited a month or so before going back. then my first focus was to get Xaku and the Helminth system up. At this point I've put enough time in it to get the weapons and max standing with the family. But I got other stuff to do and get in this game and after putting a few hours in the isolation vaults I just didn't feel they were much fun. I'm not a new player, but I still have a lot to do in this game. So I choose those things that are fun. Haven't even managed to move the Quills and Fortuna equivilant to the max. Was burned out for a bit as well as I've been playing this game non-stop since I started early this year.

You're saying it's fair to make content based on Deimos as a requirement. I say, that's only fair for players that had nothing else to do in the game: vets that already got everything. 

At the end of this year my time with the game is very limited. I could do the event, but not much else. So now I'm stumped and disappointed, because knowing I need to get my Mech is just another time investment I cannot make. I have not even been able to play since I posted this topic.

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On 2020-12-25 at 3:03 PM, RazerXPrime said:

At the end of this year my time with the game is very limited. I could do the event, but not much else. So now I'm stumped and disappointed, because knowing I need to get my Mech is just another time investment I cannot make. I have not even been able to play since I posted this topic.

While it is fair to be disappointed, I think you should look at the situation a bit differently:

Events in warframe are always there to reward people that invest a lot of time. They are never for the players that barely invest any time into the game. They punish you if you do not have enough time invested into the game in its entirety.

Deimos content required you to have played through Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis. This event requires you to have played through Deimos.

If you can not invest enough time to play through Deimos and get a mech, why would you have enough time to play through the event? The game simply isn't designed that way.

As for tips:

Get a mech (you simply can't get around this one, you can buy the parts off warframe.market)

Get a fluctus (good weapon that shoots through walls)

Use public matchmaker (or find someone who is willing to carry you)

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Crankshaft66 said:

The grind so far (rent-a-mech for me) is about on par with other grinds. But locking frames behind event content is pretty gorram lame. Hoping Lavos' grind is moved to somewhere reasonable after the event so us late comers can still get it without plat.

Lavos will most likely moved to another place after the event

reasonable grind? that's another matter entirely. probably deimos bounties or iso vaults

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On 2020-12-20 at 3:09 PM, Krankbert said:

Have you considered just getting a Necramech?

It's a lot of grind for something I, and many others I'm sure, dont like nor ever asked for... they made it seem like it was something optional like building a MOA so I never bothered making one cuz I had no interest. They've done a handful of forced gameplay modes over the years but this one is the worst imo. I'm just not a gundam weeb. 

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Coming back to this topic. I was very lucky and blessed that someone here on the forums randomly gifted me the Voidrig Necramech. Started playing on the 4th of Jan after the holidays. Having this mech made the event playable and even trivialized the iso vaults. I managed to max the necramech syndicate get all Lavos pieces as drops from the event and gather about 18K phasic cells to get some arcanes and weapons from the event as well. Did this without a lot of time investment as well.

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Reading this topic annoys me. "Get a mech" and "just join a pub" is numerically speaking probably the better option, but it wasn't what OP asked for. Though the event is closed enough, I'll offer some captain hindsight advice:

  • Equip Corrosive Projection in your aura slot. It reduces armour of every enemy on the map, and stacks for each party member, so it's a huge damage boost.
  • As a few replies pointed out, the swirly ghosts go down way faster with melee/operator blast, so use those. If you're joining a party of established mechs, ghost-punching duty is the biggest contribution you can make to the team by far.
  • Out of the two rentamechs, I found Bonewidow to be the better option. She's sustainable and relies less on energy.
    • Always keep an enemy meathooked to keep a source of healing.
    • Prefer to hook a sentient. This both gets rid of the sentient and provides the most healing.
    • Do not use other skills. Unmodded sword barely tickles the orphix.
  • Even unmodded, Mausolon is incredibly strong. The key behind rent-a-mech viability is the alt-fire, which is a ridiculously strong attack that you charge up by killing trash mobs.
    • Between orphixes, make sure to kill regular enemies with your gun until the blue bar is full.
    • After the orphix opens, alt-fire and it'll take out a full phase, or at least most of it. With two players contributing you should be able to immediately destroy a phase.
    • While punching ghosts, shoot trash mobs to charge the gun.
    • Killing trash mobs to charge your gun is significantly faster than just shooting the orphix.

You only have to clear 3 orphixes to extract, so just bang out tiers 1 and 2, then repeat tier 3 since it pays out best and rotation A can pay out lavos/cedo prints. With a duo who knows what they're doing you should be just fine for at least one rotation, which is all you need to get something. After learning these tips and getting practiced at the event I became inspired to get a mech as it was pretty fun and felt deeper than most things you do in warframe.

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