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Update 29.10.0: Railjack Intrinsics 2.0 Feedback Megathread (Read First Post!)


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Greetings Tenno!

Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack is live and we are looking to hear your thoughts on this new, improved, and more deadly Railjack experience!

With this update, we are taking a slightly different approach to how we communicate known bugs, fixed bugs, and other feedback submitted by you, the community! To see a list of known bugs and fixed issues, please check out our new Trello Board: [Trello Link!]

You will also be able to see notifications of changes and fixes by joining our official Discord Channel, found here: [Discord Link!]

Please use this thread to let us know your feelings on the following:

  • Tactical, Piloting, Gunnery and Engineering Intrinsic Reworks
  • New Intrinsic Ranks
  • New Intrinsic UI Changes (layout, teleporting, etc.)

If you want to let us know your feedback, please make sure that you do so in a civil and constructive manner. Read our How to Provide Good Constructive Feedback thread before posting. 

If you like something, let us know! If you did not like an aspect of The Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack, then tell us what it is, and what you would change to make it better!

If you have encountered a bug with any of the new content items, be sure to submit a bug report over on our Bug-Hunting Megathread!

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Let us disable the effect / remove the downside of turret heat on rank 10 gunnery.

It's another Void Radiance situation - I'm not gonna rank it up to 10 since most of the time I find the aim snap annoying, making it overheat my guns faster is the final nail in the coffin.

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30 minutes ago, Wiz3rd said:

Let us disable the effect / remove the downside of turret heat on rank 10 gunnery.

It's another Void Radiance situation - I'm not gonna rank it up to 10 since most of the time I find the aim snap annoying, making it overheat my guns faster is the final nail in the coffin.


6 minutes ago, Generally_Zod said:

Why does a rank 10 intrinsic have a downside to it? That feels like a punishment for having put in all that work, and really doesn't make me want to use that rank at all.

We have shared this feedback with Dev already but the way the new 'Flush Heat Sinks' perk on Rank 9 works + this heat accretion is something we want players to try over the weekend before we change. 

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6 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

we want players to try over the weekend before we change. 

So players can re-spec again if they tried and not happy with it? Or tried but trapped and stuck forever?

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Now that we have more access to the necramech with it in the railjack mission ( hopefully soon to be all missions), something crossed my mind since orphix event. Have the art team make copies of each mech helmets with paint having been stripped and it showing bare metal that cannot be recolored on the top of the head. This would represent the fact that the mech are bumping head against the ceiling in normal mission.

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Update is really cool.

Other than most protest around R10 Gunnery, there are some features that might be worth your consideration:

  • Renaming your crew.

This is obvious, but I've asked it in last livestream chat as both DE Reb and DE Megan mentioned it.

  • Focus Fire on Marked Target

A Feature/Ability that forces your Gunnery Crew to aim at player-marked target. If possible, make this skill available wether player is in pilot seat or outside the railjack (Meaning when outside railjack Pilot and Gunnery Crew will aim at marked target).

  • Crew Priority When Random Squad Joins Mission

The number of Crew in mission depends on how many squad members you have. Meaning, your crew "disappears" when a random squad player joins. Therefore, give us the ability to prioritize which Crew leaves first when a squad join. 

Example: I have 2 Maxed Gunnery Crews and 1 Maxed Piloting Crew. Sadly the piloting crew is in my first crew slot (Unlocked at rank 1 Command Intrinsic). However, this pilot crew will be the first to leave when a random squad join in a public railjack mission.


That is all, good luck with your future content!

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12 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


We have shared this feedback with Dev already but the way the new 'Flush Heat Sinks' perk on Rank 9 works + this heat accretion is something we want players to try over the weekend before we change. 

I suspect there'll be very few people trying it over the weekend.  My expectation is that the majority of people who had 10 across the board will drop that Rank specifically to free up points for Command Intrinsics.  I might be wrong but I'm looking at dropping Rank 10 in one of the categories in order to buy all 9 available Ranks of Command and the others all look more appealing, even if Electric hazards block Engineering 10.

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33 minutes ago, Rasdan said:
  • Focus Fire on Marked Target

A Feature/Ability that forces your Gunnery Crew to aim at player-marked target. If possible, make this skill available wether player is in pilot seat or outside the railjack (Meaning when outside railjack Pilot and Gunnery Crew will aim at marked target)

This would be amazing

Like add a 2nd waypoint option that lets us mark targets we want ai crew to focus, or even move the railjack to

Love it

Edited by (PSN)Frost_Nephilim
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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

something we want players to try over the weekend before we change. 

except even the "perk" of that rank is pretty much a drawback anyway.  Not having control over your own crosshair isn't a desirable behavior.  Or at best just a potential source for game-breaking bugs.  I don't see myself ever putting points into it, unless there's added a way to undo or disable an intrinsic rank after trying it out and not liking it.

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I have very mixed feelings about personal Revolite, Munitions and Dome Charges. I cannot monitor ally levels of these consumables which, in global picture, will lead to serious problems and disappointment in the poor-communication public squads.

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So good job!

none of railjack abilities work :D Voidhole does nothing, except eating energy, same goes for tether and so on. GOOD JOB!

teleporting over ship? Oh yea you couldnt resist to ruin it too, so now instead of teleporting, you first go thru animation of leaving spot (turret) and than you can open menu again and try to teleport.

And crew? Get 3 crew members, try to train them and voila, 3rd one disappears. 

I was used to random bugs, but only thing you actualy did was completely ruining railjack! 



So this is end of railjack for me

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Not a big fan of the AI pilots. The gunners and engineers seem to do their jobs just fine, but I'd like it if the pilot picked up on certain cues. For example, I waited for several minutes in the Archwing Slingshot for my pilot to line up with an enemy crewship, but instead she completely ignored it and flew circles around the enemy capital ship. If I'm inside either the slingshot or the artillery cannon, the pilot should take that as a cue to line up to allow me to take a shot.

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On 2021-03-16 at 5:31 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Please use this thread to let us know your feelings on the following:

  • New Intrinsic UI Changes (layout, teleporting, etc.)

As an engineer, my biggest issue on paper with the Flux Energy changes is the inability to know whether your squadmates are low on energy before forging some for the squad.

Could squadmates' energy amount (and possibly other ammo values) be exposed in the UI somewhere? Potentially as a perk on one of the Engineering or Tactical intrinsic levels?

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1 minute ago, AvohkahTamer said:

As an engineer, my biggest issue on paper with the Flux Energy changes is the inability to know whether your squadmates are low on energy before forging some for the squad.

Could squadmates' energy amount (and possibly other ammo values) be exposed in the UI somewhere? Potentially as a perk on one of the Engineering or Tactical intrinsic levels?

Isn't it already exposed? I know you can see it in the squad UI in regular missions at least.

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27 minutes ago, Dargadon said:

I have very mixed feelings about personal Revolite, Munitions and Dome Charges. I cannot monitor ally levels of these consumables which, in global picture, will lead to serious problems and disappointment in the poor-communication public 

(An idea) In the forge room, a display screen of all allies and their ammo pools could help a bit, letting us see who needs what

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


We have shared this feedback with Dev already but the way the new 'Flush Heat Sinks' perk on Rank 9 works + this heat accretion is something we want players to try over the weekend before we change. 

It's a waste of intrinsics slots. Imagine filling an ability slot, that can be used for more useful thing, to counteract the next thing you unlock. And don't forget the rank 7 bonus, -20% heat, so in total you guys wasted 3 intrinsics slots JUST to have a longer lock-on.

Because someone thought it's a good idea to make 90% of the guns non-hitscan. Against enemies that moves on 3d plane. At high speeds. While you're under constant fire.

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16 minutes ago, Generally_Zod said:

Isn't it already exposed? I know you can see it in the squad UI in regular missions at least.

Huh, you're right. TIL. You've gotta admit that little unlabeled 2px white bar is pretty subtle though. 

As far as Railjack UI is concerned, I feel like there would be considerable benefit to adding a more obvious UI element in the Tactical Menu or similar. There's already a large energy indicator there for your own energy, but nothing for squadmates.

Example from yesterday's community stream:

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4 minutes ago, AvohkahTamer said:

Huh, you're right. TIL. You've gotta admit that little unlabeled 2px white bar is pretty subtle though.

Oh yeah, it's definitely subtle and non-obvious, but it's at least something DE can expand on as opposed to implement from the ground up.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We have shared this feedback with Dev already but the way the new 'Flush Heat Sinks' perk on Rank 9 works + this heat accretion is something we want players to try over the weekend before we change.

I'd love to test this over the weekend and give feedback, but I don't want to be locked into aim snap if it's as annoying as people make it out to be.

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В 17.03.2021 в 01:31, [DE]Danielle сказал:

If you did not like an aspect of The Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack, then tell us what it is, and what you would change to make it better!

Okay. After futher testing i can say without doubt that the new personal RJ consumables shold be reverted to Shared, like in pre 29.10, or be comepletly reworked from scratch.  It;s current iteration is very confusing and information-lacking (we cannot track how many consumables every crewmember have).

Edited by Dargadon
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Crew members NEED to be able to target mission objectives. This was one of the main reasons I was waiting for Command, was so crew members could target radiators and whatnot on the outside of an objective while I'm on the inside. As of right now, they do not - meaning I still have to lug my way all the way outside an objective just to come right back to an objective console, rinse repeat. What good are the crew if they don't actually help me accomplish the mission?

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can we get Necramechs everywhere with the rank 5 tactical not just being able to use it in all railjack missions like it was one of the things i was most excited for as i was under the impression we would beable to use it everywhere not just railjack

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