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Call of the Tempestarii: TennoGen: Update 30.2.0


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First of all... thank you very much for the bunch of fixes.


Still we need this one to be fixed please

4 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

No acolyte spawn fix with transmission messages? This has been a major issue for people that like to play steel path disruption or kuva survival where the constant transmissions that play have a chance to stop the acolyte from spawning thus bricking acolyte spawns for the rest of the mission.


Well its a bit annoying that you can play long mission SP Kuva Survival, but cut in the middle by No-spawn Acolyte bug.

Still waiting (from few months ago 😊 ) for this issue to be fixed.



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4 hours ago, 16Bitman said:

Hell yeah, Fused Resevior Augment for Wisp will make defection so much easier when you're the only wisp on the team.


Please make fused reserviors only use a single mote slot, right now it consumes 3, so I can only place 2 of the new reservoirs or 3 regular and 1 fused.

This makes placing reservoirs around the map much harder at the cost of only saving a few secconds.


Video of 3 reservoirs disappearing when you place 1 fused reservoir.


Yes, but this makes perfect sense as the cost is 3X the base and you are technically casting 3 abilities at once. The math works out. The new mote is TECHNICALLY 3 being active at once.

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1 hour ago, Autumnatopoeia said:

Fused reservoir basically takes up a mod slot for no benefit.

each univeral mote takes up 3 spaces so you can only have two up


Yeah it is kinda weird cuz its only benefit is it saves you all of 2 seconds. Not sure that's worth a mod slot. Now if it had additional atr or could make 6 of them could be good in niche.

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Tks for the update

by the way,

please let us toggle between close/opened on the night hunter syandanas, its one of the nicest looking syandanas in the entire game when open but look like a backpack for 99,9% of the time

please read my reply, thank you Digital Extreme!



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47 minutes ago, _Akasha said:

Yes, but this makes perfect sense as the cost is 3X the base and you are technically casting 3 abilities at once. The math works out. The new mote is TECHNICALLY 3 being active at once.

So the augment is uselessl. If it didn't consume a mod slot then it might be situationally useful. Particularly in runs that have you keep moving like extermination. But other than that all it does is save a couple seconds of cast time of the cost of less teleport locations. As is I'd only use this augment if it was an exilus and on very few mission types. 

To get me and probably many other wisp players to actually use this mod it would need to 

A: only consume 1 reservoir slot.

B: increase strength of all buffs by 25% 

C: Add a 4th buff otherwise unobtainable from the other 3 such as energy regeneration or damage boost or invisibly. 

D: tripples the aura range and radius of 3 blind when cast on the fused resevior. 

E: Buff range is equal to affinity range of the wisp.

Edited by Velaethia
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So, is Gauss now obtained from Kelpie, Sedna Spy vaults, or is he now obtained in Kappa?

Also, can we please see some love for Harrow drop rates? Dark Sector Defection missions are notoriously glitchy, with Kavor getting stuck on geometry very frequently. Letting the Kavor waste their first rescue doesn't fix the issue and instead just has them get stuck at wherever they got knocked back to. Loki is currently the ONLY way to fix stuck Kavor, and Loki's kit is not really suitable for Defection farming, and when they get stuck the first time that run, they will consistently get stuck every single squad after that, leading to an inevitable force-fail if you don't have Loki to fix them. This can happen as early as Round 1 if you get unlucky with the tilesets, and very commonly happens once Objective C becomes available.

If possible, please move Harrow's Systems (or at least add them) to another mission, even if it's a rare Tier C Spy drop. Harrow's Neuroptics have a lower drop rate than the systems if I recall correctly, but due to the nature of Spy missions being DRASTICALLY more doable and reliable to complete, the lower drop rate still makes it acceptable.

As it stands right now, nearly every single person I've ever seen who has Harrow has straight-up bought him, myself included, because the system drop rates are WAY too rare for how much effort and how glitchy Dark Sector defections are. The fact that many players see this as a necessity is NOT good practice, and actively makes Harrow drastically underused for such  an absolutely fun frame to use.

PLEASE, either heavily buff Harrow's System drop rate or move it to a different mission type entirely. If you're too insistent on keeping his systems tied to Defections, then either make them drop from enemies in Defections or make the systems available from ANY of the rotations with the drop chance increasing majorly between A to C. (for example. rotation A chances could be 3%, B 10%, C 25%) Make him accessible to players.

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1 hour ago, _Akasha said:

Yes, but this makes perfect sense as the cost is 3X the base and you are technically casting 3 abilities at once. The math works out. The new mote is TECHNICALLY 3 being active at once.

Makes sense but it is an absolutely worthless mod. 

Why the heck would you use this when its only purpose is to save a few seconds. I'm not wasting a mod slot on 2 seconds of convenience. I'd rather use that mod slot for more range, duration, survivability, efficiency, power stregth, knockdown resist etc.

This augment is a pretty big waste of time. Though to be fair if it allowed for 6 fused resevoirs it is such a major buff to the ability that the augment would be mandatory.

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FUSED RESERVOIR should be first option on 1, when mod is mounted. In this way it is easier and faster to put all three at the beginning of game, when people are still together at start. Now is last 4th option. Should be 1st when mod is mounted.


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2 hours ago, eyesoffaith said:

Sevagoth's Shadow does not work with Naramon Power Spike while other exalted abilities do.

Sevagoth's Shadow does not work with Gladiator set buff on sentinel or melee weapons when other exalted abilities do.

Is it possible for these to be looked into? Thank you all DE for the hard work! Been playing for 8 years 😁.

Sevagoth's shadow isn't really an exalted thing... The claws are kind of a pseudo exalted but the shadow definitely isn't. It has some characteristics of exalted weapons but it is kind of a unique thing so I don't think it is really surprising that there are some interactions we don't get while using shadow.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Protea: Repair Dispensary (Exilus): Dispensary

Hold to create a dispensary that will Revive the Sentinel or Companion Moa of a player within 14m every 60s.

When the community asked for a proper quality of life change for Sentinels, this ain't it.

Also, Deluxe Nidus skin is still ruined by the pepper dusting.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

All Wreckage of the same type (ex: Zekti MKIII Engines) will exist in one pool, without taking up Scrap Wreckage slots. If you wish to use that Wreckage for Repairs, Fusion, etc., you will be able to “Identify” the Wreckage to move it from that pool, taking up a Scrap Wreckage slot. The unique characteristics of that Wreckage will be revealed upon Identification.

I just want to say: this is pretty dang clever. Basically taking what could be hundreds of item entries (one for each unique stat roll) and translating that to a handful of simple integers, just by putting the stat determination on a second stage? Big thonk, yo.

Also a good job explaining how it works. ^^

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Unlike others here, I actually looked forward for this protea augment as my build is heavly depending on having sentinel or moa alive. But I am buffled at its implementation. You can only have either one or another dispenser, not both. Why? In what world would I keep repair dispenser running over normal one? I would just repair my sentinel and then switch to normal dispenser, so nobody would be able to benifit from it except me. I think it should allow you to either keep both or what would be even better it should just modify dispenser to have repair capability as additional to its normal ones.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Protea: Repair Dispensary (Exilus): Dispensary

Hold to create a dispensary that will Revive the Sentinel or Companion Moa of a player within 14m every 60s.

Ermm... in the heat of battle, we won't know when our sentinel died. So meaning if we discovered out sentinel has died, then we use this and it will be revived, is that correct?

Is it possible to access Railjack crew management screen from Ticker yet?


I'm sure Baruuk Zamairu is a tribute to Samurai Shodown judge Kuroko.

Is that syandana doubled as a shield???

Edited by kyori
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Fused Reservoir should give wisp a 4th type of mote that's actually a fusion of her 3 standard motes. Even the description of this mod says "Adds a fourth reservoir that gives the effects of all three."  Doesn't seem right that this augment mod simply makes her cast her 3 standard motes at once.

Actually having a 4th type of mote that gives the effects of the other 3 would make wisp more fun to play since she would be able to place 6 of the fused mote. As for the design of the fused mote, I think it should be larger in size and the symbol/color of the motes can be a mix of her 3 standard motes.

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7 hours ago, SephirothWS said:

Direct Standalone PC Tennogen Access when?

Do you mean tennogen being available without the steam version? because it's unlikely DE will bother with that since very little of the playerbase uses the standalone launcher.

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Seeing as y'all are fixing animation bugs, mind fixing Amalgam Alkonost not buffing crewman?

I'm all for PG hugs and all but come on!! "Birthing neuro-carnvious memes directly into their brain stems." That's #*!%ing brutal. 

Oh and Toggle Prime Details for Immortal skins when?

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8 hours ago, UdsUds said:

Thank you! Finally... 

But its a band aid, If only master summon works this way as well.

This. The augment is so niche for dispenser and a waste of a mod slot. Master summon getting improved for sentinel revives would be so much better.

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Another patch, another failure to address issues in so many mods and frames.
Please start coming back to us in a manner that is closer to what you used to do when you claimed yourselves as the "Devs who listen" - as things stand you either don't listen or our messages seem to fall on deaf ears. Feedback is the key in this equation and it's entirely absent outside of specific tickets or hotfix OPs.

This is one example, it's not the oldest but it's one you have clearly ignored since you introduced melee 3.0. As I've said countless times before, Arcane Eruption already performs the EXACT status that this augment needs to make it work again. Why is this so hard to do?


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