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Gara Prime: Update 30.3.0


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Thank you for Gara Prime Access. 

The UI changes for the clan page make excellent use of screen real estate. It would be awesome to this way of thinking applied to future UI updates as well as reviewing past ones. Equipment chat links in particular have a large portion of the screen wasted to a diorama instead of having more useful information presented without hovers or scrolling. The clan changes showcase the right blend of function and fashion, and many previous UI overhauls could be reviewed with this in mind to be better balanced.

This is pretty nice:

2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Gara Prime: Update 30.3.0

  • Changed the “None” Dojo Backdrop to a default option instead of a Recipe that must be researched.

    • We made this change because “None” is every room’s default when first constructed. We want this option always available instead of requiring more research on the part of Clans who wish to return a room to how it first appeared.

    • This change will deduct 1K Affinity from Clans that completed the research, but it will not affect the tiers of Clans who upgraded to a higher tier using this 1K Affinity. We will be running a script to refund Clans who spent Credits on “None” Backdrop research.

Can we apply this logic to Dark Sector Solar Rail research for a level playing field for all clans outside of Ignis Wraith? Remove all XP and research for these retired research items and run a script to remove XP from older clans for a consistent clan research experience? The game is healthier when these issues are approached the way you have here instead of hiding them from new players and creating permanently retired completion items. This also allows you guys to give all clans the same access to clan Affinity outside of Ignis Wraith from Pacifism Defect. It's a better foundation for future clan updates.

Edited by Voltage
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Can you guys make a survey on the community opinion to see if people like Xaku's attachment dissapearing while using The Vast Untime?

I haven't met anyone who likes their fashion frame dissapearing when using that skill of theirs.

PS: Although I'm glad Gara's armor is no longer being jettisoned out of her body when using Splinter Storm, you really should've made it a toggle for those who didn't want the change.

Edited by metvincent
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With the recent two Credit Weekends players have seen a trend, namely the Profit Taker meta. I already gave detailed feedback on that one ( https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1257386-index-credit-farming/?tab=comments#comment-12104972 ) The problem here is that old but definitely fun and engaging content is lost simply because it cannot compare to newer content ( like it always happens after some time i.e. Mining getting replaced by Thumpers , Arbitation Kuva farming with Steel Path/Essence farming etc. ) This is a sad trend and I think we should give old content a new reason to coexist and compare with new content. I gave options and ideas as to how fix Index in comparison to Profit Taker to make Index a fair second option again. Lets move on to the next sad trend in the recent years, the new prime weapons. Anyone remembers the cherished gimmicks of new primes back in the day´? Pyrana prime with its ,,action'' mode, Ballistica prime creating specters or ? DE stopped making primes special for some tragic reason and nowadays Primes are often simply a reskinned normal version with slightly better stats (that are often not even enough to bring them on par with a Riven modded normal version which leads to the fact that people do not even use the prime version). Where is the love DE used to put into primes ? I can understand that thinking of a gimmick for each prime weapon gets tedious and exhausting but not a single one in ages is quite depressing. (I do not count fire modi as special). It would not even be that hard in some cases, for example pandero prime could have a reload gimmick that allows you to reload 50% faster if you hit all bullets with ur secondary mode effectively rewarding aim with DPS increase. The next point would be the controversely discussed Void Storms, nobody does them after they acquired the new Weapon/Frame....why? Simply because their supposed reward is a Prime Part(Relic) but it takes 5x as long to open one there in comparison to a Capture/Sabotage/Exterminate etc. mission. If you want players to not abandon void storms and thus your new content you must adjust it accordingly, Options would be obvious and simple. Either Remove the objectives and let players rampage in space for their Relic (different missions could still be possible for example having a large pool of enemy fighters lets say 200 that is aquivalent to Ext or a pimped Crewship with shields and vents you need to take down first -> Capture or a 3 asteroids you need to shoot with the artillery -> sabotage etc. ). Or let players open multiple relics for their time investment. Last but not least Steel Essence farming. It went from efficiency based (someone who killed 1000 eximus enemies per hour got more than someone who killed 100) to completely time based. This drastic change still left a bad taste in the mound of many players but it is understandable due to how people ,,abused'' certain things. Changing the new system again is unrealistic but why not tweak it a little bit? Currently players farm only Survival to gain Steel Essence (which is basically the same as the old meta) isnt that sad as a developer? to have so many missions but players only choose that single one? Now how we can fix that without returning to the old problem? Simply change the Acolyte Spawn for NON Endurance missions such as Capture or Exterminate missions. Each time you ,,unlock'' extraction the Acolyte will spawn, so for example in a exterminate after roughly 2 minutes. This is obviously superior to Endurance missions many people will think but it is not,it gives people option to get Acolytes fast but Steel Essence is only ONE drop per mission which means you can no longer stack SE and wait for kavat buffs to pick up multiple drops. This solely gives players with little time a good option to farm SE quicker without having to sit in survival for hours. It also adds variety to the Steel Essence farm,something some players desperately seek. 

Edited by FSK41
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1 minute ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

PLUS! As an added Gara QoL change, her glass armor no longer disappears during Splinter Storm!

You have requested many times (many, many, times) to have a UI toggle that will give you control over whether Gara's glass armor parts will "shatter" while using Splinter Storm. You want to use this power all the time, but it makes your warframe look so much less... shiny when you do.

Our prayers have been answered! \o/

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Thank you for the update, looks like a very fancy prime together with a lot of beautiful ui-changes and even more fixes!
Very nice, keep up the good work :)

oh, and here is redtext:

(double-oh: Here are the first comments before they got edited, just because it is always funny to see if some of them turn into walls 😅)




Edited by Fabpsi
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I see the QoL Changes still haven't been considered and applied to the relics screen. When will the data that's already exposed, be applied as an ICON on vaulted relics on the corresponding screens they're on? Its a very, very simple change and would make one HUGE difference.

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A bunch of updates later and this is STILL broken. Not only that but all you've done is remove the forma choice screen! Why can't I apply my hard earned special forma to this single, specific weapon? 🤔

Edited by NightCrawlerK98
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