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Dev Workshop: Corrupted Holokey Changes


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Still not adressing the real problem being the drop rate "37.5%" means nothing in such a diluted reward pool

I spent a full night non stop trying to get corrupted holokeys before I had enough for one weapon and even if you introduced these changes back then it'd still have been the same amount of time spent 


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9 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Corrupted Holokey Changes: 


These changes might be better than what we have now but they are still not good enough. For the effort you have to do when dealing with the sister (including the railjack part) one isn`t enough you should get at lease 5 holokeys by defeating a sister.

As for doing void storms the number increased is good but it still has a chance to drop, currency should never have "a chance" of dropping that`s just terrible it should have a guaranteed drop on completing a mission.

Currency should NEVER have a chance of dropping imagine credits and endo having a chance of dropping.

Imo holokeys should not be a thing, the weapons should just be apart of the sop not something separate, so to me it`s still not good enough.

Also the weapon rotations should be reduced to every 5h at least ppl will have more chances to get the weapons stats they want the length we have now is unnecessary and needs to change.


On the subject of railjack I`m someone that don`t like railjack to me it`s one step forward two steps back, murma farming is quicker but you have to do a bloody railjack mission which take time. I understand that it was shown at tennocon like that but that was before I experienced it besides when I first saw railjack I didn`t like it (like I didn`t like the helminth system) their is no cinematic to show the boss like at tennocon their is not even a special room too fight the boss in like at tennocon.

What they should do is give ppl the option either to fight in railjack missions or fight on a normal mission at leas both sides can choose where they want to defeat it, we just want to get the damn weapon it`s just time wasting for not benefit or good reason. 


Also their are weapons that need improvements


As soon as I saw this weapon, I liked it straight away coz I saw a corpus enemy using it however even through it looks sick this weapon is somewhat medioca and this is coming from someone that prioritises look over damage.


Weapon improvements:

  • Decrease the reload speed to 1.5 or 2.0 seconds.
  • Remove the reload animation when switching to the secondary fire OR decrease the reload to 0.7 seconds, THIS IS UNESSASSARY.
  • Make the secondary fire consume 23 ammo per shot.
  • Give you the ability to fire without it being fully charged.
  • Make the secondary fire have an aoe effect when impacting an enemy.
  • Increase the electric damage and status chance.
  • There is a bug where the scope is not the same colour as your chosen energy colour instead its blue, it should be the same energy colour as what you have chosen.


Tenet Diplos

The process of how you mark enemies is the most irritating thing, the fact that when you aim you can`t shoot you weapon coz of the marking ruins the weapon for me, I don`t understand why it can function similarly to the buzlok.


Weapon improvements:

  • Press the secondary fire to mark enemies, if you kill and enemy while marking other enemies the number of times won`t change. (If you mark 4 enemies but you kill one you will still mark four enemies, no more)
  • Either fire shots from marking will increase crit, status chance and damage OR keep continually shooting at marked enemies.


So please get to it by the time the "few weeks" comes.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Boomstickman98 said:

Imho, in a game about grinding, if your argument boils down to "I don't wanna grind." Then why the heck are you even playing?

The complaints are more like : "I spent 2 hours on grinding and this thing does not even drop and I NEED 40 of these?"

The shop already has RNG on the weapon's element type and bonus amount and a time gate. Now you want us to deal with RNG to even earn the currency?

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I really like the direction of matchmaking for killing liches and rewarding players for doing so. The increase in veil for needing 4 drops versus 7 is great too.

I do wish though that there was retroactive gifting of keys to early adopters though. Just by getting each tenet weapon, you have almost enough keys for one melee.  And I've grinded all the weapons including melee already.  If I hadn't been an early adopter and did the same amount of farming after this change, I could almost purchase four more melees. It would be nice if early adopters were compensated like you did with Helminth early adopters.  

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You guys do know that the main issue isn't the number of them that's dropping, right?


Void Storms should have a minimum guaranteed amount that they give.

Any extras should just be bonus rewards.


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Hi, could you review this and look into removing holo-keys from end of mission rewards please? Once all Tenet weapons are obtained along with Sevagoth parts, that is 2 items in the loot pool which do not really have any value to players re-running this content. 

Add holo-keys to the chest of corrupted enemies instead, and make it 5 holokeys PER sister, not 1. It takes 1-2 hours to get to a sister. To reward that with 1 holokey is actually quite insulting (I get you are thinking of this as a bonus buff on top of the buff to end of mission rewards, but this is not having the desired effect for me and I am sure other players as well). 


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8 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

The complaints are more like : "I spent 2 hours on grinding and this thing does not even drop and I NEED 40 of these?"

The shop already has RNG on the weapon's element type and bonus amount and a time gate. Now you want us to deal with RNG to even earn the currency?

What you're failing to understand is that the drop rate is fairly high for this game. Have you met the Zanuka Hunter, the Wolf of Saturn Six, or The Stalker? All of them have abysmal chances to drop what people are after from them compared to the Corrupted HoloKey. Zanuka being especially brutal because it has a low spawn chance, forces you to grind several invasions for it to mark you, and it doesn't just drop what you need every time, with the actual parts being supposedly half the drop rate of the bp itself, so less than 20%. By this logic, everything that is difficult to spawn/annoying to do should give "X" reward at a rate of 100%. That makes zero sense. and shouldn't, because you cant earn something if you are given it on a silver platter.

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 I already completed 45 sister lich and have grinded out all 4 tenet melee. How does this help me!!! I did every nightwave mission received nothing after max out for months. Received no forward advances in new night wave for it! Why You didn't stop mission from show when maxed like intrinsic stopped!!? 

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  • In the final Railjack Showdown node for a Sister of Parvos, each Sister will give each squad member 1 Corrupted Holokey at End-of-Mission whether you Vanquish or Convert them! This means a Squad of 4 can leave with 4 Corrupted Holokeys each on Showdown mission complete! 

I should start by stating that I like this idea, but 1 Holokey per Sister is so astonishingly low, that I'm left confused as to why you are even adding this.

A Void Storm Mission can take 5 to 15 minutes and may reward up to 10 Corrupted Holo Keys (after the proposed increase), on the significantly highest chance Drop.

A Lich takes however long we need for a progenitor with a desirable Weapon, then a couple of hours of Murmur progression and then a Railjack Mission that will take at least as long as a Void Storm Mission, with more Players making it take longer rather than making it faster, for a reward of 1 to 4 Holokeys.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of getting Holokeys for other Players' Sisters, as it would promote more CoOp Play, but I don't see that happening if the Holokeys per Sister remain so insignificantly few.

If one was to get all of the Tenet Weapons after this addition, even if they did so in full 4 Player Squads, there's not enough Tenet Primaries and Secondaries to get the Holokeys needed for one Tenet Melee. 1 Holokey per Sister times 4 Playes times 8 Weapons = 32 Corrupted Holokeys. Cost of one Tenet Melee, 40 Corrupted Holokeys.

Increasing this to 3 per Sister, so that it's equal to the new lowest Void Storm Holokey Reward but also more than the highest Reward when on a full Squad (3 per Sister * 4 Players = 12 Total, vs 10 from Veil Void Storms) would actually be decent, thanks to them being guaranteed drops.

I would preferably have each Sister drop a total of Corrupted Holokeys equal to her Level, to promote some Risk-Reward and give us a reason to want them to Level Up. One Tenet Melee Weapon would still take getting a Sister, pushing her to Level 5 and doing the Final Confrontation with a full Squad of Level 5 Sisters, twice.

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I am glad that you want to adress the holokeys issue, but even if it was 40 holokeys per veil mission, the main issue would still be present.

The issue is not the amount of holokeys rewared.
The issue is the droptable itself and the purpose railjack void fissures have in game. Which is none.

Let's disect the Veil fissure mission rewards:

- The mission usually takes much longer than typical non-railjack fissure. -> We are not running it to open the relic.
- We get the drops from the mission type. Fine, but most of the items are either plentiful in other places or are Railjack specific. Some of them are items that you want to get once and then you don't care anymore. For example: railjack parts, weapons parts, parazon mods etc. -> We are not running it to get the drops.
- Then comes the elephant in the room. The void storm droptable:


- Radiant relics are nice, but they are even nicer in ESO, where we also get a lot of affinity. We used to level stuff in Railjack, until you "fixed" the affinity gain.
- I already build two sets of Sevagoth, so 30% of nothing.
- That endo is nice, I admit that, but there are nicer and better ways to get it elsewhere. Also it has very low dropchance.
- Corrupted holokeys. Currently the ONLY reason to run RJ fissures. 

So 30% of nothing, 20% of meh, 12.5% of nice, and 37.5% of the only reason to do the missions that are pretty long and you don't get anything else really.

-> We have to spend a lot of time in the mission to get a CHANCE at the only desireable item in the whole mission. Everything else is currently just a bloat.

Personally I don't care that much about the tenet melees. I am quite enjoying the primaries and secodaries with new mods. I would be happy to get them as a bi-product of playing, but I just cannot force myself to put hours into farming for ONLY the weapons.

It is nice that the holokeys will drop from sisters, but that will actually make people avoid railjack fissures even more.

All you need to do is fix that droptables. Here's how:

1) Move sevagoth to POI droptable.
2) Put the void traces back into the droptable instead of Sevagoth.
3) Remove holokeys from the droptable and make a small amount of them a guaranteed reward for each fissure. 
4) Put in the droptable something that will make the RJ fissures unique. I suggest a bundle of 20 ducats, but it could be anything else like more Endo, Forma bp, Universal medalion, whatever really. But it has to be unique and desireable.


Tl,dr: Problem is the droptable not the amount of holokeys. Holokeys have to be a biproduct of farming something meaningful in RJ fissure missions.

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this is just a kick at anyone that already did the sister farm already.
why am i that farmed the sister weapons and then waited for holo-keys to be fixed now being told i missed out simply for doing content..
if i had done all my liches now i would have every single weapon u can buy for em but now i simply got to still farm a ton of keys from a stupid void mode or re-do a ton of liches that give me nothing of value since they dont even have a resource for killing and gives credits?

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7 minutes ago, (PSN)Boomstickman98 said:

What you're failing to understand is that the drop rate is fairly high for this game. Have you met the Zanuka Hunter, the Wolf of Saturn Six, or The Stalker? All of them have abysmal chances to drop what people are after from them compared to the Corrupted HoloKey. Zanuka being especially brutal because it has a low spawn chance, forces you to grind several invasions for it to mark you, and it doesn't just drop what you need every time, with the actual parts being supposedly half the drop rate of the bp itself, so less than 20%. By this logic, everything that is difficult to spawn/annoying to do should give "X" reward at a rate of 100%. That makes zero sense. and shouldn't, because you cant earn something if you are given it on a silver platter.

That still does not justify that a Token system is locked behind RNG. In fact those drops should receive the same treatment too. Token System allows you to work your way up into the desired goal within a reasonable time, not letting luck be your way of progression. 

You want to me to buy an item that requires me to grind 100 hours for the tokens but the tokens are guaranteed to drop? I'll take that over RNG all day long.

Also those weapons are not tradeable. So there is no way to bypass the grind with plat as the alternative.

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Ugh. I'm just going to start waiting a month before grinding/farming anything update related. Because it never fails that after we grind our asses off, then a change comes, to make it easier. It'd be sweet if I got an extra x4 Holo keys for every Veil Proxima I did prior to this. For instance just spent like 2 hours getting 36... But had i known this was about to happen, id have 60...

See the BS here?  😐

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I am very happy with this update, and for me its perfect, warframe was never easy and i hope never will, i am sorry for the DE that they should face people who thinks differently, and wants it to be more fast and easy game as the other free games on the market, warframe is my favourite game, because its hard, and peaceful, i can have life and i can play with it without the pain i am missing something event that will never come back. I really love the developers, and when i have a chance i am supporting them, i hope ethey will never change.😊

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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

Will we get a script ran for players who already finished the Sisters of Parvos system?

I feel like, and this is fairly in line to what I've said elsewhere, they honestly totally should kinda do that.
But they won't.

They already made the decission to not respect a player's time investment when they decided to not reward Helminth XP, and then ignore the (roughly) 8 pages of people telling DE that was not a good idea.
Given that this is a farmable item, and not a finite resource like warframe subsumption, it's even less likely that they will do it.

But hey, at least the game has taken one step forwards, right?


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8 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

That still does not justify that a Token system is locked behind RNG. In fact those drops should receive the same treatment too. Token System allows you to work your way up into the desired goal within a reasonable time, not letting luck be your way of progression. 

You want to me to buy an item that requires me to grind 100 hours for the tokens but the tokens are guaranteed to drop? I'll take that over RNG all day long.

Also those weapons are not tradeable. So there is no way to bypass the grind with plat as the alternative.

I suppose what the main thing that it boils down to for me is that I don't want another orokin Cipher/Nav coord conundrum where they just collect in your inventory, never to be used because its intended purpose is over with.

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hace 2 horas, [DE]Rebecca dijo:

In the final Railjack Showdown node for a Sister of Parvos, each Sister will give each squad member 1 Corrupted Holokey at End-of-Mission whether you Vanquish or Convert them! This means a Squad of 4 can leave with 4 Corrupted Holokeys each on Showdown mission complete! 

Not a bad idea, but what if you push it a little more. Kuva Liches drop some kuva when defeated. So what if Sisters drop even one corrupted holokey when defeated? Isn't that much as to be worth grinding them but is more than before and on the final showdown they could drop two per sister. Even with a team of four you would be only getting 8 on the showdown plus some more on the way there. No way to get the whole 40 and grinding an extra weapon per sister :)

Thanks for the work and to keep improving it :D

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

See you in the next few weeks with these changes on all platforms, Tenno!

What about the overflowing of weapons to get from the larvlings and candidates? Will all the weapons divided up into each respective planets or still insist that players spend hours looking for the weapon they want? Please ask your colleague, thanks.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

In the final Railjack Showdown node for a Sister of Parvos, each Sister will give each squad member 1 Corrupted Holokey at End-of-Mission whether you Vanquish or Convert them! This means a Squad of 4 can leave with 4 Corrupted Holokeys each on Showdown mission complete! 

It takes 60-90 mins to clear a sister. Why not have holokeys drop per stab (i.e. 1 holokey x rank)? 

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