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Coming Soon: Devstream #160!


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Will you ever go back to doing smaller lore entries like more Simaris entries or frames having lore pieces like Excalibur for example? The Leverian is great and I could be wrong but with how much time there is between the different Leverian parts, it just seems like they take a lot of resources to make.

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34 minutes ago, (PSN)anansispiderPS said:

Not all items are made equally "peculiar".

And "Warframey" style is subjective enough that the Eros wings fit for me. Very well. But that's because I play Oberon.


Inner Tube Ephemera is much more peculiar. As are bunny ears. I'm wanting to see some of these cosmetics that this thread objects to, but not others. So this toggle would have me opting into stuff I don't want.

DE is ultimately the one to decide if something should or shouldn't be counted as "peculiar", but that's a bit besides the point.

If your concern is that this setting would be opting you in to things you don't want, then what about all the other permanent things you're forcefully opted in to already? If the Dog Days Ephemera and Lepus Headgear are too much, what about the Candy Cane Scythe skin or Eros Arrow Skin? They are permanent and cannot be hidden, so you're effectively being opted in to those even if you don't want to be. Many don't like the giant wing Ephemeras and are already being opted in to things they don't want. On the other hand, if you really do like these cosmetics then in a few remaining cases you're forcefully being opted out even if you don't want to be because they're still temporary. The current system works for no one.

This topic is indeed a subjective matter, and that's exactly why it should be a setting for individual players to decide for themselves. Though the setting does have some room for more granularity if necessary. For example, DE could decide that Eros and Nyctalus wings are "peculiar" but always appropriate to see, which would mean they're only hidden when a player fully opts out. A player using the default setting would see them year-round, unlike something like the Dog Days Ephemera or Lepus Headgear. Or the setting could have a 4th setting that sits in between "when appropriate" and "always". Etc.

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Im looking forward to you guys talking about something for inaros. Something thats not a new augment. Maybe a rework of sorts. Something akin to this Reddit thread from 2 years ago. Due to the fact inaros is still in the same state he's been in since release. A tank tank when he was a support tank at first then everyone just did tank only. Please make inaros somewhat playable for those who don't want to just be tank inaros.
(2) Why Do People Want An Inaros Rework? A Comprehensive Analysis : Warframe (reddit.com)


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So, I usually write really long comments here, and I don't actually like to do that because I think people probably laugh at me for it, but at the same time, if I say that I want a change made, I should give examples, right?

1) Warframe reworks and tweaks - mostly for the older frames and ones that feel...lackluster (which is, honestly, subjective) like Loki, Trinity, Valkyr, Banshee, Limbo (AGAIN) and maybe a few others.

2) Weapon reworks and tweaks - largely for the same reason as the Warframe reworks.  A lot of the older Primes feel like they need a power boost, as do many other weapons.  Much like everything else I'm going to say, it's probably just me, but, like, why would you ever use something like the Lenz when the Kuva Bramma exists and has much more flexibility.  I would also appreciate some weapons' special abilities lasting longer, like Knell/Knell Prime's Death Knell and the Pyrana Prime's ability.  I guess a better way to summarize this is that I want more weapons to be fun AND viable without needing a Riven mod or some other constraint that forces you to use them over a clearly superior weapon.

3) Mod reworks and tweaks - same reason as the weapons.  Mostly, I want the Set mods to be a bit better and more universal.  Like, the original 4 Set mod sets require SIX mods to get their full effects.  They may be strong effects, but that's a LOT of space to sacrifice that you could probably use to get much better DPS with half the mods.  The mods introduced with the Gas City tileset rework really only shine there, but I want to be able to get good use out of them elsewhere.  The Aero Set could have a cooler ability, too.

Also, I would love to see the elimination of what I PERSONALLY consider "useless" mods.  Like the ones dropped from Sentients that used to be PvP-exclusive.  Or the elemental resistance mods.  I can't really think of any reason to use any of those.  A lot of the Warframe Augments could be made better or more interesting as well (again, subjective.  Except for the Augment for Saryn's Spores.  I think most people will agree that one is kinda lame).

4) More OFFICIAL Sentient-themed skins

5) Let


the Drifter

hold Amps and not just


the Sirocco with the Amp's colors

.  Also fix graphical bugs with him/her.  Buffs to the Operator and Amps in general, I guess (or maybe just the Unairu Focus tree, since that's all I have even though I'm Legend 1).  For such an integral piece of the lore, I feel like Operators and their weapons should have more use than just reviving or hunting the Big Bosses.  Maybe make Amps use mods?  Or give us Melee Amps?

6) Fix the graphical issues with the Heavy Blade/Greatsword Holster customizations and NUMEROUS Heavy Blade Deluxe Skins.

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How is the progress on making Converted Adversaries have more roles outside of defender? You guys mentioned you are working about the animations in a post Call of Tempestarii devstream, but then no news after that. Oh and is there any addition to converted adversaries e.g customizations to give them more reason to convert them? 

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Hmm. It's a struggle for you all to even do monthly devstreams now. Covid must really hit you all hard, that or you just don't have much to show/talk about on a monthly basis anymore. Wouldn't be surprised if you all drop down to doing a devstream every 3 months at some point. I don't mind, as WF isn't my main game. But it's just so striking that you all used to do biweekly devstreams and now struggle to do one once a month.

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1 hour ago, PSvsXBOX said:

I just want you to give us a universal forma, and that doesn't cost a kidney to make.

A universal forma is the equivalent of 4 different forma at once, it's a huge buff.

I think there's another way to handle it though: make it so that slot polarities STACK. Throw a Vazarin on then decide one specific build needs a Madurai in that slot? Now that slot has BOTH polarities available. Meme build needs a Naramon? Now that slot does three. Go crazy and add a Zenurik, now it's an O slot, until you add the Umbra and it turns into an All.

Or toss on an O forma and only have to rank the Warframe once for that slot (twice if you want the Umbra slot).

The current forma system locks builds in. The more you forma a frame the more optimized you are to a specific build. This can free that up; as long as you're willing to invest the time to rank it, you should be able to make your builds actually flexible.

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3 hours ago, (NSW)Captain said:

A universal forma is the equivalent of 4 different forma at once, it's a huge buff.

I think there's another way to handle it though: make it so that slot polarities STACK. Throw a Vazarin on then decide one specific build needs a Madurai in that slot? Now that slot has BOTH polarities available. Meme build needs a Naramon? Now that slot does three. Go crazy and add a Zenurik, now it's an O slot, until you add the Umbra and it turns into an All.

Or toss on an O forma and only have to rank the Warframe once for that slot (twice if you want the Umbra slot).

The current forma system locks builds in. The more you forma a frame the more optimized you are to a specific build. This can free that up; as long as you're willing to invest the time to rank it, you should be able to make your builds actually flexible.

That'd actually be super #*!%ing cool. I'm getting really tired of having to either forma yourself into a single build or live with a couple of half-arsed builds on mediocring frames.


Edit: I'd like to point out that it's currently less of a 'huge buff' and more of a basic QoL.

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Hey, how about this? Will there be any updates related to this or comments about this? What do you say about the fact that until now, after many hotfixes, some of the facial accessories on the drifter are buggy and look terrible? What about the fact that to this day the drifter has only 4 (!) sets of clothes, including one (and the only one that suits both the operator and the drifter) for real money?

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18 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

February is a shorter month, and to give you all the best Devstream possible we’ll be airing our next one on March 11

Since this is the case one of two things need to happen. 


  • The March 11th devstream is two hours long (with no time wasting joking around).
  • Their is another devstream at the end of the month.

I will be disappointed if none of these things happen.

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3 hours ago, ChillrendVN said:

Hey, how about this? Will there be any updates related to this or comments about this? What do you say about the fact that until now, after many hotfixes, some of the facial accessories on the drifter are buggy and look terrible? What about the fact that to this day the drifter has only 4 (!) sets of clothes, including one (and the only one that suits both the operator and the drifter) for real money?

I set my Drifter to best as possible match Operator, obviously they're supposed to be alternate reality versions of in my case; the same woman. Operator looks slightly asian and some on my Region say she's beautiful. Drifter? Her eyes look crossed when you view her in the Somnatic Link chair and she has a more rounded almost African face which is nice but they look like two completely different people not one an older version of the other.

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