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Angels of the Zariman: Dev Workshop PREVIEW


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On 2022-03-11 at 9:19 PM, feralknights said:

I'm begging you to change the plans on the Garuda passive and make it an augment or something.  Give it a second trait if you need to, just don't make one of the most fun risk-reward 'frames in the game hyper-safe, boring, and tethered to a single point.  Because that is what will happen.

Just need to accept at this point that even if the frame you enjoy is effective, but it isn't wukong-saryn-gauss style meta/popular, that it'll get streamlined into a safe brain off option.

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2 hours ago, Account_Name said:

It has been many many years, and the Focus grind is still that. A grind. A horrible one.

I have played the game for over 2000 hours since focus was released, and I still don't have a single school maxed. There are better ways to rank it up now than on launch. But they are still not great. The biggest problem is that there is a daily cap. I can't dedicate a weekend to grinding focus in ESO. I will hit the cap swiftly and have to wait until the next day. Spreading the grind out across months. When I play Warframe, I do so in short bursts. Not daily.

The other way is Eidolons, but you either need to convince a group to kill the boss with you for 50 minutes, then take a 100 minute break before killing the boss again for 50 minutes and so on. Or you have to play with randoms.

I wouldn't step a foot into random eidlon groups for all the ayatan in the system, and no friend of mine is that bored that they would accept standing around waiting for a boss for 100 minutes. And don't get me started on having to grind for lua lenses just to make another grind less grindy. It is too much.  

Honestly the worst part of the current focus schools is the additional 'fees' for adding capacity... knock that out and it wouldn't be so bad.  Not that I actually enjoy the idea of needing to specifically 'focus farm' on high xp maps, it's the same monotony that we have when levelling weapons/frames etc.  Focus is arguably another example of why the current xp system just doesn't work anymore. 


You mentioning eidolons just made me think... they better give us all the shards we've used to unlock the max rank stuff on the focus schools... like you I have absolutely zero interest in doing eidolons (again). 

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I think the focus rework is great. They only showed the more passive/warframe supporting abilities and remember the current focus system has that along side operator only enhancements. 

Void dash is cool but might ruin flow due to speed. 

Also for those scared of void blast disappearing, they did say the operator is getting an ability wheel like a warframe so it'll more than likely be an option there.

Also I think they mentioned that some stuff might stay and I honestly think that energising dash and unairu wisp will remain in some capacity. (Just went back and checked and unairu wisp is there labelled as unairu wisp)


In terms of the texture swap skins. They mentioned that u can earn some and some of the textures. I just joke they go through old skins and implement it over time.

The private room is great but we did just get the drifter camp and I'm hoping more additions to the drifter and maybe better face sculpting so I can get the drifter and operator closer looking.


Over all pretty excited for this. Love any operator changes as I have always felt they are lacking or  forced to use certain trees 90% of the time. Hopefully this will be a net positive 

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The reworked fur on companions looked nice. Could we get an update to their survivability as well? 

I'm also curious about the new void dash. It appears that you can only dash in the direction you are looking and you have to charge it up for the distance you want to travel. I really hope you aren't removing backwards and sideways void dash. If that's the case, there are going to be a lot of displeased customers, myself included. 

I realize it your game, you can take it any direction you want, but yikes. Reworking part of basic movement system when mobility is arguably the main appeal of your game is a ballsy move. 

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Just adding a +1 to the 'new void dash looks terrible' vote.

The best thing about void dash is it's traversal speed and for scalling vertically. We all saw reb struggle to get any use from the new void dash, please don't force this down our throats.

Also how are we supposed to un-invulnerable the kuva guardians without a void blast? I could understand a rework of the less useful upgrades, but totally removing it seems folly.

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6 hours ago, Varangian_af_Scaniae said:

That's not how you solve it! You solve it as a Way-Bound Passive. Removing it or nerfing it will cripple many "new-ish" players and cripple many builds for all players. Plus it will make Archane Energize a must have.

A better option is to add +1/2/3 energy/sec regen as a warframe passive stat gain at rank 10/20/30 with Zenurik giving a burst of increased energy regen over several seconds to anything within a few meters when switching to operator mode.

This would be a QoL buff to new or moderately progressed players without forcing them into trying to obtain arcane energize or spend resources on energy pads, but still enable Zenurik as a resource/ability school.

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DE must think we are 50 iq mentally handicapped kids who need special help using void dash. Besides, the only void dashes they showed on stream were only forward dashes and no backwards or sideways dashes so it immediately shows their blindness to the inhuman task of telegraphing a predetermined dash you cant even see.

The new void dash is not only a pain to use (and watch) but incredibly languid and mellow and I dont want to have to wait 99 billion years for the location marker to travel to my desired location before I dash therefore I would much rather have a fast paced void dash that takes skill to use than some cringe slow motion baby steps assistance mechanic for a movement tool that is supposed to be fast.

The tools DE have given us for movement have been engrained into our muscle memory for years now but I guess some preschool kid found a DE balance team member in public and started bawling his eyes out about how he was going through more energy pizza than he expected because he was wasting his void dash directly into walls. There is a skill factor involved in using void dash where you can go the exact distance you want by void dashing slightly diagonally into the floor or a wall so you stop at the right place. This proves the entire design team has fake in game hours and only pretends to plays the game for e.g on devstream and primetime where it is evident the gameplay is a vast difference from reality.

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hace 21 minutos, GalatinePrime dijo:

DE must think we are 50 iq mentally handicapped kids who need special help using void dash.

To be honest pal, that applies to way more things than just Void Dash, trust me. They showcase their game for mature audiences, but adapt the mechanics for kids. At this point, I wouldn't surprised if they remove bullet jump next because a developer's toddler son crashed on a wall with it.

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On 2022-03-10 at 10:43 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Void Dash: this is now a telegraphed movement tool with more interdirectionality and pivoting potential to better traverse the game’s tiles and combat spaces. Chained-forward traversal is still a valid option, but it has been redesigned. 

The new animations for void dash look amazing, however it looks slow and clunky compared to what we have now. It's used for travelling, Warframe is a fast-paced game, we don't need void dash to be slow. This game is literally all about going fast. Not even to mention how this will effect eidolon hunting/strats.

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You know when anyone says keep an open mind about it, they're going to screw something up or it's not good.  It's like they know people like dashing across maps easier than using volt or nova.  Telegraphing movement sounds like a tacked on afterthought and they're adding more flash to mechanics that don't need them like the warframe shoulder check instead of voidblast.

Unairu was also better before the major update because of the acid pool being so powerful.  It's funny they mention it because the armor nerf and vazarin buff to super heal dash to free energy zenurik are why no one wants to use the school.  Infact the changes to dash and blast kinda kill the major bonus to using Unairu with void wisp and armor strip dash, so the defense buff better actually make Unairu grendels and inaros nigh unkillable.  The other schools need damage buffs to make them more useful out of an outdated diet raid boss context, which is kind of the issue with how operators need to be stronger as their power evolves to justify focus farming and using them over frames outside scripted or needed events.

I'm sorta interested to see what else is coming because I've been sitting on all schools maxed out since long ago, out of boredom.  I'd still like to see the Drifter mechanics rolled back in as an option however, because operator powers are bland outside support and the occasional sentient/kuva guardian.  Just add upgrades and arcanes to the kit and it can work, and buff said pistol so it's not worse than other amps.

Edit: I just thought of something.  Add resonance passive bonuses to operators based on the warframe you use.  Since the school affects both, your warframe should affect you too.

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I hope you guys see why you need to know the difference between a rework and a revisit because this happens. People ask for a warframe to get a rework when the really mean a revisit, in-game I ask ppl what frame they want to get improvements, they say they want a rework but when they explain what they want it turns out to be a revisit.

So to stop ppl from being ignorant let me tell you the difference between a rework and a revisit:



A warframe that has one or more of their abilities either removed or combined and replaced by a new ability.


Excalibur, Limbo, Wukong, Vauban and Ember.



A warframe that receives small changes or improvements to its abilities without completely changing the ability.


Oberon, Nezha, Saryn, Nyx and Titania.


This is why I get irritated when ppl keep saying rework, coz they don`t know what they are asking for until they get it. I will hold my hands up, when it came to focus I said rework when I meant a revisit so yes I'm guilty in this aspect but to DE don`t completely rework the focus schools, improve on what you currently have and add the other new abilities to it, I think most ppl will appreciate that.

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On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:
  • Keep an open mind to rebalances & learning new gameplay since so much is changing.


Some Tenno are Rigid and Set in their Ways... 😱

On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Void Dash is changing to be a more controlled movement tool and ‘less spammy’. We are generally inspired by the change from Coptering to Bullet Jumping. Not that the current Void Dash is an unintended movement, but redoing it to better fit our combat is the goal. 

Oh okay.... Good... 👍

This was something alot of people neglected to mention while they were Whining "But muh Void Dash" !!! 🤣

I'm glad to finally Understand why this is being changed...

On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Any interactions that relied on Void Blast will be audited to ensure everything still works with other Void combat abilities!

This was another one of those things the Complainers didn't Mention... 😁

On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Void Dash: this is now a telegraphed movement tool with more interdirectionality and pivoting potential to better traverse the game’s tiles and combat spaces. Chained-forward traversal is still a valid option, but it has been redesigned. 

I don't know what this means... 🤔

On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Amplify their threat with increased time-to-kill - accompanied with justifying rewards!

I knew It....  !!!

I called it in December.... Bullet Sponge 2.0

On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:


Blitz Eximus Units now summon a frontal chain Blast attack by slamming their fist into the ground that applies a knockdown and Blast Status Effect. This Blast attack is detected by an audio cue and FX of the oncoming Blast erupting from below.

Oh good.... I think....

Atleast now I can here them without needing to See them before Getting Toppled Over.

On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:


Energy Leech/Parasitic Eximus units now periodically spawn an Energy Leech Zone where players are near/standing. The Energy Leech Zone is detonated within seconds, draining a large amount of Energy if not tactically avoided. This Zone is detected by an expanding energy zone and audible cue on placement & detonation.


Anybody who knows me also knows how I feel about Energy....

So I won't Say Anything....

On 2022-03-11 at 5:43 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Arson Eximus units maintain a Fire Blast attack, but you can now counter the Fire Blast by simply rolling through it to negate its oncoming effect. However, Damage is now higher along with a forced Heat Status Effect when struck.

Rolling Works just fine right now....

Can I bullet jump through the Flames too please ? 

On 2022-03-11 at 11:17 PM, Voltage said:

Also regarding this:


Make the teleport of Frame to current location automatic rather than manual. This would not only be nice, but also fix the entire situation where Operator death is abused to teleport the Warframe across the map using cached locations.

This might surprise you but there are instances where I don't want this To Happen... 

Sometimes I want my Warframe to stay right where I left it....


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On 2022-03-12 at 12:00 AM, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

I don't need a frickin' tutorial on how to play this game. I've clocked in over 10000 hours into just the PC version alone. 

The objective truth is the current void dash is unreliable in a number of situations and needed to be tweaked.

you have 10k hours in the game and you STILL have problems with the current dashing???

So you say void dash is unreliable in a number of situations and needs to be tweaked, but with the current change that they showed us it will be bad for situations that are already working very well like for example eidolon hunting.

Would be cool if they make a solution that fits everyone and not just your way of playing, wont you say?

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Focus Rework to me should have Energy Recharge Void Dash on ALL schools. That's the main reason everyone uses Zenurik, so if you spread it to to other schools (and I know you'd probably nerf it a bit) it would leave players more lee-way to try and use other schools.

The Void Dash rework itself, I really don't see the point. I never eard ANYONE complain about it or said it needed to change. Also, it ads a new step to using the operator dash, which I don't think improves gameplay flow in any way.

Eximus rework is a nice change, I think they'll be more menacing and definitelly stand out. My problem is you just gave it a new "aura" to them. I mean, this games has TONNES of cosmetics and color changes for Warframes. Is it really that hard to do a overaul to half a dozen Grinner, Corpus and Infested? CHANGE them visually. Give them horns, make them purple, make them have skulls painted on them... something actually interesting and that stands them out, instead of some "crackling/void energy".

Speaking of which, I do like the Narmer Grinner visual changes. An ephemera works great to identify on Content Criator videos those enemies. So why not do the same for Steel Path enemies? It is impossible to distinguish enemies from normal starchart to steel path because they look EXACTLY the same. Why not (again) actually make them diferent. A proper ephemera would work (so you don't have to redo ALL of them) but my previous suggestions also apply.

Grinner need some love too. #kahl 😅

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DO NOT change void dash, or if you do, let us have the decision to change between the types of Void Dash, one for The Drifter, and one for The Operator. That way the choice will be more impactful, and you don't force a new traversal style on anyone that preferred the tried and true old method. It seems like a lot of people are opposed, and considering that the DevStream showed someone familiar with it failing to perform a basic Dash a time or two because of the time it took to charge, it seems like you're setting yourselves up for failure.

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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)dataDyne087 said:

DO NOT change void dash, or if you do, let us have the decision to change between the types of Void Dash, one for The Drifter, and one for The Operator. That way the choice will be more impactful, and you don't force a new traversal style on anyone that preferred the tried and true old method. It seems like a lot of people are opposed, and considering that the DevStream showed someone familiar with it failing to perform a basic Dash a time or two because of the time it took to charge, it seems like you're setting yourselves up for failure.

I don't want it tied to which operator/drifter you choose. I'd much prefer the choice be aesthetic only. 

In regards to the void dash I'm looking forward to the new changes. Having control over the length of the dash is something I've wanted for a while. I think it might take a bit to get used to the changes, but I really think it's for the best. 

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7 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

I don't want it tied to which operator/drifter you choose. I'd much prefer the choice be aesthetic only. 

In regards to the void dash I'm looking forward to the new changes. Having control over the length of the dash is something I've wanted for a while. I think it might take a bit to get used to the changes, but I really think it's for the best. 

I get where you're coming from, but people have gotten used to how Void Dash works, for around seven years now, and there needs to be some way to change it, even if it's just a Tap/Hold option. Otherwise the name 'Void Dash' doesn't make sense, and should just be called Void Teleport, or something.

The length choice is cool, but seems like an unnecessary bell and whistle trick when the a huge chunk of players (including myself) use Dash for Eidolon hunts to recover distance after the stomp, or something similar. There needs to be a choice, instead of DE, as much as I love them, just deciding to change an incredibly familiar mechanic for no other reason than trying to make it flow better, and just make it slower and clunkier in the process. Like I said before, not a good look when it fails because of how slow it is, especially when used by a Dev, and in a specifically parkour map.

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19 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

In regards to the void dash I'm looking forward to the new changes. Having control over the length of the dash is something I've wanted for a while. I think it might take a bit to get used to the changes, but I really think it's for the best. 

Im sure if you were doing eidolon hunts you wont say that its for the best...

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2 minutes ago, -KyloRen- said:

Im sure if you were doing eidolon hunts you wont say that its for the best...

I don't do them often. Regardless, i think eidolon hunts is bad justification to avoid changes. If it's the only real reason people don't want it to change then I personally think it needs to change. I don't think something that is part of the core gameplay should be dictated by an optional niche mission that's often ignored by a lot of players.

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What is the intended use of the reworked Void Dash? The short jumps in that video didn't look very useful and the energy usage was very high, will waybounds improve speed and efficiency?

The Eximus changes seem nice though.

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46 minutes ago, (XBOX)dataDyne087 said:

I get where you're coming from, but people have gotten used to how Void Dash works, for around seven years now, and there needs to be some way to change it, even if it's just a Tap/Hold option. Otherwise the name 'Void Dash' doesn't make sense, and should just be called Void Teleport, or something.

The length choice is cool, but seems like an unnecessary bell and whistle trick when the a huge chunk of players (including myself) use Dash for Eidolon hunts to recover distance after the stomp, or something similar. There needs to be a choice, instead of DE, as much as I love them, just deciding to change an incredibly familiar mechanic for no other reason than trying to make it flow better, and just make it slower and clunkier in the process. Like I said before, not a good look when it fails because of how slow it is, especially when used by a Dev, and in a specifically parkour map.

I personally think if a single mission is the justification behind keeping it as is, then it needs to be changed. 

And I mean no offense to Rebecca when I say this, but she doesn't seem like much of a pro so I wouldn't knock it back because of her gameplay(plus she was still involved in the discussions in the stream so her attention was likely split). It also seems like something that people need to get used to. Same thing with all major movement changes that have happened over the years.


Edit: In saying that, it does seem like something that would have been suitable for a public test branch. 

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Since Focus is being reworked why not add an "endless" nod for each tree that is in the center (starting nod) and the endless portion can be unlocked after max it then use X amount of eidolon shards to unlock it for example:

Madurai : Grant % damage overall (weapons and abilities or just weapons)

Unairu : Grants % damage reduction

Vazarin : Grants % health and shields or % heal rate

Naramon : Grants % melee damage

Zenuri: Grants % or flat passive energy regen

Not necessary these buffs but at least some variation that is worth investing into (please not some useless stuff operator health or something like that) 

as for stats they can be either high stats at the start (for example 20% dmg at the 1st endless nod then drops down to 1% and stays there) and keep the cost high at start then drops casually or just lock it down (1%) but keep the cost down

These changes will make the players return to focus even when they max their trees and just don't forget about it.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)dataDyne087 said:

huge chunk of players (including myself) use Dash for Eidolon hunts to recover distance after the stomp

Eidolon fights are very outdated and need a refresh. The meta way to play them is basically a "fix" of the bad balance the fights have. Try to take mote amp and kill Terry without volt shield. And the same can be said about void dash. We are fixing the tediousness of the fight with it. 

We therefore shouldn't use it as an argument for void dash staying the same. What Reb has said on the devstream is true. Using the void dash in normal missions is atrocious and this change seems like it will make it a good tactical ability.

That all being said. I really wanted to say this:

We have seen a devbuild with unfinished features. We don't know any numbers, any real facts and we have not tested the ability ourselves. We honestly don't even know how it works technically. What happens if you just tap Space? How long can you hold Space? Etc...

Let's postpone the outrage and discussion until we actually know something factual. 

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About the Void Dash telegraph change, here's a thought: Why not have the telegraph go the other way?

As in, why not start the telegraph at the max distance, then have the marker move in towards the operator's current location? This way the rapid travel of chained void dashes isn't affected and you still get the precision if you want to truncate the void dash. It seems like a mechanical compromise that enables both styles of void dash play - old and new.

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