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So why does index still exist ?


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Hello guys,

I just came back to Warframe, and i started really enjoying the game again as i used to some years ago, if not even more ...  I think DE has done an amazing job overall these last years to bring the game to yet an even higher standard than before, which was already quite up there, great stuff all in all, really happy about it.

THAT being said, i STILL can not understand why 4/5 years later, the index mission still exist and somewhat objectively considered the "main" credit farming method ... i don't want this to seem like a rant or anything but i can't wrap my head around it ?

Does credit economy matter that much to simply not bump the base credit gains all around ? I think credit shortage can bring the experience down a lot, especially in the longer run, it creates a bad routine, and that kind of stuff just makes player lose interest and passion for the game they well and truely love ... so it's a really a shame ...

Personally I just refuse to build a frame (revenant) that i'm not particulary intersted in for the sole purpose of making a game mode that i really dislike easier to digest ...

Did DE already adress this issue before or are they planning to implement some diversity in regard to credit farming at least, if the credit rate bump can't be considered as an option ?

Thank you !

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You don't need the Index to get credits, it's just a good way to do it.  If you don't like the Index you can get credits from plenty of other things.  Personally, I've always had more than enough credits by simply playing the content I like in the game.  I'm guessing other players can tell you some specific farms you could try, though.

You also don't need Revenant to do the Index; you can use any frame.  I have only ever done the Index for Nightwave challenges, but when I have Limbo has worked great.

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Index can be done EASILY with any frame, this is also including Excalibur Umbra.


Index's point is to be the most effective credit grind in the game, as well as the fastest.


It exists because you will always require credits. And often, a LOT, especially for mods. Especially for primed mods. Especially for the good ones.

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Honestly I sort of forgot Index existed… I tend to have enough for whatever I’m doing just by jumping into missions to test builds and picking up credits in-mission and from after-mission rewards. Sometimes I’ll sell something if I want a quick cash injection, but there’s not much I need credits for so badly that I turn to Index and it’s been years since I’ve done a run

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51 minutes ago, Snayku said:

THAT being said, i STILL can not understand why 4/5 years later, the index mission still exist and somewhat objectively considered the "main" credit farming method ... i don't want this to seem like a rant or anything but i can't wrap my head around it ?

Frankly it has very little to do with credits. Index still exists because DE worked REALLY hard on those PvP maps, and they're not going to let it all go to waste just because none of us actually want to play PvP

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It's not the primary way to farm Credits, just the fastest and most straightforward method for getting a lot efficiently. Sticking to the passive gains from everywhere else is a viable option if you're not regularly trading high tax items or aren't terribly impatient.

As is there's also at least two other relatively similar Credit farms. Profit Taker with Chroma is potentially more efficient if you can solo kill PT quickly. And Railjack gives 80-150k per Veil mission which makes RJ a great "multi farm" for those who need Credits, Relics, Primes, etc all at the same time.

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🤔 I guess I do run into situations where I don’t have credits on-hand for something and not enough junk on-hand to sell, but considering how quick it is to get to a point where I don’t need anymore and instead want, I’m so rarely concerned about the temporary limit that I find it too much effort to navigate to and jump into the Index unless I want to play some PvPish content (and this coming from someone who tweaks a build/loadout between mission runs and builds for the fight, so no fear of effort; just how low-priority credits are)

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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I mean it would set a bad precedence for certain aspects of Warframe to cease existing just because some people don't see the point. Index doesn't seem like it requires intensive maintenance, is relatively unique as far as maps, objectives, so on, and many people probably find it more favourable and a nice Credit farm. You get to meet John Prodman as well. 

So... with that said, this comes off more along the lines, and feel free to correct me OP, but more like... "I am running a bit short of Credits, I need Credits, but Index looks like trash to me, but its the thing I see a lot of people mention when talking Credit farms? Why?" which is a bit different, but also a lot fairer and valid to an individuals experiences. Its possible they could just increase overall Credit rate acquirement but ehh, such balancing is always going to be inherently tricky, and the need for such requires a lot more than just people believing it does. As in consider Credit Boosters and the need for them, and other such incentives. Plus again, some may enjoy the mode, why annoy them by removing something they like. 

Good news is that, well, Index isn't the only nor the best way to get Credits. Being able to do fast Profit Taker runs is, especially with Chroma and a booster. Any Warframe generally though, should also pull ahead. Certain Railjack missions are also great for Credits too. Sorties are decent as well. 

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36 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Index doesn't seem like it requires intensive maintenance

It needs a handful of bugfixes, but other than that you're on the right track there. Of particular note, is the bug that causes the entire game to lock up for a solid second or two whenever someone spawns in (ally or enemy, regardless if you can physically see them, and no matter where on the map you are). No idea what causes this, but it happens fairly frequently. Additionally, once it starts, it will happen consistently thereafter until you restart your game.

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Just now, Hexerin said:

Of particular note, is the bug that causes the entire game to lock up for a solid second or two whenever someone spawns in (ally or enemy, regardless if you can physically see them, and no matter where on the map you are). No idea what causes this, but it happens fairly frequently. Additionally, once it starts, it will happen consistently thereafter until you restart your game.


Perhaps the game shudders in sheer anticipation of the coming of the Prodman!! (but yeah thats an annoying bug). 

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why would they remove perfectly functional Content options :)
there's numerous avenues to high Credit payout/time, so if you don't like Index play something else. Profit Taker, Railjack, Neptune Disruption, the lv50 Zariman Bounty sometimes, Et Cetera.

also i don't know what you mean needing a specific Warframe to play Index. you can play Index with any Warframe. the Gamemode is about clicking on Enemies and carrying stuff back to a goalpost. carrying 15pts is doable just fine without any Invulnerability. between Parkour and spacekid, bringing stuff back to the goalpost is not a big deal.

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Why would they remove it ?

The index isn't the only means to get credit , just playing the game nets you credits , index just does it in a more streamlined efficient manner.

I havent gone to the index in .... Years now , I get my credits just playing the game , the sorties themselves give around 100k per day amongst other things. Almost everything that drops can be sold for credits. 

Then again I am sitting on a stockpile of credits that will likely not run out soon. But barring upgrading some primed mods to max , you will rarely need more than 100k credits on hand for anything that is affecting gameplay.

You not liking index is fine , but there are slightly less efficient alternatives too.

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