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So what's everyone hopes for the focus acquisition rework that was stated to be coming soon?


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Personally, my ideal/dream would be that you just put a single lens in your Operator loadout and that's it. All affinity you gain regardless of source, goes through that lens. Additionally, the addition of a 5th tier lens (above Lua lenses) that grants a clean 5% conversion rate.

Realistically, I'm not expecting a complete redesign of the system. Honestly, I don't really mind the current system anyways. It works, and isn't super convoluted or anything. My only real complaint is that you can't remove a lens from equipment, so once you've added a lens to something that piece of equipment permanently has a lens.

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Some actual Lens to start with once the Focus school opens up. Back then, it took me five months before I got my hands on some Lens. Cetus Bounties was the only way to get them. And RNG sure hate me. It was a slow crawl just to get different Lens. So each piece of gear should be able to switch to the basic Focus Len with no cost. Keep the bounty rewards and basic Len as item just so we can upgrade them through the Foundry. This is so DE doesn't have to make so many changes. Less change means less chance for bugs.

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No damned cap on daily focus which you can only bypass by farming tridolons. I'm already maxed in my focus across all schools so I doubt I'll have to do it again, but lemme tell you something: I absolutely didn't enjoy spending days following very strict team comps and being extremely precise with our timings to maximize our tridolon captures every night.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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less caps and for Lenses to be less annoying to use. Syndicate affiliation got made less annoying, so there's hope.

i'm not sure what way i'd like the affiliation to work though. as it is once you're later into the game you can start just sticking random Lenses onto your stuff and as you use stuff you'll get some and that lets you spend less time mucking around with affiliation that way.
a single global affiliation would be a bit mixed, though at the same time if the cap was less restrictive then maybe that wouldn't really be a problem then. you'd be able to get points for whoever as you please.

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I'd just like for Somatic Fibers to not be such a pain to get. But I don't really see any issues with the system that warrant major changes. If players want to be efficient they can set up for stealth farming or Eidolon grinding. While everyone else can farm it casually with some lenses and running ESO, Zariman bounties, or Circuit.

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The biggest bottleneck for lens acquisition and maximum focus gain is still the Eidolon lens. this is an issue that needs to be solved. Removing lens without destroying them would be nice and a good QOL change would be separating focus rewards from killing thrax and void angels from your equipped focus school into universal focus you can spend anywhere.

It'd also be nice if your operator could convert 100% of affinity from amp kills to focus.

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I feel like they will mostly just increase the % gained. Maybe some changes to how focus lens work.


I remember farming sanctuary onslaught with mirage/saryn to gain focus.. wasn't much fun but I've maxed the schools I wanted to max and waybond abilities.

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Well, here's the things I predict, not the things I hope for, because I know how DE thinks about these systems:

1. Lenses will be easier to attain and we'll finally get the option to remove them from frames without destroying them or replacing them with another.

2. Lenses will convert more Affinity into Focus, allowing us to reach our daily cap faster and not have to use meta Affinity farming methods to max it quickly, or spend ages in Sanctuary Onslaught. That, or Convergence will convert more Affinity for every level of Lens, making the exploitation of Convergence orbs relevant again.

3. Daily cap will not change. We will still spend exactly as many days doing the initial grind, because DE are all about making their daily grinds quicker or easier for the casual player, but not about making the overall grind shorter.

4. At best we will get a 'catch up' feature where Focus has both a Daily and a Weekly cap and we can farm up to the weekly cap on the weekend. Basically every day that we miss in the week can be made up for the day after, all the way until the Weekly reset, where we start all over again. Missing a whole week will still mean a whole week of no progress, but missing six days will not mean missing a whole week, if you see the difference.

Making the daily grind shorter for players that haven't hit their cap is something DE have shown they're willing to do, so having better conversion rates of Affinity to Focus, that's a no-brainer change. But DE have also shown that they build their grind systems to take months, if not years (say hello to attaining Archon Shards).

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Do we actually need one? I mean I got tons of focus from Duviri so why rework it at this point.

Push newer players along. "Reworking" won't translate to anything except "gain faster in some fashion".

I can see why many people are looking into it, but I can't personally attest to the changes because I've been done with Focus for a very long time. I was more interested in removing MK1 gear, and they backtracked that to just removing them as choices from the tutorial, so eh.

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focus isn't really hard to farm, smeeta + affinity buff big lens, you can cap in a few rounds of ESO

maybe they remove the caps ?

or just set the gains to be like 5x ?

steamline the lens ranks ? or even better idea maybe they remove the stupid lense system altogether and just make it passive gains for whatever school you have active ?

also turn off the Eidolon farming requirement for unlocking the waybound nodes

Edited by _Anise_
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A thing they could do to let newer players catch up quicker and make it simpler overall is to just skip lenses then rework it the following way.

-Daily cap still there, but the focus would be universal and can be spent in any school.

-Your currently active school gains focus unrelated to the daily cap at a rate of X% of affinity gained by your frame, operator and weapons in a missions. There could potentially be a cap on how much you can gain per school aswell, but you'd be able to cap it for each school each day by swapping schools.

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My guess is they want to make focus lenses more relevant , as zariman and duviri kinda made them obsolete.

Will likely be that you can get similar focus from focus orbs in regular gameplay that you get on average from duviri (maybe a little less).

I doubt i will affect me or most of the players that already have their focus maxed , it will probably be better for the newer players or ones that haven't bothered with focus so far.

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