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It seems we're getting compound elemental damage mods with the update


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Neat, though assuming we'll get one for each dual element I have a feeling they'll still be fairly niche. Since we already have Secondary Encumber as an answer to all status priming and there's neither a lot of need for mods like this nor a lot of room to fit them in.

But they'll likely be useful for min-maxing specific elements or if their secondary stats are notable if they're not all +fire rate. Also PT just became even more of a joke boss.

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Call me when there's a viral one, so that I can upgrade my Soma to viral/heat.

1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

Bonus, Qorvex's passive got changed:


They're making core/fundamental changes when release is less than a week away? That's never a good sign in game dev.

Edited by Hexerin
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🤔 These’ll also be good if I’m looking for the combined element but not necessarily the extra damage from the two elemental mods mixed together, like I just experienced where I wanted a combined element but to get it I’d be doing redundant amounts of damage while also consuming a mod slot. I’m getting more excited for the 13th!

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53 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

If am not mistaken they said Grimoires wouldn't be modded like other secondaries?
And judging from the mod pic, Nezha is holding one, so this may be an example of the upcoming mods for them.

It literally says "pistol" on the mod, like every other generic secondary weapon mod:



Also, [Citation Needed] on your absurd claim that the books won't be modded like every other weapon in the game.

Edited by Hexerin
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1 hour ago, Jarriaga said:

This is a rather expected addition. Depending on how these work you may be able to add a 3rd element to your weapons.

Cant wait to get my hand on one, i see a lot of potential for this. <3

1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

I have a feeling trade chat will go crazy for the Viral Mod if there is one

Hope there is none...

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10 minutes ago, Voltage said:

First time? If you really want the "final product", don't touch this update until January.

Unironically yes, in regards to end of year update. Which from what I've been reading around the forum, DE universally completely screws up every year.

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55 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Also, [Citation Needed] on your absurd claim that the books won't be modded like every other weapon in the game.

Probably a misconception, Grimoire is going to get some exclusive mods called "Tome Mods", but it should still be able to use generic secondary mods (otherwise that book would be very limited compared to every other secondary)

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

I'm guessing this adds the compound element to the weapon rather than just boosting existing ones. Multiple 0 will still result in 0.

If it didn't work like normal elemental mods, and only boosted existing radiation, that'd be bug report time unless we're told it's intended.  We've already got at least one example of a combined element mod working as expected in the Akbronco augment.

But a mod that only boosted radiation on sidearms that  were already modded for it or the very few that have it innately would be kinda funny.

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28 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

If it didn't work like normal elemental mods, and only boosted existing radiation, that'd be bug report time unless we're told it's intended.  We've already got at least one example of a combined element mod working as expected in the Akbronco augment.

But a mod that only boosted radiation on sidearms that  were already modded for it or the very few that have it innately would be kinda funny.

Hmmm. A mod that enhances just a specific element and shifts damage weighting could be interesting; I’ve often wanted a near pure element damage output even beyond what we can do with the current elemental mods we have now, with targeted damage increase instead of the holistic Serration or Hornet strike mods

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5 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Unironically yes, in regards to end of year update. Which from what I've been reading around the forum, DE universally completely screws up every year.

DE's "end of year" updates are always a mess. Without fail.


Doesn't help that they seem to think it's perfectly fine to release major updates that had like 5 minutes of testing and then go on vacation for 2 weeks.

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13 hours ago, Hexerin said:

They're making core/fundamental changes when release is less than a week away? That's never a good sign in game dev.

I had the same thought, they just showed him off and now a week before launch they're reworking his passive. Thought they had to go through console certification and have these things locked in well before launch.

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Yes, finally combined elemental mods! Hope there will be more and hope we'll get them for primaries and melee too. And hope they do not combine with single elements. Would love to be able to run things like Viral+Cold, Rad+Heat, Gas+Heat, Corrosive+Gas+Electric, Corrosive+Gas+Heat or other new combos. I'd be fine with if they restrict it to only 1 of these mods slotted per item at a time.

15 hours ago, Hexerin said:

They're making core/fundamental changes when release is less than a week away? That's never a good sign in game dev.

Except they said they'd likely end up changing stuff before the release, stuff similar to Qorvex's S#&amp;&#036;ty passive, like the stats on the new shards and so on. I'm extremely glad that Qorvex wont force radiation on the equipment he uses. I was pretty much about to just use him as mastery fodder soley due to his passive since radiation without control is utter and total S#&amp;&#036;e.

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