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Community: "Railjack sucks, man."


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Me: "Counterpoint: Where else in the game do you get to see ludicrously badass things like this?"



Seriously though, every time I progress to the next planet, the mode just keeps getting more and more epic. It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

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In my heart of hearts I don't believe Railjack has been abandoned. It's dreaming, not dead. The naive part of me believes one day all the various threads of this game will be spun together into something truly special, but that it's all still in the works, behind the big updates, slowly but surely.

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It looks pretty, but it does kind of suck. Its was fun while it lasted, but once you've done everything you need theres no reason to go back really. No bad thing, theres alot to do in the game, not every aspect needs to be a Evergreen activity.

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3 hours ago, Hexerin said:

It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

The problem is that, by the time DE figured out how to make RJ mostly fun (AI crew mates so you don't have to rely on leechers to do something for once), and fixed the biggest bugs, most people already abandoned it with a sour aftertaste.


The only time you see people in RJ right now is if they're new to the game, farming for Sevagoth or Ash, or forced by a quest.

I'm arguably the only person left who plays it for fun every now and then.


If they'd just get rid of the on-foot section for most missions (other than maybe Sabotage or Spy), and allow the Pilot to use the big gun from their seat, we'd have a almost perfect RJ mode.

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The issue with Railjack isn't just that people didn't like it, but DE wouldn't be able to even accomplish what they wanted due to technical limitations. It isn't really any different to how nothing came about with the open beta test event known as Scarlet Spear.

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4 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Me: "Counterpoint: Where else in the game do you get to see ludicrously badass things like this?"

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Seriously though, every time I progress to the next planet, the mode just keeps getting more and more epic. It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

Ok... where is this badass thing? I see some rocks some and some trash floating in the space.

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the scenery in the Railjack areas is pretty great. I love Saturn Proxima as well. 

4 hours ago, Hexerin said:

It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

I don't think it's been dropped entirely after all: in a recent Q&A, Reb mentioned a "prototype" of flying the Railjack above open worlds, so while it's only in the very first stages, and might still be scrapped (hopefully not), it proves that the Devs are still playing with the Railjack behind the scenes, meaning they haven't given up on it yet. there IS still one slither of hope left for the mode.

Edited by (PSN)robotwars7
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43 minutes ago, quxier said:

Ok... where is this badass thing? I see some rocks some and some trash floating in the space.

And what more could any of us claim to be, really.

It's easy for us older players to take for granted that Warframe is a beautiful game, but appreciating beauty is a good thing.

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I wouldn't be too worried, unless when Infested Liches update in 2024 arrives, and they remove the Railjack element from them. Broad Community viewpoints can also be well... fickle, amorphous, split, undivided and shifting. Also Railjack on launch was very different, from its several big updates, small updates, and fine tuning its received, including stability/bug issues. Unfortunately not many stuck through to see if their views might have changed over time, and some just have a bad taste for it. 

Not me personally. Whilst there are some older Railjack ideas I feel we have lost, like Gian Point type missions, I think Railjack has developed to be great now, especially with having a Railjack crew. At the same time, unless you use recruiting or have friends, clan members, doing PUB Railjack can be very frustrating, which creates a compounding problem as far as the public side of Railjack (loading into someones paper thin Railjack to see players arguing and trying to resolve such conflicts whilst trying to repair the ship and achieve objectives...) meaning many people just solo, so it can also be a barrier for some (where as much of the other game will have people carry). 

The Corpus update was especially great in my eyes, especially visually with the backdrops and new enemies. I was glad to see the new Alchemy mode in Whispers borrows some elements from Volatile missions too. Some of your Railjack powers are really fun too, I mean you can shoot a giant black hole, as well as a few dozen seeking rockets, and sniping Crews ships from thousands of miles away never gets old. Oh and remember the more you manually craft, the more of certain resources will build as well (incentivising longer/multiple missions). Having like 8 dome charges is very nice! 

Oh and there are a decent sized community of Warframe players that do like and enjoy Railjack, especially more in the last few years after a lot of changes/fixes. If DE ever does Infested Railjack, will probably see decent engagement/positivity (well, and likely some negativity/cynicism too, its relatively polarising still).

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5 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Me: "Counterpoint: Where else in the game do you get to see ludicrously badass things like this?"

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Seriously though, every time I progress to the next planet, the mode just keeps getting more and more epic. It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

Bugs. It is badass, but the bugs and questionable designs that haven't been polished even now. I have a love/hate relationship with it.

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29 minutes ago, Seele said:
1 hour ago, quxier said:

Ok... where is this badass thing? I see some rocks some and some trash floating in the space.

And what more could any of us claim to be, really.

It's easy for us older players to take for granted that Warframe is a beautiful game, but appreciating beauty is a good thing.

Beauty is very subjective. Where I see trash & rocks, OP sees some beauty or something.

However "badass" is less subjective. There are dozen of pictures that are more badass or show work of DE team. That picture doesn't show too much. It show some average rocks and average ship (or something).


I've seen few picturesque scenes but... that's it. It looks nice but gameplaywise it's horrible/bad. In normal gameplay (non RJ) DE has done much more work, visually and gameplay wise.

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The worst part is that railjack was such a big commitment and now lays dormant. Probably never to be touched again. It came out, people hated it, they fixed it, moved on. Now railjack is fun and a good concept but there is nothing to do in it.


This is the thing that sucks most about warframe: A thing comes out and we move on. Wish we had updates that just added a bit to everything. Not the constant "process of forward at all costs".

Wish that they took a year and just polished all of the game up. Re-textured all enemies, redid all of the outdated tilesets, re-textured older frames and guns and things along those lines.

Cant imagine what its like for a new player to go into warframe and jump between AAA visuals to visuals that look beyond outdated.

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8 hours ago, Hexerin said:

DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

I'm on the cope that it was a strategic decision to move to a more focused development model. The new guard at DE seemed to have taken a lesson from the old guard's reign, you can't do everything at once. Railjack is still a fundamentally flawed game mode in mission design in how it works as a vessel for co-op gameplay. Archwing is in a dire state, needing a ground up re-envisioning of it's role next to a Railjack. 

DE can't "just" add more Railjack content, they would have to divert a lot of resources into that. Resources that could be spent on something else. There are a lot of parts of the game that need love, and they've been getting to them piece by piece. As someone who adores the potential of Railjack, even I can't deny that there are more pressing matters to attend to. Eventually (I hope) they'll come around to it and put a full focus on it, and given the quality of recent content I'm happy to wait. 


It is almost like DE has listened to the years of feedback that they shouldn't throw 52 half-done things at the wall. 

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8 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Me: "Counterpoint: Where else in the game do you get to see ludicrously badass things like this?"

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Seriously though, every time I progress to the next planet, the mode just keeps getting more and more epic. It's a shame that DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

It would have been far more badass if you had used Wisp. :clem:


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42 minutes ago, (XBOX)Itz2Cat said:

The worst part is that railjack was such a big commitment and now lays dormant. Probably never to be touched again. It came out, people hated it, they fixed it, moved on. Now railjack is fun and a good concept but there is nothing to do in it.


This is the thing that sucks most about warframe: A thing comes out and we move on. Wish we had updates that just added a bit to everything. Not the constant "process of forward at all costs".

Wish that they took a year and just polished all of the game up. Re-textured all enemies, redid all of the outdated tilesets, re-textured older frames and guns and things along those lines.

Cant imagine what its like for a new player to go into warframe and jump between AAA visuals to visuals that look beyond outdated.

> Oh, my, that Heavy gunner looks gorgeous.

> Let's move on to killing everything like we did.

They don't need to put soo much effort (1 year...) to change those stuff. They need to change gameplay not visuals. Maybe redoing old tileset might be nice but some are better than e.g. new corpus ship tileset.


1 hour ago, DrBorris said:
9 hours ago, Hexerin said:

DE dropped the content due to community opinion, there's so much potential here...

I'm on the cope that it was a strategic decision to move to a more focused development model. The new guard at DE seemed to have taken a lesson from the old guard's reign, you can't do everything at once. Railjack is still a fundamentally flawed game mode in mission design in how it works as a vessel for co-op gameplay. Archwing is in a dire state, needing a ground up re-envisioning of it's role next to a Railjack. 


You got it. I think the same. During that time they had like few frames and almost 0 content for non-rj lovers. Afair at that time they had less players.

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9 hours ago, Seele said:

In my heart of hearts I don't believe Railjack has been abandoned. It's dreaming, not dead. The naive part of me believes one day all the various threads of this game will be spun together into something truly special, but that it's all still in the works, behind the big updates, slowly but surely.

A truly beautiful dream. Warframe has ungodly potential.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Returned after 6 years (thank you, Cross-Save) just to find this kind of monstrosity of a mode. 

I despise Raijack missions. If I want to play a spaceship sim - I'll go play EVE or Homeworld. Controls are trash, in-game tutorials are also trash. This mode should be forever deleted from the game never to speak of it again. Wow DE, you guys should have just stopped at Archwings. 

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I am a railjack enjoyer. I wish they could expand upon the mode more. More missions maybe? Even new mission modes? Giving us the option to hire AI crewmates so that you can solo the thing is awesome. I remember when we didn't have it. It can be done solo, but there is a chance of failing when you don't have a fully upgraded ship and weapons. Sometimes you have to rely on someone who has an endgame ship and carry you so that you can farm for RJ resources.

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On 2023-12-18 at 2:52 AM, o0Despair0o said:

If they'd just get rid of the on-foot section for most missions (other than maybe Sabotage or Spy), and allow the Pilot to use the big gun from their seat, we'd have a almost perfect RJ mode.

And here we see the REAL problem with Railjack: DE's vision for the game mode is the exact opposite of what players actually want

DE wants a team-based mode where one player CAN'T do everything, not above Earth Proxima. A pilot who can't use the megalaser, a gunner for supporting fire, an archwing slingshot to deploy the away team faster. The most telling sign was the original Squad Link trailer, where four more players were in a completely different map (Plains of Eidolon) meaning one player LITERALLY couldn't do everything himself because he wasn't actually on the Plains of Eidolon

To my extremely limited knowledge, this is what Sea of Thieves is? One player can't do all jobs at once

But Warframe players don't play that way. Some of us will try to co-ordinate with a couple friends, but the large majority of pub players think of "teammates" as "things what make enemies spawn in greater density." You do not team build with these people, you do not strategize. You just let them kill 500 enemies behind you while you kill 500 enemies in front of you

(Even those of us who do play RJ with friends, you can't do that as often as you like because of boring reasons like "real life" getting in the way. This isn't DE's fault, it just meant if I wanted to farm Railjack 1.0 when my friends were offline I would have to use Ivara cheese)

Tellingly, giving players what they want (where a solo pilot can do everything) would turn a 250 meter long frigate into a nimble and spritely fighter jet. What's more it would turn 99% of the actual Railjack into a waste of space (or even an active liability, since Ramsleds can land on it)

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3 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

And here we see the REAL problem with Railjack: DE's vision for the game mode is the exact opposite of what players actually want

DE wants a team-based mode where one player CAN'T do everything, not above Earth Proxima. A pilot who can't use the megalaser, a gunner for supporting fire, an archwing slingshot to deploy the away team faster. The most telling sign was the original Squad Link trailer, where four more players were in a completely different map (Plains of Eidolon) meaning one player LITERALLY couldn't do everything himself because he wasn't actually on the Plains of Eidolon

To my extremely limited knowledge, this is what Sea of Thieves is? One player can't do all jobs at once

But Warframe players don't play that way. Some of us will try to co-ordinate with a couple friends, but the large majority of pub players think of "teammates" as "things what make enemies spawn in greater density." You do not team build with these people, you do not strategize. You just let them kill 500 enemies behind you while you kill 500 enemies in front of you

(Even those of us who do play RJ with friends, you can't do that as often as you like because of boring reasons like "real life" getting in the way. This isn't DE's fault, it just meant if I wanted to farm Railjack 1.0 when my friends were offline I would have to use Ivara cheese)

Tellingly, giving players what they want (where a solo pilot can do everything) would turn a 250 meter long frigate into a nimble and spritely fighter jet. What's more it would turn 99% of the actual Railjack into a waste of space (or even an active liability, since Ramsleds can land on it)

Well, DE somewhat caved into their demands with the command instrinsics. I can literally leave my Railjack unattended and it will mow down starfighters by AI crew and be constantly repaired and defended from boarders. 

Also it seems with the addition of command intrinsics, some players see other players as a liability. Why is that you may ask? Because Railjack ground enemy density is much lower than normal tileset missions because of game performance reasons. Adding more players won't see a noticeable diffeeence. Another reason to the pile, those players may not do their intended jobs becomes a huge burden to the entire squad. So, some railjack owners may prefer to go solo instead. Consequently, this reduces the amount of open squads in public.

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Everyone I talk to seems to dislike Rail jack / Archwing stuffs. I don't entirely disagree.

I think they're not _that_ bad... but certainly compared to regular game play it's quite lack luster for me.

But I come from WoW where they do similar things (quests involving flying of some sort, mechs, misc dragons and creatures)... and it's so much more stale and overall feels bad, and way worse than WF. So I feel somewhat lucky for having what we have here as tenno's


I think developers just want to keep things dynamic and implement variety. It must be quite challenging to get space ship / flying combat stuff to feel good. Not many games pull it off. It all generally gets boring after a while.

Edited by Colldbllue
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