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Revenant Themed Warframe "Vlad" Feedback and Discussion


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So Vlad was made as a sentient/Vampire theme Warframe and I personally think the Vampire part is sooo not needed for several reasons. 

Controlled enemies isnt really a great thing to revolve a frame around. Main reason why this is a problem is because enemies you control doesn’t do as much damage to themselves like they can inflict on Warframes. Especially the Grineer/Orokin. Yes it’s good for CC but they need to do above average dmg to each other. That’s kinda the main point behind the ability itself. Almost 3 abilities to do what Nekros & Nyx can do with oneHis kit isn’t to compare with Nyx & Nekros but I think if the Warframe is a part Sentient.

Then give it a Sentient ability. I don’t think the “Vampire” part isn’t needed just for the fact that lifesteal become a thing of the past since the rework of the focus schools including Vazarin. A great looking frame with a major sleep aoe as a ultimate ability? 

Im sorry but I just can’t just get over how a sentient frame has a sleep aoe as a ultimate. Personally I think DE should look at all 3 Eidolons and try to incorporate some of their abilities into the frame itself. With its best ability as Vlad 4th which is Starfall.


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We need for power 1 to look like this TCgzQkJ.gif

and power 4 more like this E4z9wYt.gif 

with whip and bat wings.... because after all he is not sparkly ghost he is a Vampire 👹

Edited by Vlada91
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47 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

Yea I imagine him (vampire) much more darker and like some damage frame...but for now im happy with a name,its like dream come true. 😊👌

Sadly it will not remain Vlad, since it is its codename similar to Ash's codename of Smoke

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[PH] Vlad seems like a frame I would use on low lvl survival to show off it looks, and thats about it, kinda feels like copy paste of abilitys rather then some unique ability's.

When I think of a Eidolon  kind of frame I think of a frame that loses a limb and then spend the whole mission searching for it.

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Eh, the way I've had it explained is that the Sentients are dangerous because of their Adaptation. You see this on the actual Sentient fighters where they can basically become nearly immune to the different damage types that you're using.

Void energy prevents their Adaptation. Its why we use it to hunt the Eidolons, that 'shield' we see is their Adaptation field that actively prevents incoming damage by adapting to it faster than we can deal it. So we strip off their Adaptation and suddenly they're a limited-function entity and we can damage them based on what they're actually made out of.

Hunhow can't use Adaptation to create more Sentient offspring, like Natah, because travelling through the Void itself scorched his Adaptation function so badly that it can't recover. However, that doesn't mean his various parts can't Adapt to the smaller functions, such as damage.

So, in this case, by making Eidolon parts into a Warframe we're preventing that Sentient tech from ever changing or running rampant, or leaving our control, by consistently channelling our Void energy into it. We aren't destroying it, but we are leaving it in a base, vulnerable state.

That's why enemies can walk up and hit it with a machete to damage it, because it has no Adaptation anymore, only the base Warframe tech and armour that's keeping it together.

The form of the Warframe is what defines the powers, so the result of the Void energy being channelled through Sentient parts is that we can, supposedly, mimic Sentient functions.

Unfortunately the current version is a more 'marked for interaction' or 'classic vampire' theme, meaning we're not actually mimicking any of the Sentient's abilities at all... but that could change.

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He looks like a Harrowed version of Nyx, which is essentially a much harder to use and weaker version of Nyx. He has a lot of mechanics that culminate in doing not a whole lot. I'd argue that Inaros is closer to a Vampire frame that what Vlad is currently.

They seem to want Vlad to be more like a CC version of Saryn; spreading CC instead of damage. It's an interesting concept, but just not productive in terms of getting anything done. Or rather, what Vad needs 2 to 3 skills to accomplish, Nyx achieves with one.

Frankly, I think Vlad would be better off just as the deluxe skin of Inaros. Make the energy effect more granular, so that it looks like sand and you're done.

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I agree with you feels like everything is about CC these days.

 and as for

28 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Im sorry but I just can’t just get over how a sentient frame has a sleep aoe as a ultimate. Personally I think DE should look at all 3 Eidolons and try to incorporate some of their abilities into the frame itself. With its best ability as Vlad 4th which is Starfall. 

That is what happens when they make up a frames ability's but due to prepearing so hard for tennocon they probably were half sleeping when they came up with it.

Also greatly fits how i would feel using his 4th.... sssooo boring it makes me wanna sleep.

Edited by Defion
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I would prefer a more heavy emphasis on Vampiric powers

1) Void Fang: Bite an enemy close range to begin turning them into Vampires to fight for you (Hold it down to begin draining their essence and healing you at the cost of ever increasing energy cost)

2) Mesmerize: when activated any foe looking at Vampire frames front is paralyzed and allows you to use Void fang as slightly lower cost

3) Hungering Shade: become a shadowy fog that can drain health from foes that pass through him

4) Evernight: Radial globe of darkness that confuses enemies and forces them to attack random things (often the floor and walls) also allows you to use 1 to teleport to an affected foe and use Void fang


Passive: Vampiric drain that is stronger when in darkness (think like Mirage's power)

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"Bloody sucky" 

"Suck you dry Prime" 

"Dracul Prime" 

"Dracula Untold Umbra" 

"Dark Universe Cinematic Universe Prime" 

"The Fallen" cuz the concept art looks exactly like The Fallen from Transformers. 

"Davey Bones" 

"Plasma Tentacle Monster" 

"Pedostsche Prime" 

"Mario Moustachio" 

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What the Revenantframe Vlad is right now:
-Unique passive. High power potential.
-Nekros and Inaros combined for 1 (Nekros' 4 meets Inaros' 2).
-Something like Rhino for his 2.
-Hydroid-ish 3.
-Equinox-like 4.

What I want to do to this:
-Give his 1st ability the ability to swap between 3 abilities; his 1, 2, and a mini-Gantulyst laser which can, if one builds him for Rage, be fired pretty much in fast semi-auto.
-Turn his 3 into a toggled ability; sacrifice energy for health/shield regen field; becomes new 2.
-Add 2 Sentient-themed powers which give him gameplay flexibility and team utility.




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4 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I understand that, and that's what I was referring to, as well.  They were using an already-existing mechanic to do the thing they wanted to do to see if the concept even held water.  That's all.  Was just pointing out it's more of a place-holder mechanic than anything.  But at this point, it's all assumptions anyways, so I'm not gonna get too into worrying about it yet

We were shown work in progress for the frame, the only placeholders were 'visual' things, the 'concept' isn't going to change much (outside of power strength balance) between now and release because they said in the devstream they want it out as fast as possible (basically they want to make up for the delay in khora's release)

Edited by LSG501
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first sorry for my english.


But when i heard on sentient frame... First thing i think is adaptive damage resistance ( like shadow stalker or even sentient fighter )

or ethereal form (like Vomvalyst)

But none of it come to this... atleast he should use Void damage type as his primary damage...it is?

i Hope DE do something on this frame... it look really cool for fashion frame but his kit right now... sigh.. 

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just a quick reminder to think about how much effort you want players to go through in order to acquire the new warframe. I don't mean effort as in grinding the same mission a hundred times, but in terms of actual gameplay difficulty. Despite how well they would lend themselves to it, I'd implore you not to use the three existing Eidolons as sources for his parts. Fighting them in a group vs. solo spells a pretty severe difference in difficulty, and while it's far from impossible to do at least one successful tricap per cycle alone the time and effort it takes to do that for a frame part I don't think is adequate. If you continue to want to balance the game for solo players as well as for group play, which was the case according to Scott at least up until a couple of devstreams ago, please take the issue raised here into consideration.


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In jest, I would suggest "Warlyst" as a combination of Warframe and the Sentient suffix of -lyst

If I was to suggest a serious possibility I would go with Grevus as a derivative of grieved which is itself a synonym for afflicted. 

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"hey I'm a Eidolon designed Warframe, Eidolons do prett much dmg, but me I'm only going to kill my enemies by make them sleepy..."

I'm the opinion Vlad should be opticaly redesigned, this whole vampire theme doesn't really fit a sentient(eidolon) themed frame, I expected better things than that we saw in the dev-stream

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