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vor 13 Stunden schrieb ICUH:

Ability one: combine Excal slash + Volt shield
Ability two: Oberon renewal, just need enemy to cast
Ability three: Inaros swarm but energy not armor
Ability four: Mag magnetize + Rev Maceba

Yea very UNIQUE
do we need another press 4 to win? 4th ability is the most disappointing 

at some point its difficult to not make similar abilities with variation anymore. sadly this is pretty true but trinity and her well is also very similar to oberon and garuda so in the end all of it is similar somewhere. i do agree on her 4 though and the others as i too mentioned need something extra to really make the kit viable at later stages of the game since the enemies in the devstream were weak.

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Il y a 19 heures, VPrime96 a dit :

So a Gore version of a strength heavy Molecular Prime?

Kind of. But you had to switch between enemies and the stun would just make them not being able to attack you right away. It wouldnt slow all of them for long.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

How about we use common sense and give feedback to help DE make garuda NOT like gara, kora and revenant Plus they said "This is subjected to change" omw smdh.

Stop throwing Gara under the bus. Like seriously have you even used her 4s scaling ability? Because I feel like people’s ignorance to that fact is why everyone thinks she’s trash.

Also your ideas aren’t good.

Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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Here’s an idea- Impale- Garuda sends the swords on her arms flying to the nearest enemies within line of sight, draining her health and stunning them in the process. The more enemies she impales, the more balls she can toss with her 1 and the more enemies that can be made into health siphons with her 2.

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Your suggesting something like blood bending, which allowed someone to control another human being. It’s either that your you want a Blood themed version of mags crush.


I also mentioned Branch of Sins power from Deadman Wonderland where you can control and manipulate your own blood, weaponizing it, but since were on the subject of blood bending. Yes, blood benders can control others movements, but that doesn't equal minion. 

Edited by (XB1)Rey Za BurreI
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How about making her 4 a duration based medium range aoe, doing what it currently does, but being able to run and use other weapons, accumulating damage in the "grinder" and releasing the claws for a bigger range aoe when the duration of the ability runs out.

Edit: minus the invulnerability.

Edited by Kiwinille
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It's another press 4 and forget ability 🤣 some people say it's popular, some say most people hate these press and forget 🤔 so which is it? well it's simple the fact that we get more and more such abilities means it's popular people love AFKing in warframe it's the best thing literally not playing the game is the best thing in the game SHOCKING! 🤑

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Been with warframe since April and just found my way to the forums so bear with me.


So When I saw Garuda in game I really liked how she looked....... buuuuuut I did have issues with her kit. Based on what I saw, here is what I have a problem with for each ability and how I would adjust it:

Ability 1

I think it looks cool and I like the idea. However, it seems very clunky and sluggish while missing out on some cool gore opportunities. For starters, instead of winding up before attacking, she should woosh over to the target (at a high speed close to flash speed) in her noble stance before delivering fast and elegant slash to the target. For example, look at the first few seconds of this gif from the flash (black dude with blue lighting being Garuda and blonde girl being stabbed being the enemy) Only difference is that garuda would be instantly be tearing the target apart without the delay.


The next thing I would change is replacing the red orb that you get for the shield from killing the target with the body part of the dead target. like in her concept art from tennocon (imagine how gory it would be to have the corpse floating above her with his blood draining out to be used as a shield. Think about how it would look throwing it at another target. Maybe a bonus effect of the target getting frozen in fear by the corpse)


Imagine how gory it would be to have the corpse floating above her with his blood draining out to be used as a shield. Think about how it would look throwing it at another target. Maybe a bonus effect of the target getting frozen in fear by the corpse. Also maybe make the front shield into a blood skin shield. Front shield might be to situational and would be cooler to have the blood running down her body to protect from bullets if that makes sense)

This in my opinion would make her 1 ability really cool.


Ability 2

The ability itself is alright as it is, but I think it could use a different animation. i'm thinking having spikes coming from below and above the target. Kinda like these clips from Doctor Strange merged together


Combine this animations into one and the ability will look really cool as impaling with one spike is not as cool as multiple coming from above and below.


Ability 3

I get what you were trying to go for regarding the passive idea. BUT, replenishing energy is not enough to justify removing chunks of health. I'm thinking that the ability only drains 100 hp and provides you with the ability to fire out a long deadly spike made out of Garuda's shredded blood with a max ammo count of 10 per cast. You could fire each one one by one in a paced or rapid fire action or fire 5 at once like a spread shot gun. every spike that hits an enemy gives 25 energy to Garuda. The abiity would kinda work like Hela's spears from Thor Ragnarok. Here's a video for an example with hela being Garuda(0:16-0-25)

This would definitely make the ability much more worthwhile for using while really emphasizing on the gore aspect.


Ability 4

This ability has alot of potential. But needs a major overhaul. For one thing, Garuda should be speed walking using a noble animation set looking like this GIF

Related image

The next major change would need to be to convert her claws into exalted weapons. This would mean the camera angle does not change. The blade blender would remain but would do chip damage to allow for Garuda to get close and use her exalted claws on the enemies. The combos for the weapon would be elegant, gory and swift like a samurai master assassin (if that makes sense). Additionally, the blade blender would be blocking some damage already, so the block button would be used to fire a volley of blades at multiple targets or something else. kinda like unlimited blade works (no idea what to show for example but  I think some of you will know what I am talking about). The chaneling button will instead be soft of a heavy attack with large slashes that turn some of the blades into giant claws. kinda like master core from smash bros in his sword mode (see GIF)


Or this video (38:48-39:03)


The heavy attack would be used for combos and would allow for an easier transience to melee 3.0. Finally, Garuda's fourth ability would allow her to use her 3 other abilities with each one getting an upgrade.

Ability 1 would instantly kill a target (if it does not already) but would cost more energy.

Ability 2 would have a larger AOE and would affect 5-7 targets that heals allies aswell as self.

Ability 3 would increase Garuda's throwing blade ammo size to 100 with one shot consisting of 10 blades



She could then charge up an throw 50 blades at once (allowing her to do that twice)



Obviously the abilities would cost more energy to make up for the power boost, but this would definitly live up to the teaser image for her and would make it a bloody gorefest (pun intended)



So to conclude, I like Garuda's look and her concept, but I don't think she is ready enough to be released with Fortuna. The main reason I wanted the devstream to showcase garuda was to see her in game and what they had for starters (was worried about how her face looked from the side since it was a straight front view and the only side view was the original concept art

Image result for warframe garuda

(she kinda looked like a mosquito which did not look as cool for me)


While she looks awesome, I am willing to wait a month or two to allow for whatever changes need to be made to improve her kit. Thanks for reading my feedback and sorry for rambling. I hope the devs see my ideas along with everyone else's ideas and uses them to upgrade the kit. Thanks again Tenno. Keep up the great work Devs 🙂 

Edited by (XB1)WafflyLearner89
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10 minutes ago, (XB1)WafflyLearner89 said:

Been with warframe since April and just found my way to the forums so bear with me.


So When I saw Garuda in game I really liked how she looked....... buuuuuut I did have issues with her kit. Based on what I saw, here is what I have a problem with for each ability and how I would adjust it:

Ability 1

I think it looks cool and I like the idea. However, it seems very clunky and sluggish while missing out on some cool gore opportunities. For starters, instead of winding up before attacking, she should woosh over to the target (at a high speed close to flash speed) in her noble stance before delivering fast and elegant slash to the target. For example, look at the first few seconds of this gif from the flash (black dude with blue lighting being Garuda and blonde girl being stabbed being the enemy) Only difference is that garuda would be instantly be tearing the target apart without the delay.


The next thing I would change is replacing the red orb that you get for the shield from killing the target with the body part of the dead target. like in her concept art from tennocon (imagine how gory it would be to have the corpse floating above her with his blood draining out to be used as a shield. Think about how it would look throwing it at another target. Maybe a bonus effect of the target getting frozen in fear by the corpse)


Imagine how gory it would be to have the corpse floating above her with his blood draining out to be used as a shield. Think about how it would look throwing it at another target. Maybe a bonus effect of the target getting frozen in fear by the corpse. Also maybe make the front shield into a blood skin shield. Front shield might be to situational and would be cooler to have the blood running down her body to protect from bullets if that makes sense)

This in my opinion would make her 1 ability really cool.


Ability 2

The ability itself is alright as it is, but I think it could use a different animation. i'm thinking having spikes coming from below and above the target. Kinda like these clips from Doctor Strange merged together


Combine this animations into one and the ability will look really cool as impaling with one spike is not as cool as multiple coming from above and below.


Ability 3

I get what you were trying to go for regarding the passive idea. BUT, replenishing energy is not enough to justify removing chunks of health. I'm thinking that the ability only drains 100 hp and provides you with the ability to fire out a long deadly spike made out of Garuda's shredded blood with a max ammo count of 10 per cast. You could fire each one one by one in a paced or rapid fire action or fire 5 at once like a spread shot gun. every spike that hits an enemy gives 25 energy to Garuda. The abiity would kinda work like Hela's spears from Thor Ragnarok. Here's a video for an example with hela being Garuda(0:16-0-25)

This would definitely make the ability much more worthwhile for using while really emphasizing on the gore aspect.


Ability 4

This ability has alot of potential. But needs a major overhaul. For one thing, Garuda should be speed walking using a noble animation set looking like this GIF

Related image

The next major change would need to be to convert her claws into exalted weapons. This would mean the camera angle does not change. The blade blender would remain but would do chip damage to allow for Garuda to get close and use her exalted claws on the enemies. The combos for the weapon would be elegant, gory and swift like a samurai master assassin (if that makes sense). Additionally, the blade blender would be blocking some damage already, so the block button would be used to fire a volley of blades at multiple targets or something else. kinda like unlimited blade works (no idea what to show for example but  I think some of you will know what I am talking about). The chaneling button will instead be soft of a heavy attack with large slashes that turn some of the blades into giant claws. kinda like master core from smash bros in his sword mode (see GIF)


Or this video (38:48-39:03)


The heavy attack would be used for combos and would allow for an easier transience to melee 3.0. Finally, Garuda's fourth ability would allow her to use her 3 other abilities with each one getting an upgrade.

Ability 1 would instantly kill a target (if it does not already) but would cost more energy.

Ability 2 would have a larger AOE and would affect 5-7 targets that heals allies aswell as self.

Ability 3 would increase Garuda's throwing blade ammo size to 100 with one shot consisting of 10 blades



She could then charge up an throw 50 blades at once (allowing her to do that twice)



Obviously the abilities would cost more energy to make up for the power boost, but this would definitly live up to the teaser image for her and would make it a bloody gorefest (pun intended)



So to conclude, I like Garuda's look and her concept, but I don't think she is ready enough to be released with Fortuna. The main reason I wanted the devstream to showcase garuda was to see her in game and what they had for starters (was worried about how her face looked from the side since it was a straight front view and the only side view was the original concept art

Image result for warframe garuda

(she kinda looked like a mosquito which did not look as cool for me)


While she looks awesome, I am willing to wait a month or two to allow for whatever changes need to be made to improve her kit. Thanks for reading my feedback and sorry for rambling. I hope the devs see my ideas along with everyone else's ideas and uses them to upgrade the kit. Thanks again Tenno. Keep up the great work Devs 🙂 

100% I agree with everything you said here

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59 minutes ago, axellex said:

It's another press 4 and forget ability 🤣 some people say it's popular, some say most people hate these press and forget 🤔 so which is it? well it's simple the fact that we get more and more such abilities means it's popular people love AFKing in warframe it's the best thing literally not playing the game is the best thing in the game SHOCKING! 🤑

Well, DE doesn't seem to like them... or are they just bad on established frames, since, you know, most people already got them = no plat value? I really don't wanna be cynical about that, but the way the balance/player skill requirement look between new and old frames... sheesh.

Edited by WarBaby2
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2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Stop throwing Gara under the bus. Like seriously have you even used her 4s scaling ability? Because I feel like people’s ignorance to that fact is why everyone thinks she’s trash.

Also your ideas aren’t good.

Gara is pretty good compare to Khora and Revenant. Especially when she build up 10 Million damage and melt lvl 125 Napalms by just walking towards them. Also, her Synergy better designed (except for her 3 which is bad) compare to the others.

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I know plenty are making feedback on this but id thought id be a bit more constructive if I explain something that seems off to me , now im not unhappy with the ability as it functions nay, I am fine with the sword/blender vacuum effect ,it looks and seems to function well in that regard to her kit. But it seems to imo make her having sword hands a bit pointless as when the ability activated she goes into a nyx like 4 locked pose and floats about and you cant use her claws? which seems odd for an exalted weapon frame as well as a gore frame imo

my feedback is instead of her becoming locked to a non animated posed state let her use her sword hands to attack in an exalted mode with the blender of blades active about her 

giving her a good claw ability to those not instantly slain inside the blade vacuum , and allowing for more slashing and hacking on the users part.

imo this would place her effectively as a melee combat exalted , as excal has his energy wave blades, wukong has his extending staff, valkyr has invulnerability, and then garuda would have a blade area and sword hands to attack with 



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Upon further consideration, the current passive could also use some work.

It'll only be useable in the narrow spectrum of levels where enemies can harm the player but not overwhelm them.

It'll result in anti-synergy with most of support characters as any healing will decrease its usability.


Instead, the passive could instead work as +damage when hit for x seconds, both amount of damage and duration of the buff could scale to the raw amount of damage received.

Also the Sanguine Siphon could use a damage reduction/some aggro redirection to allow Garuda to better manage her health in combat, and maybe a neat smooth progression of HP like Renewal or Venari's Heal instead of periodic heal like Regenerative Molt.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

I know plenty are making feedback on this but id thought id be a bit more constructive if I explain something that seems off to me , now im not unhappy with the ability as it functions nay, I am fine with the sword/blender vacuum effect ,it looks and seems to function well in that regard to her kit. But it seems to imo make her having sword hands a bit pointless as when the ability activated she goes into a nyx like 4 locked pose and floats about and you cant use her claws? which seems odd for an exalted weapon frame as well as a gore frame imo

my feedback is instead of her becoming locked to a non animated posed state let her use her sword hands to attack in an exalted mode with the blender of blades active about her 

giving her a good claw ability to those not instantly slain inside the blade vacuum , and allowing for more slashing and hacking on the users part.

imo this would place her effectively as a melee combat exalted , as excal has his energy wave blades, wukong has his extending staff, valkyr has invulnerability, and then garuda would have a blade area and sword hands to attack with 



Sounds good to me. Her design begs to get more use of those claws.

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The general consensus seems to be that her 4 isn't that impressive or interactive. This is something I personally agree with.

My feedback to Garuda is some disappointment regarding the enemy gore system. I really thought they would make improvements and changes to the system when she came out, being a 'gore-themed' warframe.

Also, this might be a stagnant thing to say, but I don't want her impaling people with floor spikes. We already have a Nezha that does that.

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I think this is yet another frame I'll enjoy aesthetically, put not in practice.

@Frost_King noted the lack of synergy and remedies thereof.

It does seem the bonus damage should be stored/tied to the blood orb as a passive in general where taking damage grants her bonus damage. The blood orb becomes "charged" enancing her abilities passed a certain threshold.

Her 1 is too slow for my liking, I feel there could have been more emphasis on her two massive claws (I feel frames are kind of losing highlights on massive parts of themselves). It's so strange to go from diving with claws to throwing an orb IMO. A ranged dancing claw spin that could be used in the air (swiping at a range) seem like better ways to emphasize the elegant destructiveness on top of giving players more cool factor. Then you could have added blood effects and extra swipes and speed when used with a "Charged Blood Orb"

As for the 2 if the passive is changed I just see this needing extra range/spikes when used with a "Charged Blood Orb"

Then her 3 could sacrifice the orb (health) to cover her in blood and activate the bonus over a duration (seems like this could be a team buff too).

Her 4th... I'm not a fan of ults that lock up game play. This (along with Revenant's) just seem slightly contradictory to the speed of the game and style of play you desire from players.  I think I'll have to look more into this ability.


(I'm on mobile on a road trip, forgive my blunders)

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I agree for the most part @Synpai I think Korha had the same problem as Gaurda is having in terms of theme tying into the frame, I still wish Korha had her large exalted whip for her 4th ability, Problem is DE already made Valkyr, so if they do flip her claws around to go all Ashey-Slashy people are just going to point to Valkyr and say it's been done.

I think her 1 could use more animations in all honesty, to give it veriaty and spice, or do a small duration where she pulls out the claws and goes Valkyr to feed a growing blood orb and at the end of it she gets the shield, there is more ways to make it work and not be as slow.

As for her 4th I am kinda on the fence about it, I mean some frames need nuking capability to fill gaps, so there is a playstyle for everyone.  That being sad I do believe that just going with a sit and forget approch is a bad idea cause it will be inevitably changed, people need ways to make the ability interactive, like my idea for the harpoon, your still going in a ball of death, blades and blood but you can pick and lance priority targets to drag them into you (Like Ancient healers and scorpions do to you.)  Another idea that I had was at the end of it she could 'explode' her blades out for a nice AoE pop for breathing room, or her claws can come out and she could go all drip-drop-slice-and-chop to get an empowered blood orb or something.  It's also why I mentioned the ability for her to teleport with her 1 ability while 4 is active to give mobility but also it ending the blade ball.




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1 hour ago, Snydrex said:

Also, this might be a stagnant thing to say, but I don't want her impaling people with floor spikes. We already have a Nezha that does that.

She could impale them on her claws and carry them around. Just think about it.

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