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Dev Workshop - Cannot Cast in the Air: Friend or Foe?


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Would be cool to have unique animations for certain abilities cast in the air; like Loki's Radial Disarm. Would also like to see Rhino's Charge be functionally equivalent to Zephyr's Tail Wind/Dive Bomb in which casting it into the ground triggers an AoE

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More Flowing gameplay is a 'Yes, Please' from me.


BTW, I just noticed sometimes my Exilus Mods just doesn't work when joining some games. (for example, equip Handspring but still get up at the default speed) this happens often enough. well I should take this to the buq reports.

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Sounds like a solid idea with Rhino Stomp, using the aimed slam to quickly stomp on the ground could open up interesting design elements of the move as well, perhaps working with his slam passive. I would like to hear more about this if you guys explore the idea more.

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This looks fantastic. It would be great to see. Can we expect to see abilities where casting in the air will change the animations further and/or the fall after casting affect the ability?


And in Rhino's specific case, will he get a better passive, maybe something more aggro based? Heavy Impact just feels like there is no synergy with any of his abilities and is easily replaced with directional ground slam already. 

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It's gonna be a yes for this.

Warframe is a game that promotes being mobile and being able to maintain the momentum/flow feels extremely good.

A recent case of a change helped in the preservation of momentum was whole nezha rework, look at how positively received the momentum changes to Fire walker and Blazing chakram. The simple change to not restricting movement makes playing him so much more smooth. The players who played the rework could immediately feel how much it clicked with the game's movement system and were able to be more mobile.

In a game that has bullet jumps and during that said bullet jump or being in the air makes it so that enemies have a harder time to hit you (due to how accuracy ramps up as a game goes on.) there is only benefits to be able to remove the restriction of aircasting or loss of momentum in general when casting abilities.

Lets take another case of lost momentum when casting abilities, for example casting zephyr's turbulence. There should be no reason that she should be rooted on the spot while casting. Or loki's irradiating disarm only castable on the ground.

Perhaps certain abilities have a lesser range if quickly casted in the air but they will have the full effect when casted rooted on the floor.

This could introduce a new mechanic that balances risk and return.

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On the fence here. I wish the devs would stop removing transitions for the sake of further speed.

And by transitions I mean everything between forced animations/state transitions to the player's requirement to position him/herself for an action.

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This means you are going have to balance everything around jumping because you know everyone is going to be jumping all the time. 

You are going to have to cut down that evasion bonus we get when jumping if people jump to travel, jump to shoot, and now jump to cast. 

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Great idea for a change, but personally I think a step even further may be just what warframe needs. That is to be able to move while casting atleast your 1st 3 abilities on warframes. As of late newer warframes have started to have abilities that don't lock you into an animation to cast certain abilities, and certain frames that have been out for awhile don't get that sort of treatment. I would like to see the day that I can cast Rhinos roar, or banshees 1st ability while running to my objective.

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I know it's WIP, but regarding the stomp:

Is it possible to have the animation of his right leg pull back faster as he's falling down? Or perhaps tweak it so that he doesn't crash down immediately?

In slow motion, he very clearly has the right leg readying up in mid-air and continues to ready his stomp as he falls down; before finally stomping at landing

But viewed at regular speed, it looks like he's just zooming down at mach 5, lands gracefully on his left foot, and only then charges his stomp.


Perhaps we could have the right leg animation go faster when in the air, then accelerate down. Maybe make the rationale that if he's on the ground, he needs to charge up and put all his strength on his right leg whereas he doesn't need to put as much effort due to the help of good ol gravity

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I overall like this direction. 

Just a few things, 


there will be a melee slam like animation whenever such abilities are cast. 

Each frame will have a unique animation for a slightly different cast when in air and when on ground. 

There will be some minor differences between casting in air and casting on ground (either positive or negative) 

Examples and suggestions:


animation equal to a melee slam with sparring weapons, if enemy within 1 meter of air slam point he will lose some base armor like shattering impact effect. 


When casting his pool he will literally cliff dive into the ground face first (a slight modification of zephyr tailwind) 

4 tentacles will appear at edge of pool instead of his passive of 1 tentacle only. 


Animation is an exact melee slam - no changes. 

When casting hallowed ground will stagger enemies/guaranteed radiation  that are in hallowed ground area. 


Virulence is cast, Animation similar to slide but faster, 

When Nidus reaches the ground he will "surf" his virulence wave and knockdown any enemies in path (like any standard knee slide but cooler) maybe gain bonus stack for every enemy knocked down? 

These are just ones I could think off the top of my head, there are quite a few more I can think of. 

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Sounds like an amazing change. Trin has slowly became my main tank this past month after not seriously trying to play with her since the Lor/Draco days where you spammed EV or just kept up bless with her with her, and this change will make her alot more mobile and her gameplay much more fluid and fun. Extremely looking forward to be able to jump around and while being able to EV/Link in the air.

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There is far more to look at in this vein of thinking.  Namely the momentum effects of high mobility Warframe abilities, for example, Rhino's charge ends in a complete stop, when it should be increasing him to max sprint speed, hell go a step further and have him proc a Heavy Impact when collides with terrain that stops him.  There are a ton instances like this, and Warframe is a game that grants near total freedom of movement, so maybe these outdated abilities should be reviewed as well.

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When volt uses 1 or 4 in the air, because he is not grounded, he supercharges / overcharges his static buff until he lands or latches then it discharges (maybe as a stun or shock AoE).

Saryn air burst might increase either efficiency or range.

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I enjoy casting in the air if it seems like a logical possibility.

But casting in the air is a perk, it makes an ability better. So I think there should exist one or several groundlocked abilities that gets buffed in other parts of the ability.

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