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Warframe for the Google Stadia, anyone?

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LMAO. Apparently, Google is trying to appease to the gaming community or something like that, by making their own... i don't know, online gaming subscription service? Or something? No idea.

My first thought was wondering how Warframe would run on a Chromebook, Pixel or a tablet that has Google Chrome on it.

I just find the idea hilarious. What do you guys think?

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How about we respect other ways of gaming? And what if Warframe releases on it, as a streamed game? No one thought the Switch would be able to run it (or other games) either, but there it is. Stadia is made for another kind of gamer consumer, which one way or another is still rather uncommon among the gaming community, but it is still an alternative to traditional gaming. Let's not bring the pettiness of platform wars here.

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Tbh I have no idea what Google is trying to do with that service... Like who is it meant for? People who don't have enough money for a proper PC? Having to pay for all the games again + monthly sub for the service + all the Chrome Cast stuff + it needs a minimum of 10Mbps (recommended 35Mbps) connection.. that sounds like a lot of money that I'd rather use on PC upgrades or save for a rainy day. 

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As far as i undestand it (did reach very much of it since if have a decent pc), the processing will be on the google servers and the imgae gets streamed to your device. Since it´s a stream you won´t need a good hardware and it should imo be possible to play on a chromebook. But you need a good internet access and you might notice the lag, depending oon your location and access to the servers

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If they offered PC exclusives, or alternatively offered games as part of the subscription fee (as far as I know, you still have to buy the games even if you pay monthly), then I could see the appeal. For people that don't want to pay upwards of $500 to get a reasonable gaming PC, they could instead play PC exclusives through Stadia. And for people who already have gaming PCs, offering a large library of games to play for $10 a month is appealing.


BUT...Stadia isn't doing either of those things, at least not to my knowledge, so I don't get the point.

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7 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I wouldnt call them gamer consumers. I'd call them Tech Whores, only interested in the "latest" even when it is utter S#&$e.

That's your opinion, and you have a right to it. But seriously. What if a user named (GST) "some name" appears on the forums, what if it does get released? What will anyone do aboit it? Hate them? Bully them? What's the point of this thread, really? 

I mean, I don't know much about Stadia either tbh, since that tech will only be available to me after a decade or so, but why start a hate thread on something we don't even know if it'll happen or not? It's not just about the console itself, but the topic, in all honesty.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

(GST) "some name"

The way I understand it, Stadia is just PC on Google's servers, and you're playing the video feed they provide you. Kinda like playing on your friends' computer using Teamviewer. So, it's not a new platform, it's still PC. I imagine all that's stopping them from saying "All PC games, any platform" is contracts with each company for each game. That's why they have a limited library.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

That's your opinion, and you have a right to it. But seriously. What if a user named (GST) "some name" appears on the forums, what if it does get released? What will anyone do aboit it? Hate them? Bully them? What's the point of this thread, really? 

I mean, I don't know much about Stadia either tbh, since that tech will only be available to me after a decade or so, but why start a hate thread on something we don't even know if it'll happen or not?

Probably hate them since it would take away development resources from things that could progress the other platforms just to please an already underperforming niche platform on an already exsisting platform. This isnt like just shipping it to other launcher platforms like Steam, Discord etc. afaik, this would be more like porting it to a console while still keeping the troubles of designing for a wide range of hardware/software configs beyond that without any real success in solving the massive issues that come with this new google crap.

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Just now, Gabbynaru said:

The way I understand it, Stadia is just PC on Google's servers, and you're playing the video feed they provide you. Kinda like playing on your friends' computer using Teamviewer. So, it's not a new platform, it's still PC.

Interesting. And the streaming would require fast and stable connections, I reckon. Which is still not widely available, sadly. So I really don't know why it'd be a success tbh.

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Just now, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

Interesting. And the streaming would require fast and stable connections, I reckon. Which is still not widely available, sadly. So I really don't know why it'd be a success tbh.

Yeah, they suggest a minimum of 10 Mbps, 35 Mbps recommended, and of course, stable, which they don't mention, but good luck having a nice experience with an unstable connection. I don't trust Stadia to be a success. It'll be a niche, like VR, but a success... I highly doubt it!

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6 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

Anything but DE servers is welcome 

I think you mean "Anything other than peer to peer servers is welcome"?

Missions are not hosted on DE's servers. Warframe uses a peer-to-peer hosting scheme... DE's servers only provide the initial communication between players' machines, but once the match is made, one player in the match becomes the host while others become clients.

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I know of basically no-one who treats the Stadia with any more than a 'yeah that'd be kinda cool I guess.' And that's a pretty rare reaction. Most people don't even aknowledge its existence and those that do dislike it.

I think that the idea is the future - for a number of reasons - but that Google is jumping the gun a lot. I can't see this for, at an optimistic estimate, a decade. More likely 15 years, possibly even 20. The tech to stream games is there, it's the infrastructure and the scale of the market required. This wouldn't work just with America due to the markets that games need to reach. There would need to be a global upgrade in internet capability to have this be workable to the point of competition. There was noticeable input delay in the reveal, where conditions would have been perfect. Most likely in-house servers, on the best possible connection. 


At the absolute, best-case, idealistic (not even optimistic) scenario where everyone goes all-in, half a decade. If Google decides to go all the way and do massive upgrades to Wi-Fi on a global scale, forgoing their own personal interests for the benefit of mankind even beyond gaming, then this kind of tech might work, with the five years being how long a full-pelt attempt would probably take with Google's full might behind it. And, of course, the probability of this happening would probably be measured with Scientific notation.

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Assuming that the Stadia isn't D.O.A like the Ouya was then sure why not.

Though the thought of streaming my games has so little appeal to me I have to spend 15 minutes whenever I see "Stadia" to remember what people are talking about, so to me at least that thing was dead before announcement.

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It's an interesting notion and the infrastructure already exists I just can't see how the idea is a good deal for the average gamer unless a purchase via stadia could be ported to at least one other device.

Otherwise the average consumer will be paying $9 to eat up their bandwidth and have shell out another $50 for unlimited data through their ISP...not counting the cost of the game.


It's an awesome idea for a very casual (or infrequent) gamer or a household already carrying unlimited data and not wanting to commit to expensive upgrade(s).

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1 hour ago, Leyvonne said:

Tbh I have no idea what Google is trying to do with that service... Like who is it meant for? People who don't have enough money for a proper PC? Having to pay for all the games again + monthly sub for the service + all the Chrome Cast stuff + it needs a minimum of 10Mbps (recommended 35Mbps) connection.. that sounds like a lot of money that I'd rather use on PC upgrades or save for a rainy day. 

Tbh I think not even Google knows what it's doing. Let a blacksmith do blacksmith stuff I say and considering how Google is trying to carve (read it as force) its own spot into virtually everything I think an epic disaster is pretty much a given. Anyone who likes to be up to date about what big companies do knows how shady google actually is.

I'd feel safer  alone in a dark alley with not so quite law abiding citizens looking at me.

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