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There should be another way to earn Umbra Forma.


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I also have a busy schedule, and its not so much the time it takes to complete NW thats a problem, its that Warframe has so much other content that I wish to pursue, content that I have to put aside because nightwave understandably has a time limit.

This isnt a flaw in warframe, its a huge positive that we have so much good content that is available that im motivated to get.

Its a personal problem but not a flaw in warframe. Alerts were more forgiving in some ways just because if I missed something it was out of my hands anyway and often I wasnt aware I had missed something. I understand why NW is better for many others though, I just happened to be lucky that resources like nitain and catalysts were never in short supply for via logging in occasionally and doing alerts when I saw them.

NW offering exclusive cool cosmetics and things with a small bit of lore is much more satisfying than alerts though personally.

I think my biggest dislike is mainly due to a personal dislike of multiple tasks hanging over me coupled with a time limit. Logically I know its easily accomplished, and that I dont actually have to do anything at all..but it still stresses me out a little because I guess I am just wired that way.

Some people prefer the certainty of NW, they can work towards what they want, when they want it - which is probably fantastic in warframe which is notorious for having items locked behind some frustrating RNG.

So..I agree NW is better, though I dislike how it makes me feel (however irrational that is).

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34 minutes ago, DebrisFlow said:

Many of us chose this game long ago because till before NW it was "play at your own leisure", that is to say, we could play what we wanted whenever we wanted. Every weapon of every single past event went back in a way or another. With this new battlepass system we are asked to play those specific things, in those specific weeks, in those specific months. The game abruptly changed into somethings that is no more for us. It's has been revolutionized in the name of a desperate and pathetic call for more player participation.

I like how you've had to point out that every weapon came back in some way. Well, guess what:

A) Every Weapon came back but not every cosmetic. (The only two exceptions are Harkonar Wraith set and Rift Sigil I think?) You can't get Tethra's Doom badge anymore, You can't get False Profit sigil, You can't get Rakta Syandana.

B) Most of those weapons took YEARS to come back. So you've had to play specific things during specific weeks of specific months, unless you wanted to get your weapon 3 years later than people who played the event. Hell, Braton Vandal was available for two days and it came back after like 5 years or so.

C) We know that NW cosmetics are not exclusive for ever and might return at some point.

D) If missing a completely cosmetic item breaks the game for you (or a different type of Forma that is only useful on a handfull of frames if you try to absolutely max them out which doesn't really make sense if you aren't playing the game all the time anyway), You might be dissapointed to find out that you were missing stuff even before Nightwave became a thing. Founders gear, promotional cosmetics, most event cosmetics, profile accolades, hell even glitched stuff that is no longer possible to get like pet hybrids or abomination landing craft. Sometimes you will miss some stuff, I'm pretty sure that there is no single person in the world that has everything in this game.

E) Just becasue you've been playing for a long time doesn't mean You can't quit. And it's not like the game has to cater to you just because you've played for a long time.

Edited by markus230
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10 hours ago, sharkstrangler said:

Idk how many times people have to repeat this, but there is no grind involved in NW anymore. At this point you're complaining about the easiest thing in the entire game for receiving great rewards.

You still only have to get 60% or Less of the standing every week to get the T30.

That is not hard at all. I get most of my NW done just by playing the game. Maybe 2h of actually grinding NW per week, at most. That's not hard to accomplish.

And it's not hard to catch up at all now that we have the Ketchup feature. You can literally do every challenge from previous weeks by doing the current ones. Also, not hard.

Literally put 1 or 2 hours a day in WF and you'll have NW easily maxed (and a little farther) by the end.



It's got nothing to do with it.

Not everyone likes timed checklist content. Its tired and beaten to death in other games.

I have zero desire to open the interface and be told what content to play and how. Most of the tasks are things we should be retroactively rewarded for anyways.

It's an extremely lazy form of content delivery. Don't like it never will.


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il y a une heure, Leqesai a dit :

Do you even need umbra forma? I have multiple umbra builds that dont have umbra forma... since regular forma is buyable with plat and umbra builds can be done through regular forma setups why do we need the systems for getting umbra forma made easier? Doesn't make any sense to me. It is way easier to just use regular forma and quick grind. 

Ok, some umbra builds can be done with normal forma only, we know that, but what about the modularity of your build (A.B.C configurations) ?

With only 1 umbra forma by season it will take a while to make some proper builds.

So +1 for the author of the topic.

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42 minutes ago, markus230 said:

A) Every Weapon came back but not every cosmetic. (The only two exceptions are Harkonar Wraith set and Rift Sigil I think?) You can't get Tethra's Doom badge anymore, You can't get False Profit sigil, You can't get Rakta Syandana.

A) Pointless. Me and OP never talked about cosmetics. Those are in no way related to gameplay performance like weapons and formas, the topic hereby, are.

44 minutes ago, markus230 said:

B) Most of those weapons took YEARS to come back. So you've had to play specific things during specific weeks of specific months, unless you wanted to get your weapon 3 years later than people who played the event. Hell, Braton Vandal was available for two days and it came back after like 5 years or so.

B) A weapon (cosmetic too) is una tantum. You need one only for MR and for use. No matter how much you wait, you'll need one only. Of umbra formas you'll preferebly need many, as many as possible if you have many favourite warframes/weapons. 

59 minutes ago, markus230 said:

C) We know that NW cosmetics are not exclusive for ever and might return at some point.

D) If missing a completely cosmetic item breaks the game for you (or a different type of Forma that is only useful on a handfull of frames if you try to absolutely max them out which doesn't really make sense if you aren't playing the game all the time anyway), You might be dissapointed to find out that you were missing stuff even before Nightwave became a thing. Founders gear, promotional cosmetics, most event cosmetics, profile accolades, hell even glitched stuff that is no longer possible to get like pet hybrids or abomination landing craft. Sometimes you will miss some stuff, I'm pretty sure that there is no single person in the world that has everything in this game.

C) See A

D) See A again for cosmetics and all the chatter on missing other stuffs. Regarding the formas, maybe umbra min-maxing doesn't make sense TO YOU, but it acually matters for the enjoyment of other players. Wheter it makes sense or not is personal, not for you to decide.

1 hour ago, markus230 said:

E) Just becasue you've been playing for a long time doesn't mean You can't quit. And it's not like the game has to cater to you just because you've played for a long time.

E) DE owns the game and they can cater to whomever they want. I'm just pointing that with such an abrupt change in game pace they're giving harder times to a sensible portion of players like never has been before. Your statement on this still remains of unspeakable arrogance, for arriving at such a selfish and not-of-your-competence conclusion.

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11 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Nightwave should not be the only way we can earn Umbra Forma in-game DE. 

I'm surprised you're getting so much push back on the basic point.  Yeah, there should be multiple paths to getting rewards like this.  For umbra forma specifically, I'd bet there will be other ways besides Nightwave eventually.  And if it happened tomorrow, I think most of the people arguing against it here wouldn't give a damn.

The thing is, I doubt these alternate paths will help someone in your situation all that much.  They'll be heavily restricted by rng and/or grind and/or time limits just like now, and this will always limit people who just don't have much time to play.

The exception would be making it a plat market item, which seems perfectly reasonable to me.  But I'm sure there are people who can't spend time or money who'd still feel left in the cold.


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34 minutes ago, DebrisFlow said:

D) See A again for cosmetics and all the chatter on missing other stuffs. Regarding the formas, maybe umbra min-maxing doesn't make sense TO YOU, but it acually matters for the enjoyment of other players. Wheter it makes sense or not is personal, not for you to decide.

We are talking about few Warframes here, not only that but few % differences between builds with Umbral Forma and regular Forma, on most frames you can make an Umbral build with just the regular Forma. You need Umbral Forma for certain Chroma builds for example, but you can make the same build with the same mods using regular Forma, the only thing different is that you can't have all the mods maxed, you need to sacrifice mod level or two, that's basically no difference in the actual game. Those builds arn't made because they are needed, they are "Why not" builds when you've got nothing better to do.

As I've said, going for such absolutely maximized builds makes sense if you play the game a lot and are out of things to do, if you don't play enough to complete NW, you likely have no use for such builds anyway.

And for the game to require that you complete NW Season to get that top of top builds makes sense to me.

To be clear, I'm not saying Umbral Forma should be NW only. But it should be a rare rescource, it shouldn't be like other Formas in the game. We get it rarely because it's rarely needed. If we were able to farm tens of Umbral Formas making Umbral builds would be too easy.

If right now we can get Umbral Forma once every few months, that's how rare it should stay. It shouldn't be something you can just farm for in an hour.

Edited by markus230
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5 hours ago, SastusBulbas said:

It should be available for plat. And plat should only be buyable with real money.


Warframe market should have a secondary currency and the store could have older and basic purchases available with that new currency.

First of all, that would kill the whole game.

Second of all, Warframe market is not an official platform, it shouldnt have a secondary currency, that would be basically against DE's Terms of Service.

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5 hours ago, TeaHawk said:

Excuse me. It clearly does. I would happily ask if you mind me to show you, but let's skip this stultifying politeness then.

You're about to say that umbral set is unbalanced. And as an argument you stated that "if it was not you would not use it".

I've answered to that. I've said that as a perfectionist I will seek perfection. No matter whether it is significant or not. In that particular case is not a big deal. Corruption mods will give you something like +280% power strength. A benefit from applaying forma and getting +66% instead of 44% is... let's say not spectacular.

You're excused. 

Understand that it doesn't matter to me why you choose to equip mods that give you a significant advantage over others. The fact that you choose to always equip a certain mod, by your own admission, because it's better than the alternatives. 

So, your professed motivation is immaterial, and doesn't change what I said. 

If you want to go deeper into it, we can point out that because of the high capacity cost of the umbral mods, that single umbral forma, installing one of those first can potentially mean skipping multiple normal forma in your build. 

Having an easy availability for umbral forma would definitely be very rapidly changing a LOT of builds. 

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3 hours ago, Jackal_Off said:

That's alright! With Season 2, they added a catchup mechanic that lets you complete every challenge from previous weeks at any time. 😃

i know that this is a thing and all, thats good, but the time management to complete the other missions that came before  still leaves a majority of us falling far behind and still not making it to that 60%, so even if we do find the time it will take a large chunk of hours to complete, yeah its a good idea but only to a set degree to me, and that set degree is relatively low... which is not that great if im gonna be real.

some of us quite literally do not have the time to do so unfortunately, which sucks big time, also (this is me included) the majority of us that do like warframe and have a steady job or steady classes to attend (college especially) and what not is not an unhealthy choice its how we keep a roof over our heads and survive to play the game we try to support.

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8 hours ago, ShortCat said:

Well, maybe, there were no such problems with Warfraem before NW was introduced and players could enjoy the game for 6 years despite a tight schedule.
NW has no content assusiated with it.


And yet, there are plenty who want a stable stream of content, which nightwave kid of is. Nothing from the rewards is mandatory and even the umbral forma isnt required for an umbral build, that maxed exilus won't bring much nor is there anyone checking your gear score.

God forbid one single optional item requires something minimal.

I'll say it again, WF is as casual as possible but just sometimes it has to cater to people who play on the regular so it doesnt bleed out every time two days elapse after a content drop.

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I would like more ways to get it - not because I can't do NW but because getting 3 umbra forma / year sucks.  I still haven't used the first one since I have so many places I want to put one, I can't bring myself to pull the trigger then have remorse.

as for balance - that ship sailed a long time ago.  For me, its annoying to have no capacity left on a build but an empty slot to fit a mod if I could have had more capacity.


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14 hours ago, Kingdom_key599 said:

Keep in mind that some of us have really crappy game time schedules. some of us work like 5 or 6 days a week or have insane amounts of homework to catch up on so really by the time we need that 60% you mentioned the Nightwave will be over and done with. i was so busy with college stuff during the last nightwave that i only made it to rank 15 thats not even close to 60% if you ask me... besides in my opinion i literally rolled my eyes when i seen the 3 forma and guild a modular item things still in the rotations. we still shouldn't get 3 forma and use said 3 forma to complete a Nightwave mission, it seems kind of redundant and a waste of time to complete and a waste of a reward.

I do agree though that the Umbral forma should be in another spot to farm besides just Nightwave also, besides for me anyways not sure if this applies to anyone else but it feels like to keep up with Nightwave im being forced to play something in game that i don't want to do.

so really for us super busy people thats kinda hard to do on very little given time for rest.

its a two hour time invest per week. and seeing as how your posting on the forums rn. you clearly have free time.

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50 minutes ago, stormy505 said:

its a two hour time invest per week. and seeing as how your posting on the forums rn. you clearly have free time.

clearly you don't understand the importance of doing homework... very ignorant of you to think otherwise.

me personally i'm at the college of my choice pretty much till roughly 8 pm, then have classes the next morning... so think about that.

i can still multi task while doing said homework, so looking at the forums ain't such a bad idea if it comes to pressing issues with a game that i play and rest assured every bodies input is very much welcome whether we like it or not.

Edited by Kingdom_key599
additions, typo
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4 hours ago, xMarvin732 said:

First of all, that would kill the whole game.

Second of all, Warframe market is not an official platform, it shouldnt have a secondary currency, that would be basically against DE's Terms of Service.


What a load of rubbish. 


Micro transactions and content available via real money over the grind, as well as more elusive items as a perk of spending real money only strengthen the game. Has done for many an online game for years.


And I actually meant the DE in game market, developed by DE.


I would rather use plat to buy forma, umbra forma, aura forms,  thsn grind Nightwave. 

I actually deferred from spending £92 on Wukong because of the game direction, my three kids stopped playing, and Nightwave was a part of that. 



What kills a game is grind walls and looking after free players more than paying customers.


It actually kills real world retail too. Basic stuff really.  



Having a seperate currency for the trade chat like Ducats would remove the abuse of victims of fraud, as well as protect DE plat interests.




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I remember during a super old devstream, i forget which one but circa 2014-15, where one of the devs said "we're going to avoid putting in 'kill x amount of enemies' or 'get y amount of headshots' or whatever because those kinds of things aren't very fun or engaging." I wonder what changed their mind.

For me, Nightwave is a big fat Meh. I feel like i don't really gain any enjoyment from its inclusion, just mindless busy work for mostly mediocre rewards. If I had to choose between Nightwave or old alerts I'd probably go with the old alerts.

I wouldn't worry about Umbral Forma, It'll probably become somewhat common in the future. Then we'll be complaining about "useless" Formbra in our Nightwave rewards.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

The issue I noticed is I did all acts and only got lvl 3.. previously I skipped a few and got lvl 3 with ease.. there's something going on giving me the feeling we're not allowed to skip as many challenges as before >_>

DE stated that it will last about 10 weeks

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I'd just like Nora to be a syndicate type so we can just earn standing by doing these acts but spend it how we like.


It's also not optional if it's the only way of obtaining something. It's exclusive.


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19 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Nightwave should not be the only way we can earn Umbra Forma in-game DE. For those of us who might not have as much time as others and actually miss a lot of the Nightwave challenges as a result, it's just painful to try and catch up when you've already missed a good chunk of points. The twenty six levels of grind we have to go through in the first place is bad enough. And then when Nightwave is over we have to wait more for the next season to come out.

Maybe make it an exclusive drop to the Lua Tileset, which would make sense lore-wise. Specifcally the Lua Spy drop table?

If The New War doesn’t offer Umbra Forma rewards, then you can legitimately complain, yes?  Until then, consider this a pre-New War bonus...

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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2 hours ago, SastusBulbas said:

What a load of rubbish.

Micro transactions and content available via real money over the grind, as well as more elusive items as a perk of spending real money only strengthen the game. Has done for many an online game for years.

And I actually meant the DE in game market, developed by DE.

I would rather use plat to buy forma, umbra forma, aura forms,  thsn grind Nightwave. 

I actually deferred from spending £92 on Wukong because of the game direction, my three kids stopped playing, and Nightwave was a part of that. 


What kills a game is grind walls and looking after free players more than paying customers.

It actually kills real world retail too. Basic stuff really.  


Having a seperate currency for the trade chat like Ducats would remove the abuse of victims of fraud, as well as protect DE plat interests.




i buy formas with plat too, the 3x bundle for 35p
"And plat should only be buyable with real money."

Removing the option to trade things for plat is the worst for the game but i think they put umbra forma in it to make it special, aura forma is still available from Arbitration

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5 hours ago, Kingdom_key599 said:

clearly you don't understand the importance of doing homework... very ignorant of you to think otherwise.

me personally i'm at the college of my choice pretty much till roughly 8 pm, then have classes the next morning... so think about that.

i can still multi task while doing said homework, so looking at the forums ain't such a bad idea if it comes to pressing issues with a game that i play and rest assured every bodies input is very much welcome whether we like it or not.

they have added catch up mechanics for players who can't play during the week. and they shortened the time investment from a 3-4 hour investment to a 1-2 hour investment. not all in one siting and in the span of 7 days.

I go to college and have a part time job but i still find time for this game even if its not very much because i enjoy it. I get that everyone wants to get rewards for free but even DE expects people to put A LITTLE effort into the game to get rewarded.

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