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Why every human npc so unattractive?


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A lot of people I know don't even want to try WF because for them game looks too ugly.


It's a shame cuz it has great gameplay and story quests + many other things.


But why not just improve the art style. Endgame is fashion frame anyway, so being against this idea makes no sense.

Edited by InfinitusPhoenix
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Because the art people spend most of their time making Warframes: twisted, sinewy, lumpy nonhumans  with spots and tubes and lights and funny-shaped heads. 

So naturally the humans are going to be a bit off. 

But I bet their butts are divine.

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Le 11/07/2019 à 00:23, (PS4)i7081277 a dit :

Look lets be honest.

Eudico and little duck look spicy.



That said most NPC have very nice body shapes if not twisted by gross body augmentation or modifications. Faces is also something DE isn't that into (look at the old faces, they were basically pics). 

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On 2019-07-10 at 8:09 AM, InfinitusPhoenix said:

It's too weird. Every single human npc in this game is completely unattractive (like in Cetus/Plains of Eidolon).

It is Post apocalypse, so yea people are not really attractive...

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5 hours ago, InfinitusPhoenix said:

Idkwhy new thread got deleted, so


I am enjoying a lot playing DMC 5 and Warframe is the only online game that has a similar combat (extremely dynamic parkourish action packed combat that involves using your melee, primary weapon and abilities as a one big smooth gameplay). 

But, the art style in DMC 5 is just way superior. And the immersion is also better.


Making every single npc ugly is not making a realistic game. So just stop with the excuses. I don't know where you live, but not every person I see on the street is ugly.

Making our operators more pretty, making pretty npcs in Cetus, Fortuna, etc would only improve the game and attract more players.


A lot of peoplet hat I know don't want to play the game because they think it's too ugly. Game already focuses a lot on FASHION frame.

So why not make it prettier?

DE improve the graphics and this is great (not a lot of online games do that), but I hope they will improve the art style too.

You do realise Devil May Cry was made by Capcom? A multi-million dollar company responsible for titles like, Monster Hunter World, Resident Evil, and Street Fighter. And despite all of Worlds amazing graphics, the character faces still look a little wonky outside of the customization screen. Capcom has the resources and funding to pull off incredible immersion and graphics. Digital Extremes? Not so much. They can barely manage to meet deadlines, and Warframe is just brimming with abandoned, half finished projects.

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Who cares? We interact with Ordis 90% of the time, and he's a square hologram. We don't look at our Warframe or Operator's faces often either. DE should put all the effort into the backside of their Warframes because that is where the camera is looking.

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6 hours ago, Firedtm said:

It is Post apocalypse, so yea people are not really attractive...

Post... multiple apocalyses.

At least three that we know of, plus a fourth slow-burner that was in progress before and during each of those three.

We had the Sentient invasion being your classic Alien Invasion/Ghibli apocalypse, the Zombie apocalypse with the Infested, the Tenno destroying the Orokin leading to an apocalypse there as well. And the Orokin were draining the system of resources.

Honestly it's impressive there's anyone still alive.

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6 hours ago, Methanoid said:

wasnt aware every1 was a model irl by comparison.

I'm pretty fugly, so seeing ugly people in a game (whether it's due to technical/artistic reasons, or because they were designed to be ugly on purpose) is nice.  Makes me feel included

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To be fair, no matter how people want to argue that ugly people exist RL, the simple counter is that beautiful people also exist. There is no valid reason for beautiful people to not exist in game. This is in fact biased against people and judging them by look - "you are pretty? Get out!"

Also, some of the facial proportions on the Ostrons are just so off that no amount of genetic degradation and inbreeding will give you that and a still functional body. Pretty sure DE is just cutting lots of corners here because the people in Dark Sector aren't that bad.

Heck, even the Duviri trailer guy, despite looking like a country bum, isn't that weird. Not everyone has to be a supermodel, but the fact that none exist would be a little troubling.

But again, it is easy to just push it off to the laziness of the devs.


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I would wager that in this era it is wiser to hide ones beauty then show it. Probably explains why eudico, every human member of the syndicates, and field agent are all masked usually. Plains people are suffering from effects of all meat diet I saw with my grandfather who was a plainsman himself. I would image most corpus look like meth addicts and therefor keep the lid closed for that reason alone.

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2 hours ago, Datam4ss said:

To be fair, no matter how people want to argue that ugly people exist RL, the simple counter is that beautiful people also exist. There is no valid reason for beautiful people to not exist in game. This is in fact biased against people and judging them by look - "you are pretty? Get out!"

Also, some of the facial proportions on the Ostrons are just so off that no amount of genetic degradation and inbreeding will give you that and a still functional body. Pretty sure DE is just cutting lots of corners here because the people in Dark Sector aren't that bad.

Heck, even the Duviri trailer guy, despite looking like a country bum, isn't that weird. Not everyone has to be a supermodel, but the fact that none exist would be a little troubling.

But again, it is easy to just push it off to the laziness of the devs.


Except conventionally attractive people do exist in the game, as cited multiple times in this thread.

There are also tribes of people right now in real life, that frankly don't look that far off from the Ostrons, artistic liberties aside.

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16 hours ago, Methanoid said:

wasnt aware every1 was a model irl by comparison.

Ironically, i don't even find most models that attractive.

Most of them have a more or less attractive body shape, but are either lacking in the face department or have an irritating personality (a lot of them have shady alternative sources of income too, let's just say that)or both or have other issues which might relate to bad genes.

They are anything but the types you would imagine as an optimal partner.

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Both good and bad looking peoples could coexist in this game. For the devs it is easier to make less attractive npc-s which is not bad the most problem is the lack of variation and most of them just clone of each other. I accept grineers are clones, Corpus could have more face variations because those are not clones. Infested does not have faces but can have more variation aswell and the other npcs like syndicates also have masked faces. This is an option if a developer want less work for mimic and making faces which is understandable in some part.

I personally would like to see more nice faces in time but also more variation on npc-s and more interaction. The most important is still the gameplay but the gameplay itself cannot be used as excuse why the devs not make more variation and a slightly better looking npcs. 


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So after reading this entire article, I think it is safe to say that most beautiful people in Warframe wear masks to hide their beauty  because it’s frowned upon. Many people inbred after the collapse of an empire and beautiful people (genetically pure) are rare.

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20 hours ago, fr4gb4ll said:

hmm, this sounds like the OP has an issue about his/her kind of "optimal beauty"... guess that's a case for the shrink to solve and not us.

I think this sort of thing is a result of kids spending too much time watching weeb-vision.

In all their favourite shows, all the characters look around 12-16, have ridiculously large eyes and are super qute (and thats just the guys!)


They basically want Warframe to be an anime space ninja game. :thinking:


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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