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If you could change one thing in the game...


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I would make all speed boosts quadruple strength. Arbitrations with three boosted speed-buff frames are the best thing I've tried since low-G sorties with Zephyr. After you've had a Sprint speed somewhere north of 5.3 for a few minutes, you'll wonder how you lived without it.


I'd let punch-through work on allies/abilities, or at least on Snow Globe. Frost has decent CC, sure, but 95% of the time you can't tell if the player is trolling or just legitimately doesn't realize how much that honeycomb of 5 bubbles is hurting the players who use guns. And Dog help you is you like explosive weapons...

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balance reward tables and give survival it's own reward pool (it uses excavations loot pool)
standardize relic rewards based on level tier (IE T4 gives axi reliks...)
make arc-wing momentum relative to the ground/give use better beaks
do a balance pass on explosive weapons (why does the secura penta only have 200 ish base damage and less fire rate than the snipertron)
fix enemy scaling by implementing new scaling equations (damage armor and accuracy should be logarithmic)
improve shields defensive stats (damage type advantages)
change how some some types of ability nullification work (then make it consistent)

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Just now, XzWasPzX said:

Gear-score. The game detects the level of your gear, mods, etc, and adjusts automatically the difficulty. I think we dont have this...

We don't have that because it's impossible to enforce that way. Because who do you scale the content for? the MR27 with max formad gear and god roll rivens or the MR 3 who is properly geared for the content? 

If anything it would need to scale everyones stats down to be just slightly above the content they where attempting but then you risk the game feeling stagnant because lvl 1 enemies feel the same as lvl 80 enemies. 

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1 hour ago, XzWasPzX said:

Gear-score. The game detects the level of your gear, mods, etc, and adjusts automatically the difficulty. I think we dont have this...

The thing is, we have gear score- the game calculates your "conclave score" based on your gear & mods, and (when it's an option) does matchmaking based on that.  I regularly use this for public spy sorties; I have a loadout just for lowest practical score (unpotato'd Nova & snipetron, subbing in new Mk-1's if the modifier calls for them) so I can reliably rush through while the low MR's are wandering about.

There even used to be alerts that required a gear score below a certain value, which... Didn't really make the missions challenging, but would if you didn't think over your build.  They were fun, but they also showed that it's not practical to rely on gear score for actual ability.

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I'd massively nerf all outgoing damage from players to a more understandable and controllable level.

My reasons for doing this are twofold, 1) To counter the power creep that is trivializing the game to the point where ignoring the enemies is just as fast as killing them, and 2) Because the salt would be hilarious.

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To answer that I would need a genie to answer a question: in general, would nerfing "just nuke the entire map with crit whips, exploding plasma, and space magic" (meaning your success is largely predetermined based on what mods you bring into the mission) in favor of skill-based shooter gameplay something the fans actually be happy with?

Once I get a yes or no on that we can decide what big change the game needs. Either nerfing Maiming Strike/Blood Rush/Condition Overload, or letting you place Primed Pressure Point for free. Either nerfing the Arca Plasmor, or making all shotguns have the ability to punch through targets. Either spamming MORE enemies who are just arbitrarily immune to warframe powers, or nerfing them down to something more reasonable like demolysts (who aren't immune, they can just cleanse themselves)

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On 2019-09-05 at 12:47 AM, --C--Nehra said:

what would you change? 

(I would remove trash mod from survival/defense/excavation rewards and replace them with respective endo or relic rewards that are already in place!)

P.S. No derailing of thread please, if you wanna fight, do it in your own threads. 


I would remove petty players. That's all

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