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The Mod Booster and Free to Play.


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And this is why people continue to give you guys rope. Do you make mistakes, sure, but unlike some other two letter companies, you do work to fix things. Thank you for not turning into EA, I was honestly really worried for the future if that path had continued forward.

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Personally, these things weren't issues for me (to me, it made sense why you couldn't reroll loot more than once, but I fully acknowledge I'm in the minority), and the Free Path I assumed was coming later - perhaps after some testing via Prime 

I've some loot concerns I feel like fits in here.

I. Having done 50+ Otokin Vaults and there's one mod I've never seen -  Narrow Minded

II. From what I understand, the Hema 5,000 Mutagen Samples were initially not intended, but by the time you could solve it, many already had done the research and chose to keep it that way - 100% fair if that's the case. However, I feel Mutagen Samples are so darn difficult to come by compared to the two other types from Grineer/Corpus.And when Orb Vallis was added, it only became a bigger difference

III. The pool of relics are absurd in the Void - yet I feel Lua deserves a little more reason to visit. 

So brief;

I. The RNG in Orokin Vaults could be improved somewhat, as having 15-20 of one mod, yet none of another is a bit much

II. Can we either get bundles of Mutagen Samples, Detonite Ampule and Fieldron Sample added to Nightwave similar to Kuva? There's so many ways to get Kuva by now, Detonite and Fieldron is aplenty - Mutagen Samples are suffering

(I know I can buy Hema for platinum, but I also like researching everything in the dojo)

III. Maybe just take away 20% of the relics, and give Lua the same drop % as the higher tiers of the Void

A final note on sortie: I feel like the Anasa should be removed and thrown into the regular sculpture spawns/arbitrations - feels a bit double up when there's an Endo reward already. Also leaves room for a new common reward (no idea what, maybe universal syndicate medal or something?)

And perhaps remove forma and add in a special sortie-only weapon similar to ESO. While some would be upset, I - and I imagine others - would be super motivated to do it daily to make sure to get a shot at a geting a resource for the weapon. To ease up on the RNG, could even make it one material (and a bp), from sortie, where the material needs x3+


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Thank you for clarifying everything, and reverting the farming nerf. I think the community wouldn't have been as upset with the farming nerf if it came with a resources nerf for blueprints/decorations as well (less needed resources). The revert also benefits those with mod boosters, paid or otherwise, so that's a win in my book.

Reverting the nerf also returns to the players more choices of warframe to farm wih, versus in the past when you were stuck with 2-3.

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3 hours ago, RandomTrollz said:

Comes to AND end?

Also now we have another booster I would not want to get in the sortie reward pool. Why would I want a mod booster it does not help me when playing normal stuff only when I want to farm specific mods which I never do go out of my way just to farm mods. Same with the drop chance booster whenever I get that I wished I got another booster like the resource booster which I can use on exploiter or profit taker. IMO drop chance is just like a worse resource booster. Even the affinity booster is better IMO even though the focus gains are super small since I don't focus farm and only use basic lenses.

TLDR: I don't want to get this booster from sortie rewards.

Perhaps the system could be changed so that if you get the "booster" category from the reward pool, it would prompt you to choose which one you want? Maybe that gives the player too much power in the eyes of DE, but I think it would be a small yet powerful adjustment.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

those who have moved the conversation to ‘DE will balance Mods around this booster’ will have to trust that this simply won’t happen

that's not true at all, we can just compare future mod drop chances with now existing ones.

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I am still split on that loot nerf, although I was in the fraction that heavily disliked it. I liked the interaction. It made tedious farming a lot more bearable. Hundreds of Cells and Toroids, thousands of Mutagen and so on. And for dedicated farming groups this is great. No I dont need triple or quadruple dipping, or even more of that. Just the Nekros + 1x (Hydroid, Khora, Ivara, Kubrow) was enough for me and probably many others too.


But it also takes a lot of freedom of choice away when it comes to normal missions.

Or at least missions with somewhat rare resources like Polymer, Oxium, Hexenon. After they nerfed it I didn't have the feeling anymore that I am forced onto Hydroid (for example), just so I don't miss out on loot. The chances were high that somebody also played a Nekros in the first place. So I could play whatever I wanted and chances were still high that somebody had a loot frame and our whole squad benefits from that.

Now I have to rethink all of this again. Do I really want to play Zephyr? Do I really want to play Wisp? Or maybe even Wukong? Chances are still high that somebody plays Nekros. If i would just play Hydroid now our whole (random public) squad would get even more loot out of it. Loot is here to stay, I might need it. So I guess my fun should have to wait in line until a later point in time, just so I dont have to deal with possible ressource bottlenecks in the future.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Part III: The Loot Frames: 
The third Mistake: not providing closure on the loot-frame changes from The Jovian Concord. We are restoring the loot mechanics to what they were before The Jovian Concord - Warframe Loot Abilities will again be able to yield multiple-drops from already looted corpses. 

Looting abilities serve a very singular purpose - to loot. And when they all stack on the same corpse, they become the only choice for loot-seekers. This puts players in a position of deciding whether or not to bring the frames that have the best looting abilities rather than anything else. Our intentions with the change were to alleviate that, but ultimately we are reverting it in an effort to eliminate bad will that these two items are related in any way. We’d rather make a decision that possibly lessens choice but respects precedent, than have players think the choice was related to a new booster, and actions speak louder than words. We are aiming to get this in on all platforms by tomorrow! 

Can we please get some developer review on Ivara? Ivara was never an optimal choice in the meta loot farming groups because her prowl steals everything so slowly. Worst, Ivara can't even steal from boss-type characters since you disabled that on her back in Update 18.5 (compared to Nekros, Hydroid and Khora who are all capable of stealing from boss-type characters). A max rank level 30 Ivara has a base prowl steal time of 2.5 seconds, which is obscenely slow. Heck, I even question if half the players even know on how to mod Ivara effectively to even reduce that 2.5 second base steal time to something more reasonable. Even at max duration, prowl's steal time only becomes slightly acceptable in the group from a time efficiency perspective. And this is because player power has grown to such levels where trash mobs barely survive for more than 1 second at best, there's barely enough time for an Ivara to get a chance to steal something for the group. 

Ivara wasn't really considered useful in loot farming groups, the obvious first choices would've been Nekros, followed by Hydroid and Khora. At best Ivara might been 4th or 5th choice, which literally means 2nd last to dead last choice as we only have 5 looting frames in the game. She's not shaking any loot group up, but I'm begging for a developer review to re-examine Ivara's base stat numbers and kit and to tweak her up later. Her prime is potentially predicted as coming this Winter 2019/2020, please, some review of Ivara after all the nerfs that she has received from losing her prowl bullet jumping, to losing multiple Ivaras being able to stack off of each other, to losing her noise arrow interception setups, it's starting to look like a bleak future for Ivara players, and its depressing to see you continuously nerf her without any real compensation.

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Thank you for the clarification, as a programmer myself I can definitely understand the difficulty this reverting will entail. I however do beleive it will be better to leave the choice to the players over any forced choice. Like mandatory fun, being forced to do anything always gets a knee jerk reaction of I don't like this. Change is scary and timing is everything, sometimes it is better to take a step back or ask an outsiders opinion before you do something. DE has many partners with deep ties to the community, they may be an avenue you could use for future updates/expansions. Just my humble opinion of a lowly frost main.

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It's frustrating that the faux outrage over the mod drop chance booster warrants a response from DE but the radio silence on forthcoming content persists.  I may be in the minority, but I don't care about the mod drop chances or loot frame buffs/nerfs.  Forthcoming content is of interest to everyone, can we maybe get a couple paragraphs about any of this stuff: Melee 3.0, the New War, Railjack, Stalker mode, new player experience, arch-wing changes, Warframe reworks, enemy scaling, Dark Sectors, re-invigoration of frequent Tenno Reinforcements, bringing trials back, or any other gameplay related content?



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Content is always needed in a large game such as warframe. Examples of games falling out of favor because of slow updates are numerous. Even small updates done monthly would be a great option to keep veteran players more engaged. Maybe a rotating special mission or something, make it silly hard (120-160 enemies) and maybe ailments like the nightmare missions for good rewards like maxed arcanes or completed forma?

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3 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

Well, this is big news and greatly appreciated. Thanks for making the decision and admitting the mistake.

Overall, I still have (and I'll dare say, a lot of players will still have) a strong opinion on the booster even with the explanation. After all Mods are much more rarer than resources (although we've certainly had issues with them in the past as well... Ah, the all infamous Hema).

Nevertheless it's good to see this adressed and I appreciate you taking the time to put this together and properly adress this right after such a busy month for you.

On another note though... You mentioned Prime Access (Accessories I'd rather say) value on the Atlas PA announcement thread, and I repeat myself: After the Mesa PA helmet addition and the currently available (for only a few more hours) Wukong PA (Ephemera +whole new Kubrow skin + Syandana), the value of the accessories is all over the place and a discussion NEEDS to happen to ensure the value of the packs remain perceived positive by the playerbase.

Very well said.

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