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COMING SOON: Devstream #131!


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Hello! Can we see any melee 3.0 progress?

Also will Valkyr get some polish/overhaul on her fourth ability on the process?

IMO animation-wise would be nice since it seems as if she's trying to imitate Hulk instead of being an agile Beyblade of ferocious rage while using her standard E combo.

Valkyr Deluxe When?

Also a petty request but any chances to add the following on the animation department:
Hysteria also make her double jump spin like the normal one .
A small movement speed buff and keep her claws open while making a turn during Hysteria? Its all for immersion sake 🤩


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Load-out Configuration expansion... Does that mean more Load-out slots or more details to load-out configuration system? What would the latter even entail?

Really curious to see how Ember will be changed from her current role of "fire and forget" play-style. Pun halfway intended.

So, will Vauban be more "engineer" than "trap master" soon? I honestly keep thinking of Marvel's Iron man, Stargate SG-1's Samantha Carter, Batman's Lucius Fox, Mass Effect's Tali'Zorah, and many other engineer characters whenever I read how Vauban is described in Warframe wiki. Seeing some of his abilities behave more like Demoman from Team Fortress 2 is kind of a let down. No offense.

Could we please have the stencil selection menu in the personal quarters include the ability to select colors that affect just the stencils? Choosing between gold, silver, and any other color a person might prefer for the interior's metal bits only to see that color choice affect the stencils is not exactly fun.

Definitely looking forward to seeing more on Empyrean. And what new rewards will be coming out with Grendel.

As a side note, are we going to see any more Primed Arch-wings besides Odonata Prime?

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First time posting to ask,  but longtime viewer of Desvstreams. Just a few questions for now:


  1. Any chance we could get an updated release schedule for the remainder of the year, now that we're moving into Q4?
  2. Are we going to get a Torid mod to let it do whatever the heck it is that the Zealot's Torid does from NW Season 2? Please? Please?
  3. Are Archwing Controls going to be re-examined with the upcoming Empyrean update? I'm rather fond of Archwing, but neither of the two control schemes really 'click' for me. A way to strafe around something would be really nice.
  4. Can we get options to toggle prime decorations for the Immortal skins? I can appreciate them not being reasonable to do for the Delux Skins
  5. Is there any chance we can gain access to the majority of the Arcanes via a non-Eidolon means? I've had a tonne of fun with the new ones being in Arbitration (and I never thought I'd say anything positive about Arbitration)
  6. Can we please be allowed to hot-swap Kavats and Kubrows the way we can hot-swap Sentinels and Moas? I appreciate that pets as a whole sort of need a look-at, but just that one change would let me use them on so many more frames.
  7. Is Damage 3.0 still something that's going to be happening, or has that been completely scrapped?

That's it for now, but I'll be sure to come back around next time! Thank you for all the hard work. :) 

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With a new engine in the works improving the game's visual fidelity, what could this mean for people with lower spec machines who can't make use of the new features? Are we going see optimisations in performance across the board or should we expect the game to be more demanding overall going forward?

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16 minutes ago, Escrovenjah said:

Do you guys want to make cross developer content exchanges? As a simple very simple example, giving Destiny players the Buzlok in Destiny in exchange for Warframe players getting Thorn in Warframe.

I don't think they've ever done such a thing before. Not that I would mind it in the slightest if they changed the precedent, Destiny has some weapons that would be great in WF and vice versa... but the precedent exists.

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9 hours ago, Kuez said:

As a reminder: Dear DE, your veteran part of playerbase is concerned about the future of this game. We need something to do. Please make something catered towards us. Don't be scared of making it difficult. Remember that all your new players are going to become experienced as well. 
And for crying out loud, Vacuum on Titania's Razorwing is NOT okay - there are players that use those energy orbs strategically to upkeep it.
Also, forcing players that did not die in Arbitrations to pick up Resurgence Tokens, because someone else died is VERY NOT okay! If you have to keep the revives in, let us opt in to revive someone (by pressing interact button to pick up those tokens as an example), don't force us to do so... please. 😇

I love the demanding, "I am right, you are wrong, and you had better listen to me" tone in this last bit of your post. Its very self centered and has a funny lack of self awareness to it at the same time. The rest of you post had a lot of great suggestions but this killed it for me. Also, I dont understand your issue with Razorwing. You claim Vacuum being innate on Razorwing is bad but then you say that there are players that use energy orbs to upkeep it. Like... every other channeled power in the game. This makes no sense. Care to elaborate? If your issue is that you cant turn off the innate Vacuum and that there are people that want to pick and choose when to pick up energy orbs, I don't really see the issue and I highly doubt DE will change it since the overwhelming majority of the playerbase wanted Vacuum innate on Razorwing, including myself.  Energy orbs drop like candy if you are killing often enough.

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Any chance of changing void fissure mission to automatically have all enemies be corrupted?  It gets old every time you're trying to get those last few traces and the dudes that keep spawning just won't turn.  Or for that matter, when the spawns just kind of dry up and nothing happens while you wait for the one poor bastard stuck at 9/10 to go retrace the whole level hoping to find it or anything to kill.

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With the Orbiter remaster coming soon, will the Stencils expand to the rest of the ship, and not just the Personal Quarters? Personally, most of my ship looks quite plain and dull, but the Stencils in the Personal Quarters really spice that room up, so it would be awesome to see it expand from there.

On the topic of Stencils, will we be able to use them on the Railjacks?

Lastly, any new details you're willing to share about the tenno multi-tool/hidden blade/hacking device? For example, do we have a name for it yet? We can't keep calling it the "hidden blade multi-tool thingy" forever! All jokes aside, it seems really interesting and I (and surely others are, too) am curious about this feature, since it seems to play a big role in the whole "lifting up the game" aspect of Empyrean, especially when looking towards making the animations look flashier.

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How soon will we be getting the drydock?

It can take weeks to redesign a dojo and I am sure there will be many clans that want to have the drydock be a centerpiece. And on that point, would it be possible to get a "rework" to constructing dojos so the redesign process is less tedious?

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It would be lovely if we could scale the sigils smaller!

IMO the current minimal sigil scaling system is still to big and ended up looking out of places and make it hard to blend nicely with the fashionframes (and fashion operators). Smaller ones would look like badges that can be positioned nicely and add more aesthetic to it.

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Here's a few questions:

1) How is the Ghoul Rictus Saw and Nox Cannon coming? Knew ya'll said they were in the works a while back, just wonder if there's any progress!
2) Will Baro be bringing any new weapons/non-cosmetic gear soonish?
3) Are Umbra-style frame variants still on the table for future content?
4) Are Land Arch-Melee still on the table of "maybe" for after Melee 3.0? Likely with similar anti-grav tech being utilized?

Also, us of the Panthera Order have but one holiday wish: Panthera Prime. Please consider that beauty in the future because that'd be lit!


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Will you review the Balor Fomorian mission for the Empyrean update to add some variety to it?

It is a fun concept, bur running through it multiple times is very tedious since every time the mission is completely the same - from the space layout to zeplen's positions to everything. Wiill you rework it in some way to add more variety to it?

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Valk rework when? She's not in as bad a place as other frames, like Ember and Vauban but her kit is severely outdated with only one really useful skill, another used just to heal, one used to pull annoying teamates who don't want to extract and want to make us wait for the countdown to finish and one that's only used when there's a "Get X amount of finisher" Nightwave.  Our Valkitty could really use some love!

Also, when are we getting a broomstick prime to get the beachballs that our Kavat knocked into a corner and then just keeps running into in a desperate, but futile attempt to get it out?A21C9D187C058E089353FA3DA3E0A4D209BE6C69

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11 hours ago, Kuez said:

Could all elevator doors be opened for those, more proficient at movement to be rewarded for their parkour abilities? Ideally all of the elevators could be kept in down position, so that the faster Tenno can either go up or down immediately, while the less proficient ones may use the elevator.




Brilliant. YES, please.



11 hours ago, Kuez said:

Q: Can we please add Simaris conversation skip?

This would be nice. I think it's a light joke being played by DE where they are deliberately not giving us the option to skip his dialogues.
Probably considering it light hazing.


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