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Requiem Mods will supposedly have 'charges' and will be consumed after a few uses. What is your opinion on that?


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12 minutes ago, Oreades said:

My money is on people are going to shoot for maybe one or two weapons (I know I'm looking at you New Archgun) and then say "To heck with this tedious slog" and stop caring about it, much like I stopped caring about this NW intermission past the lvl 5 reward. But what do I know, I don't give a single hecc about Eidolons and people apparently maybe grind the crap out of them sooooo?

I really love the eidolon fights. It really brings back my personal raiding experiences and alot of nostalgia. Plus, they're actually naturally hard and aren't too easy to defeat whilst remaining natural and fun to fight. I just wish I had a group of mates to do it with. None of my friends lay warframe anymore. 

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1 minute ago, Chroia said:

Good post, 1 nit:

That's RNG 4 and 5, as they're rolled separately.

Oh god, you're right. I forgot about that lol. Heat/elec/cold/toxin then the value. Yeah, I really don't see how the hunt itself isn't enough as is. I'd be perfectly happy to grind Lich's, and Lich's alone looking for that ideal roll. The charges are just a bit too much.

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9 minutes ago, Chroia said:

I'm not seeing the former, and the latter, well...
As best I can see it, you get to farm for 1 kill per weapon type, and then you're out of things to farm until you happen to get a better roll. Do you see it differently?

It's to an invidual Lich fight and makes it more of a challang and extends confrontation because you don't always have all the mods there ready for you to use. 

However, I can see how it would get annoying over the entire game if you're doing alot of liches as quickly as you can. 

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45 minutes ago, Arniox said:

I play the game in a super casual way. For me it'll be quite chill to refarm more mods for a new Lich. Remember, the charges are only removed once a Lich has been vanquished. 

The thing there is we need clarification on what they mean by "vanquished" because it can either mean 

  • When you vanquish a Litch and it goes off to be reincarnated.
  • When you actually finally vanquish/recruit the Litch for good.

Because until DE clarifies both are viable interpetations, one is needlessly grindy/tedious and the other is still a bit grindy but acceptable. 

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3 hours ago, AnOldAlias said:


Which, from what I am taking from that, means that Requiem mods will come with 'charges' and each kill of a Kuva Lich depletes the charge of all of the used requiem mods by 1 that were used to kill the Lich, until it reaches 0, to which they'll disappear.

Do you think that's an appropriate thought process for making the Requiem mods 'consumable' charge-based, or not?

Depends on how many charges you get and how many times you encouter kuva lich to fight. Also depends on how new lich work after you defeat/recruit one and gathering kuva weapons.

I'm sure they will make any needed adjustments after collecting player data and feedback 

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17 minutes ago, Oreades said:

The thing there is we need clarification on what they mean by "vanquished" because it can either mean 

  • When you vanquish a Litch and it goes off to be reincarnated.
  • When you actually finally vanquish/recruit the Litch for good.

Because until DE clarifies both are viable interpetations, one is needlessly grindy/tedious and the other is still a bit grindy but acceptable. 

Considering that it specifies a "Successful" vanquishing, I'd say the latter is the more likely possibility.

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6 minutes ago, Corvid said:

Considering that it specifies a "Successful" vanquishing, I'd say the latter is the more likely possibility.


25 minutes ago, Oreades said:

The thing there is we need clarification on what they mean by "vanquished" because it can either mean 

  • When you vanquish a Litch and it goes off to be reincarnated.
  • When you actually finally vanquish/recruit the Litch for good.

Because until DE clarifies both are viable interpetations, one is needlessly grindy/tedious and the other is still a bit grindy but acceptable. 

Maybe we should, as a community, call the latter as 'vanquished', and the former as 'mildly inconvenienced'. 

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Only problem I have is the layers of RNG. You need to run kuva missions for a chance at the relic, once you get the relic you need to run that for a chance at the mod. If these were a guaranteed reward or something that could be purchased with standing then I would have no issue. I just don't want to get trapped in a kuva mission hell-hole just because RNG decides to be S#&$ty.

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I'm not fond of the idea.  It seems like the same thing they tried with the Echos of Umbra - "Oh, we have to make this content repeatable.  Let's do that by including a consumable resource that people can only get by grinding this content!"  Rather than, you know, making the content actually interesting.  I'd assume part of the reason that people don't play in the Kuva Fortress *now* is that it's a confusing maze, there are several tiles where the minimap is basically useless, and the enemies are just kind of basic Grineer but with more base armor and health.  Oh, and the security systems are annoying since they can't be disabled.  Especially when you're playing a mobile defense and one of the terminals decides to spawn in the sweep zone of the laser scanners.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

If I can recharge it, ok.

Otherwise, I point you to the days where water heaters and HVACs used to last 20 years.  The latest water heaters are guaranteed for...3.

Guess why?

Because it's less expensive and more eco-friendly to buy a totally new appliance every three years and bury the old one in a landfill?  Oh, wait...

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4 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

To me it feels like DE is not confident in the rest of the drops from requiem relics and to be honest i wouldnt be either when i look at them. It feels like DE knows how little use the Pexilus thing and the rest will have.

The Pexilus seems like it'll mostly only be really viable on Lich weapons (for primary and secondary) simply because without the bonus of a stance/aura mod most weapons don't have a lot of capacity to spare.  And other than Hush and maybe flight speed mods, most of the compatible mods are pretty useless even with their own dedicated slot.  Sure, they'd be kind of useful.  But only if they were basically something you could swap in with zero capacity cost.

I suspect most people will pexilus a handful of their favorite weapons and then forget that they exist.

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This is an exceptionally dumb idea. There's enough grind in the game as it is, there's no need to add more. First NW, and now this? They're making this game feel more and more like a job, but they seem to be forgetting that it isn't and we can just walk away from it at any time. The more they ask of me, the more incentive I feel to do that. So far I'm grudgingly putting up with it, but they're really starting to push it.

Edited by SordidDreams
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The thing I'm most concerned about is what if a player doesn't need Kuva because they don't use Rivens? I've washed my hands of that nonsense when they were released, so I'll be stuck farming a mostly useless (to me) resource while looking for these Relics.

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I'd like to being able to use Kuva to recharge the requiem mods. 

Perhaps add some sort of clan tech research that we can do to add an upgrade module to the orbiter's mod station in order to gain the functionality.



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I dislike the idea, and in general I'm not a fan of the durability/consumable systems DE seems to be intent on implementing as a means of injecting replayability into content. Making these mods consumable creates a problem where, in order for anyone to care about actually using them, these mods need to be powerful enough to justify their use. If they're only as powerful as our regular mods, then there's no point... which means that if we're to see Requiem mods in play, they're going to power creep us even further, which is obviously not great. Moreover, the fact that these apparently degrade upon vanquishing Liches risks achieving the opposite of its intended effect, by actively disincentivizing us to engage with Liches just to avoid mod degradation. Time will tell how this system turns out in practice, but I don't see what good will come from consumable mods.

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TLDR: My vote is a massive thumbs down.


Personal reasoning: Another worthless excuse of lack of content to me. I never really liked Kuva missions to begin with. Scratch that they are probably the worst thin in the game to me even rating lower than vent kid racing. I never really enjoyed popping in and out of my warframe as an operator to begin with so doing Kuva farms has zero play appeal to me. Next Kuva is primarily used to re-roll Riven Mods which I also don't use. Why? Because playing a lottery sim isn't something I have any interest in. (The RNG of getting a specific drop off a boss is nothing compared to the RNG of finding and then re-rolling a riven for those oh so sweet stats.)

So no, DE's newfound strategy of throwing out ever compounding levels of RNG while trying to pass it off as "engaging content" doesn't appeal to me. I am looking for the growth of content not an ever growing layer cake of different flavored turds where you have a 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% chance of getting a turd that doesn't taste bad.

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It all depends on how many uses the mods have. If it’s three, then no, that’s a big fat *sad trombone*

However, if a Requiem mod starts with between six and ten, and charges are only consumed with the actual final kill of a Kuva Lich, then that’s fine. You’re guaranteed a Requiem relic from a Kuva flood mission, and the mods are the uncommon drop, meaning that if you do Kiva floods on a half-regular basis then you’re not going to be constantly running out of the damned things.

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I wouldn't want charges on mods since I don't want to continuously farm for these requiem mods.  Just make the permanent since we need to do some detective work to find the correct code to kill the lich.  Why waste my time doing a detour to find a requiem mod that I had previously but my charges ran out.  That will make me not hunt these liches at all.   

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