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(PC) Kuva Liches / Parazon / Kuva Weapons / Etc. Feedback


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I think the autokill mechanic on parazon attempt needs to be altered in a better way.

Personally speaking what happens doesn't feel realistic in context and it doesn't work with the kuva established lore that they can't really be killed.

I'm not sure if someone else proposed this already, but I think that the Parazon mercy kill should work every time. Should the requiem sequence be wrong the lich will be reborn and level up for the next encounter.
I think it would make a lot of more sense to have them utter something along the lines of "This changes nothing!" as they fade out, gain a level and return stronger to taunt you in the star map, compared to an automatic counterattack by their part that kills you automatically.

Other people already said that being forced to lose a life to progress leaves a sour taste in your mouth. While I do understand it's just one try from an endless suplly of retries it still tick me off the wrong way.
For me it is the main reason that I tend to gravitate toward ignoring a lich instead of engaging it in battle, especially when I'm playing solo.

A player should feel to at least be able to temporarily stop an immortal being, instead of fall into this "eh, I still don't have the requiem code right now... here, take a free kill, just go away" situation.
There is no satisfaction in those encounters, it just feels like a waste of time.
If a player is allowed to defeat a lich in battle, it will definitely be better for their mood, while the end result will be the same: The lich will leave the mission and level up anyway, but the player won't feel like you have to 100% lose the battle when engaging without the right requiems.

To recap:
A downed lich should be beatable and killable with the parazon for that particular mission every time anyway.
* If the Requiem sequence is correct, it will be corrupted/vanquished permanently.
* If it's not it will die for the mission, taunt you as they fade out with sparkly kuva effect and level up for the next engagement.

Maybe should they manage to down the player, they could gain two levels instead and leave as well.

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The process from start to finish is annoying and takes too long.  Thrall mercies should award double the amount of murmur progress that they currently award.  Converting a lich should allow you to call on it whenever you want, like a specter.  A converted lich should also be able to be dismissed or killed at the players will allowing the player to obtain the weapon when doing so.  Lastly, we need the option to dismiss the enitre process at any point of progress.  


Edited by Frompa
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Kuva weapon RNG

My main gripe with the system right now is the RNG for getting the weapons you want, the idea of being able to pick an innate element for your weapon is great, but the implementation is what's wrong here.

Rather than picking the weapon and element, you instead pick the element and hope you get the weapon you want, otherwise it's an avg 2 to 3 hour grind to try again. And this is without factoring the RNG for the bonus %.

It's kind of fitting that 13 weapons were added (unlucky number), because this system is genuinely frustrating if you're unlucky.


What I've suggested before and was likely on the table, but either ignored or voted against would be to either remove or soften up the RNG for the weapons. 

Either by making the larvalings spawn with a vanilla version of the weapons they would have as a lich, yes, including the Ayanga, Shildeg and Chakkhurr.


Make the weapons node based. Tho this would remove the RNG entirely whereas the first suggestion would be a soft farm you opt into before the real farm.


As it stands the RNG for getting the weapons you want is barely tolerable and I'm making these suggestions under the hard assumption that more Kuva weapons will be added into the same pool later on.


(Also please give the Kuva Ogris more crit chance)


Bonus % RNG

As for the bonus % RNG, I see this as partially optional, but it's still a gripe for a lot of people, just not as much to me as others.

What I suggest for this is to soften up the process by using the kuva lich rank to narrow the variable.

Assuming the minimum % is 25 and the maximum is 60% what this would entail is.

At rank 1 the lich has the full variable of 25% - 60%

At rank 2 the lich would change the variable to 30% - 60% . Meaning any value below 30% would be rerolled into the new variable

At rank 3 the lich would change the variable to 40% - 60%. Meaning any value below 40% would be rerolled into the new variable

At rank 4 the lich would change the variable to 45% - 60%. Meaning any value below 45% would be rerolled into the new variable

At rank 5 the lich would change the variable to 50% - 60%. Meaning any value below 50% would be rerolled into the new variable


Just so there is no misunderstanding, if you get a high roll right off the bat, basically 50+%, the bonus will not change for you at all.


This would leave trading to be mostly for the perfect or near perfect bonus %'s and ephemeras.


Or something else that could be done to encourage more farming would be to add a weapon upgrade system in addition to the valence transfer system, this would allow players to convert lower rolls into a % increase to the current best roll they had. (maybe 2 - 5%)







Edited by Madway7
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Please add more rewards to liches other than the weapons themselves. Endo, Kuva, Rivens, Formas, etc. At the moment, I just finished MR-ing all the kuva weapons and the only rewards left are Ephemeras, but when they don't drop, the liches feel completely rewardless and disrespectful of time spent hunting it.

Adding more rewards will ensure the game mode will stay relevant consistently and not be considered as a one-time done deal once MR-ed all weapons.

Edited by ArindeI
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I've got all the weapons, 1 via trade because I didn't get it in 32 liches (incl active one), and while I would like to grab the ephemeras it requires dedicated grind and it's depressing.

On top of that, playing on public matchmaking with lich is frustrating, especially when you want to test your mods on your own lich and someone else just ignores their lich...

They would probably not ignore it if it wouldn't kill them (make it so you always kill the lich but they get revived if wrong mod, as a previous comment here suggests) but also if the rage level wasn't reset.

Because I get it, you've just unlocked a symbol in the current mission and if your lich spawn it's a waste of time to stab them because it takes several missions to make them spawn again.

A more reliable way to spawn liches or rage not resetting would be better, meaning the lich spawns more often which is fine when you're doing their dedicated mission.

Maybe at rank 5 it should have 100% chance to spawn, or a dedicated mission to hunt them down like an assassination mission, similar to what was presented at tennocon with railjack, going on a ship to find the lich.


Then there's the dedicated mission thing, it takes SO MANY missions to complete a lich, either make thralls spawn in other modes (fissures, sortie, regular missions, etc), and/or make it require significantly less thralls.

The 150 thrall kills for getting the symbols is A LOT considering how slow they spawn. Making the system even more frustrating when you actually have to kill that many thralls to get the last symbol and then again do missions for the lich to spawn already because it's enraged and doesn't want to for some reason.


Then there's the lich rage issue when playing with friends, if your lich is on different planets and nodes than the other people's liches then it just makes the grind even slower if you want to play together.

The lich needs to get angry the more symbol+murmur progress you have on it, it needs to want to stop you constantly, that way you can play with friends and everyone gets progress and everyone's lich can spawn even if it's not controlled by them.

But it should only spawn on the dedicated missions that are now the only way to spawn thralls, and thralls should also spawn in other missions.


Whatever the changes, it needs more incentive to play it both pub and with friends (and combined with pub if less than 4), right now I've played only privately with friends and it's really depressing when you get a new lich and has nothing of use and on top of that it's on a different planet than your friends.

Unlike every other reward in the game where you get the info of reward after you've done the grind, then you could decide to do that again or not... but with liches if it has nothing of value you just want it to go away and grinding for that seems like a chore.

Edited by HunterDigi
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Hey guys, i will give my point of view about the kuva lich.

To have an arch-ennemy across the galaxy, an ennemy we create is so good, it add some end game gameplay and this lich can give us some weapons, cosmetics and enventuelly some help.

But, it's not as good as i was thinking, yeah...i'm talking about the thralls. The system to gain some mumurs is...long...frustrating...and not interessting...seriously, it's not fun to kill 150 thralls like we made a genocide of other mobs. It we be more interessting if this gliph can be gain in special missions like "We have to interrogate some thralls to get some contact information to another mission. This mission will be a spy/interrogation/assassination of a lich's general wich grant us, when the mission is a success, a gliph". I think it will be more more more interessting than the actual system.

Lich are quite special, when we don't kill them but convert them, they can help us in some missions...but they are so useless than we can ask ourselves if this is the same lich we converted earlier. At rank 1, they can use all of their abilities against us, but they don't use (or not as fast as against you) their abilities when they help you, so it become useless the keep them alive.

So, to make a summary:
- The lich event is very very very good, but the gameplay is not so good, it will be more interessting if we can gain gliph by special missions and not by brainless genocide of specific foes
- It will be good to improve the power of the lich when they come to help you in mission

So it's all i want to say about this event

Edited by Mistercraft66
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Overall Kuva Lich/Weapon feedback (this is a WIP and will be updated as I have more feedback to add):

This update seems like an unfinished amalgamation of ideas that were put together, in order to have an update with gameplay content in 2019 (Disruption/Ropalolyst/Buried Debts being the only other gameplay content this year).  It also feels incredibly bad to play, unfinished as it seems. 

-Why are we grinding these Kuva Liches?  Is there some imminent threat about them? Do we need them on our side, converted, for a fight that requires their help?  Do we need their weapons for some kind of enemy whose bane is Kuva, making their weapons the optimal choice?  It seems like they exist... well, just to exist.  Is there any lore, other than the intro cutscene about them? 

-There is no integration with any systems other than the void trace system and kuva siphon system.  The problem with that is both the void trace and kuva siphon system are also optional.  However, both of those systems provide endless worthwhile reward, unlike the Kuva Lich system.

-There are two rewards, as a result of the entire Kuva Lich system - Kuva weapons, and Vengeful Ephemeras. 
- -Ephemeras are cosmetics, and while the Vengeful Ephemeras look better than all of the other ones in my opinion, cosmetics are not content.  I currently have the Vengeful Toxin Ephemera, from when the chances of a Lich spawning with an ephemera were 5%.  Across approximately 11 Kuva Liches, that's not great.  I am aware that the drop chance is now 10%, but that devalues the ones already obtained when the drop chance was 5%. 
- -Kuva weapons, on the other hand, are the only 'content reward' from the Kuva Liches.  Which is absurd, given that they're a punishment rather than a reward.  To bring them to their max levels to obtain full mastery from them, the player must apply 5 forma (the most valuable resource in the game) to 13 weapons, expending 65 forma.  If the weapons were decent, then maybe this would be worthwhile. But that's not the case.  It was soul crushing to put 5 forma on a garbage Kuva Kraken.  I can only imagine how bad it will feel to put 5 forma on a Kuva Seer.  Many of them only require 3-4 forma for their final build, too, meaning that 1-2 forma per weapon will be useless, thrown away for 200 points of mastery. 

-Kuva Liches take about 2hrs 45mins each to grind, on average with no breaks.  The shortest one I've grinded took around 1hr 30mins (guessed the first 2 requiem mods right from the start), and the longest took around 6hrs (had to fight the Lich 10 times, waiting for it to finally show up was the pain in the behind). 
- -Now, the grind time isn't necessarily a problem in itself, but in terms of efficiency, this loses out to just about every other grind in the game.  Which means that, from a position of grind efficiency, a player should never touch the Kuva Liches, and should grind Void Relics, rare mods, etc to trade for platinum, and THEN trade that platinum for the proper Kuva Lich.  Since traded Liches start out at level 5, it is a much faster grind in which the player may actually choose what weapons/ephemeras they want, by way of buying them selectively, since their fury does not decrease with each encounter, at max level.  With Lich prices as low as they are (I've seen prices of 60p-100p), (frugally speaking) a player should grind 3-4 Liches for non-duplicate weapons (unless they're like me and get the same 2 weapons (Dubba Stubba/Kraken/Dubba Stubba/Kraken) for their first 4 Liches), then buy the other 9-10 for plat.  That's 540-1000p, min-max based off current prices.  That takes the place of (9-10 * 2.75 hrs = 24.75-27.5 hours) 24.75-27.5 hours MINIMUM grind if they get the best possible RNG on their Liches.  The real number is probably somewhere around 60-100hrs, what with all the duplicates.  In that time, a player could easily grind more than that amount of plat's worth of other assorted goods, liquidate those goods for plat, then buy Lich weapons.  The reason why prices are so low is because duplicate weapon Liches (the only kind that are currently regularly sold) are otherwise useless to the original owner (and the buyer knows that), so they take what they can get for it.  Giving converted Liches an actual purpose in the game might change that. 

-Kuva Liches should be allowed to be cancelled/removed while they are level 1.  If I start a Kuva Lich, and it has absolutely nothing that I would find useful, it is nothing but a waste of time to have to grind it out.  Grinding out a useless Lich feels terrible, like pissing away time for nothing, because that's exactly what it is. 

Edited by shootaman777
Apparently I can't spell 'buried'. Hmmm
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I think my views on the problems with the lich system itself have been brought up multiple times by other posters, so I'll focus instead on a separate problem; the utility (or lack thereof) of converting a lich. So far I've converted the majority of my liches, as I have no interest in the kuva weapons themselves and the idea of an ally interested me more. Thus, I've had most of them show up at least once to help out in a mission. However:

1) Their damage output is extremely low. On level 50 Grineer missions I've yet to see any of my liches successfully kill a single enemy, and this comes after watching them closely while I make sure they have plenty of targets to engage. I don't think any of them have even managed to get a level 50 Lancer below 75% health. This has been observed to be the case regardless of how high the liches rank was.

2) They don't appear to use any of their powers either; the only thing their AI seems capable of is firing their weapon, which as mentioned is very weak. Is the converted AI just the standard Lancer package?

3) They appear unreliably, and for a very short period of time (about a minute at best).

4) They do not seem able to take any orders from the player, unlike other AI followers (specters, syndicate operatives, and so on).

For a three hour dedicated farm of endgame tier encounters this is a highly subpar reward, especially when you factor in the existence of Tenno specters. Even vapor specters have strong damage and health scaling, can make use of all of their warframe powers and can be ordered to hold positions, all while lasting for the entire mission and being summonable as and when the player needs them. To acquire them all one needs to do is a 3 minute rescue mission, then put them in the foundry to bake. The investment of effort to make specters is so much less than converting a lich, yet in every measurable regard they make for better AI companions. As it stands the only use for conversion is for later weapons trading, which is utterly bizarre.

Edited by Askaris
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Okay, so... as much as I like the team playing kinda thing, there's a big issue regarding kuva lich spawn in public missions. Since one person's lich can't spawn until the corrently lich is killed/converted or failed, it feels wrong that if a player simply chooses to ignore their lich we have to leave the squad if we want our own lich to spawn. . While I agree that we can't force people to do what they don't wanna do, it feels like we are being forced to play solo (which has a WAY LESS spawn rate for thralls) or leave the squad, potentially loosing our progress and rewards (like requiem relics and murmurs), because of players like that. That being said, there is some actions DE can do to prevent this from happening:


  1.  Time limit: if the person who owns the lich don't attack it for 1~2 minute(s) it will automatically disappear. 
  2.  Solo thralls hunt: increase the spawn rate for thralls in solo missions, giving us an option to do those hunts and not having to deal with players that think only about themselves


The lich system is a very fun thing to have in the game, but it can be a pain if we are matched with selfish people and we should not be punished by that (which is exactly how it feels right now, like we are being punished and forced to lose the work we had done).  

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More a sugestion than feedback, maybe a chance for arcane dropping on defeating or converting the lich

It does take a long time to kill the lich, eidolons will still be the best choice to farm arcanes, but at least arcanes wont drop only from eidolons, and there will be a random chance for the hunt not be a waste of time, even if its really low, even if its 100% to drop arcane, most of them are bad, so the chance is sitll bad so it wont be that much even if its a guaranted drop. For now its a new thing i really like running even if the reward weapon im never gonna use, but it wont last long this way

I just dont wanna run eidolons anymore kkk it gets old fast

The unique part that is said to be worked on is more important btw

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Just some stats for y'all:

It took me 34 liches to get all of the new kuva weapons, prior to the trading update.
In these 34 liches, I received 3 ephemera.
Highest damage bonus 59%, lowest damage bonus 25%
Prior to the trading update I've killed the majority of my liches, 5 of 34.
I plan to convert all liches going forward that do not have significant damage bonuses (55%+).



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On 2019-10-31 at 3:16 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Feedback on the newest gameplay in Warframe: KUVA LICHES.

Can something be done about players refusing to kill their liches?

Being in a lobby where a lich spawns and its owner refuses to use the parazon can be quite anoying for someone actually hunting his own since there is no way to make that lich go away and the limit of 1 lich at a time just halts progression for everyone else.

Would be neat to see the lich go away after 3 times downed without interactions from their adversary so the rest of the squad doesn't see progression halted anyways.

Killing a lich can already take quite some time due to the murmur farming + requiem mod farming + several spawns without being able to kill them while trying to figure out which requiem mods to use and  their order in case these are discovered through murmurs. Seeing that progress halted by a single player who refuses to interact with his lich because of whatever reason is just frustrating.

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After, several hotfix to perfect the process to defeat the kuva lich. This mode isnt perfect enough yet.

Its not a completely mess ever, its a breakthrough on our skills and power, but the reward is too simple.

To kill a lich now , is a marathon, but the reward at the final is a bottle of water.

As a long process and high diffculty mode, the reward should include long-term useful resouces,like kuva ,credits,  , but not a simple weapon, weapons should be a by-product in this process. Only Long-term resouces can make players absorb in it.

And, the way to the final is stubborn.

What i want to say is a higher riskness and heavier rewarded additional mode.

Let us actively approach the lich, to change now we can only wait for them. 

Add a lich ship navigation beacon ,every Kuva Thrall will drop navigation data. The lich's ship may at 150-170level as a high diffculty solo mission, there are no directly aim but annoy the lich, player can steal data mess which can increase the ? requiem process, or break the ship's energy center,etc. Give players some challenge and reward at the same time is a geart mode.

this can give players the right to choose how they can kill the lich, easier but slower or harder but faster, we should own this option.

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A few ideas :

-Would be nice to have a way to analyze the kuva lich instead of trying to kill it without any clues when it show up in mission so that you still get the bonus murmur and make it leave.

-Don't really like the way the lich are created and evolve, would be more interesting if they were integrated in the game as mini boss holding a sector and you just had to do a specific assasination contract to unlock them as your personnal lich it would make more sense to me.

-get the possibility to have up to 4 lich against you.

-Adding the possibilty for a killed lich to come back and team up or fight you current lich with dialog etc..

-More background and interaction, at the moment they feel more like reluctant kuva weapon deliverer, (you could add a notion of bloodline with their own perks stuff like that)

-Create dynamic alerts where lich are fighting each other for power (crossfire mission involving both lich or even a new mission type in open space, space ship boarding)

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25 minutes ago, Syln said:

-Would be nice to have a way to analyze the kuva lich instead of trying to kill it without any clues when it show up in mission so that you still get the bonus murmur and make it leave.

That's an idea.

Scanning your lich gives you murmurs and causes the lich to flee to avoid you finding out his entire requiem by continually scanning him.

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Not sure on a proper way to fix it,

I myself do not kill my own litches when the murmur circle is past 3/4ths filled since it would take longer in the long run. Getting killed by the litch would reduce his 'annoyance' level from furious to 'uninterested', which causes him to appear anywhere from 3-4 missions after that one. Instead of just letting them be, fill up murmur by next map > do a proper sequence test the next. That's a difference of usually 3 missions longer. Would opt to go private, however litches seem to spawn more frequently in public even if you're the only one there.  

Edited by seventhwalker
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Why do Lich's tend to spawn way behind me? The Lich tends to be pretty forgettable if you don't want to try and kill him (because you don't have the right Parazon sequence or something).

This annoying design makes it so when Lich appears in your exterminate/capture mission you could just run away. They won't be able to chase you down because enemies that can't see and shoot a Warframe after a while (like, say they go too far) will go from Alerted in Suspicious, then back to Unalerted, meaning they are no longer a threat. Makes the Lich less of a Rival or Adversary, hunting you down with a bounty for your head, and more of just another dumb Grineer lancer skoom enemy that you won't worry about them seeing you because you're already 3 rooms ahead of them towards the objective/extraction.

Make it so they Lich's will always know where you are (unless invisible of course) and chase you through the map. If you get way too far away they'll teleport closer too you, like they do when they first enter the mission.

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Liches should have a greatly increased chance to appear in your mission after you get to know all 3 requiems needed to kill it
Running a dozen or so missions when you don't have to get any murmurs just slowly raising the meter and praying for the lich to finally appear is absolutely tedious and one of the worst parts of the entire system

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This has been mentioned a few times already, but please note how the Liches are simply not playing out as advertised. They're supposed to be this enemy that you kill over and over and they come back stronger etc. Instead, what you did with the actual release is make it so that WE are the ones that die over and over to them, for no explicable reason at all. It's not cool or fun nor does it make any sense. Why are we being killed by literal leeches?

The system you took inspiration from in the Mordor games did it right. We actually kill the enemy and they come back with stronger abilities and certain scars that we gave them. I'm not sure if this would be too difficult for you to take into effect, but kindly consider changing things to the way they were advertised. Every time we fight the Lich with the wrong set of mods, we "kill" them, but then they show up later to taunt us/cry about the pain we caused them etc. Only when using the correct mods do they die for good. The current system in my opinion is a lame version of what was originally shown to us.

Here's an additional suggestion or a cool idea that was told to me by a clan mate: If you kill a lich with melee they could come back with a shield for example, or we kill them with a headshot and they come back wearing a helmet.

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My understanding when seeing Kuva Liches getting announced in tennocon and tied to Empyrean was that they are going to be the next layer of content, introducing new gameplay mechanics, lore, rewards and motivation to play the game. Got hyped because that seemed like a fantastic direction for the game to go. Seemed like DE used the 2 years well to iterate and polish the concept to its best conclusion.

After update all that anticipation and excitement was crushed as this really seems like a few months' worth of rushjob that was dropped to address discontent that stemmed from the lack of content around the same time Destiny 2 went f2p. A stop-gap measure to hold some attention, albeit a poor measure at that.

Worst of all that this update doesn't feel like a content drop, more like a monetization scheme aimed to annoy the players enough into paying up so the mutliple layers of grind can be skipped to the actual content, which there isn't much of.

Compared to TWW, POE, Fortuna, there's no new activity to engage in except for the end fight with the lich which itself is extremely underwhelming. The gameplay flow for this is grind for murmur>grind for relic>grind for mod>grind for parazon ordering>grind for kuva weap/stats. The last two levels of grind are fine by themselves but all the other layers of grind that builds up to it is a major source of disappointment. We aren't doing anything new at all except for facing a very underwhelming miniboss that is not threatening on any level, they aren't even a threat to defence targets. They aren't like the stalker where they force us to face them, so we can just run the mission without caring about their presence. They aren't like the wolf where we can get rid of them with great difficulty/team work. The entire update feels like an afterthought than something that's been worked on for 2 years. This is telltale sign of content that's been in development hell. This seems like another gamemode like lunaro, conclave and defection.

The adjustments to this that can make this redeemable would be :

1. More avenues to acquire requiem relics, put them in lua/kuva fortress disruption table or arbitrations even. While requiem relics being exclusive to kuva siphon/flood missions do well to give people more incentive to do those, it gets incredibly boring after all the farming. More passive avenues especially like arbitration would incentivize playerbase to engage in "endgame" content.

2. Make the liches an actual threat so people don't attempt the territory missions unless they really want a challenge. Don't allow people to run past them like they don't exist. And with that give us a way to get rid of them from the missions. Something like a timed parazon hit or struggle QTEs. Liches should want to defend their territory nodes and give up territory node when we've "defeated" them. This makes the persistent nemesis thing enjoyable and engaging.

3. After the player has revealed all the requiem mods required, open up a new assassination node exclusively for the lich. Make this extra difficult through modifiers so it encourages teamwork/creativity/planning. Players can control the difficulty by not allowing the lich to rank up, that way solo players can still kill their lich. Make the end mission reward something good so people are incentivized to attempt it.This can be something like a sortie reward that scales or descales depending on lich rank.

4.Implement the original concept of nemesis contracts where clanmates can hunt the lich with you/for you. This can become a very interesting and engaging clan-bonding activity. A clan that hunts together grows together. This felt like a missed opportunity with the lich trading mechanic. It's underwhelming, again.

Please deliver on the hype you've been building up for such a long time. This was such a roughshod update that it has really changed my attitude towards DE. I've had nothing but praise and patience and I was really looking forward to this but it isn't anywhere near what was advertised. I understand that it's tough to deliver but maybe don't overpromise in the first place ? My expectation was an additional layer of gameplay but instead I got multiple layers of mind-numbing grind. I'm okay with grinding in an f2p game but this is ridiculous by warframe standards.


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Will there be a way to toggle the heavy attack usage when melee is being held down?  What I consider to be held down is different than what's currently programmed in game.  Either a way to turn this off, or increase the window of what a hold is would be great.

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Ok with many posters complaining about kuva weapons, kuva relics etc. but my main gripe is how boring is the current kuva lich game play cycle and storytelling...

- Kuva lich "birth/ascent" feels "random"

Ook, there's no risk anymore to "accidentally" murder a larwling but at the same time the concept of a mere nobody being given the chance to become lich feels substantially "wrong". Liches start as some no name weakling, "die" and suddenly return with troops, equipment and resources that would shame Sargas Rhuk... ok, what?! this sudden power growth makes no sense for a "mob"

  Why not have them start as ranked grineers with at least a number as a name, using an heavy unit, eximus or other "special" standard mob in the fortress as model, and making them appear in kuva related missions as part of the garrison, we leave them broken and humiliated after "finishing" them, then the queen turns them in kuva liches and sends them after our blood. Or, as Kuva fortress lacks content, why not make it the "birthplace" of liches? whith these officers having a good spawn chance in every mission were kuva is involved as actual minibosses?

Anyway kuva liches should originate from actual opponents we might remember instead than from absolute nobodies that until recently we obliterated by just passing by...

Now they have both a reason to want us dead and, due to the resources expended on them by the Worm Queen, they must scavenge the sistem to bring in results, justifiing the "tax" on all occupied nodes, while generally inconveniencing us at every turn.

Overall a more interesting origin for our lich and many plotholes plugged at the same time.

- Investigating kuva lich requiem feels repetitive/grindy and is disconnected from standard starchart progression due to a form of"segregated gameplay".

I'd prefer instead multiple ways to accumulate murmurs or actual hints,

Fighting our nemesis at least once - removing the instant death mechanic  - we beat them, break them, maim them and they get up again and again hunting us down relentlessly during the entire mission,  until we complete the objective successfully or their interference forces us to fail or to flee, this way we are factually shown that these enemies are different and we can't get rid of them so easily nor we will be able to ignore them without consequences

  The more skirmishes, the more chance for hints, not all true - that we'll have to sort out, leading us to HUNT for clues by actually engaging with content, maybe with a certain bias towards some kinds of missions depending on the "role" and personality of our personal lich.

Spy vaults in lich territory could offer new information or confirm/confute what we already have or point our search towards specific mission or certain nodes, in addition to the standard drop table.

Capture missions could focus on our kuva lich lieutenants in an attempt to gather more information on its abilities and weaknesses and so on...

We could buy information for potentially rewarding nodes or actual information from allied syndacates, Maroo and Symaris, while hostile syndacates might actively work against us in many ways, even going as far as forewarn our enemies of our movements.

Capture missions, survivals, spy could potentially change objective on the fly in the same way as rarely regular missions do: while doing spy vaults we could  find the last one purged with a thrall on the run with the info we need - a capture mission could prove to be a trap and turning into a survival or exterminate mission, were we have to outlast our lich troops trying to corner us.

Our eventual defeat in these missions should advance the lich agenda somehow, leading to expansion of its area of influence, new powers, raising enemy level in missions we already attempted and so on

At the same time rummaging around will get our nemesis attention, leading to increasing chance of its death squads targeting us and our allies and/or clanmates in any mission. Maybe a routine mission becomes a rush against time to rescue a vital informant, or a routine mission becomes a reverse sabotage in which we must attempt to prevent a reactor explosion on a ship from an allied faction or risk being blamed for it and lose standing.

The nearer we get to the complete requiem, the worse the enemy pressure, with all three mods unlocked increasing chance exponentially for our Kuva lich challenging us directly or sending a lieutenant or elite troops to actually eliminate us.

Information gathered could also be about the objectives and the resources of the lich, leading into missions dedicated to raiding the lich treasure ships or storage depots, for profit or pure vandalism! Sabotaging a ship to suffer a catastrophic reactor meltdown or vent it's atmosphere and survive until we completely ransack its hold?

- Star map grab and control

Oour nemesis has another duty beside us, exert grineer dominance on Sol sistem - leading  to increasingly frequent and progressively more difficult invasion missions and raising resource taxation around the star map.

Invasions against the lich would prevent it from claiming more nodes, setting back its plans, helping its side would give chances to obtain considerable clues about his  requiem or the location of his base of operations, targets to hunt for information...


Tl:Dr current Lich gameplay is repetitive and monotonous, nothing is being done to address this shortcoming, DE needs to work on this aspect as well

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