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Other players not engaging their lichs blocking other lich spawns


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1 minute ago, Vit0Corleone said:

Unless they changed this recently, clearing a node doesn't really work. Lich will still steal your stuff if the node is on a planet where the Lich has influence in, regardless if the node itself is influenced or not.

Huh, really? Never actually tried it but I figured it should work that way. Definitely needs to be fixed.

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You can opt out, but only after you deal with this lich. The lich system is now optional because it only makes a lich now if you Mercy Kill a Larvling. So just deal with this one and you never have to do it again. They'll never make a system where you can just dump it. That's what everyone was hoping the Lich Trading was going to be. So the unfortunate reality is that you just have to suck it up and do it this one time unless you want it to keep harassing you. And believe me, there's stuff in this game I don't like either, but sometimes you just have to do it.

Edited by Ceryk
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Hey I’m right there with you. It physically hurt me when I found out the relics required void traces. The whole system is too grindy, the lich is not engaging to fight, the unavoidable suicide to earn murmurs/figure out requiem order sucks, and the missions have no business being such a high level.

I’ll wait for them to fix this mess before I decide to care about liches again.

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Ok I am getting more "er", meaning I am old already, there are certain parts of this game I don't touch, those Eidlons and Rop. Why? My eyes can't take them flashes and I get headaches, heck sometimes that flashlight when walking in caves is too bright, after killing this thing I aint touching this again or the corpus versions and infested versions, which are probably in the pipeline.
Thanks for viewing this and reading my little rant, it's just not fun.

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Don't do it. I don't say that as some snide comment, it really doesn't feel worth it and not touching the content and discussing it will hopefully make DE change it. The only enjoyment I got out of it is helping people beat their Lich as I've had people stop and thank me profusely if they've had a hard time because of the rotten luck of whatever Lich they got that was hard to kill. 

1. They need to look at these new relics, it doesn't feel worth pouring resources into them... just to get a star--worse case scenario, It goes back into the worst part of relics, the double grind after acquiring a relic.

2. The guessing game is horrible and counter intuitive, It pushes people to tactically avoid engaging their Lich depending on where they are with them to the frustration or others but I can't even be mad at them, they dropped the ball on this.

3. Weapon RNG. This is a super easy fix, just make so the enemy you kill to acquire your kuva lich is the weapon they use when you first meet them. It keeps rng in play and you can avoid killing them if they don't have the weapon you want and try again.

4. They need to look at the random elemental bonus because I don't get it? So you can run into the same weapon again and maybe get a higher or more likely lower bonus? It just seems like something they tossed in because of the possibility of running into duplicate weapons, a way to address the problem without remedying it which DE is fond of doing.

5. Lich trading. Stop putting the burden on is because of your flawed system. At the very least if you don't agree with being bale to see what weapon you can get beforehand and decide, make it so it doesn't feel like a total waste of time diving into this content because you're getting absolutely nothing out of it when facing a dupe weapon and a potentially lower elemental stat. If you could fight the Lich and forfeit or something and he laughs you off and leaves and you can go back and acquire another lich at the cost of your next one automatically going up a rank, I'd even take that.

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No, you are right, there is no way out if you figured out that this is not your cup of tea. DE should do something about it.

I can only suggest that you go public and let other people kill your lich. You also don't need to spend void traces on relics, open them as-is, there are supposedly three other people with relics too, so it's a good chance to get a mod. There are only 6 mods overall and you only need 3 to kill your lich, it's not too bad.

Basically just play with other people and this lich situation will fix itself.

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4 hours ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

 Now, if you down it without using the Parazon three times, it'll run away and not level up.

Not for consoles tho 




totally not salty over not having a 220% crit buffed baruuk or anything >_>

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5 hours ago, SardethWynn said:

I mean it's not my thing, my Lich started with a radiation proc and two explosive barrels (IE: I didn't kill it). I don't like the system of grinding out relics, burning void traces to open them to watch this thing level up. Now it apparently owns 3 planets. So you telling me, I ether have to kill/convert it or just uninstall. Not my play-style, I am not enjoying this at all.

I know there going to be some Uber Players going to jump in here and tell me why I am wrong say I am a casual that is killing their game, etc...
Just stating as some one that that throws a few bucks at this game to you know feed the Devs and keep the lights on, would like an opt out option or I just wait till it takes over and find some other game.

sadly mate if Dev not change anything about lich right now... your only option will have to kill or convert this lich as he/she will keep steal your value reward (possible rare mod kuva resouce include Riven) but after u done that u will break free from lich if u not mercy kill any kuva larvling.

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7 hours ago, SardethWynn said:

I mean it's not my thing, my Lich started with a radiation proc and two explosive barrels (IE: I didn't kill it). I don't like the system of grinding out relics, burning void traces to open them to watch this thing level up. Now it apparently owns 3 planets. So you telling me, I ether have to kill/convert it or just uninstall. Not my play-style, I am not enjoying this at all.

I know there going to be some Uber Players going to jump in here and tell me why I am wrong say I am a casual that is killing their game, etc...
Just stating as some one that that throws a few bucks at this game to you know feed the Devs and keep the lights on, would like an opt out option or I just wait till it takes over and find some other game.

The only option you have is to get rid of your current Lich and then never again kill a Larva.

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7 hours ago, Kingsmount said:

Except you don't kill the lich.  DE force you to engage with negative reinforcement where the lich will kill YOU instead with nothing you can do about it and are further punished by the lich getting stronger.

And for what?  It's so unrewarding it feels like a waste of time. 

it’s pretty hard to die to a lvl 1 lich, and liches buffing up other nodes to 100+ is actually a good thing

also, ephemeras, kuva shildeg. its not the most rewarding thing ingame, but it does give you some broken weapons.

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Killing one lich takes a few hours.  Kill this one you have, then don't mercy any larvalings.  There.  Done.  If you can't stand the thought of spending a few hours on one lich in this game I wonder how you can play this game at all as getting almost anything done requires multiple hours and all those hours add up to thousands if you do everything.  

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7 hours ago, (PS4)sister-hawk said:

Hey I’m right there with you. It physically hurt me when I found out the relics required void traces. The whole system is too grindy, the lich is not engaging to fight, the unavoidable suicide to earn murmurs/figure out requiem order sucks, and the missions have no business being such a high level.

I’ll wait for them to fix this mess before I decide to care about liches again.

I'm right there with you too!

I'm just ignoring it for now, just doesn't seem anything but a pointless mess right now. In the few moments I've done with friends I haven't used void traces though, silver drops for the whatever they're called, I just run intact.. Kuvival as a traces farm is thr one plus I can think of

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All I hear is a player that had no clue what we was doing and now is angry that he dies here and there? Dude... you dont play many other games do you? WF is one of the most "friendliest" games I have ever played. The lich is the one thing in the complete game that you can not blast through and people whine about it... I think you have to accept that WF is going a different direction now (Lich, Meele rework). Stay and adapt or go. There is not much that will change in this case.

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10 hours ago, SardethWynn said:

I mean it's not my thing, my Lich started with a radiation proc and two explosive barrels (IE: I didn't kill it). I don't like the system of grinding out relics, burning void traces to open them to watch this thing level up. Now it apparently owns 3 planets. So you telling me, I ether have to kill/convert it or just uninstall. Not my play-style, I am not enjoying this at all.

I know there going to be some Uber Players going to jump in here and tell me why I am wrong say I am a casual that is killing their game, etc...
Just stating as some one that that throws a few bucks at this game to you know feed the Devs and keep the lights on, would like an opt out option or I just wait till it takes over and find some other game.


  1. was this lich made before or after the opt in mechanic of a lich can only be made when you mercy kill it?
  2. if it was made before this mechanic why did you wait to till now to talk about it and not make this subject earlier?
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