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What is a newbie, what is a "veteran" in warframe ?


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I can identify myself as a vet. For me at least that was when I realized that I had everything ingame, from arcanes to weapons and warframe (gear related items that can be farmed), builded all weapons to minimum TTK (time to kill) and understood the fundamental mechanics for enemies AI, DPS calculations, damage distribution across a weapon paper DPS and real life DPS, etc.

The moment you realize that theres basically nothing left ingame for you to unearth and understand and you have absolutly nothing else to do aside from farming platinum to buy stuff, youre a vet (at least for me)

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1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:

B) personally feel the difference when big nerfs (such as the Catchmoon nerf)

Hehe I got to be a newbie then even tho I started before open beta =P As my catchmoon work just as good now as before the change, Might be that I allways used it in close combat before the range nerf so it still do the same thing in close combat as it did before. I see the diffrence is trying to use it as a sniper but that never how I used it.

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Game can be divided into 3 parts

  •  Basic mechanics, meant to be learned by the player themselves, examples are UI, modding system, basic movement (running, how to slide, double jump,...)
  •  Mid level mechanics, that may require input or help from other players, examples are objectives, the meaning of certain words in warframe (like "fissure")
  •  Advanced gameplay, this is tied with efficiency, it's all of the above but faster, better and in combination with other things, examples are casting a still ability while moving, killing while reviving, using many builds of weapons at the same time (like using 2 primaries, 1 secondary, 1 melee and 1 sentinel weapon, all being used at the same time). 5 Min missions are done in 2, 10 kill captures are now 150 kill captures, disruption demolysts are killed in a few seconds after the terminal is activated, instead of 1 eidolon, players do 5, so on and so forth.

Newbies are learning basic mechanics, while veterans dominate mid level ones

Advanced gameplay is rare, everyone you will talk to believes they are there, however certain things quickly reveal where that player is. Examples are:

  •  Confusing magnetic hazard sabotage as ice hazard sabotage (audio, UI and objective experience was trown out the door)
  •  asking for builds, asking if a build is good or if a riven is good (modding and gameplay was ignored)
  •  not knowing mission objectives (primary and/or secondary), for example, by leaving the mobile defense terminal unatended to the point if you're not there, mission can be compromised, can liklely happen if the player prioritizes the wrong objective, like to kill the stalker 200 meters away, but can happen without secondary objectives.
  •  waypointing or marking already waypointed stuff. Certain objectives, bosses, defense targets are marked both in the minimap or on the screen (UI) and some players will mark it a 2nd time for convinence not knowing that this essentially tells everyone that the mission is NOT for them, you do not learn the UI on a sortie defense, or in a particular nightwave boss, players need to use and learn the UI, not double or triple mark something, other players aren't blind, we have learned the UI. (remember, sorties aren't tutorials)
  • Asking for a taxi for a sortie mission when the player never did the regular mission
  • Using the front door in rescues, some as early as venus (corpus outpost) and doing that into sorties and other high level content.
  •  Arguing in some way with "MR", these players want to be right, they know they aren't supposed to be there, they know they suck, yes you clearly showed them how it's done, but the player believes you are wrong based on your MR, because that clearly (to them) solves the issue, whatever it may be. Ok, so they don't know you can sprint in warframe, doesn't matter, you're not MR28 like they are so you're clearly wrong.

And so the game follows a staircase effect, where after knowing something, you advance to the next, what some players do is skiping, that is why after someone aquires a riven mod they ask if the riven mod is good or not, that's modding defficiency, aka a basic thing

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2 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

Game can be divided into 3 parts

  •  Basic mechanics, meant to be learned by the player themselves, examples are UI, modding system, basic movement (running, how to slide, double jump,...)
  •  Mid level mechanics, that may require input or help from other players, examples are objectives, the meaning of certain words in warframe (like "fissure")
  •  Advanced gameplay, this is tied with efficiency, it's all of the above but faster, better and in combination with other things, examples are casting a still ability while moving, killing while reviving, using many builds of weapons at the same time (like using 2 primaries, 1 secondary, 1 melee and 1 sentinel weapon, all being used at the same time). 5 Min missions are done in 2, 10 kill captures are now 150 kill captures, disruption demolysts are killed in a few seconds after the terminal is activated, instead of 1 eidolon, players do 5, so on and so forth.

Newbies are learning basic mechanics, while veterans dominate mid level ones

Advanced gameplay is rare, everyone you will talk to believes they are there, however certain things quickly reveal where that player is. Examples are:

  •  Confusing magnetic hazard sabotage as ice hazard sabotage (audio, UI and objective experience was trown out the door)
  •  asking for builds, asking if a build is good or if a riven is good (modding and gameplay was ignored)
  •  not knowing mission objectives (primary and/or secondary), for example, by leaving the mobile defense terminal unatended to the point if you're not there, mission can be compromised, can liklely happen if the player prioritizes the wrong objective, like to kill the stalker 200 meters away, but can happen without secondary objectives.
  •  waypointing or marking already waypointed stuff. Certain objectives, bosses, defense targets are marked both in the minimap or on the screen (UI) and some players will mark it a 2nd time for convinence not knowing that this essentially tells everyone that the mission is NOT for them, you do not learn the UI on a sortie defense, or in a particular nightwave boss, players need to use and learn the UI, not double or triple mark something, other players aren't blind, we have learned the UI. (remember, sorties aren't tutorials)
  • Asking for a taxi for a sortie mission when the player never did the regular mission
  • Using the front door in rescues, some as early as venus (corpus outpost) and doing that into sorties and other high level content.
  •  Arguing in some way with "MR", these players want to be right, they know they aren't supposed to be there, they know they suck, yes you clearly showed them how it's done, but the player believes you are wrong based on your MR, because that clearly (to them) solves the issue, whatever it may be. Ok, so they don't know you can sprint in warframe, doesn't matter, you're not MR28 like they are so you're clearly wrong.

And so the game follows a staircase effect, where after knowing something, you advance to the next, what some players do is skiping, that is why after someone aquires a riven mod they ask if the riven mod is good or not, that's modding defficiency, aka a basic thing

I show respect for your AWESOME post.


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Could have sworn I'ven seen multiple topic like this in the past.


Anyway, there's no "official" definition for these two in this game.

But, if you ask me:


Newbie: Somebody who joined less than a month ago, doesn't know a whole lot about the game, needs help from other players for high level content, asks stupid questions

Veteran: Played for years, lots of experience, know how things work, doesn't need help but doesn't mind the company every now and then, FashionFrame™ is everything

"As dense as a black hole": MR is everything, game 2 ez pls fix, p2w !!!111!1!, muh meta, nerf X bcuz I say so, pvp, youtubers are always right, killsteal plz ban, pink flying rhino, LSD color schemes are beautiful, fix X even though it's not broken bcause I am too incompetent to press a god damn button, 99% of this forum

Edited by o0Despair0o
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6 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

"As dense as a black hole": MR is everything, game 2 ez pls fix, p2w !!!111!1!, muh meta, nerf X bcuz I say so, pvp, youtubers are always right, killsteal plz ban, pink flying rhino, LSD color schemes are beautiful, fix X even though it's not broken bcause I am too incompetent to press a god damn button, 99% of this forum

LMMFAO!!    Thank you so much for this.  This made my night.  

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27 minutes ago, Emolition said:

Hehe I got to be a newbie then even tho I started before open beta =P As my catchmoon work just as good now as before the change, Might be that I allways used it in close combat before the range nerf so it still do the same thing in close combat as it did before. I see the diffrence is trying to use it as a sniper but that never how I used it.

Lulzy attitude to take, but I feel you would qualify under my definition A: "identify combinations in newly-released content to push the boundaries of your maximum damage per hour"

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Lets be honest, you can recognize when you are a veteran based off of your own sense of accomplishment and skill. Stats can be misleading although they can indicate trends, such as the mass amounts of players who only have Prime frames/weapons maxed and the regular versions not even made. Rushing to use the "best" without learning from the "basic" is usually an indication of nub.

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5 hours ago, HatedByLifeItself said:

I would say a veteran is someone who can solo anything in the game , and do things fast, also knowing the best loadouts for the mission they gonna take.

I wouldn't. That could very easily be a player who's watched youtube vids of GOOD players completing all that, copied it and now thinks he's good at the game. He's not. 

A veteran is someone who has comfortable levels of all gear, weaponry forma'd, has tons of available resources and most importantly, looks at new content and doesn't rush to youtube or wait for clan mates to show them how to do the new content the most efficient way possible because they can already figure it out for themselves.

Oh and when events come around they don't get the minimum score required for the rewards lol.

Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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5 hours ago, Kartumterek said:

Lets be honest, you can recognize when you are a veteran based off of your own sense of accomplishment and skill. Stats can be misleading although they can indicate trends, such as the mass amounts of players who only have Prime frames/weapons maxed and the regular versions not even made. Rushing to use the "best" without learning from the "basic" is usually an indication of nub.

I dont know about that one man. I have a buddy who says that he is a vet but always builds weapons for IPS and no elements and doesnt use forma... so I'm not sure people can just classify themselves as vets.

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16 minutes ago, Nichivo said:

The real Veterans laughed when the crutchmoon got nerfed.😏

Huh guess I'm a veteran, because I was in STITCHES over the forum exploding over that.

Did the nerf even hurt it that badly? Or did people just stop using it because of the IDEA of a nerf happening?

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1 minute ago, Aldain said:

Huh guess I'm a veteran, because I was in STITCHES over the forum exploding over that.

Did the nerf even hurt it that badly? Or did people just stop using it because of the IDEA of a nerf happening?

People got mad because the shotgun kitgun had to actually be used like a shotgun. It's now a close range weapon like it was always intended to be.

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aside from MR... i think is the will to experiment, to try new combinations, new affinity. helping other players to get to know the game better.
I'm not a veteran, i'm just rank 25, so i'm far from being a vet (or at least i think) if i find a decent person in need, if i can i try to help him out.
Veterans are the ones that in a capture mission don't... how to say it politely... don't waste time? and try to get to the goal as fast as possible?
Veterans are the ones that in a spy mission try to complete AT LEAST 1 objective without raising the allarm to avoid wasting time having to exterminate the whole map.
Veterans are the ones that use the right warframe in the right mission..
Well that's what i think it could be... at least
Long story short,for me veteran is the kind of player that try to find new ways to make the game fun and entertaining even after many hours spent in it.

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